hint_text:"If the tenancy has an ‘introductory period’ answer ‘yes’.<br><br>You should submit a CORE log at the beginning of the starter tenancy or introductory period, with the best information you have at the time. You do not need to submit a log when a tenant later rolls onto the main tenancy."
hint_text:"Do not include the starter or introductory period.</br>The minimum period is 2 years for social or affordable rent general needs logs. You do not need to submit CORE logs for these types of tenancies if they are shorter than 2 years."
question_text:"What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year?"
hint_text:"Do not include the starter or introductory period.</br>The minimum period is 1 year for intermediate rent general needs logs. You do not need to submit CORE logs for these types of tenancies if they are shorter than 1 year."
question_text:"What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year?"
check_answer_label:"Letting in sheltered accommodation"
check_answer_prompt:"Tell us if letting is in sheltered accommodation"
hint_text:"Sheltered housing and special retirement housing are for tenants with low-level care and support needs. This typically provides some limited support to enable independent living, such as alarm-based assistance or a scheme manager.</br></br>Extra care housing is for tenants with medium to high care and support needs, often with 24 hour access to support staff provided by an agency registered with the Care Quality Commission."
question_text:"Is this letting in sheltered accommodation?"