require " rails_helper "
RSpec . describe SearchResultCaptionComponent , type : :component do
let ( :searched ) { " search item " }
let ( :count ) { 2 }
let ( :item_label ) { " user " }
let ( :total_count ) { 3 }
let ( :item ) { " schemes " }
let ( :path ) { " path " }
it " renders table caption including the search results and total " do
result = render_inline ( described_class . new ( searched : , count : , item_label : , total_count : , item : , path : ) )
expect ( result . to_html ) . to eq ( " <span class= \" govuk-!-margin-right-4 \" > \n <strong> #{ count } </strong> #{ item_label } found matching ‘ #{ searched } ’ of <strong> #{ total_count } </strong> total #{ item } . <a class= \" govuk-link \" href= \" path \" >Clear search</a> \n </span> \n " )
context " when no search results are found " do
let ( :searched ) { nil }
it " renders table caption with total count only " do
result = render_inline ( described_class . new ( searched : , count : , item_label : , total_count : , item : , path : ) )
expect ( result . to_html ) . to eq ( " <span class= \" govuk-!-margin-right-4 \" > \n <strong> #{ count } </strong> total #{ item } \n </span> \n " )