invalid_option:"Enter a valid value for %{question}"
spreadsheet_dupe:"This is a duplicate of a log in your file."
duplicate:"This is a duplicate log."
blank_file:"Template is blank - The template must be filled in for us to create the logs and check if data is correct."
over_max_column_count:"Too many columns, please ensure you have used the correct template."
no_headers:"Your file does not contain the required header rows. Add or check the header rows and upload your file again. [Read more about using the template headers](%{guidance_link})."
wrong_field_numbers_count:"Incorrect number of fields, please ensure you have used the correct template."
wrong_template:"Incorrect sale dates, please ensure you have used the correct template."
within_range:"%{field} must be between %{min} and %{max}."
not_found:"The owning organisation code is incorrect."
not_stock_owner:"The owning organisation code provided is for an organisation that does not own stock."
support:"This owning organisation is not affiliated with %{name}."
not_support:"You do not have permission to add logs for this owning organisation."
not_found:"User with the specified email could not be found."
organisation_not_related:"User must be related to owning organisation or managing organisation."
managing_organisation_not_related:"This organisation does not have a relationship with the owning organisation."
outside_collection_window:"Enter a date within the %{year_combo} collection year, which is between 1st April %{start_year} and 31st March %{end_year}."
year_not_two_or_four_digits:"Sale completion year must be 2 or 4 digits."
buyer_cannot_be_over_16_and_child:"Buyer 1's age cannot be 16 or over if their working situation is child under 16."
buyer_cannot_be_child:"Buyer 1 cannot have a working situation of child under 16."
buyer_cannot_be_over_16_and_child:"Buyer 1's age cannot be 16 or over if their working situation is child under 16."
buyer_cannot_be_over_16_and_child:"Buyer 2's age cannot be 16 or over if their working situation is child under 16."
buyer_cannot_be_child:"Buyer 2 cannot have a working situation of child under 16."
buyer_cannot_be_over_16_and_child:"Buyer 2's age cannot be 16 or over if their working situation is child under 16."
not_found:"We could not find this address. Check the address data in your CSV file is correct and complete, or select the correct address using the CORE site."
not_determined:"There are multiple matches for this address. Either select the correct address manually or correct the UPRN in the CSV file."
not_answered:"Enter either the UPRN or the full address."