Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
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3 years ago
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logotype: 'GOV.UK',
service_name: t('service_name'),
service_url: current_user.nil? ? "/" : '/logs'
) do |component|
if current_user.nil?
component.navigation_item(text: 'Sign in', href: user_session_path)
component.navigation_item(text: 'Logs', href: case_logs_path)
component.navigation_item(text: 'Your organisation', href: "/organisations/#{}")
component.navigation_item(text: 'Your account', href: user_path(current_user))
component.navigation_item(text: 'Sign out', href: destroy_user_session_path)
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tag: { text: 'Beta' },
text: "This is a new service – #{govuk_mail_to("", "give feedback or report a problem", subject: "Feedback about #{t('service_name')}")}".html_safe
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title_text: 'Success',
success: true, title_heading_level: 3,
title_id: "swanky-notifications") do |notification_banner|
notification_banner.heading(text: flash.notice)
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<%= content_for?(:content) ? yield(:content) : yield %>
3 years ago
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