module SchemesHelper
def scheme_availability ( scheme )
availability = " "
scheme_active_periods ( scheme ) . each do | period |
if period . from . present?
availability << " \n Active from #{ period . from . to_formatted_s ( :govuk_date ) } "
availability << " to #{ ( period . to - 1 . day ) . to_formatted_s ( :govuk_date ) } \n Deactivated on #{ period . to . to_formatted_s ( :govuk_date ) } " if period . to . present?
availability . strip
def toggle_scheme_link ( scheme )
return govuk_button_link_to " Deactivate this scheme " , scheme_new_deactivation_path ( scheme ) , warning : true if scheme . active? || scheme . deactivates_in_a_long_time?
return govuk_button_link_to " Reactivate this scheme " , scheme_new_reactivation_path ( scheme ) if scheme . deactivated? || scheme . deactivating_soon?
def delete_scheme_link ( scheme )
govuk_button_link_to " Delete this scheme " , scheme_delete_confirmation_path ( scheme ) , warning : true
def owning_organisation_options ( current_user )
all_orgs = Organisation . visible . map { | org | OpenStruct . new ( id : org . id , name : org . name ) }
user_org = [ OpenStruct . new ( id : current_user . organisation_id , name : current_user . organisation . name ) ]
stock_owners = current_user . organisation . stock_owners . visible . map { | org | OpenStruct . new ( id : org . id , name : org . name ) }
merged_organisations = current_user . organisation . absorbed_organisations . visible . merged_during_open_collection_period . map { | org | OpenStruct . new ( id : org . id , name : org . name ) }
current_user . support? ? all_orgs : user_org + stock_owners + merged_organisations
def null_option
[ OpenStruct . new ( id : " " , name : " Select an option " ) ]
def edit_scheme_text ( scheme , user )
if user . data_provider?
" If you think this scheme should be updated, ask a data coordinator to make the changes. Find your data coordinators on the #{ link_to ( 'users page' , users_path ) } . " . html_safe
elsif user . data_coordinator? && user . organisation . parent_organisations . include? ( scheme . owning_organisation )
" This scheme belongs to your stock owner #{ scheme . owning_organisation . name } . "
def selected_schemes_and_locations_text ( download_type , schemes )
scheme_count = schemes . count
case download_type
when " schemes "
" You've selected #{ pluralize ( scheme_count , 'scheme' ) } . "
when " locations "
location_count = Location . where ( scheme : schemes ) . count
" You've selected #{ pluralize ( location_count , 'location' ) } from #{ pluralize ( scheme_count , 'scheme' ) } . "
when " combined "
location_count = Location . where ( scheme : schemes ) . count
" You've selected #{ pluralize ( scheme_count , 'scheme' ) } with #{ pluralize ( location_count , 'location' ) } . The CSV will have one location per row with scheme details listed for each location. "
def primary_schemes_csv_download_url ( search , download_type )
csv_download_schemes_path ( search : , download_type : )
def secondary_schemes_csv_download_url ( organisation , search , download_type )
schemes_csv_download_organisation_path ( organisation , search : , download_type : )
def change_answer_link ( scheme , question_id , user )
case question_id
when " service_name " , " sensitive " , " scheme_type " , " registered_under_care_act " , " owning_organisation_id " , " arrangement_type "
user . support? || ! scheme . confirmed? ? scheme_details_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " ) : scheme_edit_name_path ( scheme )
when " primary_client_group "
scheme_primary_client_group_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
when " has_other_client_group "
scheme_confirm_secondary_client_group_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
when " secondary_client_group "
scheme_secondary_client_group_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
when " support_type " , " intended_stay "
scheme_support_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
def change_link_text ( question_id , scheme )
attribute_value = scheme . public_send ( question_id )
attribute_value . nil? ? " " : " Change "
def scheme_status_hint ( scheme )
case scheme . status
when :deactivating_soon
" This scheme deactivates on #{ scheme . last_deactivation_date . to_formatted_s ( :govuk_date ) } . Any locations you add will be deactivated on the same date. Reactivate the scheme to add locations active after this date. "
when :deactivated
" This scheme deactivated on #{ scheme . last_deactivation_date . to_formatted_s ( :govuk_date ) } . Any locations you add will be deactivated on the same date. Reactivate the scheme to add locations active after this date. "
def display_duplicate_schemes_banner? ( organisation , current_user )
return unless organisation . absorbed_organisations . merged_during_open_collection_period . any?
return unless current_user . data_coordinator? || current_user . support?
return if organisation . schemes_deduplicated_at . present? && organisation . schemes_deduplicated_at > organisation . absorbed_organisations . map ( & :merge_date ) . max
organisation . owned_schemes . duplicate_sets . any? || organisation . owned_schemes . any? { | scheme | scheme . locations . duplicate_sets . any? }
def scheme_edit_path ( scheme , attribute )
case attribute [ :id ]
when " primary_client_group "
scheme_primary_client_group_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
when " has_other_client_group "
scheme_confirm_secondary_client_group_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
when " secondary_client_group "
scheme_secondary_client_group_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
when " support_type " , " intended_stay "
scheme_support_path ( scheme , referrer : " check-answers " )
def scheme_details_link_message ( attribute )
text = lowercase_first_letter ( attribute [ :name ] )
messages = {
" primary_client_group " = > " Select #{ text } " ,
" secondary_client_group " = > " Select #{ text } " ,
" support_type " = > " Select #{ text } " ,
" intended_stay " = > " Select #{ text } " ,
" has_other_client_group " = > " Answer if it #{ text } " ,
messages [ attribute [ :id ] ] || " Enter #{ text } "
ActivePeriod = Struct . new ( :from , :to )
def scheme_active_periods ( scheme )
periods = [ ActivePeriod . new ( scheme . available_from , nil ) ]
sorted_deactivation_periods = remove_nested_periods ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . sort_by ( & :deactivation_date ) )
sorted_deactivation_periods . each do | deactivation |
periods . last . to = deactivation . deactivation_date
periods << ActivePeriod . new ( deactivation . reactivation_date , nil )
remove_overlapping_and_empty_periods ( periods )
def remove_overlapping_and_empty_periods ( periods )
periods . select { | period | period . from . present? && ( period . to . nil? || period . from < period . to ) }
def remove_nested_periods ( periods )
periods . select { | inner_period | periods . none? { | outer_period | is_nested? ( inner_period , outer_period ) } }
def is_nested? ( inner , outer )
return false if inner == outer
return false if [ inner . deactivation_date , inner . reactivation_date , outer . deactivation_date , outer . reactivation_date ] . any? ( & :blank? )
[ inner . deactivation_date , inner . reactivation_date ] . all? { | date | date . between? ( outer . deactivation_date , outer . reactivation_date ) }