Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

483 lines
16 KiB

require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe CheckErrorsController, type: :request do
let(:page) { }
let(:user) { create(:user, :data_coordinator) }
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, assigned_to: user) }
let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log, :shared_ownership_setup_complete, assigned_to: user) }
describe "check errors page" do
context "when user is not signed in" do
it "redirects to sign in page for lettings" do
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/net-income", params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
it "redirects to sign in page for sales" do
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
context "when the user is from different organisation" do
let(:other_user) { create(:user) }
before do
sign_in other_user
it "renders page not found for lettings" do
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/net-income", params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
it "renders page not found for sales" do
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when user is signed in" do
context "with multiple error fields and answered questions for lettings" do
let(:params) do
lettings_log: {
page: "income_amount",
earnings: "100000",
incfreq: "1",
check_errors: "",
before do
lettings_log.update!(needstype: 1, declaration: 1, ecstat1: 10, hhmemb: 2, net_income_known: 0, incfreq: nil, earnings: nil)
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-amount", params: params
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_selector("input[type=submit][value='Clear']", count: 2)
expect(page).to have_button("Clear all")
context "with multiple error fields and answered questions for sales" do
let(:params) do
sales_log: {
page: "buyer_1_income",
income1: "100000",
la: "E09000001",
ownershipsch: "1",
check_errors: "",
before do
sales_log.update!(income1: 1000, la: "E09000001")
sign_in user
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params: params
it "displays correct clear and change links" do
expect(page.all(:button, value: "Clear").count).to eq(1)
expect(page).to have_link("Change", count: 1)
expect(page).to have_button("Clear all")
describe "confirm clear answer page" do
context "when user is not signed in" do
it "redirects to sign in page for lettings" do
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
it "redirects to sign in page for sales" do
post "/sales-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
context "when the user is from different organisation" do
let(:other_user) { create(:user) }
before do
sign_in other_user
it "renders page not found for lettings" do
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
it "renders page not found for sales" do
post "/sales-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when user is signed in" do
context "and clearing specific lettings question" do
let(:params) do
lettings_log: {
earnings: "100000",
incfreq: "1",
hhmemb: "2",
page_id: "income_amount",
hhmemb: "",
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure you want to clear Number of household members?")
expect(page).to have_content("Dependent answers related to this question may also get cleared. You will not be able to undo this action.")
expect(page).to have_link("Cancel")
expect(page).to have_button("Confirm and continue")
context "and clearing specific sales question" do
let(:params) do
sales_log: {
income1: "100000",
la: "E09000001",
ownershipsch: "1",
page_id: "buyer_1_income",
income1: "",
before do
sign_in user
post "/sales-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure you want to clear Buyer 1’s gross annual income?")
expect(page).to have_content("Dependent answers related to this question may also get cleared. You will not be able to undo this action.")
expect(page).to have_link("Cancel")
expect(page).to have_button("Confirm and continue")
describe "confirm clear all answers" do
context "when user is signed in" do
context "and clearing all lettings questions" do
let(:params) do
clear_all: "Clear all",
lettings_log: {
earnings: "100000",
incfreq: "1",
hhmemb: "2",
page_id: "income_amount",
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure you want to clear all")
expect(page).to have_content("You've selected 5 answers to clear")
expect(page).to have_content("You will not be able to undo this action")
expect(page).to have_link("Cancel")
expect(page).to have_button("Confirm and continue")
context "and clearing all sales question" do
let(:params) do
clear_all: "Clear all",
sales_log: {
income1: "100000",
la: "E09000001",
ownershipsch: "1",
page_id: "buyer_1_income",
before do
sign_in user
post "/sales-logs/#{}/confirm-clear-answer", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure you want to clear all")
expect(page).to have_content("You've selected 3 answers to clear")
expect(page).to have_content("You will not be able to undo this action")
expect(page).to have_link("Cancel")
expect(page).to have_button("Confirm and continue")
describe "clear answer" do
context "when user is not signed in" do
it "redirects to sign in page for lettings" do
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-amount", params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
it "redirects to sign in page for sales" do
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
context "when the user is from different organisation" do
let(:other_user) { create(:user) }
before do
sign_in other_user
it "renders page not found for lettings" do
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-amount", params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
it "renders page not found for sales" do
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when user is signed in" do
context "and clearing specific lettings question" do
let(:params) do
lettings_log: {
earnings: "100000",
incfreq: "1",
hhmemb: "2",
clear_question_ids: "hhmemb",
page: "income_amount",
check_errors: "",
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-amount", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Make sure these answers are correct")
CLDC-3740: Replace you didn't answer text with link to question (#2836) * Different versions of details_html * One version of details_html * Replace you didnt answer with link * Fix lint * Update some tests * Update some tests * Add question marks to yes no questions - test * Improve formatting helper * Improve formatting helper * Improve prompt message * Revert "Add question marks to yes no questions - test" This reverts commit 40bee289 * Rename question method * Add check answer prompt method to question model and translation key * Add translation key to soft validations * Lettings custom prompts * Update to handle new helpdesk ticket logic * Update copy * Update copy * Update method names * Add check answer prompt to soft validations * Change copy * Do not put error objects into cookies * Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered * Revert "Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered" This reverts commit ec1fd1c9aa7db852c0250600ce39335335344f65. * Update lettings related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Bug fix * More sales prompts * Replace text for bulk upload * Update uprn known test with specific error message already used * Translation file to CSV * Revert "Translation file to CSV" This reverts commit 0565fea7172ba9fe78af806ee19afdac255a60bc. * Add a red link to show questions that still must be answered (after bulk upload) * Lint * Update feature tests * Update component tests * Update helper tests * Update requests tests * Update request test * Refactor improvements * Refactor improvements 0.2 * Lint * Stay consistent with date question message * Rename variable * Add tests * Improvements * Refactor details table helper * Remove action link not just hide * Revert "Remove action link not just hide" This reverts commit 59ecac5cf3a2c8f1453d7f5ad6c6a1a2ef891578. * Users - remove action link * Organisations - remove action link * Merge requests - remove action link * Revert "Refactor details table helper" This reverts commit b74fd830f13ff0179efeff77421a3d7e43e76d83. * Schemes - remove action link * Location - remove action link * Logs - remove action link * Lint * Refactor V2 details table helper * Allow respond_to? to see private methods * Remove .presence duplication of logic * Change "Answer if" to "Tell us if" * Add missing CAP * Update age questions sales and lettings * Update postcode and la questions * Update wording * Updates and improvements * Another update * Fix bug * typo * typo * update relat to buyer/lead prompts * Update test * Additional copy * Additional copy * Update copy "housing-related" to "housing related" --------- Co-authored-by: Kat <>
2 months ago
expect(page).to have_link(lettings_log.form.get_question("hhmemb", lettings_log).check_answer_prompt, href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/household-members?referrer=check_answers_new_answer", class: "govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state")
expect(page).to have_link("Enter total number of household members")
expect(lettings_log.reload.earnings).to eq(nil)
context "and clearing ppostcode_full when previous_la_known is yes" do
let(:params) do
lettings_log: {
layear: "1",
clear_question_ids: "ppostcode_full",
page: "time_lived_in_local_authority",
check_errors: "",
before do
lettings_log.update!(previous_la_known: 1, ppcodenk: 0, ppostcode_full: "AA11AA")
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/time-lived-in-local-authority", params:
it "clears related previous location fields" do
expect(lettings_log.reload.prevloc).to eq(nil)
expect(lettings_log.reload.previous_la_known).to eq(nil)
expect(lettings_log.reload.ppostcode_full).to eq(nil)
expect(lettings_log.reload.ppcodenk).to eq(nil)
context "and clearing specific sales question" do
let(:params) do
sales_log: {
income1: "100000",
la: "E09000001",
ownershipsch: "1",
clear_question_ids: "income1",
page: "buyer_1_income",
check_errors: "",
before do
sign_in user
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Make sure these answers are correct")
CLDC-3740: Replace you didn't answer text with link to question (#2836) * Different versions of details_html * One version of details_html * Replace you didnt answer with link * Fix lint * Update some tests * Update some tests * Add question marks to yes no questions - test * Improve formatting helper * Improve formatting helper * Improve prompt message * Revert "Add question marks to yes no questions - test" This reverts commit 40bee289 * Rename question method * Add check answer prompt method to question model and translation key * Add translation key to soft validations * Lettings custom prompts * Update to handle new helpdesk ticket logic * Update copy * Update copy * Update method names * Add check answer prompt to soft validations * Change copy * Do not put error objects into cookies * Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered * Revert "Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered" This reverts commit ec1fd1c9aa7db852c0250600ce39335335344f65. * Update lettings related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Bug fix * More sales prompts * Replace text for bulk upload * Update uprn known test with specific error message already used * Translation file to CSV * Revert "Translation file to CSV" This reverts commit 0565fea7172ba9fe78af806ee19afdac255a60bc. * Add a red link to show questions that still must be answered (after bulk upload) * Lint * Update feature tests * Update component tests * Update helper tests * Update requests tests * Update request test * Refactor improvements * Refactor improvements 0.2 * Lint * Stay consistent with date question message * Rename variable * Add tests * Improvements * Refactor details table helper * Remove action link not just hide * Revert "Remove action link not just hide" This reverts commit 59ecac5cf3a2c8f1453d7f5ad6c6a1a2ef891578. * Users - remove action link * Organisations - remove action link * Merge requests - remove action link * Revert "Refactor details table helper" This reverts commit b74fd830f13ff0179efeff77421a3d7e43e76d83. * Schemes - remove action link * Location - remove action link * Logs - remove action link * Lint * Refactor V2 details table helper * Allow respond_to? to see private methods * Remove .presence duplication of logic * Change "Answer if" to "Tell us if" * Add missing CAP * Update age questions sales and lettings * Update postcode and la questions * Update wording * Updates and improvements * Another update * Fix bug * typo * typo * update relat to buyer/lead prompts * Update test * Additional copy * Additional copy * Update copy "housing-related" to "housing related" --------- Co-authored-by: Kat <>
2 months ago
expect(page).to have_link(sales_log.form.get_question("income1", sales_log).check_answer_prompt, href: "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income?referrer=check_answers_new_answer", class: "govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state")
expect(page).to have_link("Enter buyer 1’s gross annual income")
expect(sales_log.reload.income1).to eq(nil)
describe "answer incomplete question" do
context "when user is signed in" do
context "and answering specific lettings question" do
let(:params) do
original_page_id: "household_members",
referrer: "check_errors",
related_question_ids: %w[hhmemb ecstat1 earnings],
lettings_log: {
page: "household_members",
hhmemb: "2",
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/household-members", params:
it "maintains original check_errors data in query params" do
expect(request.query_parameters["check_errors"]).to eq("true")
expect(request.query_parameters["related_question_ids"]).to eq(%w[hhmemb ecstat1 earnings])
expect(page).to have_content("You have successfully updated Number of household members")
expect(page).to have_link("Confirm and continue", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/household-members")
context "and answering specific sales question" do
let(:params) do
original_page_id: "buyer_1_income",
referrer: "check_errors",
related_question_ids: %w[income1 la ownershipsch],
sales_log: {
page: "buyer_1_income",
income1: "1000",
income1nk: "0",
before do
sign_in user
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params:
it "maintains original check_errors data in query params" do
expect(request.query_parameters["check_errors"]).to eq("true")
expect(request.query_parameters["related_question_ids"]).to eq(%w[income1 la ownershipsch])
CLDC-3740: Replace you didn't answer text with link to question (#2836) * Different versions of details_html * One version of details_html * Replace you didnt answer with link * Fix lint * Update some tests * Update some tests * Add question marks to yes no questions - test * Improve formatting helper * Improve formatting helper * Improve prompt message * Revert "Add question marks to yes no questions - test" This reverts commit 40bee289 * Rename question method * Add check answer prompt method to question model and translation key * Add translation key to soft validations * Lettings custom prompts * Update to handle new helpdesk ticket logic * Update copy * Update copy * Update method names * Add check answer prompt to soft validations * Change copy * Do not put error objects into cookies * Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered * Revert "Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered" This reverts commit ec1fd1c9aa7db852c0250600ce39335335344f65. * Update lettings related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Bug fix * More sales prompts * Replace text for bulk upload * Update uprn known test with specific error message already used * Translation file to CSV * Revert "Translation file to CSV" This reverts commit 0565fea7172ba9fe78af806ee19afdac255a60bc. * Add a red link to show questions that still must be answered (after bulk upload) * Lint * Update feature tests * Update component tests * Update helper tests * Update requests tests * Update request test * Refactor improvements * Refactor improvements 0.2 * Lint * Stay consistent with date question message * Rename variable * Add tests * Improvements * Refactor details table helper * Remove action link not just hide * Revert "Remove action link not just hide" This reverts commit 59ecac5cf3a2c8f1453d7f5ad6c6a1a2ef891578. * Users - remove action link * Organisations - remove action link * Merge requests - remove action link * Revert "Refactor details table helper" This reverts commit b74fd830f13ff0179efeff77421a3d7e43e76d83. * Schemes - remove action link * Location - remove action link * Logs - remove action link * Lint * Refactor V2 details table helper * Allow respond_to? to see private methods * Remove .presence duplication of logic * Change "Answer if" to "Tell us if" * Add missing CAP * Update age questions sales and lettings * Update postcode and la questions * Update wording * Updates and improvements * Another update * Fix bug * typo * typo * update relat to buyer/lead prompts * Update test * Additional copy * Additional copy * Update copy "housing-related" to "housing related" --------- Co-authored-by: Kat <>
2 months ago
expect(page).to have_content("You have successfully updated Buyer 1’s gross annual income known and Buyer 1’s gross annual income")
expect(page).to have_link("Confirm and continue", href: "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income")
describe "clear all answers" do
context "when user is signed in" do
context "and clearing all lettings question" do
let(:params) do
lettings_log: {
earnings: "100000",
incfreq: "1",
hhmemb: "2",
clear_question_ids: "earnings incfreq hhmemb",
page: "income_amount",
check_errors: "",
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-amount", params:
it "correctly clears the values" do
expect(page).to have_content("Make sure these answers are correct")
CLDC-3740: Replace you didn't answer text with link to question (#2836) * Different versions of details_html * One version of details_html * Replace you didnt answer with link * Fix lint * Update some tests * Update some tests * Add question marks to yes no questions - test * Improve formatting helper * Improve formatting helper * Improve prompt message * Revert "Add question marks to yes no questions - test" This reverts commit 40bee289 * Rename question method * Add check answer prompt method to question model and translation key * Add translation key to soft validations * Lettings custom prompts * Update to handle new helpdesk ticket logic * Update copy * Update copy * Update method names * Add check answer prompt to soft validations * Change copy * Do not put error objects into cookies * Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered * Revert "Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered" This reverts commit ec1fd1c9aa7db852c0250600ce39335335344f65. * Update lettings related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Bug fix * More sales prompts * Replace text for bulk upload * Update uprn known test with specific error message already used * Translation file to CSV * Revert "Translation file to CSV" This reverts commit 0565fea7172ba9fe78af806ee19afdac255a60bc. * Add a red link to show questions that still must be answered (after bulk upload) * Lint * Update feature tests * Update component tests * Update helper tests * Update requests tests * Update request test * Refactor improvements * Refactor improvements 0.2 * Lint * Stay consistent with date question message * Rename variable * Add tests * Improvements * Refactor details table helper * Remove action link not just hide * Revert "Remove action link not just hide" This reverts commit 59ecac5cf3a2c8f1453d7f5ad6c6a1a2ef891578. * Users - remove action link * Organisations - remove action link * Merge requests - remove action link * Revert "Refactor details table helper" This reverts commit b74fd830f13ff0179efeff77421a3d7e43e76d83. * Schemes - remove action link * Location - remove action link * Logs - remove action link * Lint * Refactor V2 details table helper * Allow respond_to? to see private methods * Remove .presence duplication of logic * Change "Answer if" to "Tell us if" * Add missing CAP * Update age questions sales and lettings * Update postcode and la questions * Update wording * Updates and improvements * Another update * Fix bug * typo * typo * update relat to buyer/lead prompts * Update test * Additional copy * Additional copy * Update copy "housing-related" to "housing related" --------- Co-authored-by: Kat <>
2 months ago
expect(page).to have_link(lettings_log.form.get_question("hhmemb", lettings_log).check_answer_prompt, href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/household-members?referrer=check_answers_new_answer", class: "govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state")
expect(page.all(:button, value: "Clear").count).to eq(0)
expect(lettings_log.reload.earnings).to eq(nil)
expect(lettings_log.reload.incfreq).to eq(nil)
expect(lettings_log.reload.hhmemb).to eq(nil)
context "and clearing all sales question" do
let(:params) do
sales_log: {
income1: "100000",
la: "E09000001",
ownershipsch: "1",
clear_question_ids: "income1 la ownershipsch",
page: "buyer_1_income",
check_errors: "",
before do
sign_in user
post "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income", params:
it "displays correct clear links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Make sure these answers are correct")
CLDC-3740: Replace you didn't answer text with link to question (#2836) * Different versions of details_html * One version of details_html * Replace you didnt answer with link * Fix lint * Update some tests * Update some tests * Add question marks to yes no questions - test * Improve formatting helper * Improve formatting helper * Improve prompt message * Revert "Add question marks to yes no questions - test" This reverts commit 40bee289 * Rename question method * Add check answer prompt method to question model and translation key * Add translation key to soft validations * Lettings custom prompts * Update to handle new helpdesk ticket logic * Update copy * Update copy * Update method names * Add check answer prompt to soft validations * Change copy * Do not put error objects into cookies * Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered * Revert "Hide change link for inferred or derived values not yet answered" This reverts commit ec1fd1c9aa7db852c0250600ce39335335344f65. * Update lettings related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Update some sales related check answer prompts * Bug fix * More sales prompts * Replace text for bulk upload * Update uprn known test with specific error message already used * Translation file to CSV * Revert "Translation file to CSV" This reverts commit 0565fea7172ba9fe78af806ee19afdac255a60bc. * Add a red link to show questions that still must be answered (after bulk upload) * Lint * Update feature tests * Update component tests * Update helper tests * Update requests tests * Update request test * Refactor improvements * Refactor improvements 0.2 * Lint * Stay consistent with date question message * Rename variable * Add tests * Improvements * Refactor details table helper * Remove action link not just hide * Revert "Remove action link not just hide" This reverts commit 59ecac5cf3a2c8f1453d7f5ad6c6a1a2ef891578. * Users - remove action link * Organisations - remove action link * Merge requests - remove action link * Revert "Refactor details table helper" This reverts commit b74fd830f13ff0179efeff77421a3d7e43e76d83. * Schemes - remove action link * Location - remove action link * Logs - remove action link * Lint * Refactor V2 details table helper * Allow respond_to? to see private methods * Remove .presence duplication of logic * Change "Answer if" to "Tell us if" * Add missing CAP * Update age questions sales and lettings * Update postcode and la questions * Update wording * Updates and improvements * Another update * Fix bug * typo * typo * update relat to buyer/lead prompts * Update test * Additional copy * Additional copy * Update copy "housing-related" to "housing related" --------- Co-authored-by: Kat <>
2 months ago
expect(page).to have_link(sales_log.form.get_question("income1", sales_log).check_answer_prompt, href: "/sales-logs/#{}/buyer-1-income?referrer=check_answers_new_answer", class: "govuk-link govuk-link--no-visited-state")
expect(page.all(:button, value: "Clear").count).to eq(0)
expect(sales_log.reload.income1).to eq(nil)
expect( eq(nil)
expect(sales_log.reload.ownershipsch).not_to eq(nil)