Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

160 lines
4.9 KiB

class OrganisationsController < ApplicationController
include Pagy::Backend
include Modules::LogsFilter
include Modules::SearchFilter
Cldc 1102 admin organisations page (#557) * Get all organisations in controller * Display organisations data in the table * Route to logs for specific organisation * add tests * update spec * lint fixes * set up failing test for organisation logs page * fix failing test * write test for organisations support user page * Update a organisation page test and lint * added pagination test with next and previous links and total count for support user * test for pagination in organisations title * Added "Organisations" to to organisations page title * add pagination test for organisations page 2, remove second before block * Add the remaining pagination tests * Redirect when accessing organisation logs by non support user * Test for displaying logs for specific organisation * Add test for org name * Add a failing log filter test for specific org * Extract filter methods into a helper * Allow logs filtering for specific org * Fix test, support user was creating an extra org, remove orgs filter for specific org * Remove redundant test, lint * Reuse primary navigation component and add sub navigation for support users * allow support users edit or and add sub navigation to about this org * allow support users to access the edit org page * only allow to edit existing editable fields * display correct values in the organisations table * allow support user to update org * user table component for organisations table * use guard clause for organisation logs page * remove create a new lettings log from organisation logs * Move case logs filter from helpers to modules * lint erb * yarn lint * bring back if statement in logs controller * update modules import * let! * test for links first in the org cotroller spec * interpolate number of orgs * conditionally render sub navigation Co-authored-by: Kat <> Co-authored-by: Dushan Despotovic <> Co-authored-by: JG <>
3 years ago
before_action :authenticate_user!
before_action :find_resource, except: %i[index new create]
before_action :authenticate_scope!, except: [:index]
before_action -> { session_filters(specific_org: true) }, if: -> { || current_user.organisation.has_managing_agents? }
before_action :set_session_filters, if: -> { || current_user.organisation.has_managing_agents? }
def index
redirect_to organisation_path(current_user.organisation) unless
all_organisations = Organisation.order(:name)
@pagy, @organisations = pagy(filtered_collection(all_organisations, search_term))
@searched = search_term.presence
@total_count = all_organisations.size
Cldc 1227 supported housing index (#648) * Added test file for supported housing schemes * Added factory bot for supported housing schemes * swapped managing agent to org for scheme * created migration for schemes * created model for scheme * added migration to add foreign key to the schemes table * missing spec and log spec for supported housing * fixed failing specs * added schemes migration * next step feature * added route * added controller * added index * added all schemes * correct test for scheme * added view * route alias for schemes * spec for index schemes * failing scheme controller spec * added simple view, scheme seed and authentication * spec for index schemes list * rubocop - thanks * better seed * added Heading to org * added feature flag to hide supported services on prod * added feature flag testing nav items * testing coordinator user can see the link to supported housing * moved toggle to a different place * moved toggle to PrimaryNavigationComponent * testing not being signed in on support pages * testing showing search bar * added search bar * testing subset of schemes for coordinator user * rubocop * failing test for title in page * code to expose title * pagination with tests without searching * partial for schemes * scoping out all but support and coord users * searching schemes code and test * searching via code and org tests * searching by org name tests * searching by org name code * search_by tests * search_by code * search_by woops must search by service * searching schemes feature * tests for data coordinator user * redirect for data coordinator user * testing org schemes for coordiantor user * schemes in org controller for coordiantor user * refactored specs moved into orgs what belongs there * view for org schemes * rubocop * accebility field * accebility field on org page * correct return when on org schemes * passing search test on the orgs page * highlight nav tab * navs helper done * rubocop * fixed failing tests for support user * correct view * how did I manage to delete this file? * checking you cant access schems unathorized * moved test * renamed service name * correct title for sup user schemes org * testing not being able to view any other orgs supported housing for coordinator user * Trigger WF * last fix * aded has many to org for schemes * rubocop Co-authored-by: Ted <>
3 years ago
def schemes
all_schemes = Scheme.where(owning_organisation: @organisation).order_by_completion.order_by_service_name
Cldc 1227 supported housing index (#648) * Added test file for supported housing schemes * Added factory bot for supported housing schemes * swapped managing agent to org for scheme * created migration for schemes * created model for scheme * added migration to add foreign key to the schemes table * missing spec and log spec for supported housing * fixed failing specs * added schemes migration * next step feature * added route * added controller * added index * added all schemes * correct test for scheme * added view * route alias for schemes * spec for index schemes * failing scheme controller spec * added simple view, scheme seed and authentication * spec for index schemes list * rubocop - thanks * better seed * added Heading to org * added feature flag to hide supported services on prod * added feature flag testing nav items * testing coordinator user can see the link to supported housing * moved toggle to a different place * moved toggle to PrimaryNavigationComponent * testing not being signed in on support pages * testing showing search bar * added search bar * testing subset of schemes for coordinator user * rubocop * failing test for title in page * code to expose title * pagination with tests without searching * partial for schemes * scoping out all but support and coord users * searching schemes code and test * searching via code and org tests * searching by org name tests * searching by org name code * search_by tests * search_by code * search_by woops must search by service * searching schemes feature * tests for data coordinator user * redirect for data coordinator user * testing org schemes for coordiantor user * schemes in org controller for coordiantor user * refactored specs moved into orgs what belongs there * view for org schemes * rubocop * accebility field * accebility field on org page * correct return when on org schemes * passing search test on the orgs page * highlight nav tab * navs helper done * rubocop * fixed failing tests for support user * correct view * how did I manage to delete this file? * checking you cant access schems unathorized * moved test * renamed service name * correct title for sup user schemes org * testing not being able to view any other orgs supported housing for coordinator user * Trigger WF * last fix * aded has many to org for schemes * rubocop Co-authored-by: Ted <>
3 years ago
@pagy, @schemes = pagy(filtered_collection(all_schemes, search_term))
@searched = search_term.presence
@total_count = all_schemes.size
def show
redirect_to details_organisation_path(@organisation)
def users
organisation_users = @organisation.users.sorted_by_organisation_and_role
unpaginated_filtered_users = filtered_collection(organisation_users, search_term)
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
@pagy, @users = pagy(unpaginated_filtered_users)
@searched = search_term.presence
@total_count = @organisation.users.size
render "users", layout: "application"
render "users/index"
format.csv do
send_data byte_order_mark + unpaginated_filtered_users.to_csv, filename: "users-#{}-#{}.csv"
def details
render "show"
def new
@resource =
render "new", layout: "application"
def create
@resource =
redirect_to organisations_path
render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity
def edit
Cldc 1102 admin organisations page (#557) * Get all organisations in controller * Display organisations data in the table * Route to logs for specific organisation * add tests * update spec * lint fixes * set up failing test for organisation logs page * fix failing test * write test for organisations support user page * Update a organisation page test and lint * added pagination test with next and previous links and total count for support user * test for pagination in organisations title * Added "Organisations" to to organisations page title * add pagination test for organisations page 2, remove second before block * Add the remaining pagination tests * Redirect when accessing organisation logs by non support user * Test for displaying logs for specific organisation * Add test for org name * Add a failing log filter test for specific org * Extract filter methods into a helper * Allow logs filtering for specific org * Fix test, support user was creating an extra org, remove orgs filter for specific org * Remove redundant test, lint * Reuse primary navigation component and add sub navigation for support users * allow support users edit or and add sub navigation to about this org * allow support users to access the edit org page * only allow to edit existing editable fields * display correct values in the organisations table * allow support user to update org * user table component for organisations table * use guard clause for organisation logs page * remove create a new lettings log from organisation logs * Move case logs filter from helpers to modules * lint erb * yarn lint * bring back if statement in logs controller * update modules import * let! * test for links first in the org cotroller spec * interpolate number of orgs * conditionally render sub navigation Co-authored-by: Kat <> Co-authored-by: Dushan Despotovic <> Co-authored-by: JG <>
3 years ago
if current_user.data_coordinator? ||
render "edit", layout: "application"
head :unauthorized
def update
Cldc 1102 admin organisations page (#557) * Get all organisations in controller * Display organisations data in the table * Route to logs for specific organisation * add tests * update spec * lint fixes * set up failing test for organisation logs page * fix failing test * write test for organisations support user page * Update a organisation page test and lint * added pagination test with next and previous links and total count for support user * test for pagination in organisations title * Added "Organisations" to to organisations page title * add pagination test for organisations page 2, remove second before block * Add the remaining pagination tests * Redirect when accessing organisation logs by non support user * Test for displaying logs for specific organisation * Add test for org name * Add a failing log filter test for specific org * Extract filter methods into a helper * Allow logs filtering for specific org * Fix test, support user was creating an extra org, remove orgs filter for specific org * Remove redundant test, lint * Reuse primary navigation component and add sub navigation for support users * allow support users edit or and add sub navigation to about this org * allow support users to access the edit org page * only allow to edit existing editable fields * display correct values in the organisations table * allow support user to update org * user table component for organisations table * use guard clause for organisation logs page * remove create a new lettings log from organisation logs * Move case logs filter from helpers to modules * lint erb * yarn lint * bring back if statement in logs controller * update modules import * let! * test for links first in the org cotroller spec * interpolate number of orgs * conditionally render sub navigation Co-authored-by: Kat <> Co-authored-by: Dushan Despotovic <> Co-authored-by: JG <>
3 years ago
if current_user.data_coordinator? ||
if @organisation.update(org_params)
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("organisation.updated")
redirect_to details_organisation_path(@organisation)
head :unauthorized
def lettings_logs
organisation_logs = LettingsLog.where(owning_organisation_id:
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters)
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
@search_term = search_term
@pagy, @logs = pagy(unpaginated_filtered_logs)
@searched = search_term.presence
@total_count = organisation_logs.size
render "logs", layout: "application"
def download_csv
organisation_logs = LettingsLog.all.where(owning_organisation_id:
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters)
render "logs/download_csv", locals: { search_term:, count: unpaginated_filtered_logs.size, post_path: logs_email_csv_organisation_path }
def email_csv
EmailCsvJob.perform_later(current_user, search_term, @session_filters, false, @organisation)
redirect_to logs_csv_confirmation_organisation_path
def sales_logs
organisation_logs = SalesLog.where(owning_organisation_id:
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters)
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
@search_term = search_term
@pagy, @logs = pagy(unpaginated_filtered_logs)
@searched = search_term.presence
@total_count = organisation_logs.size
render "logs", layout: "application"
format.csv do
send_data byte_order_mark + unpaginated_filtered_logs.to_csv, filename: "sales-logs-#{}-#{}.csv"
def org_params
params.require(:organisation).permit(:name, :address_line1, :address_line2, :postcode, :phone, :holds_own_stock, :provider_type, :housing_registration_no)
def search_term
def authenticate_scope!
if %w[create new lettings_logs download_csv email_csv].include? action_name
head :unauthorized and return unless
elsif current_user.organisation != @organisation && !
def find_resource
@organisation = Organisation.find(params[:id])