require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe Form::Sales::Questions::LeaseholdCharges, type: :model do
subject(:question) {, question_definition, page, ownershipsch: 1) }
let(:question_id) { nil }
let(:question_definition) { nil }
let(:page) { instance_double(Form::Page) }
it "has correct page" do
expect( eq(page)
it "has the correct id" do
expect( eq("mscharge")
it "has the correct header" do
expect(question.header).to eq("Enter the total monthly charge")
it "has the correct check_answer_label" do
expect(question.check_answer_label).to eq("Monthly leasehold charges")
it "has the correct type" do
expect(question.type).to eq("numeric")
it "is not marked as derived" do
expect(question.derived?).to be false
it "has the correct hint" do
expect(question.hint_text).to be_nil
it "has the correct width" do
expect(question.width).to be 5
it "has the correct min" do
expect(question.min).to be 1
it "has the correct prefix" do
expect(question.prefix).to eq("£")