Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

534 lines
28 KiB

require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe "Lettings Log Features" do
context "when searching for specific logs" do
context "when I am signed in and there are logs in the database" do
let(:user) { create(:user, last_sign_in_at: }
let!(:log_to_search) { create(:lettings_log, owning_organisation: user.organisation) }
let!(:same_organisation_log) { create(:lettings_log, owning_organisation: user.organisation) }
let!(:another_organisation_log) { create(:lettings_log) }
before do
fill_in("user[email]", with:
fill_in("user[password]", with: user.password)
click_button("Sign in")
it "displays the logs belonging to the same organisation" do
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "when I search for a specific log" do
it "there is a search bar with a message and search button for logs" do
expect(page).to have_field("search")
expect(page).to have_content("Search by log ID, tenant code, property reference or postcode")
expect(page).to have_button("Search")
context "when I fill in search information and press the search button" do
before do
fill_in("search", with:
it "displays log matching the log ID" do
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "when I want to clear results" do
it "there is link to clear the search results" do
expect(page).to have_link("Clear search")
it "displays the logs belonging to the same organisation after I clear the search results" do
click_link("Clear search")
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "when filtering logs" do
let(:user) { create(:user, last_sign_in_at: }
let(:stock_owner_1) { create(:organisation, name: "stock owner 1") }
let(:stock_owner_2) { create(:organisation, name: "stock owner 2") }
let(:managing_agent_1) { create(:organisation, name: "managing agent 1") }
let(:managing_agent_2) { create(:organisation, name: "managing agent 2") }
context "when I am signed in" do
before do
FactoryBot.create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: stock_owner_1)
FactoryBot.create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: stock_owner_2)
FactoryBot.create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: managing_agent_1, parent_organisation: user.organisation)
FactoryBot.create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: managing_agent_2, parent_organisation: user.organisation)
fill_in("user[email]", with:
fill_in("user[password]", with: user.password)
click_button("Sign in")
context "when no filters are selected" do
it "displays the filters component with no clear button" do
expect(page).to have_content("No filters applied")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Clear")
context "when I have selected filters" do
before do
check("Not started")
check("In progress")
choose("Specific owning organisation")
select(, from: "owning_organisation")
choose("Specific managing organisation")
select(, from: "managing_organisation")
click_button("Apply filters")
it "displays the filters component with a correct count and clear button" do
expect(page).to have_content("5 filters applied")
expect(page).to have_content("Clear")
context "when clearing the filters" do
before do
it "clears the filters and displays the filter component as before" do
expect(page).to have_content("No filters applied")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Clear")
context "when the signed is user is a Support user" do
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "User org") }
let(:support_user) { create(:user, :support, last_sign_in_at:, organisation:) }
let(:devise_notify_mailer) { }
let(:notify_client) { instance_double(Notifications::Client) }
let(:mfa_template_id) { User::MFA_TEMPLATE_ID }
let(:otp) { "999111" }
before do
allow(DeviseNotifyMailer).to receive(:new).and_return(devise_notify_mailer)
allow(devise_notify_mailer).to receive(:notify_client).and_return(notify_client)
allow(notify_client).to receive(:send_email).and_return(true)
allow(SecureRandom).to receive(:random_number).and_return(otp)
fill_in("user[email]", with:
fill_in("user[password]", with: support_user.password)
click_button("Sign in")
fill_in("code", with: otp)
context "when completing the setup lettings log section", :aggregate_failure do
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
it "includes the owning organisation and created by questions" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
select("#{} (#{})", from: "lettings-log-created-by-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_content("Stock owner User org", normalize_ws: true)
expect(page).to have_content("You have answered 2 of 8 questions")
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "when visiting a subsection check answers page" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed) }
it "has the correct breadcrumbs with the correct links" do
visit lettings_log_setup_check_answers_path(lettings_log)
breadcrumbs = page.find_all(".govuk-breadcrumbs__link")
expect(breadcrumbs.first.text).to eq "Logs"
expect(breadcrumbs.first[:href]).to eq lettings_logs_path
expect(breadcrumbs[1].text).to eq "Log #{}"
expect(breadcrumbs[1][:href]).to eq lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
context "when reviewing a complete log" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed) }
it "has the correct breadcrumbs with the correct links" do
visit review_lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
breadcrumbs = page.find_all(".govuk-breadcrumbs__link")
expect(breadcrumbs.first.text).to eq "Logs"
expect(breadcrumbs.first[:href]).to eq lettings_logs_path
expect(breadcrumbs[1].text).to eq "Log #{}"
expect(breadcrumbs[1][:href]).to eq lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "when the owning organisation question isn't answered" do
it "doesn't show the managing agent question" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
click_link("Skip for now")
expect(page).not_to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/managing-organisation")
context "when the owning organisation question is answered" do
context "and the owning organisation does hold stock" do
before do
support_user.organisation.update!(holds_own_stock: true)
context "and the owning organisation has no managing agents" do
it "doesn't show the managing organisation question" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).not_to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/managing-organisation")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Managing agent ")
context "and the owning organisation has 1 or more managing agents" do
let(:managing_org1) { create(:organisation, name: "Managing org 1") }
let!(:org_rel1) { create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: support_user.organisation, child_organisation: managing_org1) }
it "does show the managing organisation question" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/managing-organisation")
select(, from: "lettings-log-managing-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_content("Managing agent Managing org 1", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "and the owning organisation has 2 or more managing agents" do
let(:managing_org2) { create(:organisation, name: "Managing org 2") }
let!(:org_rel2) { create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: support_user.organisation, child_organisation: managing_org2) }
context "and the organisation relationship for the selected managing agent is deleted" do
it "doesn't change the CYA page text to be 'You didn't answer this question'" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/managing-organisation")
select(, from: "lettings-log-managing-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_content("Managing agent Managing org 1", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
expect(page).to have_content("Managing agent Managing org 1", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
expect(support_user.organisation.managing_agents).to eq([org_rel2.child_organisation])
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
it "is possible to delete multiple logs" do
postcode = "SW1A 1AA"
lettings_log_1 = create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, created_by: support_user, postcode_full: postcode)
lettings_log_2 = create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, created_by: support_user, postcode_full: postcode)
create_list(:lettings_log, 5, :in_progress)
visit lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_selector "", count: 7
expect(page).not_to have_link "Delete logs"
within ".app-filter" do
check "status-in-progress-field"
choose "assigned-to-you-field"
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
expect(page).to have_selector "", count: 2
expect(page).to have_link "Delete logs"
click_link "Delete logs"
expect(page).to have_current_path delete_logs_lettings_logs_path
rows = page.find_all "tbody tr"
expect(rows.count).to be 2
id_to_delete, id_to_keep = { |row| row.first("td").text.to_i }
expect([id_to_delete, id_to_keep]).to match_array [,]
check "forms-delete-logs-form-selected-ids-#{id_to_delete}-field"
uncheck "forms-delete-logs-form-selected-ids-#{id_to_keep}-field"
click_button "Continue"
expect(page).to have_current_path delete_logs_confirmation_lettings_logs_path
expect(page.text).to include "You've selected 1 log to delete"
expect(page.find("form.button_to")[:action]).to eq delete_logs_lettings_logs_path
click_button "Delete logs"
expect(page).to have_current_path lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_selector "", count: 1
expect(page.find(" h2").text).to eq "Log #{id_to_keep}"
deleted_log = LettingsLog.find(id_to_delete)
expect(deleted_log.status).to eq "deleted"
expect(deleted_log.discarded_at).not_to be nil
context "when the signed is user is not a Support user" do
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "User org") }
let(:user) { create(:user, :data_coordinator, name: "User name", organisation:) }
let(:devise_notify_mailer) { }
let(:notify_client) { instance_double(Notifications::Client) }
before do
allow(DeviseNotifyMailer).to receive(:new).and_return(devise_notify_mailer)
allow(devise_notify_mailer).to receive(:notify_client).and_return(notify_client)
allow(notify_client).to receive(:send_email).and_return(true)
fill_in("user[email]", with:
fill_in("user[password]", with: user.password)
click_button("Sign in")
context "when completing the setup log section" do
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "and there is at most 1 potential stock owner" do
it "does not include the owning organisation and includes the created by questions" do
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
select(, from: "lettings-log-created-by-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/needs-type")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Stock owner ")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Log owner ")
context "and there are 2 or more potential stock owners" do
let(:owning_org1) { create(:organisation, name: "Owning org 1") }
let!(:org_rel1) { create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: owning_org1) }
it "does include the owning organisation question" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/stock-owner")
expect(page).to have_content("Stock owner User org", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "and there are 3 or more potential stock owners" do
let(:owning_org2) { create(:organisation, name: "Owning org 2") }
let!(:org_rel2) { create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: owning_org2) }
context "and the organisation relationship for the selected stock owner is deleted" do
it "doesn't change the CYA page text to be 'You didn't answer this question'" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/stock-owner")
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_content("Stock owner Owning org 1", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
expect(page).to have_content("Stock owner Owning org 1", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
expect(user.organisation.stock_owners).to eq([org_rel2.parent_organisation])
context "when the current user's organisation doesn't hold stock" do
let(:owning_org1) { create(:organisation, name: "Owning org 1") }
let(:owning_org2) { create(:organisation, name: "Owning org 2") }
let!(:org_rel1) { create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: owning_org1) }
let!(:org_rel2) { create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: owning_org2) }
it "does not show the managing organisation question, because managing organisation can be inferred" do
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
user.organisation.update!(holds_own_stock: false)
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/stock-owner")
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Managing agent User org", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
expect(user.organisation.stock_owners).to eq([org_rel1.parent_organisation, org_rel2.parent_organisation])
expect(LettingsLog.find(log_id).managing_organisation).to eq(user.organisation)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "when the current user's organisation does hold stock" do
let!(:owning_org) { create(:organisation, name: "Owning org") }
let!(:org_rel1) { create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: user.organisation, parent_organisation: owning_org) }
before do
user.organisation.update!(holds_own_stock: true)
context "and the user's organisation has no managing agents" do
it "doesn't show the managing organisation question" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/stock-owner")
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).not_to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/managing-organisation")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Managing agent ")
expect(user.organisation.stock_owners).to eq([org_rel1.parent_organisation])
context "and the user's organisation has 1 or more managing agents" do
let(:managing_org) { create(:organisation, name: "Managing org") }
let!(:org_rel2) { create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: user.organisation, child_organisation: managing_org) }
it "does show the managing organisation question" do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
click_link("Set up this lettings log")
log_id = page.current_path.scan(/\d/).join
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/stock-owner")
select(, from: "lettings-log-owning-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{log_id}/managing-organisation")
select(, from: "lettings-log-managing-organisation-id-field")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_content("Managing agent Managing org", normalize_ws: true)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
expect(user.organisation.managing_agents).to eq([org_rel2.child_organisation])
context "when returning to the list of logs via breadcrumbs link" do
before do
click_button("Create a new lettings log")
it "navigates you to the lettings logs page" do
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs")
context "when a log becomes a duplicate" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, owning_organisation: user.organisation, created_by: user) }
let!(:duplicate_log) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, owning_organisation: user.organisation, created_by: user) }
before do
lettings_log.update!(tenancycode: "different")
fill_in("lettings-log-tenancycode-field", with: duplicate_log.tenancycode)
click_button("Save and continue")
it "allows keeping the original log and deleting duplicates" do
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}")
click_link("Keep this log and delete duplicates", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/delete-duplicates?original_log_id=#{}")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/delete-duplicates?original_log_id=#{}")
click_button "Delete this log"
expect(duplicate_log.deleted?).to be true
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner.govuk-notification-banner--success")
expect(page).to have_content("Log #{} has been deleted.")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?organisation_id=&original_log_id=#{}&referrer=")
expect(page).not_to have_content("These logs are duplicates")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Keep this log and delete duplicates")
expect(page).to have_link("Back to Log #{}", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}")
it "allows changing answers on remaining original log" do
click_link("Keep this log and delete duplicates", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/delete-duplicates?original_log_id=#{}")
click_button "Delete this log"
click_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenant-code?original_log_id=#{}&referrer=interruption_screen")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}")
expect(page).to have_link("Back to Log #{}", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}")
it "allows keeping the duplicate log and deleting the original one" do
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}")
click_link("Keep this log and delete duplicates", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/delete-duplicates?original_log_id=#{}")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/delete-duplicates?original_log_id=#{}")
click_button "Delete this log"
expect(lettings_log.status).to eq("deleted")
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner.govuk-notification-banner--success")
expect(page).to have_content("Log #{} has been deleted.")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?organisation_id=&original_log_id=#{}&referrer=")
expect(page).not_to have_content("These logs are duplicates")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Keep this log and delete duplicates")
expect(page).to have_link("Back to lettings logs", href: "/lettings-logs")
it "allows changing answers to remaining duplicate log" do
click_link("Keep this log and delete duplicates", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/delete-duplicates?original_log_id=#{}")
click_button "Delete this log"
click_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenant-code?original_log_id=#{}&referrer=interruption_screen")
click_button("Save and continue")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}")
expect(page).to have_link("Back to lettings logs", href: "/lettings-logs")
it "allows deduplicating logs by changing the answers on the duplicate log" do
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}")
click_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenant-code?first_remaining_duplicate_id=#{}&original_log_id=#{}&referrer=duplicate_logs")
fill_in("lettings-log-tenancycode-field", with: "something else")
click_button("Save changes")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}&referrer=duplicate_logs")
expect(page).to have_link("Back to Log #{}", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}")
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner.govuk-notification-banner--success")
expect(page).to have_content("Log #{} is no longer a duplicate and has been removed from the list")
expect(page).to have_content("You changed the tenant code.")
it "allows deduplicating logs by changing the answers on the original log" do
click_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenant-code?first_remaining_duplicate_id=#{}&original_log_id=#{}&referrer=duplicate_logs")
fill_in("lettings-log-tenancycode-field", with: "something else")
click_button("Save changes")
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{}&referrer=duplicate_logs")
expect(page).to have_link("Back to Log #{}", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}")
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner.govuk-notification-banner--success")
expect(page).to have_content("Log #{} is no longer a duplicate and has been removed from the list")
expect(page).to have_content("You changed the tenant code.")