require " rails_helper "
require " shared/shared_examples_for_derived_fields "
require " shared/shared_log_examples "
# rubocop:disable RSpec/MessageChain
RSpec . describe LettingsLog do
let ( :different_managing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :created_by_user ) { create ( :user ) }
let ( :owning_organisation ) { created_by_user . organisation }
let ( :fake_2021_2022_form ) { Form . new ( " spec/fixtures/forms/2021_2022.json " ) }
around do | example |
Timecop . freeze ( Time . utc ( 2022 , 1 , 1 ) ) do
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
example . run
before do
allow ( FormHandler . instance ) . to receive ( :current_lettings_form ) . and_return ( fake_2021_2022_form )
include_examples " shared examples for derived fields " , :lettings_log
include_examples " shared log examples " , :lettings_log
it " inherits from log " do
expect ( described_class ) . to be < Log
expect ( described_class ) . to be < ApplicationRecord
it " is a not a sales log " do
lettings_log = build ( :lettings_log , created_by : created_by_user )
expect ( lettings_log . sales? ) . to be false
it " is a lettings log " do
lettings_log = build ( :lettings_log , created_by : created_by_user )
expect ( lettings_log ) . to be_lettings
describe " # form " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , created_by : created_by_user ) }
let ( :lettings_log_2 ) { build ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 1 , 1 ) , created_by : created_by_user ) }
let ( :lettings_log_year_2 ) { build ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2023 , 5 , 1 ) , created_by : created_by_user ) }
before do
Timecop . freeze ( 2023 , 1 , 1 )
after do
Timecop . unfreeze
it " returns the correct form based on the start date " do
expect ( lettings_log . form_name ) . to be_nil
expect ( lettings_log . form ) . to be_a ( Form )
expect ( lettings_log_2 . form_name ) . to eq ( " previous_lettings " )
expect ( lettings_log_2 . form ) . to be_a ( Form )
expect ( lettings_log_year_2 . form_name ) . to eq ( " next_lettings " )
expect ( lettings_log_year_2 . form ) . to be_a ( Form )
context " when a date outside the collection window is passed " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2015 , 1 , 1 ) , created_by : created_by_user ) }
it " returns the first form " do
expect ( lettings_log . form ) . to be_a ( Form )
expect ( lettings_log . form . start_date . year ) . to eq ( 2021 )
describe " # new " do
context " when creating a record " do
let ( :lettings_log ) do
described_class . create (
owning_organisation : ,
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
it " attaches the correct custom validator " do
expect ( lettings_log . _validators . values . flatten . map ( & :class ) )
. to include ( LettingsLogValidator )
describe " # update " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , created_by : created_by_user ) }
let ( :validator ) { lettings_log . _validators [ nil ] . first }
after do
lettings_log . update ( age1 : 25 )
it " validates start date " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_startdate )
it " validates intermediate rent product name " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_irproduct_other )
it " validates other household member details " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_household_number_of_other_members )
it " validates bedroom number " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_shared_housing_rooms )
it " validates tenancy type " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_fixed_term_tenancy )
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_other_tenancy_type )
it " validates the previous postcode " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_previous_accommodation_postcode )
it " validates the net income " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_net_income )
it " validates reasonable preference " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_reasonable_preference )
it " validates reason for leaving last settled home " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home )
it " validates previous housing situation " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_previous_housing_situation )
it " validates the min and max of numeric questions " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_numeric_min_max )
it " validates armed forces " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_armed_forces )
it " validates property major repairs date " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_property_major_repairs )
it " validates property void date " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_property_void_date )
it " validates benefits as proportion of income " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_net_income_uc_proportion )
it " validates outstanding rent amount " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_outstanding_rent_amount )
it " validates the rent period " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_rent_period )
it " validates housing benefit rent shortfall " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_tshortfall )
it " validates let type " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_unitletas )
it " validates reason for vacancy " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_rsnvac )
it " validates referral " do
expect ( validator ) . to receive ( :validate_referral )
describe " status " do
let ( :completed_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :completed ) }
context " when only a subsection that is hidden in tasklist is not completed " do
let ( :household_characteristics_subsection ) { completed_lettings_log . form . get_subsection ( " household_characteristics " ) }
before do
allow ( household_characteristics_subsection ) . to receive ( :displayed_in_tasklist? ) . and_return ( false )
completed_lettings_log . update! ( tenancycode : nil )
it " is set to completed " do
expect ( completed_lettings_log . in_progress? ) . to be ( false )
expect ( completed_lettings_log . not_started? ) . to be ( false )
expect ( completed_lettings_log . completed? ) . to be ( true )
describe " weekly_net_income " do
let ( :net_income ) { 5000 }
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , earnings : net_income ) }
it " returns input income if frequency is already weekly " do
lettings_log . incfreq = 1
expect ( lettings_log . weekly_net_income ) . to eq ( net_income )
it " calculates the correct weekly income from monthly income " do
lettings_log . incfreq = 2
expect ( lettings_log . weekly_net_income ) . to eq ( 1154 )
it " calculates the correct weekly income from yearly income " do
lettings_log . incfreq = 3
expect ( lettings_log . weekly_net_income ) . to eq ( 96 )
describe " derived variables " do
let! ( :lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
postcode_full : " M1 1AE " ,
ppostcode_full : " M2 2AE " ,
startdate : Time . gm ( 2021 , 10 , 10 ) ,
mrcdate : Time . gm ( 2021 , 5 , 4 ) ,
voiddate : Time . gm ( 2021 , 3 , 3 ) ,
net_income_known : 2 ,
hhmemb : 7 ,
rent_type : 4 ,
hb : 1 ,
hbrentshortfall : 1 ,
created_at : Time . utc ( 2022 , 2 , 8 , 16 , 52 , 15 ) ,
} )
it " correctly derives and saves partial and full major repairs date " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " mrcdate " ] . day ) . to eq ( 4 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " mrcdate " ] . month ) . to eq ( 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " mrcdate " ] . year ) . to eq ( 2021 )
it " correctly derives and saves incref " do
expect ( lettings_log . reload . incref ) . to eq ( 1 )
lettings_log . update! ( net_income_known : 1 )
expect ( lettings_log . reload . incref ) . to eq ( 2 )
lettings_log . update! ( net_income_known : 0 )
expect ( lettings_log . reload . incref ) . to eq ( 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves renttype " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " renttype " ] ) . to eq ( 3 )
context " when deriving lettype " do
context " when the owning organisation is a PRP " do
before { lettings_log . owning_organisation . update! ( provider_type : 2 ) }
context " when the rent type is intermediate rent and supported housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 4 , needstype : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 10 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 10 )
context " when the rent type is intermediate rent and general needs housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 4 , needstype : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 9 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 9 )
context " when the rent type is affordable rent and supported housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 2 , needstype : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 6 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 6 )
context " when the rent type is affordable rent and general needs housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 2 , needstype : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 5 )
context " when the rent type is social rent and supported housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 0 , needstype : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 2 )
context " when the rent type is social rent and general needs housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 0 , needstype : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
context " when the tenant is not in receipt of applicable benefits " do
it " correctly resets total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 2 , wtshortfall : 100 , hb : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to be_nil
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to be_nil
context " when rent is paid bi-weekly " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 100 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 70 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 35 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 35 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 60 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 80 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 40 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 40 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 100 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 100 , period : 2 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 100 , period : 2 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 100 , period : 2 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 60 . 12 , pscharge : 50 . 13 , scharge : 60 . 98 , brent : 60 . 97 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 06 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 25 . 06 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 49 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 30 . 49 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 116 . 1 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 06 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 06 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 49 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 49 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 116 . 1 )
context " when rent is paid every 4 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 120 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 120 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 120 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 120 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 120 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 120 , period : 3 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 120 , period : 3 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 120 , period : 3 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 100 . 12 , pscharge : 100 . 13 , scharge : 100 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 25 . 03 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 25 . 03 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 25 . 24 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 25 . 24 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 100 . 55 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 03 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 03 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 24 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 24 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 100 . 55 )
context " when rent is paid every calendar month " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 130 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 130 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 130 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 130 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 4 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 4 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 4 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 100 . 12 , pscharge : 100 . 13 , scharge : 100 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 23 . 10 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 23 . 11 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 23 . 30 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 23 . 30 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 92 . 82 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 23 . 10 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 23 . 11 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 23 . 30 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 23 . 30 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 92 . 82 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 50 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 20 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 19 . 23 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 19 . 23 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 20 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 19 . 23 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 19 . 23 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 20 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 19 . 23 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 19 . 23 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 130 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 5 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 5 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 5 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 20 . 12 , pscharge : 20 . 13 , scharge : 20 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 19 . 35 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 19 . 36 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 20 . 17 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 97 . 09 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 155 . 96 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 19 . 35 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 19 . 36 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 20 . 17 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 97 . 09 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 155 . 96 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 49 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 30 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 28 . 27 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 28 . 27 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 30 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 28 . 27 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 28 . 27 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 28 . 27 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 28 . 27 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 130 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 6 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 6 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 6 , hb : 8 )
lettings_log . reload
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 . 12 , pscharge : 30 . 13 , scharge : 30 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 28 . 38 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 28 . 39 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 29 . 19 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 95 . 14 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 181 . 11 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 28 . 38 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 28 . 39 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 29 . 19 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 95 . 14 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 181 . 11 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 48 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 30 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 27 . 69 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 69 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 30 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 27 . 69 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 69 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 27 . 69 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 69 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 130 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 7 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 7 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 7 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 . 12 , pscharge : 30 . 13 , scharge : 30 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 27 . 8 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 27 . 81 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 28 . 6 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 93 . 20 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 177 . 42 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 8 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 81 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 28 . 6 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 93 . 20 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 177 . 42 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 47 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 30 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 27 . 12 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 12 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 30 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 27 . 12 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 12 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 27 . 12 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 12 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 130 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 8 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 8 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 8 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 . 12 , pscharge : 30 . 13 , scharge : 30 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 27 . 22 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 27 . 23 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 28 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 91 . 26 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 173 . 72 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 22 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 23 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 28 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 91 . 26 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 173 . 72 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 46 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 30 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 26 . 54 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 26 . 54 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 30 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 26 . 54 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 26 . 54 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 26 . 54 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 26 . 54 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 130 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 9 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 9 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 9 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 . 12 , pscharge : 30 . 13 , scharge : 30 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 26 . 64 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 26 . 65 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 27 . 41 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 89 . 32 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 170 . 02 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 26 . 64 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 26 . 65 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 27 . 41 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 89 . 32 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 170 . 02 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 52 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 30 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 30 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 30 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 1 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 1 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 1 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 . 12 , pscharge : 25 . 13 , scharge : 30 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 12 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 25 . 13 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 98 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 100 . 97 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 187 . 2 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 12 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 13 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 98 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 100 . 97 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 187 . 2 )
context " when rent is paid weekly for 53 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly rent " do
lettings_log . update! ( brent : 130 , period : 10 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( scharge : 30 , period : 10 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly personal service charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 30 , period : 10 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly support charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 , period : 10 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( tcharge : 30 , period : 10 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 58 )
context " when the tenant has an outstanding amount after benefits " do
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 10 , hb : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of universal credit with housing element exc. housing benefit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 10 , hb : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
context " when tenant is in receipt of housing benefit and universal credit " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly total shortfall " do
lettings_log . update! ( hbrentshortfall : 1 , tshortfall : 130 , period : 10 , hb : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wtshortfall ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtshortfall " ] ) . to eq ( 132 . 5 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( supcharg : 30 . 12 , pscharge : 25 . 13 , scharge : 30 . 98 , brent : 100 . 97 , period : 10 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wsupchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 7 )
expect ( lettings_log . wpschrge ) . to eq ( 25 . 61 )
expect ( lettings_log . wscharge ) . to eq ( 31 . 58 )
expect ( lettings_log . wrent ) . to eq ( 102 . 91 )
expect ( lettings_log . wtcharge ) . to eq ( 190 . 8 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wsupchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 7 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wpschrge " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 61 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wscharge " ] ) . to eq ( 31 . 58 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wrent " ] ) . to eq ( 102 . 91 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wtcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 190 . 8 )
context " when the owning organisation is a LA " do
before { lettings_log . owning_organisation . update! ( provider_type : " LA " ) }
context " when the rent type is intermediate rent and supported housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 4 , needstype : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 12 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 12 )
context " when the rent type is intermediate rent and general needs housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 4 , needstype : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 11 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 11 )
context " when the rent type is affordable rent and supported housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 2 , needstype : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 8 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 8 )
context " when the rent type is affordable rent and general needs housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 2 , needstype : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 7 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 7 )
context " when the rent type is social rent and supported housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 0 , needstype : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 4 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 4 )
context " when the rent type is social rent and general needs housing " do
it " correctly derives and saves lettype " do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : 0 , needstype : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . lettype ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " lettype " ] ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " correctly derives and saves day, month, year from start date " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " startdate " ] . day ) . to eq ( 10 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " startdate " ] . month ) . to eq ( 10 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " startdate " ] . year ) . to eq ( 2021 )
context " when any charge field is set " do
before do
lettings_log . update! ( pscharge : 10 )
it " derives that any blank ones are 0 " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " supcharg " ] . to_f ) . to eq ( 0 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " scharge " ] . to_f ) . to eq ( 0 . 0 )
def check_postcode_fields ( postcode_field )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( address_lettings_log [ postcode_field ] ) . to eq ( " M1 1AE " )
expect ( record_from_db [ postcode_field ] ) . to eq ( " M1 1AE " )
def check_previous_postcode_fields ( postcode_field )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( address_lettings_log [ postcode_field ] ) . to eq ( " M1 1AE " )
expect ( record_from_db [ postcode_field ] ) . to eq ( " M1 1AE " )
context " when saving addresses " do
before do
stub_request ( :get , / / )
. to_return ( status : 200 , body : " { \" status \" :200, \" result \" :{ \" admin_district \" : \" Manchester \" , \" codes \" :{ \" admin_district \" : \" E08000003 \" }}} " , headers : { } )
let! ( :address_lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
postcode_known : 1 ,
postcode_full : " M1 1AE " ,
} )
def check_property_postcode_fields
check_postcode_fields ( " postcode_full " )
it " correctly formats previous postcode " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( postcode_full : " M1 1AE " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( postcode_full : " m1 1ae " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( postcode_full : " m11Ae " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( postcode_full : " m11ae " )
it " correctly infers la " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( address_lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
expect ( record_from_db [ " la " ] ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
it " errors if the property postcode is emptied " do
expect { address_lettings_log . update! ( { postcode_full : " " } ) }
. to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / #{ I18n . t ( " validations.postcode " ) } / )
it " errors if the property postcode is not valid " do
expect { address_lettings_log . update! ( { postcode_full : " invalid_postcode " } ) }
. to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / #{ I18n . t ( " validations.postcode " ) } / )
context " when the local authority lookup times out " do
before do
allow ( Timeout ) . to receive ( :timeout ) . and_raise ( Timeout :: Error )
it " logs a warning " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :warn ) . with ( " lookup timed out " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { postcode_known : 1 , postcode_full : " M1 1AD " } )
it " correctly resets all fields if property postcode not known " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( { postcode_known : 0 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " postcode_full " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( address_lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( record_from_db [ " la " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
it " changes the LA if property postcode changes from not known to known and provided " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( { postcode_known : 0 } )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { la : " E09000033 " } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " postcode_full " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( address_lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E09000033 " )
expect ( record_from_db [ " la " ] ) . to eq ( " E09000033 " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { postcode_known : 1 , postcode_full : " M1 1AD " } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " postcode_full " ] ) . to eq ( " M1 1AD " )
expect ( address_lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
expect ( record_from_db [ " la " ] ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
context " when saving previous address " do
before do
stub_request ( :get , / / )
. to_return ( status : 200 , body : " { \" status \" :200, \" result \" :{ \" admin_district \" : \" Manchester \" , \" codes \" :{ \" admin_district \" : \" E08000003 \" }}} " , headers : { } )
let! ( :address_lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
ppcodenk : 0 ,
ppostcode_full : " M1 1AE " ,
} )
def previous_postcode_fields
check_previous_postcode_fields ( " ppostcode_full " )
it " correctly formats previous postcode " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( ppostcode_full : " M1 1AE " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( ppostcode_full : " m1 1ae " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( ppostcode_full : " m11Ae " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( ppostcode_full : " m11ae " )
it " correctly infers prevloc " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( address_lettings_log . prevloc ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
expect ( record_from_db [ " prevloc " ] ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
it " errors if the previous postcode is emptied " do
expect { address_lettings_log . update! ( { ppostcode_full : " " } ) }
. to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / #{ I18n . t ( " validations.postcode " ) } / )
it " errors if the previous postcode is not valid " do
expect { address_lettings_log . update! ( { ppostcode_full : " invalid_postcode " } ) }
. to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / #{ I18n . t ( " validations.postcode " ) } / )
it " correctly resets all fields if previous postcode not known " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( { ppcodenk : 1 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " ppostcode_full " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( address_lettings_log . prevloc ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( record_from_db [ " prevloc " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
it " correctly resets la if la is not known " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( { ppcodenk : 1 } )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { previous_la_known : 1 , prevloc : " S92000003 " } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " prevloc " ] ) . to eq ( " S92000003 " )
expect ( address_lettings_log . prevloc ) . to eq ( " S92000003 " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { previous_la_known : 0 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( address_lettings_log . prevloc ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( record_from_db [ " prevloc " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
it " changes the prevloc if previous postcode changes from not known to known and provided " do
address_lettings_log . update! ( { ppcodenk : 1 } )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { previous_la_known : 1 , prevloc : " E09000033 " } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " ppostcode_full " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( address_lettings_log . prevloc ) . to eq ( " E09000033 " )
expect ( record_from_db [ " prevloc " ] ) . to eq ( " E09000033 " )
address_lettings_log . update! ( { ppcodenk : 0 , ppostcode_full : " M1 1AD " } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( address_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " ppostcode_full " ] ) . to eq ( " M1 1AD " )
expect ( address_lettings_log . prevloc ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
expect ( record_from_db [ " prevloc " ] ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
context " when saving rent and charges " do
let! ( :lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
brent : 5 . 77 ,
scharge : 10 . 01 ,
pscharge : 3 ,
supcharg : 12 . 2 ,
} )
it " correctly sums rental charges " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " tcharge " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 98 )
context " when validating household members derived vars " do
let! ( :household_lettings_log ) do
described_class . create! ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
hhmemb : 3 ,
relat2 : " X " ,
relat3 : " C " ,
relat4 : " X " ,
relat5 : " C " ,
relat7 : " C " ,
relat8 : " X " ,
age1 : 22 ,
age2 : 16 ,
age4 : 60 ,
age6 : 88 ,
age7 : 14 ,
age8 : 42 ,
} )
it " correctly derives and saves totchild " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( household_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " totchild " ] ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " correctly derives and saves totelder " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( household_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " totelder " ] ) . to eq ( 2 )
it " correctly derives and saves totadult " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( household_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " totadult " ] ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " correctly derives economic status for tenants under 16 " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( household_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " ecstat7 " ] ) . to eq ( 9 )
it " correctly resets economic status when age changes from under 16 " do
household_lettings_log . update! ( age7_known : 0 , age7 : 17 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( household_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " ecstat7 " ] ) . to eq ( nil )
it " correctly derives and saves has_benefits " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " has_benefits " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
context " when updating values that derive vacdays " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , startdate : ) }
context " when start date is set " do
let ( :startdate ) { Time . zone . now }
it " correctly derives vacdays when voiddate is set " do
day_count = 3
expect { lettings_log . update! ( voiddate : startdate - day_count . days ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :vacdays ) . to day_count
expect { lettings_log . update! ( voiddate : nil ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :vacdays ) . from ( day_count ) . to nil
it " correctly derives vacdays when mrcdate is set " do
day_count = 3
expect { lettings_log . update! ( mrcdate : startdate - day_count . days ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :vacdays ) . to day_count
expect { lettings_log . update! ( mrcdate : nil ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :vacdays ) . from ( day_count ) . to nil
context " when start date is not set " do
let ( :startdate ) { nil }
it " correctly derives vacdays when voiddate is set " do
day_count = 3
lettings_log . update! ( voiddate : Time . zone . now - day_count . days )
expect ( lettings_log . vacdays ) . to be nil
it " correctly derives vacdays when mrcdate is set " do
day_count = 3
lettings_log . update! ( mrcdate : Time . zone . now - day_count . days )
expect ( lettings_log . vacdays ) . to be nil
context " when updating renewal " do
let! ( :lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2021 , 4 , 10 ) ,
created_at : Time . utc ( 2022 , 2 , 8 , 16 , 52 , 15 ) ,
} )
it " correctly derives the length of time on local authority waiting list " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :waityear ) . to 2
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :waityear ) . from ( 2 ) . to nil
it " correctly derives the number of times previously offered since becoming available " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :offered ) . to 0
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :offered ) . from ( 0 ) . to nil
it " correctly derives referral if the letting is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :referral ) . to 1
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :referral ) . from ( 1 ) . to nil
it " correctly derives voiddate if the letting is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :voiddate ) . to lettings_log . startdate
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :voiddate ) . from ( lettings_log . startdate ) . to nil
it " correctly derives first_time_property_let_as_social_housing and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :first_time_property_let_as_social_housing ) . to 0
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :first_time_property_let_as_social_housing ) . from ( 0 ) . to nil
it " correctly derives vacancy reason and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :rsnvac ) . to 14
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :rsnvac ) . from ( 14 ) . to nil
it " derives vacdays as 0 if log is renewal " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :vacdays ) . to 0
it " correctly derives underoccupation_benefitcap if log is a renewal from 2021/22 " do
lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 )
expect ( lettings_log . underoccupation_benefitcap ) . to be 2
it " clears underoccupation_benefitcap if log is no longer a renewal " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :underoccupation_benefitcap ) . to 2
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :underoccupation_benefitcap ) . from ( 2 ) . to nil
it " clears underoccupation_benefitcap if log is no longer in 2021/22 " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :underoccupation_benefitcap ) . to 2
Timecop . return
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
expect { lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2023 , 1 , 1 ) ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :underoccupation_benefitcap ) . from ( 2 ) . to nil
context " when the log is general needs " do
context " and the managing organisation is a private registered provider " do
before do
lettings_log . managing_organisation . update! ( provider_type : " PRP " )
lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 1 , renewal : 1 )
it " correctly derives prevten " do
expect ( lettings_log . prevten ) . to be 32
it " clears prevten if the log is marked as supported housing " do
lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 2 )
expect ( lettings_log . prevten ) . to be nil
it " clears prevten if renewal is update to no " do
lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 )
expect ( lettings_log . prevten ) . to be nil
context " and the managing organisation is a local authority " do
before do
lettings_log . managing_organisation . update! ( provider_type : " LA " )
lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 1 , renewal : 1 )
it " correctly derives prevten " do
expect ( lettings_log . prevten ) . to be 30
it " clears prevten if the log is marked as supported housing " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 2 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :prevten ) . to nil
it " clears prevten if renewal is update to no " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :prevten ) . to nil
context " and updating rent_type " do
let ( :irproduct_other ) { nil }
around do | example |
Timecop . freeze ( now ) do
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : , irproduct_other : , startdate : now )
example . run
context " when collection year is 2022/23 or earlier " do
let ( :now ) { Time . zone . local ( 2023 , 1 , 1 ) }
context " when rent_type is Social Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 0 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Social Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 1
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 1 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is Affordable Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 1 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Affordable Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 2
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 2 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is London Affordable Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 2 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Affordable Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 2
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 2 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is Rent to Buy " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 3 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Intermediate Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 4
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 4 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is London Living Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 4 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Intermediate Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 4
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 4 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is Other intermediate rent product " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 5 }
let ( :irproduct_other ) { " Rent first " }
it " derives the most recent let type as Intermediate Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 4
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 4 ) . to nil
context " when collection year is 2023/24 or later " do
let ( :now ) { Time . zone . local ( 2024 , 1 , 1 ) }
context " when rent_type is Social Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 0 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Social Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 1
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 1 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is Affordable Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 1 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Affordable Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 2
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 2 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is London Affordable Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 2 }
it " derives the most recent let type as London Affordable Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 5
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 5 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is Rent to Buy " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 3 }
it " derives the most recent let type as Rent to Buy basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 6
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 6 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is London Living Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 4 }
it " derives the most recent let type as London Living Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 7
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 7 ) . to nil
context " when rent_type is Other intermediate rent product " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 5 }
let ( :irproduct_other ) { " Rent first " }
it " derives the most recent let type as Another Intermediate Rent basis if it is a renewal and clears it if it is not " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . to 8
expect { lettings_log . update! ( renewal : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :unitletas ) . from ( 8 ) . to nil
context " when updating rent type " do
let ( :irproduct_other ) { nil }
before do
lettings_log . update! ( rent_type : , irproduct_other : )
context " when rent_type is Social Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 0 }
it " derives renttype as Social Rent " do
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to be 1
context " when rent_type is Affordable Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 1 }
it " derives renttype as Affordable Rent " do
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to be 2
context " when rent_type is London Affordable Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 2 }
it " derives renttype as Affordable Rent " do
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to be 2
context " when rent_type is Rent to Buy " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 3 }
it " derives renttype as Intermediate Rent " do
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to be 3
context " when rent_type is London Living Rent " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 4 }
it " derives renttype as Intermediate Rent " do
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to be 3
context " when rent_type is Other intermediate rent product " do
let ( :rent_type ) { 5 }
let ( :irproduct_other ) { " Rent first " }
it " derives renttype as Intermediate Rent " do
expect ( lettings_log . renttype ) . to be 3
context " when answering the household characteristics questions " do
let! ( :lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
age1_known : 1 ,
sex1 : " R " ,
relat2 : " R " ,
ecstat1 : 10 ,
} )
it " correctly derives and saves refused " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " refused " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " refused " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
context " when it is supported housing and a care home charge has been supplied " do
let! ( :lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
needstype : 2 ,
} )
context " when the care home charge is paid bi-weekly " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 2 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 50 . 06 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 50 . 06 )
context " when the care home charge is paid every 4 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 120 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 3 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 25 . 03 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 25 . 03 )
context " when the care home charge is paid every calendar month " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 30 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 4 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 23 . 10 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 23 . 10 )
context " when the care home charge is paid weekly for 50 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 125 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 5 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 96 . 27 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 96 . 27 )
context " when the care home charge is paid weekly for 49 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 122 . 5 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 6 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 94 . 34 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 94 . 34 )
context " when the care home charge is paid weekly for 48 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 120 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 7 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 92 . 42 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 92 . 42 )
context " when the care home charge is paid weekly for 47 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 117 . 5 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 8 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 90 . 49 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 90 . 49 )
context " when the care home charge is paid weekly for 46 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 115 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 9 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 88 . 57 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 88 . 57 )
context " when the care home charge is paid weekly for 52 weeks " do
it " correctly derives and saves weekly care home charge " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 130 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 130 . 0 )
it " correctly derives floats " do
lettings_log . update! ( chcharge : 100 . 12 , period : 1 )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( lettings_log . wchchrg ) . to eq ( 100 . 12 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchchrg " ] ) . to eq ( 100 . 12 )
context " when the data provider is filling in the reason for the property being vacant " do
let! ( :first_let_lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing : 1 ,
} )
let! ( :relet_lettings_log ) do
described_class . create ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing : 0 ,
} )
it " the newprop variable is correctly derived and saved as 1 for a first let vacancy reason " do
first_let_lettings_log . update! ( { rsnvac : 15 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( first_let_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " newprop " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( first_let_lettings_log [ " newprop " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " the newprop variable is correctly derived and saved as 2 for anything that is not a first let vacancy reason " do
relet_lettings_log . update! ( { rsnvac : 2 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( relet_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " newprop " ] ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( relet_lettings_log [ " newprop " ] ) . to eq ( 2 )
context " when a total shortfall is provided " do
it " derives that tshortfall is known " do
lettings_log . update! ( { tshortfall : 10 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " tshortfall_known " ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " tshortfall_known " ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
context " when a lettings log is a supported housing log " do
let ( :real_2021_2022_form ) { Form . new ( " config/forms/2021_2022.json " ) }
before do
lettings_log . needstype = 2
allow ( FormHandler . instance ) . to receive ( :get_form ) . and_return ( real_2021_2022_form )
describe " when changing a log's scheme and hence calling reset_scheme_location! " do
let ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
let ( :invalid_location_1 ) { FactoryBot . create ( :location , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . today + 3 . weeks ) }
let ( :valid_location ) { FactoryBot . create ( :location , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . yesterday ) }
let ( :invalid_location_2 ) { FactoryBot . create ( :location , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . today + 3 . weeks ) }
context " when there is one valid location and many invalid locations in the new scheme " do
let ( :log ) { create ( :lettings_log , scheme : nil , location_id : nil , startdate : Time . zone . today ) }
it " infers that the log is for the valid location " do
expect { log . update! ( scheme : ) } . to change ( log , :location_id ) . from ( nil ) . to ( valid_location . id )
context " and a scheme with a single log is selected " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
before do
Timecop . freeze ( Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 4 , 2 ) )
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 4 , 2 ) , scheme : )
Timecop . unfreeze
it " derives the scheme location " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " location_id " ] ) . to eq ( location . id )
expect ( lettings_log [ " location_id " ] ) . to eq ( location . id )
context " and the location has multiple local authorities for different years " do
before do
LocalAuthorityLink . create! ( local_authority_id : LocalAuthority . find_by ( code : " E07000030 " ) . id , linked_local_authority_id : LocalAuthority . find_by ( code : " E06000063 " ) . id )
location . update! ( location_code : " E07000030 " )
Timecop . freeze ( startdate )
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
lettings_log . update! ( startdate : )
lettings_log . reload
after do
Timecop . unfreeze
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
context " with 22/23 " do
let ( :startdate ) { Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 4 , 2 ) }
it " returns the correct la " do
expect ( lettings_log [ " location_id " ] ) . to eq ( location . id )
expect ( lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E07000030 " )
context " with 23/24 " do
let ( :startdate ) { Time . zone . local ( 2023 , 4 , 2 ) }
it " returns the correct la " do
expect ( lettings_log [ " location_id " ] ) . to eq ( location . id )
expect ( lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E06000063 " )
context " and the location no local authorities associated with the location_code " do
before do
location . update! ( location_code : " E01231231 " )
lettings_log . update! ( location : )
it " returns the correct la " do
expect ( location . location_code ) . to eq ( " E01231231 " )
expect ( lettings_log [ " location_id " ] ) . to eq ( location . id )
expect ( lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E01231231 " )
context " and not renewal " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme ) }
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , postcode : " M11AE " , type_of_unit : 1 , mobility_type : " W " ) }
let ( :supported_housing_lettings_log ) do
described_class . create! ( {
managing_organisation : owning_organisation ,
owning_organisation : ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
needstype : 2 ,
scheme_id : scheme . id ,
location_id : location . id ,
renewal : 0 ,
} )
before do
stub_request ( :get , / / )
. to_return ( status : 200 , body : " { \" status \" :200, \" result \" :{ \" admin_district \" : \" Manchester \" , \" codes \" :{ \" admin_district \" : \" E08000003 \" }}} " , headers : { } )
it " correctly infers and saves la " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( supported_housing_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " la " ] ) . to be_nil
expect ( supported_housing_lettings_log . la ) . to eq ( " E08000003 " )
it " correctly infers and saves postcode " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( supported_housing_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " postcode_full " ] ) . to be_nil
expect ( supported_housing_lettings_log . postcode_full ) . to eq ( " M1 1AE " )
it " unittype_sh method returns the type_of_unit of the location " do
expect ( supported_housing_lettings_log . unittype_sh ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " correctly infers and saves wchair " do
record_from_db = described_class . find ( supported_housing_lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " wchair " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
context " when saving accessibility needs " do
it " derives housingneeds_h as true if 'Don't know' is selected for housingneeds " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 3 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_h " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_h " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " derives housingneeds_g as true if 'No' is selected for housingneeds " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 2 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_h ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_g " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_g " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " derives housingneeds_a as true if 'Fully wheelchair accessible' is selected for housingneeds_type " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 1 , housingneeds_type : 0 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_a " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_a " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " derives housingneeds_b as true if 'Wheelchair access to essential rooms' is selected for housingneeds_type " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 1 , housingneeds_type : 1 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_a housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_b " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_b " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " derives housingneeds_c if 'Level access housing' is selected for housingneeds_type " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 1 , housingneeds_type : 2 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_c " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_c " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " derives housingneeds_f if 'Yes' is selected for housingneeds_other " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 1 , housingneeds_other : 1 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_g housingneeds_h ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_f " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_f " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " clears previously set housingneeds if 'No' is selected for housingneeds " do
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 1 , housingneeds_type : 2 , housingneeds_other : 1 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_c " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_c " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_f " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_f " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
lettings_log . update! ( { housingneeds : 2 } )
record_from_db = described_class . find ( lettings_log . id )
not_selected_housingneeds = %w[ housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_h ]
not_selected_housingneeds . each do | housingneed |
expect ( record_from_db [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( lettings_log [ housingneed ] ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( record_from_db [ " housingneeds_g " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log [ " housingneeds_g " ] ) . to eq ( 1 )
describe " optional fields " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log ) }
context " when tshortfall is marked as not known " do
it " makes tshortfall optional " do
lettings_log . update! ( { tshortfall : nil , tshortfall_known : 1 } )
expect ( lettings_log . optional_fields ) . to include ( " tshortfall " )
context " when saledate is before 2023 " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . parse ( " 2022-07-01 " ) ) }
it " returns optional fields " do
expect ( lettings_log . optional_fields ) . to eq ( %w[
] )
context " when saledate is after 2023 " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . parse ( " 2023-07-01 " ) ) }
it " returns optional fields " do
expect ( lettings_log . optional_fields ) . to eq ( %w[
] )
describe " resetting invalidated fields " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : created_by_user . organisation ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , location_code : " E07000223 " , scheme : ) }
let ( :lettings_log ) do
create (
:lettings_log ,
renewal : 0 ,
rsnvac : 5 ,
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing : 0 ,
startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow ,
voiddate : Time . zone . today ,
mrcdate : Time . zone . today ,
rent_type : 2 ,
needstype : 2 ,
period : 1 ,
beds : 1 ,
brent : 7 . 17 ,
scharge : 1 ,
pscharge : 1 ,
supcharg : 1 ,
created_by : created_by_user ,
before do
LaRentRange . create! (
ranges_rent_id : " 1 " ,
la : " E07000223 " ,
beds : 0 ,
lettype : 8 ,
soft_min : 12 . 41 ,
soft_max : 89 . 54 ,
hard_min : 10 . 87 ,
hard_max : 100 . 99 ,
start_year : lettings_log . collection_start_year ,
context " when a question that has already been answered, no longer has met dependencies " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , cbl : 1 , preg_occ : 2 , wchair : 2 ) }
it " clears the answer " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( preg_occ : nil ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :cbl ) . from ( 1 ) . to ( nil )
context " when the question type does not have answer options " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , housingneeds_a : 1 , age1 : 19 ) }
it " clears the answer " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( housingneeds_a : 0 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :age1 ) . from ( 19 ) . to ( nil )
context " when the question type has answer options " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , illness : 1 , illness_type_1 : 1 ) }
it " clears the answer " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( illness : 2 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :illness_type_1 ) . from ( 1 ) . to ( nil )
context " with two pages having the same question key, only one's dependency is met " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , cbl : 0 , preg_occ : 2 , wchair : 2 ) }
it " does not clear the value for answers that apply to both pages " do
expect ( lettings_log . cbl ) . to eq ( 0 )
it " does clear the value for answers that do not apply for invalidated page " do
lettings_log . update! ( { cbl : 1 } )
lettings_log . update! ( { preg_occ : 1 } )
expect ( lettings_log . cbl ) . to eq ( nil )
context " when a non select question associated with several pages is routed to " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , period : 2 , needstype : 1 , renewal : 0 ) }
it " does not clear the answer value " do
lettings_log . update! ( { unitletas : 1 } )
lettings_log . reload
expect ( lettings_log . unitletas ) . to eq ( 1 )
context " when the lettings log does not have a valid form set yet " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log ) }
it " does not throw an error " do
expect { lettings_log . update ( startdate : Time . zone . local ( 2015 , 1 , 1 ) ) } . not_to raise_error
context " when it changes from a supported housing to not a supported housing " do
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , mobility_type : " A " , postcode : " SW1P 4DG " ) }
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , location : ) }
it " resets inferred wchair value " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 2 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :wchair ) . to ( 2 )
expect { lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :wchair ) . from ( 2 ) . to ( nil )
it " resets location " do
lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 2 )
expect { lettings_log . update! ( needstype : 1 ) } . to change ( lettings_log , :location_id ) . from ( location . id ) . to ( nil )
context " when a support user changes the owning organisation of the log " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , created_by : created_by_user ) }
let ( :organisation_2 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
context " when the organisation selected doesn't match the scheme set " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : created_by_user . organisation ) }
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , owning_organisation : nil , needstype : 2 , scheme_id : scheme . id ) }
it " clears the scheme value " do
lettings_log . update! ( owning_organisation : organisation_2 )
expect ( lettings_log . reload . scheme ) . to be nil
context " when the organisation selected still matches the scheme set " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : organisation_2 ) }
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , owning_organisation : nil , needstype : 2 , scheme_id : scheme . id ) }
it " does not clear the scheme value " do
lettings_log . update! ( owning_organisation : organisation_2 )
expect ( lettings_log . reload . scheme_id ) . to eq ( scheme . id )
context " when the log is unresolved " do
before do
lettings_log . update! ( unresolved : true )
context " and the new startdate triggers void date validation " do
it " clears void date value " do
lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . yesterday )
lettings_log . reload
expect ( lettings_log . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( lettings_log . voiddate ) . to eq ( nil )
it " does not impact other validations " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . yesterday , first_time_property_let_as_social_housing : 0 , rsnvac : 16 ) }
. to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / Enter a reason for vacancy that is not 'first let' if unit has been previously let as social housing / )
context " and the new startdate triggers major repairs date validation " do
it " clears major repairs date value " do
lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . yesterday )
lettings_log . reload
expect ( lettings_log . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( lettings_log . mrcdate ) . to eq ( nil )
context " and the new location triggers the rent range validation " do
around do | example |
Timecop . freeze ( Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 4 , 1 ) ) do
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
example . run
Timecop . return
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
it " clears rent values " do
lettings_log . update! ( location : , scheme : )
lettings_log . reload
expect ( lettings_log . location ) . to eq ( location )
expect ( lettings_log . brent ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( lettings_log . scharge ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( lettings_log . pscharge ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( lettings_log . supcharg ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( lettings_log . tcharge ) . to eq ( nil )
it " does not impact other validations " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( location : , scheme : , first_time_property_let_as_social_housing : 0 , rsnvac : 16 ) }
. to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / Enter a reason for vacancy that is not 'first let' if unit has been previously let as social housing / )
context " when the log is resolved " do
context " and the new startdate triggers void date validation " do
it " doesn't clear void date value " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . yesterday ) } . to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / Enter a void date that is before the tenancy start date / )
expect ( lettings_log . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( lettings_log . voiddate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " and the new startdate triggers major repairs date validation " do
it " doesn't clear major repairs date value " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( startdate : Time . zone . yesterday ) } . to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / Enter a major repairs date that is before the tenancy start date / )
expect ( lettings_log . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( lettings_log . mrcdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " and the new location triggers brent validation " do
it " doesn't clear rent values " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( location : , scheme : ) } . to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / Rent is below the absolute minimum expected / )
expect ( lettings_log . brent ) . to eq ( 7 . 17 )
expect ( lettings_log . scharge ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log . pscharge ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( lettings_log . supcharg ) . to eq ( 1 )
describe " tshortfall_unknown? " do
context " when tshortfall is nil " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , tshortfall_known : nil ) }
it " returns false " do
expect ( lettings_log . tshortfall_unknown? ) . to be false
context " when tshortfall is No " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , tshortfall_known : 1 ) }
it " returns false " do
expect ( lettings_log . tshortfall_unknown? ) . to be true
context " when tshortfall is Yes " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , tshortfall_known : 0 ) }
it " returns false " do
expect ( lettings_log . tshortfall_unknown? ) . to be false
describe " paper trail " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress ) }
it " creates a record of changes to a log " do
expect { lettings_log . update! ( age1 : 64 ) } . to change ( lettings_log . versions , :count ) . by ( 1 )
it " allows lettings logs to be restored to a previous version " do
lettings_log . update! ( age1 : 63 )
expect ( lettings_log . paper_trail . previous_version . age1 ) . to eq ( 17 )
describe " soft values for period " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log ) }
before do
LaRentRange . create! (
ranges_rent_id : " 1 " ,
la : " E07000223 " ,
beds : 1 ,
lettype : 1 ,
soft_min : 100 ,
soft_max : 400 ,
hard_min : 50 ,
hard_max : 500 ,
start_year : 2021 ,
lettings_log . la = " E07000223 "
lettings_log . lettype = 1
lettings_log . beds = 1
lettings_log . startdate = Time . zone . local ( 2021 , 10 , 10 )
context " when period is weekly for 52 weeks " do
it " returns weekly soft min for 52 weeks " do
lettings_log . period = 1
expect ( lettings_log . soft_min_for_period ) . to eq ( " £100.00 every week " )
it " returns weekly soft max for 52 weeks " do
lettings_log . period = 1
expect ( lettings_log . soft_max_for_period ) . to eq ( " £400.00 every week " )
context " when period is weekly for 47 weeks " do
it " returns weekly soft min for 47 weeks " do
lettings_log . period = 8
expect ( lettings_log . soft_min_for_period ) . to eq ( " £110.64 every week " )
it " returns weekly soft max for 47 weeks " do
lettings_log . period = 8
expect ( lettings_log . soft_max_for_period ) . to eq ( " £442.55 every week " )
describe " scopes " do
let! ( :lettings_log_1 ) { create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , startdate : Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) , mrcdate : Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) , voiddate : Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) , created_by : created_by_user ) }
let! ( :lettings_log_2 ) { create ( :lettings_log , :completed , startdate : Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) , mrcdate : Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) , voiddate : Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) , created_by : created_by_user ) }
before do
Timecop . freeze ( Time . utc ( 2022 , 6 , 3 ) )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . utc ( 2022 , 6 , 3 ) )
after do
Timecop . unfreeze
context " when searching logs " do
let! ( :lettings_log_to_search ) { create ( :lettings_log , :completed ) }
before do
create_list ( :lettings_log , 5 , :completed )
describe " # filter_by_id " do
it " allows searching by a log ID " do
result = described_class . filter_by_id ( lettings_log_to_search . id . to_s )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
describe " # filter_by_tenant_code " do
it " allows searching by a Tenant Code " do
result = described_class . filter_by_tenant_code ( lettings_log_to_search . tenancycode )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
context " when tenant_code has lower case letters " do
let ( :matching_tenant_code_lower_case ) { lettings_log_to_search . tenancycode . downcase }
it " allows searching by a Tenant Code " do
result = described_class . filter_by_tenant_code ( matching_tenant_code_lower_case )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
describe " # filter_by_propcode " do
it " allows searching by a Property Reference " do
result = described_class . filter_by_propcode ( lettings_log_to_search . propcode )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
context " when propcode has lower case letters " do
let ( :matching_propcode_lower_case ) { lettings_log_to_search . propcode . downcase }
it " allows searching by a Property Reference " do
result = described_class . filter_by_propcode ( matching_propcode_lower_case )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
describe " # filter_by_postcode " do
it " allows searching by a Property Postcode " do
result = described_class . filter_by_postcode ( lettings_log_to_search . postcode_full )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
context " when lettings log is supported housing " do
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , postcode : " W6 0ST " ) }
before do
lettings_log_to_search . update! ( needstype : 2 , location : )
it " allows searching by a Property Postcode " do
result = described_class . filter_by_location_postcode ( " W6 0ST " )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
describe " # search_by " do
it " allows searching using ID " do
result = described_class . search_by ( lettings_log_to_search . id . to_s )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
it " allows searching using tenancy code " do
result = described_class . search_by ( lettings_log_to_search . tenancycode )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
it " allows searching by a Property Reference " do
result = described_class . search_by ( lettings_log_to_search . propcode )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
it " allows searching by a Property Postcode " do
result = described_class . search_by ( lettings_log_to_search . postcode_full )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
context " when lettings log is supported housing " do
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , postcode : " W6 0ST " ) }
before do
lettings_log_to_search . update! ( needstype : 2 , location : )
it " allows searching by a Property Postcode " do
result = described_class . search_by ( " W6 0ST " )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
context " when postcode has spaces and lower case letters " do
let ( :matching_postcode_lower_case_with_spaces ) { lettings_log_to_search . postcode_full . downcase . chars . insert ( 3 , " " ) . join }
it " allows searching by a Property Postcode " do
result = described_class . search_by ( matching_postcode_lower_case_with_spaces )
expect ( result . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( result . first . id ) . to eq lettings_log_to_search . id
context " when filtering by year " do
before do
Timecop . freeze ( Time . utc ( 2021 , 5 , 3 ) )
after do
Timecop . unfreeze
it " allows filtering on a single year " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_years ( %w[ 2021 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
it " allows filtering by multiple years using OR " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_years ( %w[ 2021 2022 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " can filter by year(s) AND status " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_years ( %w[ 2021 2022 ] ) . filter_by_status ( " completed " ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " filters based on date boundaries correctly " do
lettings_log_1 . startdate = Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 4 , 1 )
lettings_log_1 . save! ( validate : false )
lettings_log_2 . startdate = Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 3 , 31 )
lettings_log_2 . save! ( validate : false )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_years ( %w[ 2021 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_years ( %w[ 2022 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
context " when filtering by organisation " do
let ( :organisation_1 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :organisation_2 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :organisation_3 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , owning_organisation : organisation_1 , managing_organisation : organisation_1 , created_by : nil )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , owning_organisation : organisation_1 , managing_organisation : organisation_2 , created_by : nil )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , owning_organisation : organisation_2 , managing_organisation : organisation_1 , created_by : nil )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , owning_organisation : organisation_2 , managing_organisation : organisation_2 , created_by : nil )
it " filters by given organisation " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_organisation ( [ organisation_1 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_organisation ( [ organisation_1 , organisation_2 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 4 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_organisation ( [ organisation_3 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
context " when filtering by owning organisation " do
let ( :organisation_1 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :organisation_2 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :organisation_3 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , owning_organisation : organisation_1 , managing_organisation : organisation_1 , created_by : nil )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , owning_organisation : organisation_1 , managing_organisation : organisation_2 , created_by : nil )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , owning_organisation : organisation_2 , managing_organisation : organisation_1 , created_by : nil )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , owning_organisation : organisation_2 , managing_organisation : organisation_2 , created_by : nil )
it " filters by given owning organisation " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_owning_organisation ( [ organisation_1 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_owning_organisation ( [ organisation_1 , organisation_2 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 4 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_owning_organisation ( [ organisation_3 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
context " when filtering by managing organisation " do
let ( :organisation_1 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :organisation_2 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :organisation_3 ) { create ( :organisation ) }
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :in_progress , managing_organisation : organisation_1 )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , managing_organisation : organisation_1 )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , managing_organisation : organisation_2 )
create ( :lettings_log , :completed , managing_organisation : organisation_2 )
it " filters by given managing organisation " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_managing_organisation ( [ organisation_1 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_managing_organisation ( [ organisation_1 , organisation_2 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 4 )
expect ( described_class . filter_by_managing_organisation ( [ organisation_3 ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
context " when filtering on status " do
it " allows filtering on a single status " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_status ( %w[ in_progress ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
it " allows filtering on multiple statuses " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_status ( %w[ in_progress completed ] ) . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
context " when filtering by user " do
before do
PaperTrail :: Version . find_by ( item_id : lettings_log_1 . id , event : " create " ) . update! ( whodunnit : created_by_user . to_global_id . uri . to_s )
PaperTrail :: Version . find_by ( item_id : lettings_log_2 . id , event : " create " ) . update! ( whodunnit : created_by_user . to_global_id . uri . to_s )
it " allows filtering on current user " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_user ( created_by_user . id . to_s ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
it " returns all logs when all logs selected " do
expect ( described_class . filter_by_user ( nil ) . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
context " when filtering duplicate logs " do
let ( :organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let ( :log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
let! ( :duplicate_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns all duplicate logs for given log " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " returns duplicate log " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . to include ( duplicate_log )
it " does not return the given log " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( log )
context " when there is a deleted duplicate log " do
let! ( :deleted_duplicate_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , discarded_at : Time . zone . now , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return the deleted log as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( deleted_duplicate_log )
context " when there is a log with a different start date " do
let! ( :different_start_date_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different start date as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_start_date_log )
context " when there is a log with a different age1 " do
let! ( :different_age1 ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , age1 : 50 , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different age1 as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_age1 )
context " when there is a log with a different sex1 " do
let! ( :different_sex1 ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , sex1 : " F " , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different sex1 as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_sex1 )
context " when there is a log with a different ecstat1 " do
let! ( :different_ecstat1 ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , ecstat1 : 1 , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different ecstat1 as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_ecstat1 )
context " when there is a log with a different tcharge " do
let! ( :different_tcharge ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , brent : 100 , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different tcharge as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_tcharge )
context " when there is a log with a different tenancycode " do
let! ( :different_tenancycode ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , tenancycode : " different " , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different tenancycode as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_tenancycode )
context " when there is a log with a different postcode_full " do
let! ( :different_postcode_full ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , postcode_full : " B1 1AA " , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with a different postcode_full as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( different_postcode_full )
context " when there is a log with nil values for duplicate check fields " do
let! ( :duplicate_check_fields_not_given ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , age1 : nil , sex1 : nil , ecstat1 : nil , postcode_known : 2 , postcode_full : nil , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " does not return a log with nil values as a duplicate " do
log . update! ( age1 : nil , sex1 : nil , ecstat1 : nil , postcode_known : 2 , postcode_full : nil )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . not_to include ( duplicate_check_fields_not_given )
context " when there is a log with nil values for tenancycode " do
let! ( :tenancycode_not_given ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , tenancycode : nil , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns the log as a duplicate if tenancy code is nil " do
log . update! ( tenancycode : nil )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . to include ( tenancycode_not_given )
context " when there is a log with age1 not known " do
let! ( :age1_not_known ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , age1_known : 1 , age1 : nil , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns the log as a duplicate if age1 is not known " do
log . update! ( age1_known : 1 , age1 : nil )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( log ) ) . to include ( age1_not_known )
context " when there is a duplicate supported housing log " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme ) }
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let ( :location_2 ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let ( :supported_housing_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , needstype : 2 , location : , scheme : , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
let! ( :duplicate_supported_housing_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , needstype : 2 , location : , scheme : , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns the log as a duplicate " do
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( supported_housing_log ) ) . to include ( duplicate_supported_housing_log )
it " does not return the log if the locations are different " do
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( location : location_2 )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( supported_housing_log ) ) . not_to include ( duplicate_supported_housing_log )
it " does not compare tcharge if there are no household charges " do
supported_housing_log . update! ( household_charge : 1 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( household_charge : 1 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( supported_housing_log ) ) . to include ( duplicate_supported_housing_log )
it " compares chcharge if it's a carehome " do
supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : 100 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : 100 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( supported_housing_log ) ) . to include ( duplicate_supported_housing_log )
it " does not return a duplicate if carehome charge is not given " do
supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : nil , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : nil , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil )
expect ( described_class . duplicate_logs ( supported_housing_log ) ) . not_to include ( duplicate_supported_housing_log )
context " when getting list of duplicate logs " do
let ( :organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let! ( :log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
let! ( :duplicate_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
let ( :duplicate_sets ) { described_class . duplicate_sets }
it " returns a list of duplicates in the same organisation " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a deleted duplicate log " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , discarded_at : Time . zone . now , status : 4 )
it " does not return the deleted log as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different start date " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow )
it " does not return a log with a different start date as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different age1 " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , age1 : 50 )
it " does not return a log with a different age1 as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different sex1 " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , sex1 : " F " )
it " does not return a log with a different sex1 as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different ecstat1 " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , ecstat1 : 1 )
it " does not return a log with a different ecstat1 as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different tcharge " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , brent : 100 )
it " does not return a log with a different tcharge as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( duplicate_log . id , log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different tenancycode " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , tenancycode : " different " )
it " does not return a log with a different tenancycode as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with a different postcode_full " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , postcode_full : " B1 1AA " )
it " does not return a log with a different postcode_full as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
context " when there is a log with nil values for duplicate check fields " do
before do
create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , age1 : nil , sex1 : nil , ecstat1 : nil , postcode_known : 2 , postcode_full : nil )
it " does not return a log with nil values as a duplicate " do
log . update! ( age1 : nil , sex1 : nil , ecstat1 : nil , postcode_known : 2 , postcode_full : nil )
expect ( duplicate_sets ) . to be_empty
context " when there is a log with nil values for tenancycode " do
let! ( :tenancycode_not_given ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , tenancycode : nil , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns the log as a duplicate if tenancy code is nil " do
log . update! ( tenancycode : nil )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , tenancycode_not_given . id )
context " when there is a log with age1 not known " do
let! ( :age1_not_known ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , age1_known : 1 , age1 : nil , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns the log as a duplicate if age1 is not known " do
log . update! ( age1_known : 1 , age1 : nil )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( age1_not_known . id , log . id )
context " when there is a duplicate supported housing log " do
let ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme ) }
let ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let ( :location_2 ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :supported_housing_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , needstype : 2 , location : , scheme : , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
let! ( :duplicate_supported_housing_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :duplicate , needstype : 2 , location : , scheme : , owning_organisation : organisation ) }
it " returns the log as a duplicate " do
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
expect ( duplicate_sets . second ) . to contain_exactly ( duplicate_supported_housing_log . id , supported_housing_log . id )
it " does not return the log if the locations are different " do
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( location : location_2 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
it " does not compare tcharge if there are no household charges " do
supported_housing_log . update! ( household_charge : 1 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil , owning_organisation : organisation )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( household_charge : 1 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil , owning_organisation : organisation )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
expect ( duplicate_sets . second ) . to contain_exactly ( supported_housing_log . id , duplicate_supported_housing_log . id )
it " does not return logs not associated with the user if user is given " do
user = create ( :user )
supported_housing_log . update! ( created_by : user , owning_organisation : user . organisation )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( owning_organisation : user . organisation )
duplicate_sets = described_class . duplicate_sets ( user . id )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( supported_housing_log . id , duplicate_supported_housing_log . id )
it " compares chcharge if it's a carehome " do
supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : 100 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil , owning_organisation : organisation )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : 100 , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil , owning_organisation : organisation )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
expect ( duplicate_sets . second ) . to contain_exactly ( supported_housing_log . id , duplicate_supported_housing_log . id )
it " does not return a duplicate if carehome charge is not given " do
supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : nil , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil , owning_organisation : organisation )
duplicate_supported_housing_log . update! ( is_carehome : 1 , chcharge : nil , supcharg : nil , brent : nil , scharge : nil , pscharge : nil , tcharge : nil , owning_organisation : organisation )
expect ( duplicate_sets . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( duplicate_sets . first ) . to contain_exactly ( log . id , duplicate_log . id )
describe " # retirement_age_for_person " do
context " when a person gender is Male " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , sex1 : " M " ) }
it " returns the expected retirement age " do
expect ( lettings_log . retirement_age_for_person_1 ) . to eq ( 67 )
it " returns the expected plural " do
expect ( lettings_log . plural_gender_for_person_1 ) . to eq ( " male and non-binary people " )
context " when a person gender is Female " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , sex2 : " F " ) }
it " returns the expected retirement age " do
expect ( lettings_log . retirement_age_for_person_2 ) . to eq ( 60 )
it " returns the expected plural " do
expect ( lettings_log . plural_gender_for_person_2 ) . to eq ( " females " )
context " when a person gender is Non-Binary " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , sex3 : " X " ) }
it " returns the expected retirement age " do
expect ( lettings_log . retirement_age_for_person_3 ) . to eq ( 67 )
it " returns the expected plural " do
expect ( lettings_log . plural_gender_for_person_3 ) . to eq ( " male and non-binary people " )
context " when the person gender is not set " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log ) }
it " returns nil " do
expect ( lettings_log . retirement_age_for_person_3 ) . to be_nil
it " returns the expected plural " do
expect ( lettings_log . plural_gender_for_person_3 ) . to be_nil
context " when a postcode contains unicode characters " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , postcode_full : " SR81LS \ u00A0 " ) }
it " triggers a validation error " do
expect { lettings_log . save! } . to raise_error ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid , / Enter a postcode in the correct format / )
describe " # blank_invalid_non_setup_fields! " do
context " when a setup field is invalid " do
subject ( :model ) { described_class . new ( needstype : 404 ) }
it " does not blank it " do
model . valid?
expect { model . blank_invalid_non_setup_fields! } . not_to change ( model , :needstype )
context " when a non setup field is invalid " do
subject ( :model ) { build ( :lettings_log , :completed , offered : 234 ) }
it " blanks it " do
model . valid?
expect { model . blank_invalid_non_setup_fields! } . to change ( model , :offered )
describe " # beds_for_la_rent_range " do
context " when beds nil " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , beds : nil ) }
it " returns nil " do
expect ( lettings_log . beds_for_la_rent_range ) . to be_nil
context " when beds <= 4 " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , beds : 4 ) }
it " returns number of beds " do
expect ( lettings_log . beds_for_la_rent_range ) . to eq ( 4 )
context " when beds > 4 " do
let ( :lettings_log ) { build ( :lettings_log , beds : 40 ) }
it " returns max number of beds " do
expect ( lettings_log . beds_for_la_rent_range ) . to eq ( 4 )
describe " # collection_period_open? " do
let ( :log ) { build ( :lettings_log , startdate : ) }
context " when startdate is nil " do
let ( :startdate ) { nil }
it " returns false " do
expect ( log . collection_period_open? ) . to eq ( true )
context " when older_than_previous_collection_year " do
let ( :previous_collection_start_date ) { Time . zone . local ( 2050 , 4 , 1 ) }
let ( :startdate ) { previous_collection_start_date - 1 . day }
before do
allow ( log ) . to receive ( :previous_collection_start_date ) . and_return ( previous_collection_start_date )
it " returns true " do
expect ( log . collection_period_open? ) . to eq ( false )
context " when form end date is in the future " do
let ( :startdate ) { nil }
before do
allow ( log ) . to receive_message_chain ( :form , :new_logs_end_date ) . and_return ( Time . zone . now + 1 . day )
it " returns true " do
expect ( log . collection_period_open? ) . to eq ( true )
context " when form end date is in the past " do
let ( :startdate ) { Time . zone . local ( 2020 , 4 , 1 ) }
before do
allow ( log ) . to receive_message_chain ( :form , :new_logs_end_date ) . and_return ( Time . zone . now - 1 . day )
it " returns false " do
expect ( log . collection_period_open? ) . to eq ( false )
# rubocop:enable RSpec/MessageChain