# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
# I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
# <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
# I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
# The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by
# the default I18n backend:
# true, false, on, off, yes, no
# Instead, surround them with single quotes.
# en:
# 'true': 'foo'
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html.
en :
service_name : "Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)"
feedback_form : "https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=EGg0v32c3kOociSi7zmVqC4YDsCJ3llAvEZelBFBLUBURFVUTzFDTUJPQlM4M0laTE5DTlNFSjJBQi4u"
organisation :
created : "%{organisation} was created."
updated : "Organisation details updated."
reactivated : "%{organisation} has been reactivated."
deactivated : "%{organisation} has been deactivated."
duplicate_schemes_confirmed : "You’ve confirmed the remaining schemes and locations are not duplicates."
user :
create_password : "Create a password to finish setting up your account."
reset_password : "Reset your password."
active_notifications :
zero : "There are no active notifications"
one : "There is one active notification:"
other : "There are %{count} active notifications:"
activemodel :
errors :
models :
bulk_upload/row_parser : &bulk_upload__row_parser__base
inclusion : "Enter a valid value for %{question}"
spreadsheet_dupe : "This is a duplicate of a log in your file."
bulk_upload/lettings/year2024/row_parser :
<< : *bulk_upload__row_parser__base
bulk_upload/lettings/year2023/row_parser :
<< : *bulk_upload__row_parser__base
bulk_upload/sales/year2025/row_parser :
<< : *bulk_upload__row_parser__base
bulk_upload/sales/year2024/row_parser :
<< : *bulk_upload__row_parser__base
bulk_upload/sales/year2023/row_parser :
<< : *bulk_upload__row_parser__base
forms/bulk_upload_form/year :
attributes :
year :
blank : "You must select a collection period to upload for."
forms/bulk_upload_form/upload_your_file :
attributes :
file :
blank : "Select which file to upload."
not_csv : "Your file must be in CSV format."
file_too_large : "File must be 10MB or less. Check your file and delete data that does not need to be uploaded."
forms/bulk_upload_form/needstype :
attributes :
needstype :
blank : "You must answer needs type."
forms/bulk_upload_resume/fix_choice :
attributes :
choice :
blank : "Select how you would like to fix these errors."
inclusion : "You must select one of the following options for how you would like to fix these errors."
forms/bulk_upload_soft_validations_check/confirm_soft_errors :
attributes :
confirm_soft_errors :
blank : "You must select if there are errors in these fields."
collection_resource :
attributes :
file :
error_uploading : There was an error uploading this file.
blank : Select which file to upload.
above_100_mb : File must be 100MB or less.
must_be_pdf : The paper form must be a PDF.
must_be_xlsx : The %{resource} must be a Microsoft Excel file.
activerecord :
attributes :
user :
email : "email"
errors :
models :
scheme :
attributes :
owning_organisation_id :
invalid : "Enter the name of the organisation that owns the housing stock."
service_name :
invalid : "Enter the name of the scheme."
scheme_type :
invalid : "Select the type of scheme."
registered_under_care_act :
invalid : "Select if this scheme is registered under the Care Standards Act 2000."
primary_client_group :
invalid : "Select what client group this scheme is intended for."
secondary_client_group :
invalid : "Select the other client group for this scheme."
support_type :
invalid : "Select the level of support provided by this scheme."
intended_stay :
invalid : "Select the intended length of stay."
has_other_client_group :
invalid : "Select if this scheme provides for another client group."
arrangement_type :
invalid : "Select who provides the support services used by this scheme."
location :
attributes :
startdate :
invalid : "Enter a date in the correct format, for example 31/1/2022."
units :
blank : "Enter the total number of units at this location."
type_of_unit :
blank : "Select the most common type of unit at this location."
mobility_type :
blank : "Select the mobility standards for the majority of units in this location."
user :
attributes :
organisation_id :
blank : "Select the user’s organisation."
invalid : "Select the user’s organisation."
name :
blank : "Enter a name."
email :
invalid : "Enter an email address in the correct format, like name@example.com."
blank : "Enter an email address."
taken : "Enter an email address that hasn’t already been used to sign up."
phone :
invalid : "Enter a telephone number in the correct format."
blank : "Enter a telephone number."
role :
invalid : "Role must be data accessor, data provider or data coordinator."
blank : "Select role."
password :
blank : "Enter a password."
too_short : "The password you entered is too short. Enter a password that is %{count} characters or longer."
reset_password_token :
invalid : "That link is invalid. Check you are using the correct link."
log_reassignment :
blank : "Select if you want to reassign logs"
missing_managing_agents : "%{new_organisation} must be a stock owner of %{missing_managing_agents} to make this change."
missing_stock_owners : "%{new_organisation} must be a managing agent of %{missing_stock_owners} to make this change."
merge_request :
attributes :
absorbing_organisation_id :
blank : "Select the absorbing organisation."
merge_date :
blank : "Enter a merge date."
invalid : "Enter a valid merge date."
more_than_year_from_today : "The merge date must not be later than a year from today’s date."
existing_absorbing_organisation :
blank : "You must answer absorbing organisation already active?"
merging_organisation_id :
part_of_another_merge : "Another merge request records %{organisation} as merging into %{absorbing_organisation} on %{merge_date}. Select another organisation or remove this organisation from the other merge request."
has_helpdesk_ticket :
blank : "You must answer was this merge reported by a helpdesk ticket?"
helpdesk_ticket :
blank : "You must answer the ticket number"
notification :
attributes :
title :
blank : "Enter a title."
link_text :
blank_when_additional_page_set : "Enter the link text."
page_content :
blank_when_additional_page_set : "Enter the page content."
collection_resource :
attributes :
file :
error_uploading : There was an error uploading this file.
blank : Select which file to upload.
above_100_mb : File must be 100MB or less.
must_be_pdf : The paper form must be a PDF.
must_be_xlsx : The %{resource} must be a Microsoft Excel file.
short_display_name :
blank : "You must answer resource type."
notification :
logs_deleted :
one : "%{count} log has been deleted."
other : "%{count} logs have been deleted."
duplicate_logs_deleted :
one : "%{log_ids} has been deleted."
other : "%{log_ids} have been deleted."
duplicate_logs :
deduplication_success_banner : "%{log_link} is no longer a duplicate and has been removed from the list.<p class=\"govuk-body govuk-!-margin-top-4\">You changed the %{changed_question_label}.</p>"
duplicate_sets :
one : "There is %{count} set of duplicate logs."
other : "There are %{count} sets of duplicate logs."
location_deleted : "%{postcode} has been deleted."
scheme_deleted : "%{service_name} has been deleted."
user_deleted : "%{name} has been deleted."
organisation_deleted : "%{name} has been deleted."
user_updated :
self : "Your account details have been updated."
other : "%{name}’s details have been updated."
validations :
organisation :
data_sharing_agreement_not_signed : "Your organisation must accept the Data Sharing Agreement before you can create any logs."
name_missing : "Enter the name of the organisation."
name_not_unique : "An organisation with this name already exists. Use the organisation that already exists or add a location or other identifier to the name. For example: Organisation name (City)."
provider_type_missing : "Select the organisation type."
stock_owner :
blank : "You must choose a stock owner."
already_added : "You have already added this stock owner."
does_not_own_stock : "You can only add stock owners who own stock, which this organisation does not."
managing_agent :
blank : "You must choose a managing agent."
already_added : "You have already added this managing agent."
merged : "That organisation has already been merged. Select a different organisation."
scheme_duplicates_not_resolved : "You must resolve all duplicates or indicate that there are no duplicates"
not_answered : "You must answer %{question}"
not_number : "%{field} must be a number."
invalid_option : "Enter a valid value for %{question}"
invalid_number : "Enter a number for %{question}"
no_address_found : "We could not find this address. Check the address data in your CSV file is correct and complete, or select the correct address using the CORE site."
date :
outside_collection_window : "Enter a date within the %{year_combo} collection year, which is between 1st April %{start_year} and 31st March %{end_year}."
postcode : "Enter a postcode in the correct format, for example AA1 1AA."
location_admin_district : "Select a local authority."
email :
taken : "Enter an email address that hasn’t already been used to sign up."
invalid : "Enter an email address in the correct format, like name@example.com."
blank : "Enter an email address."
role :
invalid : "Role must be data accessor, data provider or data coordinator."
setup :
saledate :
year_not_two_or_four_digits : "Sale completion year must be 2 or 4 digits."
startdate :
before_scheme_end_date : "The tenancy start date must be before the end date for this supported housing scheme."
owning_organisation :
data_sharing_agreement_not_signed : "The organisation must accept the Data Sharing Agreement before it can be selected as the owning organisation."
property :
uprn_known :
invalid : "You must answer UPRN known?"
la :
la_invalid_for_org : "%{org_name} does not operate in %{la_name}."
postcode_invalid_for_org : "Enter a postcode in an area covered by %{org_name}."
financial :
charges :
missing_charges : "Please enter the %{sentence_fragment}. If there is no %{sentence_fragment}, please enter '0'."
carehome :
not_provided : "Enter how much rent and other charges the household pays %{period}."
cash_discount_invalid : "Cash discount must be £0 - £999,999."
mortgage_used :
year : "You must answer either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question ‘was a mortgage used’ for the selected year."
staircasing : "You must answer either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question ‘was a mortgage used’ for staircasing transactions."
shared_ownership_deposit : "The %{mortgage_deposit_and_discount_error_fields} added together is %{mortgage_deposit_and_discount_total}. The value times the equity percentage is %{value_times_equity}. These figures should be the same."
household :
reservist :
injury_required : "Tell us whether the person was seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces."
leftreg :
question_required : "Tell us whether the person is still serving in the UK armed forces as you told us they’re a current or former regular."
age :
retired_male : "A male tenant who is retired must be 65 or over."
retired_female : "A female tenant who is retired must be 60 or over."
retired_over_70 : "Answer cannot be over 70 as person %{person_num} has economic status that is not ‘retired’."
not_student_16_19 : "Answer cannot be between 16 and 19 as person %{person_num} is a child of the lead tenant but is not a full-time student."
student_not_child :
cannot_be_16_19 : "Person cannot be aged 16-19 if they are a student but not a child."
ecstat :
retired_over_70 : "Person %{person_num} must be retired if over 70."
not_student_16_19 : "Person’s %{person_num} working situation must be full-time student or prefers not to say as you told us they’re between 16 and 19."
retired_male : "Answer cannot be ‘retired’ as the male tenant is under 65."
retired_female : "Answer cannot be ‘retired’ as the female tenant is under 60."
not_child_16_19 :
cannot_be_student : "Person cannot be a student if they are aged 16-19 but are not a child."
relat :
not_student_16_19 : "Answer cannot be ‘child’ as you told us the person %{person_num} is between 16 and 19 and is not a full-time student."
child_over_19 : "Answer cannot be child as you told us person %{person_num} is over 19."
housingneeds_a :
one_or_two_choices : "You can only select one option or ‘other disabled access needs’ plus ‘wheelchair-accessible housing’, ‘wheelchair access to essential rooms’ or ‘level access housing’."
referral :
secure_tenancy : "Answer must be internal transfer as this is a secure tenancy."
cannot_be_secure_tenancy : "Answer cannot be secure tenancy as this is not an internal transfer."
assessed_homeless : "Answer cannot be internal transfer as the tenant was assessed as homeless."
other_homeless : "Answer cannot be internal transfer as the tenant was considered homeless by their landlord."
homeless :
assessed :
internal_transfer : "Answer cannot be 'assessed as homeless' as this tenancy is an internal transfer."
other :
internal_transfer : "Answer cannot be 'other homelessness' as this tenancy was an internal transfer."
reasonpref :
not_homeless : "Answer cannot be ‘no’ as the tenant was homeless or about to lose their home."
gender :
retired_male : "Answer cannot be ‘male’ as tenant is under 65 and retired."
retired_female : "Answer cannot be ‘female’ as tenant is under 60 and retired."
condition_effects :
no_choices : "You cannot answer this question as you told us nobody in the household has a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more."
postcode :
discounted_ownership : "Last settled accommodation and discounted ownership property postcodes must match."
nationality : "Select a valid nationality."
tenancy :
internal_transfer : "Answer must be secure tenancy as this tenancy is an internal transfer."
cannot_be_internal_transfer : "Answer cannot be internal transfer as this is not a secure tenancy."
declaration :
missing :
pre_2024 : "You must show the MHCLG privacy notice to the tenant before you can submit this log."
post_2024 : "You must show or give the tenant access to the MHCLG privacy notice before you can submit this log."
privacynotice :
missing :
pre_2024 : "You must show the MHCLG privacy notice to the %{buyer_or_buyers} before you can submit this log."
post_2024 : "You must show or give the %{buyer_or_buyers} access to the MHCLG privacy notice before you can submit this log."
scheme :
toggle_date :
not_selected : "Select one of the options."
invalid : "Enter a valid day, month and year."
before_creation : "The scheme cannot be deactivated before %{date}, the start of the collection year when it was created."
out_of_range : "The date must be on or after the %{date}."
reactivation :
before_deactivation : "This scheme was deactivated on %{date}. The reactivation date must be on or after deactivation date."
deactivation :
during_deactivated_period : "The scheme is already deactivated during this date, please enter a different date."
owning_organisation :
does_not_own_stock : "Enter an organisation that owns housing stock."
location :
postcode_blank : "Enter a postcode."
units :
must_be_number : "The units at this location must be a number."
must_be_one_or_more : "Number of units must be at least 1."
type_of_unit : "Select the most common type of unit at this location."
mobility_standards : "Select the mobility standard for the majority of the units at this location."
startdate_invalid : "Enter a valid day, month and year when the first property became available at this location."
startdate_out_of_range : "Availability date must be on or after the %{date}."
toggle_date :
not_selected : "Select one of the options."
invalid : "Enter a valid day, month and year."
before_creation : "The location cannot be deactivated before %{date}, the date when it was first available."
out_of_range : "The date must be on or after the %{date}."
reactivation :
before_deactivation : "This location was deactivated on %{date}. The reactivation date must be on or after deactivation date."
deactivation :
during_deactivated_period : "The location is already deactivated during this date, please enter a different date."
merge_request :
organisation_part_of_another_merge : "This organisation is part of another merge - select a different one."
organisation_part_of_another_incomplete_merge : "Another merge request records %{organisation} as merging into %{absorbing_organisation} on %{merge_date}. Select another organisation or remove this organisation from the other merge request."
organisation_not_selected : "Select an organisation from the search list."
merge_request_id :
blank : "Select a merge request."
merging_organisation_id :
blank : "Select an organisation to merge."
soft_validations :
retirement :
min :
title : "You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired."
hint_text : "The minimum expected retirement age in England is 66."
max :
title : "You told us this person is over 66 and not retired."
hint_text : "The minimum expected retirement age in England is 66."
devise :
two_factor_authentication :
success : "Two-factor authentication successful."
attempt_failed : "Attempt failed."
max_login_attempts_reached : "Too many incorrect log in attempts."
account_locked : "Your account has been locked for security reasons."
contact_administrator : "Contact another helpdesk administrator for access."
code_has_been_sent : "Your security code has been sent."
code_required : "Security code is required."
code_incorrect : "Security code is incorrect."
questions :
location :
postcode : "What is the postcode?"
name : "What is the name of this location?"
units : "How many units are at this location?"
type_of_unit : "What is the most common type of unit at this location?"
startdate : "When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme?"
mobility_type : "What are the mobility standards for the majority of units in this location?"
toggle_active :
apply_from : "When should this change apply?"
scheme :
toggle_active :
apply_from : "When should this change apply?"
descriptions :
location :
mobility_type :
W : "Suitable for someone who uses a wheelchair and offers the full use of all rooms and facilities."
A : "Fitted with stairlifts, ramps, level access showers or grab rails."
N : "Not designed to wheelchair-user standards or fitted with any equipment or adaptations."
hints :
location :
postcode : "For example, SW1P 4DF."
name : "This is how you refer to this location within your organisation."
units : "A unit is the space being let. For example, the property might be a block of flats and the unit would be the specific flat being let. A unit can also be a bedroom in a shared house or flat. Do not include spaces used for staff."
toggle_active : "If the date is before %{date}, select ‘From the start of the open collection period’ because the previous period has now closed."
startdate : "For example, 27/3/2024."
scheme :
toggle_active : "If the date is before %{date}, select ‘From the start of the open collection period’ because the previous period has now closed."
bulk_upload :
needstype : "General needs housing includes both self-contained and shared housing without support or specific adaptations. Supported housing can include direct access hostels, group homes, residential care and nursing homes."
warnings :
organisation :
deactivate : "All schemes and users at this organisation will be deactivated. All the organisation's relationships will be removed. It will no longer be possible to create logs for this organisation."
reactivate : "All schemes, users, and relationships that were active when this organisation was deactivated will be reactivated."
location :
deactivate :
existing_logs : "It will not be possible to add logs with this location if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter. Any existing logs may be affected."
review_logs : "Your data providers will need to review these logs and answer a few questions again. We’ll email each log creator with a list of logs that need updating."
reactivate :
existing_logs : "You’ll be able to add logs with this location if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter."
scheme :
deactivate :
existing_logs : "It will not be possible to add logs with this scheme if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter. Any existing logs may be affected."
review_logs : "Your data providers will need to review these logs and answer a few questions again. We’ll email each log creator with a list of logs that need updating."
reactivate :
existing_logs : "You’ll be able to add logs with this scheme if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter."
test :
one_argument : "This is based on the tenant’s work situation: %{ecstat1}."
title_text :
no_argument : "Some test text."
one_argument : "You said this: %{argument}."