module HouseholdValidations
# Validations methods need to be called 'validate_<page_name>' to run on model save
# or 'validate_' to run on submit as well
def validate_reasonable_preference ( record )
if record . homelessness == " No " && record . reasonable_preference == " Yes "
record . errors . add :reasonable_preference , " Can not be Yes if Not Homeless immediately prior to this letting has been selected "
elsif record . reasonable_preference == " Yes "
if ! record . reasonable_preference_reason_homeless && ! record . reasonable_preference_reason_unsatisfactory_housing && ! record . reasonable_preference_reason_medical_grounds && ! record . reasonable_preference_reason_avoid_hardship && ! record . reasonable_preference_reason_do_not_know
record . errors . add :reasonable_preference_reason , " If reasonable preference is Yes, a reason must be given "
elsif record . reasonable_preference == " No "
if record . reasonable_preference_reason_homeless || record . reasonable_preference_reason_unsatisfactory_housing || record . reasonable_preference_reason_medical_grounds || record . reasonable_preference_reason_avoid_hardship || record . reasonable_preference_reason_do_not_know
record . errors . add :reasonable_preference_reason , " If reasonable preference is No, no reasons should be given "
def validate_other_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home ( record )
validate_other_field ( record , " reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home " , " other_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home " )
def validate_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home ( record )
if record . reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home == " Do not know " && record . benefit_cap_spare_room_subsidy != " Do not know "
record . errors . add :benefit_cap_spare_room_subsidy , " must be do not know if tenant’s main reason for leaving is do not know "
def validate_armed_forces_injured ( record )
if ( record . armed_forces == " Yes - a regular " || record . armed_forces == " Yes - a reserve " ) && record . armed_forces_injured . blank?
record . errors . add :armed_forces_injured , " You must answer the armed forces injury question if the tenant has served in the armed forces "
if ( record . armed_forces == " No " || record . armed_forces == " Prefer not to say " ) && record . armed_forces_injured . present?
record . errors . add :armed_forces_injured , " You must not answer the armed forces injury question if the tenant has not served in the armed forces or prefer not to say was chosen "
def validate_armed_forces_active_response ( record )
if record . armed_forces == " Yes - a regular " && record . armed_forces_active . blank?
record . errors . add :armed_forces_active , " You must answer the armed forces active question if the tenant has served as a regular in the armed forces "
if record . armed_forces != " Yes - a regular " && record . armed_forces_active . present?
record . errors . add :armed_forces_active , " You must not answer the armed forces active question if the tenant has not served as a regular in the armed forces "
def validate_household_pregnancy ( record )
if ( record . pregnancy == " Yes " || record . pregnancy == " Prefer not to say " ) && ! women_of_child_bearing_age_in_household ( record )
record . errors . add :pregnancy , " You must answer no as there are no female tenants aged 16-50 in the property "
def validate_household_number_of_other_members ( record )
( 2 .. 8 ) . each do | n |
validate_person_age ( record , n )
validate_person_age_matches_economic_status ( record , n )
validate_person_age_matches_relationship ( record , n )
validate_person_age_and_gender_match_economic_status ( record , n )
validate_person_age_and_relationship_matches_economic_status ( record , n )
validate_partner_count ( record )
def validate_person_1_age ( record )
return unless record . person_1_age
if ! record . person_1_age . is_a? ( Integer ) || record . person_1_age < 16 || record . person_1_age > 120
record . errors . add " person_1_age " , " Tenant age must be an integer between 16 and 120 "
def validate_person_1_economic ( record )
validate_person_age_matches_economic_status ( record , 1 )
def validate_shared_housing_rooms ( record )
unless record . property_unit_type . nil?
if record . property_unit_type == " Bed-sit " && record . property_number_of_bedrooms != 1
record . errors . add :property_unit_type , " A bedsit can only have one bedroom "
if ! record . household_number_of_other_members . nil? && record . household_number_of_other_members . positive? && ( record . property_unit_type . include? ( " Shared " ) && ! record . property_number_of_bedrooms . to_i . between? ( 1 , 7 ) )
record . errors . add :property_unit_type , " A shared house must have 1 to 7 bedrooms "
if record . property_unit_type . include? ( " Shared " ) && ! record . property_number_of_bedrooms . to_i . between? ( 1 , 3 )
record . errors . add :property_unit_type , " A shared house with less than two tenants must have 1 to 3 bedrooms "
def women_of_child_bearing_age_in_household ( record )
( 1 .. 8 ) . any? do | n |
next if record [ " person_ #{ n } _gender " ] . nil? || record [ " person_ #{ n } _age " ] . nil?
record [ " person_ #{ n } _gender " ] == " Female " && record [ " person_ #{ n } _age " ] > = 16 && record [ " person_ #{ n } _age " ] < = 50
def validate_person_age ( record , person_num )
age = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _age " )
return unless age
if ! age . is_a? ( Integer ) || age < 1 || age > 120
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _age " . to_sym , " Tenant age must be an integer between 0 and 120 "
def validate_person_age_matches_economic_status ( record , person_num )
age = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _age " )
economic_status = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _economic_status " )
return unless age && economic_status
if age > 70 && economic_status != " Retired "
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _economic_status " , " Tenant #{ person_num } must be retired if over 70 "
if age < 16 && economic_status != " Child under 16 "
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _economic_status " , " Tenant #{ person_num } economic status must be Child under 16 if their age is under 16 "
def validate_person_age_matches_relationship ( record , person_num )
age = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _age " )
relationship = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _relationship " )
return unless age && relationship
if age < 16 && relationship != " Child - includes young adult and grown-up "
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _relationship " , " Tenant #{ person_num } 's relationship to tenant 1 must be Child if their age is under 16 "
def validate_person_age_and_relationship_matches_economic_status ( record , person_num )
age = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _age " )
economic_status = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _economic_status " )
relationship = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _relationship " )
return unless age && economic_status && relationship
if age > = 16 && age < = 19 && relationship == " Child - includes young adult and grown-up " && ( economic_status != " Full-time student " || economic_status != " Prefer not to say " )
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _economic_status " , " If age is between 16 and 19 - tenant #{ person_num } must be a full time student or prefer not to say. "
def validate_person_age_and_gender_match_economic_status ( record , person_num )
age = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _age " )
gender = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _gender " )
economic_status = record . public_send ( " person_ #{ person_num } _economic_status " )
return unless age && economic_status && gender
if gender == " Male " && economic_status == " Retired " && age < 65
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _age " , " Male tenant who is retired must be 65 or over "
if gender == " Female " && economic_status == " Retired " && age < 60
record . errors . add " person_ #{ person_num } _age " , " Female tenant who is retired must be 60 or over "
def validate_partner_count ( record )
# TODO: probably need to keep track of which specific field is wrong so we can highlight it in the UI
partner_count = ( 2 .. 8 ) . count { | n | record . public_send ( " person_ #{ n } _relationship " ) == " Partner " }
if partner_count > 1
record . errors . add :base , " Number of partners cannot be greater than 1 "