Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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require "rails_helper"
# rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance
RSpec.shared_examples "shared log examples" do |log_type|
describe "status" do
let(:empty_log) { create(log_type) }
let(:in_progress_log) { create(log_type, :in_progress) }
let(:completed_log) { create(log_type, :completed) }
it "is set to not started for an empty #{log_type} log" do
expect(empty_log.not_started?).to be(true)
expect(empty_log.in_progress?).to be(false)
expect(empty_log.completed?).to be(false)
expect(empty_log.deleted?).to be(false)
it "is set to in progress for a started #{log_type} log" do
expect(in_progress_log.in_progress?).to be(true)
expect(in_progress_log.not_started?).to be(false)
expect(in_progress_log.completed?).to be(false)
expect(in_progress_log.deleted?).to be(false)
it "is set to completed for a completed #{log_type} log" do
expect(completed_log.in_progress?).to be(false)
expect(completed_log.not_started?).to be(false)
expect(completed_log.completed?).to be(true)
expect(completed_log.deleted?).to be(false)
describe "discard!" do
around do |example|
Timecop.freeze(, 1, 1)) do
let(:log) { create(log_type) }
it "updates discarded at with current time" do
expect { log.discard! }.to change { log.reload.discarded_at }.from(nil).to(
it "updates status to deleted" do
expect { log.discard! }.to change { log.reload.status }.to("deleted")
describe "#process_uprn_change!" do
context "when UPRN set to a value" do
let(:log) do
log = build(
uprn: "123456789",
uprn_confirmed: 1,
uprn_known: 1,
county: "county",
postcode_full: nil,
)!(validate: false)
it "updates log fields" do
log.uprn = "1111111"
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call)
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:result).and_return({
"UPRN" => "UPRN",
"ADDRESS" => "full address",
"BUILDING_NAME" => "building name",
"THOROUGHFARE_NAME" => "thoroughfare",
"POST_TOWN" => "posttown",
"POSTCODE" => "postcode",
expect { log.process_uprn_change! }.to change(log, :address_line1).from(nil).to("0, Building Name, Thoroughfare")
.and change(log, :town_or_city).from(nil).to("Posttown")
.and change(log, :postcode_full).from(nil).to("POSTCODE")
.and change(log, :uprn_confirmed).from(1).to(nil)
.and change(log, :county).from("county").to(nil)
context "when UPRN nil" do
let(:log) { create(log_type, uprn: nil) }
it "does not update log" do
expect { log.process_uprn_change! }.not_to change(log, :attributes)
context "when service errors" do
let(:log) { build(log_type, :in_progress, uprn_known: 1, uprn: "123456789", uprn_confirmed: 1) }
let(:error_message) { "error" }
it "adds error to log" do
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call)
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:error).and_return(error_message)
expect { log.process_uprn_change! }.to change { log.errors[:uprn] }.from([]).to([error_message])
CLDC-2069 Find UPRNs by address (#2278) * feat: mvp commit with address selector from address line 1 and postcode using OS places find endpoint * feat: build out alternative routes through the address lookup flow * refactor: lint * refactor: remove commented lines * feat: make nil safe * feat: test address client * feat: store address input separately * feat: add migration * feat: display inputs in answer label * feat: update data presenter and test * feat: revert precicions schema update * feat: revert precision schema update * feat: migrate new fields to sales logs * feat: update shared log examples tests * feat: use -1 for not listed address for extensibility * feat: add service error to address_selection * feat: handle case when no addresses are found * feat: allow re-entering different uprns * feat: improve error handling and don't accept "no match" precisions * feat: add page tests * feat: confirm uprn on address update * feat: add question tests * feat: don't set minimum match for initial search * feat: mvp commit with address selector from address line 1 and postcode using OS places find endpoint * feat: build out alternative routes through the address lookup flow * refactor: lint * refactor: remove commented lines * feat: make nil safe * feat: test address client * feat: store address input separately * feat: add migration * feat: display inputs in answer label * feat: update data presenter and test * feat: revert precision schema update * feat: migrate new fields to sales logs * feat: update shared log examples tests * feat: use -1 for not listed address for extensibility * feat: add service error to address_selection * feat: handle case when no addresses are found * feat: allow re-entering different uprns * feat: improve error handling and don't accept "no match" precisions * feat: add page tests * feat: confirm uprn on address update * feat: add question tests * feat: don't set minimum match for initial search * feat: add no address found page * feat: allow uprn known to be skipped, and set 0.4 min precision * feat: accept best "good" match in bulk upload * feat: update validations and test * refactor: avoid stubbing using any_instance_of * refactor: use change_table in migrations * feat: add lettings behaviour to sales logs * feat: update sales tests * feat: xit test that is xited in lettings * feat: stub os api in sales row parser * feat: stub os api in sales row parser * feat: add address line 1 to required attributes * feat: update matching details and fix row parser validation * refactor: improve readability * feat: set uprns as option IDs to avoid multiple lookups * feat: add sales uprn_selection * feat: update schema * feat: update tests * feat: remove redundant methods * feat: update error message and fix tests * feat: update tests * feat: update tests and error behaviour * feat: update tests
1 year ago
.and change { log.errors[:uprn_selection] }.from([]).to([error_message])
describe "#process_address_change!" do
context "when address_line1_input and postcode_full_input set to a value" do
let(:log) do
log = build(
uprn_selection: "UPRN",
address_line1: "Address line 1",
postcode_full: "AA1 1AA",
county: "county",
)!(validate: false)
it "updates log fields" do
log.address_line1_input = "New address line 1"
log.postcode_full_input = "BB2 2BB"
allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:call)
allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:result).and_return([{
"UPRN" => "UPRN",
"ADDRESS" => "full address",
"BUILDING_NAME" => "building name",
"THOROUGHFARE_NAME" => "thoroughfare",
"POST_TOWN" => "posttown",
"POSTCODE" => "postcode",
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call)
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:result).and_return({
"UPRN" => "UPRN",
"ADDRESS" => "full address",
"BUILDING_NAME" => "building name",
"THOROUGHFARE_NAME" => "thoroughfare",
"POST_TOWN" => "posttown",
"POSTCODE" => "postcode",
expect { log.process_address_change! }.to change(log, :address_line1).from("Address line 1").to("0, Building Name, Thoroughfare")
.and change(log, :town_or_city).from(nil).to("Posttown")
.and change(log, :postcode_full).from("AA1 1AA").to("POSTCODE")
.and change(log, :uprn_confirmed).from(nil).to(1)
.and change(log, :uprn).from(nil).to("UPRN")
.and change(log, :uprn_known).from(nil).to(1)
.and change(log, :uprn_selection).from("UPRN").to(nil)
.and change(log, :county).from("county").to(nil)
context "when address inputs are nil" do
let(:log) { create(log_type, uprn_selection: nil, address_line1_input: nil, postcode_full_input: nil) }
it "does not update log" do
expect { log.process_address_change! }.not_to change(log, :attributes)
context "when service errors" do
let(:log) { build(log_type, :in_progress, uprn_selection: "UPRN", address_line1_input: "123", postcode_full_input: "AA1 1AA") }
let(:error_message) { "error" }
it "adds error to log" do
allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:call)
allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:error).and_return(error_message)
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call)
allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:error).and_return(error_message)
expect { log.process_address_change! }.to change { log.errors[:uprn_selection] }.from([]).to([error_message])
.and change { log.errors[:uprn_selection] }.from([]).to([error_message])
# rubocop:enable RSpec/AnyInstance