class BulkUpload :: Lettings :: Year2024 :: RowParser
include ActiveModel :: Model
include ActiveModel :: Attributes
include InterruptionScreenHelper
include FormattingHelper
field_1 : " Which organisation owns this property? " ,
field_2 : " Which organisation manages this letting? " ,
field_3 : " What is the CORE username of the account this letting log should be assigned to? " ,
field_4 : " What is the needs type? " ,
field_7 : " Is this letting a renewal? " ,
field_8 : " What is the tenancy start date? " ,
field_9 : " What is the tenancy start date? " ,
field_10 : " What is the tenancy start date? " ,
field_11 : " What is the rent type? " ,
field_12 : " Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? " ,
field_13 : " What is the tenant code? " ,
field_14 : " What is the property reference? " ,
field_5 : " What scheme does this letting belong to? " ,
field_6 : " Which location is this letting for? " ,
field_16 : " If known, provide this property’s UPRN " ,
field_17 : " Address line 1 " ,
field_18 : " Address line 2 " ,
field_19 : " Town or city " ,
field_20 : " County " ,
field_21 : " Part 1 of the property's postcode " ,
field_22 : " Part 2 of the property's postcode " ,
field_23 : " What is the property's local authority? " ,
field_25 : " What type was the property most recently let as? " ,
field_24 : " What is the reason for the property being vacant? " ,
field_26 : " What type of unit is the property? " ,
field_27 : " Which type of building is the property? " ,
field_28 : " Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? " ,
field_29 : " How many bedrooms does the property have? " ,
field_30 : " What is the void date? " ,
field_31 : " What is the void date? " ,
field_32 : " What is the void date? " ,
field_33 : " What date were any major repairs completed on? " ,
field_34 : " What date were any major repairs completed on? " ,
field_35 : " What date were any major repairs completed on? " ,
field_36 : " Is this a joint tenancy? " ,
field_37 : " Is this a starter tenancy? " ,
field_38 : " What is the type of tenancy? " ,
field_39 : " If 'Other', what is the type of tenancy? " ,
field_40 : " What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year? " ,
field_41 : " Is this letting sheltered accommodation? " ,
field_15 : " Has tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice? " ,
field_42 : " What is the lead tenant's age? " ,
field_43 : " Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity? " ,
field_44 : " Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background? " ,
field_45 : " What is the lead tenant's nationality? " ,
field_46 : " Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation? " ,
field_47 : " What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_48 : " What is person 2's age? " ,
field_49 : " Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity? " ,
field_50 : " Which of these best describes person 2's working situation? " ,
field_51 : " What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_52 : " What is person 3's age? " ,
field_53 : " Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity? " ,
field_54 : " Which of these best describes person 3's working situation? " ,
field_55 : " What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_56 : " What is person 4's age? " ,
field_57 : " Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity? " ,
field_58 : " Which of these best describes person 4's working situation? " ,
field_59 : " What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_60 : " What is person 5's age? " ,
field_61 : " Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity? " ,
field_62 : " Which of these best describes person 5's working situation? " ,
field_63 : " What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_64 : " What is person 6's age? " ,
field_65 : " Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity? " ,
field_66 : " Which of these best describes person 6's working situation? " ,
field_67 : " What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_68 : " What is person 7's age? " ,
field_69 : " Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity? " ,
field_70 : " Which of these best describes person 7's working situation? " ,
field_71 : " What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant? " ,
field_72 : " What is person 8's age? " ,
field_73 : " Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity? " ,
field_74 : " Which of these best describes person 8's working situation? " ,
field_75 : " Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces? " ,
field_76 : " Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces? " ,
field_77 : " Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces? " ,
field_78 : " Is anybody in the household pregnant? " ,
field_79 : " Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? " ,
field_80 : " Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? " ,
field_81 : " Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? " ,
field_82 : " Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? " ,
field_83 : " Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? " ,
field_84 : " Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? " ,
field_85 : " Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more? " ,
field_86 : " Does this person's condition affect their dexterity? " ,
field_87 : " Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating? " ,
field_88 : " Does this person's condition affect their hearing? " ,
field_89 : " Does this person's condition affect their memory? " ,
field_90 : " Does this person's condition affect their mental health? " ,
field_91 : " Does this person's condition affect their mobility? " ,
field_92 : " Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally? " ,
field_93 : " Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue? " ,
field_94 : " Does this person's condition affect their vision? " ,
field_95 : " Does this person's condition affect them in another way? " ,
field_96 : " How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting? " ,
field_97 : " How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting? " ,
field_98 : " What is the tenant’s main reason for the household leaving their last settled home? " ,
field_99 : " If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home? " ,
field_100 : " Where was the household immediately before this letting? " ,
field_101 : " Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting? " ,
field_102 : " Do you know the postcode of the household's last settled home? " ,
field_103 : " What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? " ,
field_104 : " What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? " ,
field_105 : " What is the local authority of the household's last settled home? " ,
field_106 : " Was the household given 'reasonable preference' by the local authority? " ,
field_107 : " Reasonable preference reason They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days) " ,
field_108 : " Reasonable preference reason They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unsatisfactory housing " ,
field_109 : " Reasonable preference reason They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability) " ,
field_110 : " Reasonable preference reason They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others " ,
field_111 : " Reasonable preference reason Don't know " ,
field_112 : " Was the letting made under the Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? " ,
field_113 : " Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? " ,
field_114 : " Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? " ,
field_115 : " Was the letting made under the Accessible Register? " ,
field_116 : " What was the source of referral for this letting? " ,
field_117 : " Do you know the household's combined total income after tax? " ,
field_118 : " How often does the household receive income? " ,
field_119 : " How much income does the household have in total? " ,
field_120 : " Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits? " ,
field_121 : " How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits? " ,
field_122 : " Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? " ,
field_123 : " How often does the household pay rent and other charges? " ,
field_124 : " If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]? " ,
field_125 : " What is the basic rent? " ,
field_126 : " What is the service charge? " ,
field_127 : " What is the personal service charge? " ,
field_128 : " What is the support charge? " ,
field_129 : " After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay for rent and charges? " ,
field_130 : " What do you expect the outstanding amount to be? " ,
} . freeze
1 = > 0 ,
2 = > 1 ,
3 = > 2 ,
4 = > 3 ,
5 = > 4 ,
6 = > 5 ,
} . freeze
ERROR_BASE_KEY = " validations.lettings.2024.bulk_upload " . freeze
attribute :bulk_upload
attribute :block_log_creation , :boolean , default : - > { false }
attribute :field_blank
attribute :field_1 , :string
attribute :field_2 , :string
attribute :field_3 , :string
attribute :field_4 , :integer
attribute :field_7 , :integer
attribute :field_8 , :integer
attribute :field_9 , :integer
attribute :field_10 , :integer
attribute :field_11 , :integer
attribute :field_12 , :string
attribute :field_13 , :string
attribute :field_14 , :string
attribute :field_5 , :string
attribute :field_6 , :string
attribute :field_16 , :string
attribute :field_17 , :string
attribute :field_18 , :string
attribute :field_19 , :string
attribute :field_20 , :string
attribute :field_21 , :string
attribute :field_22 , :string
attribute :field_23 , :string
attribute :field_25 , :integer
attribute :field_24 , :integer
attribute :field_26 , :integer
attribute :field_27 , :integer
attribute :field_28 , :integer
attribute :field_29 , :integer
attribute :field_30 , :integer
attribute :field_31 , :integer
attribute :field_32 , :integer
attribute :field_33 , :integer
attribute :field_34 , :integer
attribute :field_35 , :integer
attribute :field_36 , :integer
attribute :field_37 , :integer
attribute :field_38 , :integer
attribute :field_39 , :string
attribute :field_40 , :integer
attribute :field_41 , :integer
attribute :field_15 , :integer
attribute :field_42 , :string
attribute :field_43 , :string
attribute :field_44 , :integer
attribute :field_45 , :integer
attribute :field_46 , :integer
attribute :field_47 , :string
attribute :field_48 , :string
attribute :field_49 , :string
attribute :field_50 , :integer
attribute :field_51 , :string
attribute :field_52 , :string
attribute :field_53 , :string
attribute :field_54 , :integer
attribute :field_55 , :string
attribute :field_56 , :string
attribute :field_57 , :string
attribute :field_58 , :integer
attribute :field_59 , :string
attribute :field_60 , :string
attribute :field_61 , :string
attribute :field_62 , :integer
attribute :field_63 , :string
attribute :field_64 , :string
attribute :field_65 , :string
attribute :field_66 , :integer
attribute :field_67 , :string
attribute :field_68 , :string
attribute :field_69 , :string
attribute :field_70 , :integer
attribute :field_71 , :string
attribute :field_72 , :string
attribute :field_73 , :string
attribute :field_74 , :integer
attribute :field_75 , :integer
attribute :field_76 , :integer
attribute :field_77 , :integer
attribute :field_78 , :integer
attribute :field_79 , :integer
attribute :field_80 , :integer
attribute :field_81 , :integer
attribute :field_82 , :integer
attribute :field_83 , :integer
attribute :field_84 , :integer
attribute :field_85 , :integer
attribute :field_86 , :integer
attribute :field_87 , :integer
attribute :field_88 , :integer
attribute :field_89 , :integer
attribute :field_90 , :integer
attribute :field_91 , :integer
attribute :field_92 , :integer
attribute :field_93 , :integer
attribute :field_94 , :integer
attribute :field_95 , :integer
attribute :field_96 , :integer
attribute :field_97 , :integer
attribute :field_98 , :integer
attribute :field_99 , :string
attribute :field_100 , :integer
attribute :field_101 , :integer
attribute :field_102 , :integer
attribute :field_103 , :string
attribute :field_104 , :string
attribute :field_105 , :string
attribute :field_106 , :integer
attribute :field_107 , :integer
attribute :field_108 , :integer
attribute :field_109 , :integer
attribute :field_110 , :integer
attribute :field_111 , :integer
attribute :field_112 , :integer
attribute :field_113 , :integer
attribute :field_114 , :integer
attribute :field_115 , :integer
attribute :field_116 , :integer
attribute :field_117 , :integer
attribute :field_118 , :integer
attribute :field_119 , :decimal
attribute :field_120 , :integer
attribute :field_121 , :integer
attribute :field_122 , :integer
attribute :field_123 , :integer
attribute :field_124 , :decimal
attribute :field_125 , :decimal
attribute :field_126 , :decimal
attribute :field_127 , :decimal
attribute :field_128 , :decimal
attribute :field_129 , :integer
attribute :field_130 , :decimal
validate :validate_valid_radio_option , on : :before_log
validates :field_11 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " rent type. " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
inclusion : {
in : ( 1 .. 6 ) . to_a ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : " rent type. " ) ,
unless : - > { field_11 . blank? } ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_7 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " property renewal. " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_8 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " tenancy start date (day). " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_9 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " tenancy start date (month). " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_10 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " tenancy start date (year). " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
format : {
with : / \ A( \ d{2}| \ d{4}) \ z / ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .startdate.year_not_two_or_four_digits " ) ,
category : :setup ,
unless : - > { field_10 . blank? } ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_5 ,
presence : {
if : proc { supported_housing? } ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " scheme code. " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_6 ,
presence : {
if : proc { supported_housing? } ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " location code. " ) ,
category : :setup ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_112 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " was the letting made under the Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? " ) ,
category : :not_answered ,
} ,
inclusion : {
in : [ 1 , 2 ] ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : " was the letting made under the Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? " ) ,
if : - > { field_112 . present? } ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_113 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? " ) ,
category : :not_answered ,
} ,
inclusion : {
in : [ 1 , 2 ] ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : " was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? " ) ,
if : - > { field_113 . present? } ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_114 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? " ) ,
category : :not_answered ,
} ,
inclusion : {
in : [ 1 , 2 ] ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : " was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? " ) ,
if : - > { field_114 . present? } ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_115 ,
presence : {
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " was the letting made under the Accessible Register? " ) ,
category : :not_answered ,
} ,
inclusion : {
in : [ 1 , 2 ] ,
message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : " was the letting made under the Accessible Register? " ) ,
if : - > { field_115 . present? } ,
} ,
on : :after_log
validates :field_42 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 1 ) } , on : :after_log
validates :field_48 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 2 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 2 ) . zero? }
validates :field_52 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 3 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 3 ) . zero? }
validates :field_56 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 4 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 4 ) . zero? }
validates :field_60 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 5 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 5 ) . zero? }
validates :field_64 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 6 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 6 ) . zero? }
validates :field_68 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 7 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 7 ) . zero? }
validates :field_72 , format : { with : / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .age.invalid " , person_num : 8 ) } , on : :after_log , if : proc { details_known? ( 8 ) . zero? }
validate :validate_needs_type_present , on : :after_log
validate :validate_data_types , on : :after_log
validate :validate_relevant_collection_window , on : :after_log
validate :validate_la_with_local_housing_referral , on : :after_log
validate :validate_cannot_be_la_referral_if_general_needs_and_la , on : :after_log
validate :validate_leaving_reason_for_renewal , on : :after_log
validate :validate_only_one_housing_needs_type , on : :after_log
validate :validate_no_disabled_needs_conjunction , on : :after_log
validate :validate_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction , on : :after_log
validate :validate_no_and_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction , on : :after_log
validate :validate_no_housing_needs_questions_answered , on : :after_log
validate :validate_reasonable_preference_homeless , on : :after_log
validate :validate_condition_effects , on : :after_log
validate :validate_if_log_already_exists , on : :after_log , if : - > { FeatureToggle . bulk_upload_duplicate_log_check_enabled? }
validate :validate_owning_org_data_given , on : :after_log
validate :validate_owning_org_exists , on : :after_log
validate :validate_owning_org_owns_stock , on : :after_log
validate :validate_owning_org_permitted , on : :after_log
validate :validate_managing_org_data_given , on : :after_log
validate :validate_managing_org_exists , on : :after_log
validate :validate_managing_org_related , on : :after_log
validate :validate_related_scheme_exists , on : :after_log
validate :validate_related_location_exists , on : :after_log
validate :validate_assigned_to_exists , on : :after_log
validate :validate_assigned_to_related , on : :after_log
validate :validate_assigned_to_when_support , on : :after_log
validate :validate_all_charges_given , on : :after_log , if : proc { is_carehome . zero? }
validate :validate_address_option_found , on : :after_log , unless : - > { supported_housing? }
validate :validate_uprn_exists_if_any_key_address_fields_are_blank , on : :after_log , unless : - > { supported_housing? }
validate :validate_address_fields , on : :after_log , unless : - > { supported_housing? }
validate :validate_incomplete_soft_validations , on : :after_log
validate :validate_nationality , on : :after_log
validate :validate_nulls , on : :after_log
def self . question_for_field ( field )
QUESTIONS [ field ]
def valid?
return @valid if @valid
errors . clear
return @valid = true if blank_row?
super ( :before_log )
@before_errors = errors . dup
log . valid?
super ( :after_log )
errors . merge! ( @before_errors )
log . errors . each do | error |
fields = field_mapping_for_errors [ error . attribute ] || [ ]
fields . each do | field |
next if errors . include? ( field )
next if error . type == :skip_bu_error
question = log . form . get_question ( error . attribute , log )
if question . present? && setup_question? ( question )
errors . add ( field , error . message , category : :setup )
errors . add ( field , error . message )
@valid = errors . blank?
def blank_row?
. to_hash
. reject { | k , _ | %w[ bulk_upload block_log_creation field_blank ] . include? ( k ) }
. values
. reject ( & :blank? )
. compact
. empty?
def log
@log || = LettingsLog . new ( attributes_for_log )
def block_log_creation!
self . block_log_creation = true
def block_log_creation?
def tenant_code
def property_ref
def log_already_exists?
return false if blank_row?
@log_already_exists || = LettingsLog
. where ( status : %w[ not_started in_progress completed ] )
. exists? ( duplicate_check_fields . index_with { | field | log . public_send ( field ) } )
def spreadsheet_duplicate_hash
hash = attributes . slice (
" field_1 " , # owning org
" field_8 " , # startdate
" field_9 " , # startdate
" field_10 " , # startdate
" field_13 " , # tenancycode
! general_needs? ? :field_6 . to_s : nil , # location
! supported_housing? ? " field_21 " : nil , # postcode
! supported_housing? ? " field_22 " : nil , # postcode
" field_42 " , # age1
" field_43 " , # sex1
" field_46 " , # ecstat1
if [ field_125 , field_126 , field_127 , field_128 ] . all? ( & :present? )
hash . merge ( { " tcharge " = > [ field_125 , field_126 , field_127 , field_128 ] . sum } )
def add_duplicate_found_in_spreadsheet_errors
spreadsheet_duplicate_hash . each_key do | field |
if field == " tcharge "
%w[ field_125 field_126 field_127 field_128 ] . each do | sub_field |
errors . add ( sub_field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .spreadsheet_dupe " ) , category : :setup )
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .spreadsheet_dupe " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_valid_radio_option
log . attributes . each do | question_id , _v |
question = log . form . get_question ( question_id , log )
next unless question & . type == " radio "
next if log [ question_id ] . blank? || question . answer_options . key? ( log [ question_id ] . to_s ) || ! question . page . routed_to? ( log , nil )
fields = field_mapping_for_errors [ question_id . to_sym ] || [ ]
fields . each do | field |
if setup_question? ( question )
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : format_ending ( QUESTIONS [ field ] ) ) , category : :setup )
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_option " , question : format_ending ( QUESTIONS [ field ] ) ) )
def validate_assigned_to_exists
return if field_3 . blank?
unless assigned_to
errors . add ( :field_3 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .assigned_to.not_found " ) )
def validate_assigned_to_when_support
if field_3 . blank? && bulk_upload . user . support?
errors . add ( :field_3 , category : :setup , message : I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " what is the CORE username of the account this letting log should be assigned to? " ) )
def validate_assigned_to_related
return unless assigned_to
return if assigned_to . organisation == owning_organisation || assigned_to . organisation == managing_organisation
return if assigned_to . organisation == owning_organisation & . absorbing_organisation || assigned_to . organisation == managing_organisation & . absorbing_organisation
errors . add ( :field_3 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .assigned_to.organisation_not_related " ) )
def assigned_to
@assigned_to || = User . where ( " lower(email) = ? " , field_3 & . downcase ) . first
def validate_uprn_exists_if_any_key_address_fields_are_blank
if field_16 . blank? && ! key_address_fields_provided?
% i [ field_17 field_19 field_21 field_22 ] . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .address.not_answered " ) ) if send ( field ) . blank?
errors . add ( :field_16 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .address.not_answered " , question : " UPRN. " ) )
def validate_address_option_found
if log . uprn . nil? && field_16 . blank? && key_address_fields_provided?
error_message = if log . address_options_present? && log . address_options . size > 1
I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .address.not_determined.multiple " )
elsif log . address_options_present?
I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } " )
I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .address.not_found " )
% i [ field_17 field_18 field_19 field_20 field_21 field_22 ] . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , error_message ) if errors [ field ] . blank?
def key_address_fields_provided?
field_17 . present? && field_19 . present? && postcode_full . present?
def validate_address_fields
if field_16 . blank? || log . errors . attribute_names . include? ( :uprn )
if field_17 . blank? && errors [ :field_17 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_17 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " address line 1. " ) )
if field_19 . blank? && errors [ :field_19 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_19 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " town or city. " ) )
if field_21 . blank? && errors [ :field_21 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_21 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " part 1 of postcode. " ) )
if field_22 . blank? && errors [ :field_22 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_22 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " part 2 of postcode. " ) )
def validate_incomplete_soft_validations
routed_to_soft_validation_questions = log . form . questions . filter { | q | q . type == " interruption_screen " && q . page . routed_to? ( log , nil ) } . compact
routed_to_soft_validation_questions . each do | question |
next if question . completed? ( log )
question . page . interruption_screen_question_ids . each do | interruption_screen_question_id |
next if log . form . questions . none? { | q | q . id == interruption_screen_question_id && q . page . routed_to? ( log , nil ) }
field_mapping_for_errors [ interruption_screen_question_id . to_sym ] & . each do | field |
if errors . none? { | e | field_mapping_for_errors [ interruption_screen_question_id . to_sym ] . include? ( e . attribute ) }
error_message = [ display_title_text ( question . page . title_text , log ) , display_informative_text ( question . page . informative_text , log ) ] . reject ( & :empty? ) . join ( " " )
errors . add ( field , message : error_message , category : :soft_validation )
def validate_nationality
if field_45 . present? && ! valid_nationality_options . include? ( field_45 . to_s )
errors . add ( :field_45 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .nationality.invalid " ) )
def duplicate_check_fields
" startdate " ,
" age1 " ,
" sex1 " ,
" ecstat1 " ,
" owning_organisation " ,
" tcharge " ,
! supported_housing? ? " postcode_full " : nil ,
! general_needs? ? " location " : nil ,
" tenancycode " ,
log . chcharge . present? ? " chcharge " : nil ,
] . compact
def validate_needs_type_present
if field_4 . blank?
errors . add ( :field_4 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " needs type. " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_no_and_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction
if field_83 == 1 && field_84 == 1
errors . add ( :field_83 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .housingneeds.no_and_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction " ) )
errors . add ( :field_84 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .housingneeds.no_and_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction " ) )
def validate_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction
if field_84 == 1 && [ field_79 , field_80 , field_81 , field_82 ] . count ( 1 ) . positive?
% i [ field_84 field_79 field_80 field_81 field_82 ] . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .housingneeds.dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction " ) ) if send ( field ) == 1
def validate_no_disabled_needs_conjunction
if field_83 == 1 && [ field_79 , field_80 , field_81 , field_82 ] . count ( 1 ) . positive?
% i [ field_83 field_79 field_80 field_81 field_82 ] . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .housingneeds.no_disabled_needs_conjunction " ) ) if send ( field ) == 1
def validate_only_one_housing_needs_type
if [ field_79 , field_80 , field_81 ] . count ( 1 ) > 1
% i [ field_79 field_80 field_81 ] . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .housingneeds_type.only_one_option_permitted " ) ) if send ( field ) == 1
def validate_no_housing_needs_questions_answered
if [ field_79 , field_80 , field_81 , field_82 , field_83 , field_84 ] . all? ( & :blank? )
errors . add ( :field_83 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " anybody with disabled access needs. " ) )
errors . add ( :field_82 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " other access needs. " ) )
% i [ field_79 field_80 field_81 ] . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " disabled access needs type. " ) )
def validate_reasonable_preference_homeless
reason_fields = % i [ field_107 field_108 field_109 field_110 field_111 ]
if field_106 == 1 && reason_fields . all? { | field | attributes [ field . to_s ] . blank? }
reason_fields . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " reason for reasonable preference. " ) )
def validate_condition_effects
illness_option_fields = % i [ field_94 field_88 field_91 field_86 field_87 field_89 field_90 field_93 field_92 field_95 ]
if household_no_illness?
illness_option_fields . each do | field |
if attributes [ field . to_s ] == 1
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .condition_effects.no_choices " ) )
elsif illness_option_fields . all? { | field | attributes [ field . to_s ] . blank? }
illness_option_fields . each do | field |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " how is person affected by condition or illness. " ) )
def household_no_illness?
field_85 != 1
def validate_leaving_reason_for_renewal
if field_7 == 1 && ! [ 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 ] . include? ( field_98 )
errors . add ( :field_98 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .reason.renewal_reason_needed " ) )
def general_needs?
field_4 == 1
def supported_housing?
field_4 == 2
def validate_cannot_be_la_referral_if_general_needs_and_la
if field_116 == 4 && general_needs? && owning_organisation && owning_organisation . la?
errors . add :field_116 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .referral.general_needs_prp_referred_by_la " )
def validate_la_with_local_housing_referral
if field_116 == 3 && owning_organisation && owning_organisation . la?
errors . add ( :field_116 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .referral.nominated_by_local_ha_but_la " ) )
def validate_relevant_collection_window
return if startdate . blank? || bulk_upload . form . blank?
unless bulk_upload . form . valid_start_date_for_form? ( startdate )
errors . add ( :field_8 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .startdate.outside_collection_window " , year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo , start_year : bulk_upload . year , end_year : bulk_upload . end_year ) , category : :setup )
errors . add ( :field_9 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .startdate.outside_collection_window " , year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo , start_year : bulk_upload . year , end_year : bulk_upload . end_year ) , category : :setup )
errors . add ( :field_10 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .startdate.outside_collection_window " , year_combo : bulk_upload . year_combo , start_year : bulk_upload . year , end_year : bulk_upload . end_year ) , category : :setup )
def validate_data_types
unless attribute_set [ " field_11 " ] . value_before_type_cast & . match? ( / ^ \ d+ \ .?0*$ / )
errors . add ( :field_11 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .invalid_number " , question : " rent type. " ) )
def validate_nulls
field_mapping_for_errors . each do | error_key , fields |
question_id = error_key . to_s
question = questions . find { | q | q . id == question_id }
next unless question
next if log . optional_fields . include? ( question . id )
next if question . completed? ( log )
if setup_question? ( question )
fields . each do | field |
if field . present? && errors . none? { | e | fields . include? ( e . attribute ) } && @before_errors . none? { | e | fields . include? ( e . attribute ) }
errors . add ( field , question . unanswered_error_message , category : :setup )
fields . each do | field |
if errors . none? { | e | fields . include? ( e . attribute ) } && @before_errors . none? { | e | fields . include? ( e . attribute ) }
errors . add ( field , question . unanswered_error_message )
def validate_related_location_exists
if scheme && field_6 . present? && location . nil? && :field_6 . present?
errors . add ( :field_6 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .location.must_relate_to_org " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_related_scheme_exists
if field_5 . present? && :field_5 . present? && owning_organisation . present? && managing_organisation . present? && scheme . nil?
errors . add ( :field_5 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .scheme.must_relate_to_org " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_managing_org_related
if owning_organisation && managing_organisation && ! owning_organisation . can_be_managed_by? ( organisation : managing_organisation )
if errors [ :field_2 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_2 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .managing_organisation.no_relationship " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_managing_org_exists
if managing_organisation . nil?
if field_2 . present? && errors [ :field_2 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_2 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .managing_organisation.not_found " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_managing_org_data_given
if field_2 . blank?
errors . add ( :field_2 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " managing organisation. " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_owning_org_owns_stock
if owning_organisation && ! owning_organisation . holds_own_stock?
if errors [ :field_1 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_1 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .owning_organisation.not_stock_owner " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_owning_org_exists
if owning_organisation . nil?
if field_1 . present? && errors [ :field_1 ] . blank?
errors . add ( :field_1 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .owning_organisation.not_found " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_owning_org_data_given
if field_1 . blank?
errors . add ( :field_1 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .not_answered " , question : " owning organisation. " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_owning_org_permitted
return unless owning_organisation
return if bulk_upload_organisation . affiliated_stock_owners . include? ( owning_organisation )
return if errors [ :field_1 ] . present?
if bulk_upload . user . support?
errors . add ( :field_1 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } " , org_name : bulk_upload_organisation . name ) , category : :setup )
errors . add ( :field_1 , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .owning_organisation.not_permitted.not_support " ) , category : :setup )
def validate_all_charges_given
return if supported_housing? && field_125 == 1
blank_charge_fields , other_charge_fields = {
field_125 : " basic rent " ,
field_126 : " service charge " ,
field_127 : " personal service charge " ,
field_128 : " support charge " ,
} . partition { | field , _ | public_send ( field ) . blank? } . map ( & :to_h )
blank_charge_fields . each do | field , charge |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .charges.missing_charges " , sentence_fragment : charge ) )
other_charge_fields . each do | field , _charge |
blank_charge_fields . each do | _blank_field , blank_charge |
errors . add ( field , I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .charges.missing_charges " , sentence_fragment : blank_charge ) )
def all_charges_given?
field_125 . present? && field_126 . present? && field_127 . present? && field_128 . present?
def setup_question? ( question )
log . form . setup_sections [ 0 ] . subsections [ 0 ] . questions . include? ( question )
def validate_if_log_already_exists
if log_already_exists?
error_message = I18n . t ( " #{ ERROR_BASE_KEY } .duplicate " )
errors . add ( :field_1 , error_message ) # owning_organisation
errors . add ( :field_8 , error_message ) # startdate
errors . add ( :field_9 , error_message ) # startdate
errors . add ( :field_10 , error_message ) # startdate
errors . add ( :field_13 , error_message ) # tenancycode
errors . add ( :field_6 , error_message ) if ! general_needs? && :field_6 . present? # location
errors . add ( :field_5 , error_message ) if ! general_needs? && :field_6 . blank? # add to Scheme field as unclear whether log uses New or Old CORE ids
errors . add ( :field_21 , error_message ) unless supported_housing? # postcode_full
errors . add ( :field_22 , error_message ) unless supported_housing? # postcode_full
errors . add ( :field_23 , error_message ) unless supported_housing? # la
errors . add ( :field_42 , error_message ) # age1
errors . add ( :field_43 , error_message ) # sex1
errors . add ( :field_46 , error_message ) # ecstat1
errors . add ( :field_124 , error_message ) if log . chcharge . present? # chcharge
errors . add ( :field_122 , error_message ) unless general_needs? # household_charge
errors . add ( :field_125 , error_message ) # brent
errors . add ( :field_126 , error_message ) # scharge
errors . add ( :field_127 , error_message ) # pscharge
errors . add ( :field_128 , error_message ) # chcharge
def field_mapping_for_errors
lettype : [ :field_11 ] ,
tenancycode : [ :field_13 ] ,
postcode_known : % i [ field_23 field_21 field_22 ] ,
postcode_full : % i [ field_23 field_21 field_22 ] ,
la : % i [ field_23 ] ,
owning_organisation : [ :field_1 ] ,
managing_organisation : [ :field_2 ] ,
owning_organisation_id : [ :field_1 ] ,
managing_organisation_id : [ :field_2 ] ,
renewal : [ :field_7 ] ,
scheme_id : ( :field_5 . present? ? [ :field_5 ] : nil ) ,
scheme : ( :field_5 . present? ? [ :field_5 ] : nil ) ,
location_id : ( :field_6 . present? ? [ :field_6 ] : nil ) ,
location : ( :field_6 . present? ? [ :field_6 ] : nil ) ,
assigned_to : [ :field_3 ] ,
needstype : [ :field_4 ] ,
rent_type : % i [ field_11 ] ,
startdate : % i [ field_8 field_9 field_10 ] ,
unittype_gn : % i [ field_26 ] ,
builtype : % i [ field_27 ] ,
wchair : % i [ field_28 ] ,
beds : % i [ field_29 ] ,
joint : % i [ field_36 ] ,
startertenancy : % i [ field_37 ] ,
tenancy : % i [ field_38 ] ,
tenancyother : % i [ field_39 ] ,
tenancylength : % i [ field_40 ] ,
declaration : % i [ field_15 ] ,
age1_known : % i [ field_42 ] ,
age1 : % i [ field_42 ] ,
age2_known : % i [ field_48 ] ,
age2 : % i [ field_48 ] ,
age3_known : % i [ field_52 ] ,
age3 : % i [ field_52 ] ,
age4_known : % i [ field_56 ] ,
age4 : % i [ field_56 ] ,
age5_known : % i [ field_60 ] ,
age5 : % i [ field_60 ] ,
age6_known : % i [ field_64 ] ,
age6 : % i [ field_64 ] ,
age7_known : % i [ field_68 ] ,
age7 : % i [ field_68 ] ,
age8_known : % i [ field_72 ] ,
age8 : % i [ field_72 ] ,
sex1 : % i [ field_43 ] ,
sex2 : % i [ field_49 ] ,
sex3 : % i [ field_53 ] ,
sex4 : % i [ field_57 ] ,
sex5 : % i [ field_61 ] ,
sex6 : % i [ field_65 ] ,
sex7 : % i [ field_69 ] ,
sex8 : % i [ field_73 ] ,
ethnic_group : % i [ field_44 ] ,
ethnic : % i [ field_44 ] ,
nationality_all : % i [ field_45 ] ,
nationality_all_group : % i [ field_45 ] ,
relat2 : % i [ field_47 ] ,
relat3 : % i [ field_51 ] ,
relat4 : % i [ field_55 ] ,
relat5 : % i [ field_59 ] ,
relat6 : % i [ field_63 ] ,
relat7 : % i [ field_67 ] ,
relat8 : % i [ field_71 ] ,
ecstat1 : % i [ field_46 ] ,
ecstat2 : % i [ field_50 ] ,
ecstat3 : % i [ field_54 ] ,
ecstat4 : % i [ field_58 ] ,
ecstat5 : % i [ field_62 ] ,
ecstat6 : % i [ field_66 ] ,
ecstat7 : % i [ field_70 ] ,
ecstat8 : % i [ field_74 ] ,
armedforces : % i [ field_75 ] ,
leftreg : % i [ field_76 ] ,
reservist : % i [ field_77 ] ,
preg_occ : % i [ field_78 ] ,
housingneeds : % i [ field_78 ] ,
illness : % i [ field_85 ] ,
layear : % i [ field_96 ] ,
waityear : % i [ field_97 ] ,
reason : % i [ field_98 ] ,
reasonother : % i [ field_99 ] ,
prevten : % i [ field_100 ] ,
homeless : % i [ field_101 ] ,
prevloc : % i [ field_105 ] ,
previous_la_known : % i [ field_105 ] ,
ppcodenk : % i [ field_102 ] ,
ppostcode_full : % i [ field_103 field_104 ] ,
reasonpref : % i [ field_106 ] ,
rp_homeless : % i [ field_107 ] ,
rp_insan_unsat : % i [ field_108 ] ,
rp_medwel : % i [ field_109 ] ,
rp_hardship : % i [ field_110 ] ,
rp_dontknow : % i [ field_111 ] ,
cbl : % i [ field_112 ] ,
cap : % i [ field_113 ] ,
chr : % i [ field_114 ] ,
accessible_register : % i [ field_115 ] ,
letting_allocation : % i [ field_112 field_113 field_114 field_115 ] ,
referral : % i [ field_116 ] ,
net_income_known : % i [ field_117 ] ,
incfreq : % i [ field_118 ] ,
earnings : % i [ field_119 ] ,
hb : % i [ field_120 ] ,
benefits : % i [ field_121 ] ,
period : % i [ field_123 ] ,
brent : % i [ field_125 ] ,
scharge : % i [ field_126 ] ,
pscharge : % i [ field_127 ] ,
supcharg : % i [ field_128 ] ,
chcharge : % i [ field_124 ] ,
tcharge : % i [ field_125 field_126 field_127 field_128 ] ,
household_charge : % i [ field_122 ] ,
hbrentshortfall : % i [ field_129 ] ,
tshortfall : % i [ field_130 ] ,
unitletas : % i [ field_25 ] ,
rsnvac : % i [ field_24 ] ,
sheltered : % i [ field_41 ] ,
illness_type_1 : % i [ field_94 ] ,
illness_type_2 : % i [ field_88 ] ,
illness_type_3 : % i [ field_91 ] ,
illness_type_4 : % i [ field_86 ] ,
illness_type_5 : % i [ field_87 ] ,
illness_type_6 : % i [ field_89 ] ,
illness_type_7 : % i [ field_90 ] ,
illness_type_8 : % i [ field_93 ] ,
illness_type_9 : % i [ field_92 ] ,
illness_type_10 : % i [ field_95 ] ,
irproduct_other : % i [ field_12 ] ,
propcode : % i [ field_14 ] ,
majorrepairs : % i [ field_33 field_34 field_35 ] ,
mrcdate : % i [ field_33 field_34 field_35 ] ,
voiddate : % i [ field_30 field_31 field_32 ] ,
uprn : [ :field_16 ] ,
address_line1 : [ :field_17 ] ,
address_line2 : [ :field_18 ] ,
town_or_city : [ :field_19 ] ,
county : [ :field_20 ] ,
uprn_selection : [ :field_17 ] ,
} . compact
def attribute_set
@attribute_set || = instance_variable_get ( :@attributes )
def questions
@questions || = log . form . subsections . flat_map { | ss | ss . applicable_questions ( log ) }
def attributes_for_log
attributes = { }
attributes [ " lettype " ] = nil # should get this from rent_type
attributes [ " tenancycode " ] = field_13
attributes [ " owning_organisation " ] = owning_organisation
attributes [ " managing_organisation " ] = managing_organisation
attributes [ " renewal " ] = renewal
attributes [ " scheme " ] = scheme
attributes [ " location " ] = location
attributes [ " assigned_to " ] = assigned_to || ( bulk_upload . user . support? ? nil : bulk_upload . user )
attributes [ " created_by " ] = bulk_upload . user
attributes [ " needstype " ] = field_4
attributes [ " rent_type " ] = RENT_TYPE_BU_MAPPING [ field_11 ]
attributes [ " startdate " ] = startdate
attributes [ " unittype_gn " ] = field_26
attributes [ " builtype " ] = field_27
attributes [ " wchair " ] = field_28
attributes [ " beds " ] = field_26 == 2 ? 1 : field_29
attributes [ " joint " ] = field_36
attributes [ " startertenancy " ] = field_37
attributes [ " tenancy " ] = field_38
attributes [ " tenancyother " ] = field_39
attributes [ " tenancylength " ] = field_40
attributes [ " declaration " ] = field_15
attributes [ " age1_known " ] = age1_known?
attributes [ " age1 " ] = field_42 if attributes [ " age1_known " ] & . zero? && field_42 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age2_known " ] = age2_known?
attributes [ " age2 " ] = field_48 if attributes [ " age2_known " ] & . zero? && field_48 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age3_known " ] = age3_known?
attributes [ " age3 " ] = field_52 if attributes [ " age3_known " ] & . zero? && field_52 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age4_known " ] = age4_known?
attributes [ " age4 " ] = field_56 if attributes [ " age4_known " ] & . zero? && field_56 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age5_known " ] = age5_known?
attributes [ " age5 " ] = field_60 if attributes [ " age5_known " ] & . zero? && field_60 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age6_known " ] = age6_known?
attributes [ " age6 " ] = field_64 if attributes [ " age6_known " ] & . zero? && field_64 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age7_known " ] = age7_known?
attributes [ " age7 " ] = field_68 if attributes [ " age7_known " ] & . zero? && field_68 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " age8_known " ] = age8_known?
attributes [ " age8 " ] = field_72 if attributes [ " age8_known " ] & . zero? && field_72 & . match ( / \ A \ d{1,3} \ z| \ AR \ z / )
attributes [ " sex1 " ] = field_43
attributes [ " sex2 " ] = field_49
attributes [ " sex3 " ] = field_53
attributes [ " sex4 " ] = field_57
attributes [ " sex5 " ] = field_61
attributes [ " sex6 " ] = field_65
attributes [ " sex7 " ] = field_69
attributes [ " sex8 " ] = field_73
attributes [ " ethnic_group " ] = ethnic_group_from_ethnic
attributes [ " ethnic " ] = field_44
attributes [ " nationality_all " ] = field_45 if field_45 . present? && valid_nationality_options . include? ( field_45 . to_s )
attributes [ " nationality_all_group " ] = nationality_group ( attributes [ " nationality_all " ] )
attributes [ " relat2 " ] = field_47
attributes [ " relat3 " ] = field_51
attributes [ " relat4 " ] = field_55
attributes [ " relat5 " ] = field_59
attributes [ " relat6 " ] = field_63
attributes [ " relat7 " ] = field_67
attributes [ " relat8 " ] = field_71
attributes [ " ecstat1 " ] = field_46
attributes [ " ecstat2 " ] = field_50
attributes [ " ecstat3 " ] = field_54
attributes [ " ecstat4 " ] = field_58
attributes [ " ecstat5 " ] = field_62
attributes [ " ecstat6 " ] = field_66
attributes [ " ecstat7 " ] = field_70
attributes [ " ecstat8 " ] = field_74
attributes [ " details_known_2 " ] = details_known? ( 2 )
attributes [ " details_known_3 " ] = details_known? ( 3 )
attributes [ " details_known_4 " ] = details_known? ( 4 )
attributes [ " details_known_5 " ] = details_known? ( 5 )
attributes [ " details_known_6 " ] = details_known? ( 6 )
attributes [ " details_known_7 " ] = details_known? ( 7 )
attributes [ " details_known_8 " ] = details_known? ( 8 )
attributes [ " armedforces " ] = field_75
attributes [ " leftreg " ] = leftreg
attributes [ " reservist " ] = field_77
attributes [ " preg_occ " ] = field_78
attributes [ " housingneeds " ] = housingneeds
attributes [ " housingneeds_type " ] = housingneeds_type
attributes [ " housingneeds_other " ] = housingneeds_other
attributes [ " illness " ] = field_85
attributes [ " layear " ] = field_96
attributes [ " waityear " ] = field_97
attributes [ " reason " ] = field_98
attributes [ " reasonother " ] = field_99 if reason_is_other?
attributes [ " prevten " ] = field_100
attributes [ " homeless " ] = field_101
attributes [ " prevloc " ] = prevloc
attributes [ " previous_la_known " ] = previous_la_known
attributes [ " ppcodenk " ] = ppcodenk
attributes [ " ppostcode_full " ] = ppostcode_full
attributes [ " reasonpref " ] = field_106
attributes [ " rp_homeless " ] = field_107
attributes [ " rp_insan_unsat " ] = field_108
attributes [ " rp_medwel " ] = field_109
attributes [ " rp_hardship " ] = field_110
attributes [ " rp_dontknow " ] = field_111
attributes [ " cbl " ] = cbl
attributes [ " chr " ] = chr
attributes [ " cap " ] = cap
attributes [ " accessible_register " ] = accessible_register
attributes [ " letting_allocation_unknown " ] = letting_allocation_unknown
attributes [ " referral " ] = field_116
attributes [ " net_income_known " ] = net_income_known
attributes [ " earnings " ] = earnings
attributes [ " incfreq " ] = field_118
attributes [ " hb " ] = field_120
attributes [ " benefits " ] = field_121
attributes [ " period " ] = field_123
attributes [ " brent " ] = field_125 if all_charges_given?
attributes [ " scharge " ] = field_126 if all_charges_given?
attributes [ " pscharge " ] = field_127 if all_charges_given?
attributes [ " supcharg " ] = field_128 if all_charges_given?
attributes [ " chcharge " ] = field_124
attributes [ " is_carehome " ] = is_carehome
attributes [ " household_charge " ] = supported_housing? ? field_122 : nil
attributes [ " hbrentshortfall " ] = field_129
attributes [ " tshortfall_known " ] = tshortfall_known
attributes [ " tshortfall " ] = field_130
attributes [ " hhmemb " ] = hhmemb
attributes [ " unitletas " ] = field_25
attributes [ " rsnvac " ] = rsnvac
attributes [ " sheltered " ] = field_41
attributes [ " illness_type_1 " ] = field_94
attributes [ " illness_type_2 " ] = field_88
attributes [ " illness_type_3 " ] = field_91
attributes [ " illness_type_4 " ] = field_86
attributes [ " illness_type_5 " ] = field_87
attributes [ " illness_type_6 " ] = field_89
attributes [ " illness_type_7 " ] = field_90
attributes [ " illness_type_8 " ] = field_93
attributes [ " illness_type_9 " ] = field_92
attributes [ " illness_type_10 " ] = field_95
attributes [ " irproduct_other " ] = field_12
attributes [ " propcode " ] = field_14
attributes [ " majorrepairs " ] = majorrepairs
attributes [ " mrcdate " ] = mrcdate
attributes [ " voiddate " ] = voiddate
attributes [ " first_time_property_let_as_social_housing " ] = first_time_property_let_as_social_housing
if general_needs?
attributes [ " uprn_known " ] = field_16 . present? ? 1 : 0
attributes [ " uprn_confirmed " ] = 1 if field_16 . present?
attributes [ " skip_update_uprn_confirmed " ] = true
attributes [ " uprn " ] = field_16
attributes [ " address_line1 " ] = field_17
attributes [ " address_line1_as_entered " ] = field_17
attributes [ " address_line2 " ] = field_18
attributes [ " address_line2_as_entered " ] = field_18
attributes [ " town_or_city " ] = field_19
attributes [ " town_or_city_as_entered " ] = field_19
attributes [ " county " ] = field_20
attributes [ " county_as_entered " ] = field_20
attributes [ " postcode_full " ] = postcode_full
attributes [ " postcode_full_as_entered " ] = postcode_full
attributes [ " postcode_known " ] = postcode_known
attributes [ " la " ] = field_23
attributes [ " la_as_entered " ] = field_23
attributes [ " address_line1_input " ] = address_line1_input
attributes [ " postcode_full_input " ] = postcode_full
attributes [ " select_best_address_match " ] = true if field_16 . blank?
attributes [ " manual_address_entry_selected " ] = field_16 . blank?
def address_line1_input
[ field_17 , field_18 , field_19 ] . compact . join ( " , " )
def postcode_known
if postcode_full . present?
elsif field_23 . present?
def postcode_full
[ field_21 , field_22 ] . compact_blank . join ( " " ) if field_21 || field_22
def owning_organisation
Organisation . find_by_id_on_multiple_fields ( field_1 )
def managing_organisation
Organisation . find_by_id_on_multiple_fields ( field_2 )
def renewal
case field_7
when 1
when 2
def rsnvac
def scheme
return if field_5 . nil? || owning_organisation . nil? || managing_organisation . nil?
@scheme || = Scheme . where ( id : ( owning_organisation . owned_schemes + managing_organisation . owned_schemes ) . map ( & :id ) ) . find_by_id_on_multiple_fields ( field_5 . strip , field_6 )
def location
return if scheme . nil?
@location || = scheme . locations . find_by_id_on_multiple_fields ( field_6 )
def startdate
year = field_10 . to_s . strip . length . between? ( 1 , 2 ) ? field_10 + 2000 : field_10
Date . new ( year , field_9 , field_8 ) if field_10 . present? && field_9 . present? && field_8 . present?
rescue Date :: Error
Date . new
def ethnic_group_from_ethnic
return nil if field_44 . blank?
case field_44
when 1 , 2 , 3 , 18 , 20
when 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
when 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 15
when 12 , 13 , 14
when 16 , 19
when 17
def age1_known?
return 1 if field_42 == " R "
{ person : 2 , field : :field_48 } ,
{ person : 3 , field : :field_52 } ,
{ person : 4 , field : :field_56 } ,
{ person : 5 , field : :field_60 } ,
{ person : 6 , field : :field_64 } ,
{ person : 7 , field : :field_68 } ,
{ person : 8 , field : :field_72 } ,
] . each do | hash |
define_method ( " age #{ hash [ :person ] } _known? " ) do
return 1 if public_send ( hash [ :field ] ) == " R "
return 0 if send ( " person_ #{ hash [ :person ] } _present? " )
def details_known? ( person_n )
send ( " person_ #{ person_n } _present? " ) ? 0 : 1
def person_2_present?
field_47 . present? || field_48 . present? || field_49 . present?
def person_3_present?
field_51 . present? || field_52 . present? || field_53 . present?
def person_4_present?
field_55 . present? || field_56 . present? || field_57 . present?
def person_5_present?
field_59 . present? || field_60 . present? || field_61 . present?
def person_6_present?
field_63 . present? || field_64 . present? || field_65 . present?
def person_7_present?
field_67 . present? || field_68 . present? || field_69 . present?
def person_8_present?
field_71 . present? || field_72 . present? || field_73 . present?
def leftreg
def housingneeds
if field_83 == 1
elsif field_84 == 1
elsif field_83 . blank? || field_83 & . zero?
def housingneeds_type
if field_79 == 1
elsif field_80 == 1
elsif field_81 == 1
def housingneeds_other
return 1 if field_82 == 1
return 0 if [ field_79 , field_80 , field_81 ] . include? ( 1 )
def prevloc
def previous_la_known
prevloc . present? ? 1 : 0
def ppcodenk
case field_102
when 1
when 2
def ppostcode_full
" #{ field_103 } #{ field_104 } " . strip . gsub ( / \ s+ / , " " )
def cbl
case field_112
when 2
when 1
def cap
case field_113
when 2
when 1
def chr
case field_114
when 2
when 1
def accessible_register
case field_115
when 2
when 1
def letting_allocation_unknown
[ cbl , chr , cap , accessible_register ] . all? ( 0 ) ? 1 : 0
def net_income_known
case field_117
when 1
when 2
when 3
def earnings
field_119 . round if field_119 . present?
def tshortfall_known
field_129 == 1 ? 0 : 1
def hhmemb
person_2_present? ,
person_3_present? ,
person_4_present? ,
person_5_present? ,
person_6_present? ,
person_7_present? ,
person_8_present? ,
] . count ( true ) + 1
def majorrepairs
mrcdate . present? ? 1 : 0
def mrcdate
year = field_35 . to_s . strip . length . between? ( 1 , 2 ) ? field_35 + 2000 : field_35
Date . new ( year , field_34 , field_33 ) if field_35 . present? && field_34 . present? && field_33 . present?
rescue Date :: Error
Date . new
def voiddate
year = field_32 . to_s . strip . length . between? ( 1 , 2 ) ? field_32 + 2000 : field_32
Date . new ( year , field_31 , field_30 ) if field_32 . present? && field_31 . present? && field_30 . present?
rescue Date :: Error
Date . new
def first_time_property_let_as_social_housing
case rsnvac
when 15 , 16 , 17
def valid_nationality_options
%w[ 0 ] + GlobalConstants :: COUNTRIES_ANSWER_OPTIONS . keys # 0 is "Prefers not to say"
def nationality_group ( nationality_value )
return unless nationality_value
return 0 if nationality_value . zero?
return 826 if nationality_value == 826
def is_carehome
field_124 . present? ? 1 : 0
def reason_is_other?
field_98 == 20
def bulk_upload_organisation
Organisation . find ( bulk_upload . organisation_id )