Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
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class FurtherCoreMigrations < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def up
change_table :case_logs, bulk: true do |t|
t.remove :condition_effects_prefer_not_to_say
t.remove :reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home
t.column :reason, :integer
t.remove :property_reference
t.column :propcode, :string
t.remove :property_major_repairs
t.column :majorrepairs, :integer
t.remove :property_location
t.column :la, :string
t.remove :previous_la
t.column :prevloc, :string
t.remove :housing_benefit
t.column :hb, :integer
t.remove :outstanding_rent_or_charges
t.column :hbrentshortfall, :integer
t.remove :outstanding_amount
t.column :tshortfall, :integer
t.column :postcode, :string
t.column :postcod2, :string
t.column :ppostc1, :string
t.column :ppostc2, :string
t.remove :property_relet
t.column :property_relet, :integer
def down
change_table :case_logs, bulk: true do |t|
t.column :condition_effects_prefer_not_to_say, :integer
t.column :reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home, :string
t.remove :reason
t.column :property_reference, :string
t.remove :propcode
t.column :property_major_repairs, :string
t.remove :majorrepairs
t.column :property_location, :string
t.remove :la
t.column :previous_la, :string
t.remove :prevloc
t.column :housing_benefit, :string
t.remove :hb
t.column :outstanding_rent_or_charges, :string
t.remove :hbrentshortfall
t.column :outstanding_amount, :string
t.remove :tshortfall
t.remove :postcode
t.remove :postcod2
t.remove :ppostc1
t.remove :ppostc2
t.remove :property_relet
t.column :property_relet, :string