module Validations::FinancialValidations
# Validations methods need to be called 'validate_<page_name>' to run on model save
# or 'validate_' to run on submit as well
def validate_outstanding_rent_amount ( record )
if record . hbrentshortfall == " Yes " && record . tshortfall . blank?
record . errors . add :tshortfall , " You must answer the oustanding amout question if you have outstanding rent or charges. "
if record . hbrentshortfall == " No " && record . tshortfall . present?
record . errors . add :tshortfall , " You must not answer the oustanding amout question if you don't have outstanding rent or charges. "
EMPLOYED_STATUSES = [ " Full-time - 30 hours or more " , " Part-time - Less than 30 hours " ] . freeze
def validate_net_income_uc_proportion ( record )
( 1 .. 8 ) . any? do | n |
economic_status = record [ " ecstat #{ n } " ]
is_employed = EMPLOYED_STATUSES . include? ( economic_status )
relationship = record [ " relat #{ n } " ]
is_partner_or_main = relationship == " Partner " || ( relationship . nil? && economic_status . present? )
if is_employed && is_partner_or_main && record . benefits == " All "
record . errors . add :benefits , " income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits cannot be All if the tenant or the partner works part or full time "
def validate_net_income ( record )
return unless record . ecstat1 && record . weekly_net_income
if record . weekly_net_income > record . applicable_income_range . hard_max
record . errors . add :earnings , " Net income cannot be greater than #{ record . applicable_income_range . hard_max } given the tenant's working situation "
if record . weekly_net_income < record . applicable_income_range . hard_min
pp record
record . errors . add :earnings , " Net income cannot be less than #{ record . applicable_income_range . hard_min } given the tenant's working situation "
def validate_hbrentshortfall ( record )
is_present = record . hbrentshortfall . present?
is_yes = record . hbrentshortfall == " Yes "
hb_donotknow = record . hb == " Don’t know "
hb_no_hb_or_uc = record . hb == " Not Housing Benefit or Universal Credit "
hb_uc_no_hb = record . hb == " Universal Credit without housing element and no Housing Benefit "
hb_no_uc = record . hb == " Housing Benefit, but not Universal Credit "
hb_uc_no_he_hb = record . hb == " Universal Credit with housing element, but not Housing Benefit "
hb_and_uc = record . hb == " Universal Credit and Housing Benefit "
conditions = [
{ condition : is_yes && ( hb_donotknow || hb_no_hb_or_uc || hb_uc_no_hb ) , error : " Outstanding amount for basic rent and/or benefit eligible charges can not be 'Yes' if tenant is not in receipt of housing benefit or universal benefit or if benefit is unknown " } ,
{ condition : ( hb_no_uc || hb_uc_no_he_hb || hb_and_uc ) && ! is_present , error : " Must be completed if Universal credit and/or Housing Benefit received " } ,
conditions . each { | condition | condition [ :condition ] ? ( record . errors . add :hbrentshortfall , condition [ :error ] ) : nil }