require " rails_helper "
RSpec . describe BulkUploadMailer do
subject ( :mailer ) { described_class . new }
let ( :notify_client ) { instance_double ( Notifications :: Client ) }
let ( :user ) { create ( :user , email : " " ) }
let ( :bulk_upload ) { create ( :bulk_upload , :lettings , user : ) }
before do
allow ( Notifications :: Client ) . to receive ( :new ) . and_return ( notify_client )
allow ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . and_return ( true )
describe " # send_bulk_upload_failed_file_setup_error_mail " do
before do
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " A " , field : " field_1 " , category : " setup " )
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " E " , field : " field_4 " , category : " setup " )
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " F " , field : " field_5 " )
it " sends correctly formed email " do
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : bulk_upload . user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: FAILED_FILE_SETUP_ERROR_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
filename : bulk_upload . filename ,
upload_timestamp : bulk_upload . created_at . to_fs ( :govuk_date_and_time ) ,
lettings_or_sales : bulk_upload . log_type ,
year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo ,
bulk_upload_link : summary_bulk_upload_lettings_result_url ( bulk_upload ) ,
} ,
mailer . send_bulk_upload_failed_file_setup_error_mail ( bulk_upload : )
describe " # send_bulk_upload_complete_mail " do
it " sends correctly formed email " do
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: COMPLETE_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
title : " You’ve successfully uploaded 0 logs " ,
filename : bulk_upload . filename ,
log_type : " lettings " ,
upload_timestamp : bulk_upload . created_at . to_fs ( :govuk_date_and_time ) ,
success_description : " The lettings #{ bulk_upload . year_combo } data you uploaded has been checked. The 0 logs you uploaded are now complete. " ,
logs_link : clear_filters_url ( filter_type : " lettings_logs " ) ,
} ,
mailer . send_bulk_upload_complete_mail ( user : , bulk_upload : )
describe " # send_bulk_upload_failed_service_error_mail " do
it " sends correctly formed email " do
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: FAILED_SERVICE_ERROR_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
filename : bulk_upload . filename ,
upload_timestamp : bulk_upload . created_at . to_fs ( :govuk_date_and_time ) ,
lettings_or_sales : bulk_upload . log_type ,
year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo ,
errors : " - foo \n - bar " ,
bulk_upload_link : start_bulk_upload_lettings_logs_url ,
} ,
mailer . send_bulk_upload_failed_service_error_mail ( bulk_upload : , errors : %w[ foo bar ] )
describe " # send_correct_and_upload_again_mail " do
context " when 2 columns with errors " do
before do
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " A " )
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " B " )
it " sends correctly formed email " do
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: FAILED_CSV_ERRORS_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
filename : bulk_upload . filename ,
upload_timestamp : bulk_upload . created_at . to_fs ( :govuk_date_and_time ) ,
year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo ,
lettings_or_sales : bulk_upload . log_type ,
summary_report_link : " http://localhost:3000/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/ #{ bulk_upload . id } " ,
} ,
mailer . send_correct_and_upload_again_mail ( bulk_upload : )
describe " # send_check_soft_validations_mail " do
before do
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " A " , field : " field_1 " , category : " soft_validation " )
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " E " , field : " field_4 " , category : " soft_validation " )
it " sends correctly formed email " do
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : bulk_upload . user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: CHECK_SOFT_VALIDATIONS_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
title : " Check your file data " ,
filename : bulk_upload . filename ,
upload_timestamp : bulk_upload . created_at . to_fs ( :govuk_date_and_time ) ,
description : " We’ve identified potential discrepancies in your #{ bulk_upload . year_combo } lettings data. Please review the flagged information via the link below and cross-reference it with your records to confirm data accuracy. " ,
cta_link : bulk_upload_lettings_soft_validations_check_url ( bulk_upload , page : " confirm-soft-errors " ) ,
} ,
mailer . send_check_soft_validations_mail ( bulk_upload : )
describe " # send_correct_duplicates_and_upload_again_mail " do
context " when 2 columns with errors " do
before do
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " A " )
create ( :bulk_upload_error , bulk_upload : , col : " B " )
it " sends correctly formed email " do
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: FAILED_CSV_DUPLICATE_ERRORS_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
filename : bulk_upload . filename ,
upload_timestamp : bulk_upload . created_at . to_fs ( :govuk_date_and_time ) ,
year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo ,
lettings_or_sales : bulk_upload . log_type ,
summary_report_link : " http://localhost:3000/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/ #{ bulk_upload . id } " ,
} ,
mailer . send_correct_duplicates_and_upload_again_mail ( bulk_upload : )