require " rails_helper "
RSpec . describe Merge :: MergeOrganisationsService do
describe " # call " do
before do
Timecop . freeze ( Time . zone . local ( 2024 , 3 , 1 ) )
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
mail_double = instance_double ( " ActionMailer::MessageDelivery " , deliver_later : nil )
allow ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . and_return ( mail_double )
allow ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . and_return ( mail_double )
after do
Timecop . return
Singleton . __init__ ( FormHandler )
context " when merging a single organisation into an existing organisation " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : nil ) }
let ( :absorbing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : false , name : " absorbing org " ) }
let ( :absorbing_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : absorbing_organisation ) }
let ( :merging_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " fake org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation_ids ) { [ merging_organisation . id ] }
let! ( :merging_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : merging_organisation , name : " fake name " , email : " " ) }
it " moves the users from merging organisation to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( merging_organisation_user . values_updated_at ) . to be_nil
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation_user . reload
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
expect ( merging_organisation_user . values_updated_at ) . not_to be_nil
it " sets merge date on merged organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . id )
it " combines organisation data " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( true )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( false )
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
it " does not set available_from for absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . available_from ) . to be_nil
context " and merging organisation rent periods " do
let ( :absorbing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : false , name : " absorbing org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " fake org " ) }
before do
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : absorbing_organisation , rent_period : 1 )
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : absorbing_organisation , rent_period : 3 )
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : merging_organisation , rent_period : 1 )
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : merging_organisation , rent_period : 2 )
it " combines organisation rent periods " do
expect ( absorbing_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . rent_periods ) . to include ( 1 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . rent_periods ) . to include ( 2 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . rent_periods ) . to include ( 3 )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( merging_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
context " and merging organisation relationships " do
let ( :other_organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let! ( :merging_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :absorbing_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : absorbing_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : absorbing_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : absorbing_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
it " combines organisation relationships " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
context " and merging organisation schemes and locations " do
context " when a scheme and location have no deactivations or startdates " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " ) }
it " copies the schemes and locations to absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . service_name ) . to eq ( scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_scheme . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . postcode ) . to eq ( location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_location . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_location . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " when a scheme and location have a startdate but no deactivations " do
context " and the startdate is before the merge date " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : Time . zone . today - 1 . month ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : Time . zone . today - 1 . month ) }
it " sets the startdate to merge date for schemes and locations moved to absorbed organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " and the startdate is after the merge date " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : Time . zone . today + 1 . month ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : Time . zone . today + 1 . month ) }
it " keeps the existing startdate for schemes and locations moved to absorbed organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expected_date = Time . zone . today + 1 . month
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( expected_date . in_time_zone )
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( expected_date . in_time_zone )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation on the startdate " do
merge_organisations_service . call
expected_date = Time . zone . today + 1 . month
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( expected_date . in_time_zone )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( expected_date . in_time_zone )
context " when a scheme and location have a deactivations but no startdates " do
context " and deactivation is before the merge date " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
before do
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 2 . months , reactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 2 . months , reactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . reload
location . location_deactivation_periods . reload
it " does not move the deactivation " do
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation " do
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . last . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . last . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " and deactivation is after the merge date " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
before do
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today + 1 . month , reactivation_date : Time . zone . today + 2 . months )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today + 3 . months )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . reload
location . location_deactivation_periods . reload
it " moves the deactivations to absorbing organisation and removes them from merging organisations " do
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation " do
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . last . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . last . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " and deactivation is after the merge date and before an open collection window " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . today - 6 . years ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
before do
scheme_deactivation_period = build ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 3 . years , reactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 3 . months )
scheme_deactivation_period . save! ( validate : false )
location_deactivation_period = build ( :location_deactivation_period , location : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 4 . years )
location_deactivation_period . save! ( validate : false )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . reload
location . location_deactivation_periods . reload
it " moves the deactivations to absorbing organisation and removes them from merging organisations " do
expected_startdate = ( Time . zone . today - 6 . years ) . in_time_zone
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( expected_startdate )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( expected_startdate )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation " do
expected_deactivation_date = ( Time . zone . today - 6 . years ) . in_time_zone
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . last . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( expected_deactivation_date )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . last . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( expected_deactivation_date )
context " and deactivation is during the merge date and it has a reactivation date " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
before do
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month , reactivation_date : Time . zone . today + 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 3 . months , reactivation_date : Time . zone . today + 1 . month )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . reload
location . location_deactivation_periods . reload
it " moves the deactivation to absorbing organisation with merge_date as deactivation_date and removes reactivation date on merged organisation scheme and location " do
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expected_reactivation_date = Time . zone . today + 1 . month
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to eq ( expected_reactivation_date . in_time_zone )
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to eq ( expected_reactivation_date . in_time_zone )
it " deactivates schemes and locations on the merged organisation " do
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to be_nil
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today - 3 . months )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to be_nil
context " and deactivation is during the merge date and it doesn't have a reactivation date " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " , startdate : nil ) }
before do
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 3 . months )
it " moves the deactivation to absorbing organisation with merge_date as deactivation_date and does not deactivate merged org schemes and locations again " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . reload
location . location_deactivation_periods . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
absorbed_location = absorbed_scheme . locations . first
expect ( absorbed_scheme . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_location . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( absorbed_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to be_nil
expect ( scheme . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( location . scheme ) . to eq ( scheme )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to be_nil
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today - 3 . months )
expect ( location . location_deactivation_periods . first . reactivation_date ) . to be_nil
context " with multiple schemes and locations " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " ) }
let! ( :deactivated_location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :deactivated_scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log_no_location ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :location , scheme : deactivated_scheme )
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : deactivated_scheme , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : deactivated_location , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :lettings_log , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . yesterday )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , managing_organisation : merging_organisation )
it " logs the merged schemes and locations " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ deactivated_scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
merge_organisations_service . call
context " when combining organisation schemes and locations " do
before do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
deactivated_scheme . reload
deactivated_location . reload
merging_organisation . reload
it " moves active schemes and locations to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
absorbed_active_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_active_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . service_name ) . to eq ( scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . postcode ) . to eq ( location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
it " deactivates active schemes and locations on merging organisation " do
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
it " does not deactivate inactive locations on merging organisation again " do
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive schemes and their locations to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_inactive_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : deactivated_scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( deactivated_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive locations of active schemes to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_active_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_inactive_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
it " moves relevant logs and assigns the new scheme " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . managed_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . location ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . first )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . location ) . to eq ( nil )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging sales logs " do
let! ( :sales_log ) { create ( :sales_log , :completed , saledate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . yesterday , owning_organisation : merging_organisation )
it " moves relevant logs " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . first ) . to eq ( sales_log )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . sales_logs . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( sales_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " with merge date in closed collection year " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . local ( 2021 , 3 , 3 ) ) }
it " does not validate saledate for closed collection years " do
sales_log . saledate = Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 5 , 1 )
sales_log . save! ( validate : false )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
sales_log . reload
expect ( sales_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
context " and merge date is provided " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . yesterday ) }
it " sets merge date on merged organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . id )
context " and merging sales logs " do
let ( :owning_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true ) }
let! ( :sales_log ) { create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , purchid : " owned " ) }
let! ( :managed_sales_log ) { create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today , purchid : " managed " ) }
before do
create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : merging_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : owning_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
managed_sales_log . update! ( owning_organisation : , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user , purchid : " ranom 1 " )
create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user , purchid : " ranom 2 " )
it " moves relevant logs " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . first ) . to eq ( sales_log )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) ) . to include ( managed_sales_log )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) ) . to include ( sales_log )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . sales_logs . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( sales_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging lettings logs " do
let ( :owning_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :completed , startdate : Time . zone . today , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user ) }
let! ( :managed_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today ) }
before do
create ( :organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : owning_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
managed_lettings_log . update! ( owning_organisation : , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
it " moves relevant logs " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . first ) . to eq ( owned_lettings_log )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) ) . to include ( managed_lettings_log )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( absorbing_organisation ) ) . to include ( owned_lettings_log )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( managed_lettings_log . managing_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
it " does not clear any answers if the owning and managing organisation are the same " do
expect ( owned_lettings_log . status ) . to eq ( " completed " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
owned_lettings_log . reload
expect ( owned_lettings_log . status ) . to eq ( " completed " )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . managing_organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
context " with merge date in closed collection year " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . local ( 2021 , 3 , 3 ) ) }
it " does not validate startdate for closed collection years " do
owned_lettings_log . startdate = Time . zone . local ( 2022 , 4 , 1 )
owned_lettings_log . save! ( validate : false )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
owned_lettings_log . reload
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . managing_organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
context " and merging organisation schemes and locations " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :deactivated_location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :deactivated_scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log_no_location ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :location , scheme : deactivated_scheme )
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : deactivated_scheme , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : deactivated_location , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :lettings_log , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . yesterday )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , managing_organisation : merging_organisation )
context " with multiple locations " do
let! ( :location_without_startdate ) { create ( :location , scheme : , startdate : nil ) }
let! ( :location_with_past_startdate ) { create ( :location , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . today - 2 . months ) }
let! ( :location_with_future_startdate ) { create ( :location , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . today + 2 . months ) }
it " logs the merged schemes " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ deactivated_scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
merge_organisations_service . call
context " when combining organisation schemes and locations " do
before do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
deactivated_scheme . reload
deactivated_location . reload
merging_organisation . reload
it " moves active schemes and locations to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . map ( & :postcode ) ) . to match_array ( [ location , deactivated_location , location_without_startdate , location_with_past_startdate , location_with_future_startdate ] . map ( & :postcode ) )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . find_by ( postcode : location_without_startdate . postcode ) . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . find_by ( postcode : location_with_past_startdate . postcode ) . startdate ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . find_by ( postcode : location_with_future_startdate . postcode ) . startdate . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today + 2 . months )
absorbed_active_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_active_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . service_name ) . to eq ( scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 5 )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . postcode ) . to eq ( location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
it " deactivates active schemes and locations on merging organisation " do
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
it " does not deactivate inactive locations on merging organisation again " do
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive schemes and their locations to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_inactive_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : deactivated_scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( deactivated_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive locations of active schemes to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_active_scheme = absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_inactive_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
it " moves relevant logs and assigns the new scheme " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . managed_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . location ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . first )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . location ) . to eq ( nil )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date is true " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . yesterday , absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date : true ) }
it " sets available from to merge_date for absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . available_from . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
context " and absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date is true " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date : true ) }
it " sets available from to merge_date (today) for absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . available_from . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
it " sends a merge completion E-mail to the merged organisation users " do
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation_user . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation_user . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merge_organisations_service . call
it " does not send a merge completion E-mail to deactivated merged organisation users " do
merging_organisation_user . update! ( active : false )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation_user . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation_user . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merge_organisations_service . call
it " sends a merge completion E-mail to the original absorbing organisation users " do
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation_user . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation_user . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merge_organisations_service . call
it " does not send a merge completion E-mail to deactivated original absorbing organisation users " do
absorbing_organisation_user . update! ( active : false )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation_user . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation_user . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , [ " fake org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merge_organisations_service . call
context " when merging a multiple organisations into an existing organisation " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : nil ) }
let ( :absorbing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : false , name : " absorbing org " ) }
let ( :absorbing_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : absorbing_organisation ) }
let ( :merging_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " fake org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation_too ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " second org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation_ids ) { [ merging_organisation . id , merging_organisation_too . id ] }
let! ( :merging_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : merging_organisation , name : " fake name " , email : " " ) }
before do
create_list ( :user , 5 , organisation : merging_organisation_too , name : " Danny Rojas " )
it " sets merge date and absorbing organisation on merged organisations " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
merging_organisation_too . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . id )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . id )
it " combines organisation data " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( true )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( false )
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging users " do
it " moves the users from merging organisations to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from second org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ tDanny Rojas / ) . exactly ( 5 ) . times
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ merging_organisation_too . data_protection_officers . first . name } / )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from second org: " )
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation_user . reload
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
it " replaces dpo users with fake users if they have signed the data sharing agreement " do
merging_organisation_user . update! ( is_dpo : true )
merging_organisation . data_protection_confirmation . update! ( data_protection_officer : merging_organisation_user )
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation_user . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation )
expect ( merging_organisation . users . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( merging_organisation . users . first . name ) . to eq ( merging_organisation_user . name )
expect ( merging_organisation . users . first . email ) . not_to eq ( merging_organisation_user . email )
expect ( merging_organisation . data_protection_confirmation . data_protection_officer ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . users . first )
it " does not move dpo users who have signed data sharing agreement if they have a fake email address " do
dpo = User . new (
name : merging_organisation . data_protection_confirmation . data_protection_officer . name ,
organisation : merging_organisation ,
is_dpo : true ,
encrypted_password : SecureRandom . hex ( 10 ) ,
email : SecureRandom . uuid ,
confirmed_at : Time . zone . now ,
active : false ,
dpo . save! ( validate : false )
merging_organisation . data_protection_confirmation . update! ( data_protection_officer : dpo )
merge_organisations_service . call
dpo . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( dpo . organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( merging_organisation . users . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( merging_organisation . users . first ) . to eq ( dpo )
expect ( merging_organisation . data_protection_confirmation . data_protection_officer ) . to eq ( dpo )
it " sends a merge completion E-mail to the merged organisation users " do
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation_user . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation_user . email , " fake org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merging_organisation_too . users . each do | user |
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_merged_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( user . email , " second org " , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
merge_organisations_service . call
it " sends a merge completion E-mail to the original absorbing organisation users " do
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , [ " fake org " , " second org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( absorbing_organisation_user . email , [ " fake org " , " second org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today ) . once
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation_user . email , [ " fake org " , " second org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email , [ " fake org " , " second org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merging_organisation_too . users . each do | user |
expect ( MergeCompletionMailer ) . not_to receive ( :send_absorbing_organisation_success_mail ) . with ( user . email , [ " fake org " , " second org " ] , " absorbing org " , Time . zone . today )
merge_organisations_service . call
context " and merging organisation relationships " do
let ( :other_organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let! ( :merging_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :absorbing_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : absorbing_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : absorbing_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : absorbing_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation_too )
it " combines organisation relationships " do
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation_too )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation_too )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( absorbing_organisation )
allow ( absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
context " and merge date is provided " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . yesterday ) }
it " sets merge date and absorbing organisation on merged organisations " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
merging_organisation_too . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . id )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( absorbing_organisation . id )
context " when merging a single organisation into a new organisation " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : new_absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : nil ) }
let ( :new_absorbing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , :without_dpc , holds_own_stock : false ) }
let ( :new_absorbing_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : new_absorbing_organisation ) }
let ( :merging_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " fake org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation_ids ) { [ merging_organisation . id ] }
let! ( :merging_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : merging_organisation , name : " fake name " , email : " " ) }
it " moves the users from merging organisation to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation_user . reload
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation )
it " sets merge date on merged organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . id )
it " combines organisation data " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( true )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( false )
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
it " does not set available_from for absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . available_from ) . to be_nil
context " and merging organisation rent periods " do
let ( :new_absorbing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , :without_dpc , holds_own_stock : false ) }
let ( :merging_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " fake org " ) }
before do
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : new_absorbing_organisation , rent_period : 1 )
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : new_absorbing_organisation , rent_period : 3 )
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : merging_organisation , rent_period : 1 )
OrganisationRentPeriod . create! ( organisation : merging_organisation , rent_period : 2 )
it " combines organisation rent periods " do
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . rent_periods ) . to include ( 1 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . rent_periods ) . to include ( 2 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . rent_periods ) . to include ( 3 )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( merging_organisation . rent_periods . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
context " and merging organisation relationships " do
let ( :other_organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let! ( :merging_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :new_absorbing_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : new_absorbing_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : new_absorbing_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : new_absorbing_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
it " combines organisation relationships " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( new_absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( new_absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
context " and merging organisation schemes and locations " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , old_id : " scheme_old_id " , old_visible_id : " scheme_old_visible_id " ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : , old_id : " location_old_id " , old_visible_id : " location_old_visible_id " ) }
let! ( :deactivated_location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :deactivated_scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log_no_location ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :location , scheme : deactivated_scheme )
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : deactivated_scheme , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : deactivated_location , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :lettings_log , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . yesterday )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , managing_organisation : merging_organisation )
it " logs the merged schemes " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ deactivated_scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
merge_organisations_service . call
context " when combining organisation schemes and locations " do
before do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
deactivated_scheme . reload
deactivated_location . reload
merging_organisation . reload
it " moves active schemes and locations to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
absorbed_active_scheme = new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_active_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . service_name ) . to eq ( scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . postcode ) . to eq ( location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
it " deactivates active schemes and locations on merging organisation " do
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
it " does not deactivate inactive locations on merging organisation again " do
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive schemes and their locations to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_inactive_scheme = new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : deactivated_scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( deactivated_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive locations of active schemes to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_active_scheme = new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_inactive_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
it " moves relevant logs and assigns the new scheme " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . managed_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name ) )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . location ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name ) . locations . first )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name ) )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . location ) . to eq ( nil )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging sales logs " do
let! ( :sales_log ) { create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . yesterday , owning_organisation : merging_organisation )
it " moves relevant logs " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . first ) . to eq ( sales_log )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . sales_logs . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( sales_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merge date is provided " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : new_absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . yesterday ) }
it " sets merge date on merged organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . id )
context " and merging sales logs " do
let! ( :sales_log ) { create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :sales_log , saledate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : merging_organisation )
it " moves relevant logs " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( SalesLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . first ) . to eq ( sales_log )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . sales_logs . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( sales_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging lettings logs " do
let ( :owning_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user ) }
let! ( :managed_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today ) }
before do
create ( :organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : owning_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
managed_lettings_log . update! ( owning_organisation : , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . today - 2 . days , owning_organisation : , managing_organisation : merging_organisation , assigned_to : merging_organisation_user )
it " moves relevant logs " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_owning_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . first ) . to eq ( owned_lettings_log )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) ) . to include ( managed_lettings_log )
expect ( LettingsLog . filter_by_managing_organisation ( new_absorbing_organisation ) ) . to include ( owned_lettings_log )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( managed_lettings_log . managing_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging organisation schemes and locations " do
let! ( :scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :deactivated_location ) { create ( :location , scheme : ) }
let! ( :deactivated_scheme ) { create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :owned_lettings_log_no_location ) { create ( :lettings_log , :sh , scheme : , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , owning_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :location , scheme : deactivated_scheme )
create ( :scheme_deactivation_period , scheme : deactivated_scheme , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :location_deactivation_period , location : deactivated_location , deactivation_date : Time . zone . today - 1 . month )
create ( :lettings_log , scheme : , location : , startdate : Time . zone . yesterday )
create ( :lettings_log , startdate : Time . zone . tomorrow , managing_organisation : merging_organisation )
it " logs the merged schemes " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ deactivated_scheme . service_name } \ (S / )
merge_organisations_service . call
context " when combining organisation schemes and locations " do
before do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
deactivated_scheme . reload
deactivated_location . reload
merging_organisation . reload
it " moves active schemes and locations to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
absorbed_active_scheme = new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_active_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . service_name ) . to eq ( scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . postcode ) . to eq ( location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_id ) . to be_nil
expect ( absorbed_active_location . old_visible_id ) . to be_nil
it " deactivates active schemes and locations on merging organisation " do
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
it " does not deactivate inactive locations on merging organisation again " do
expect ( scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode ) . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive schemes and their locations to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_inactive_scheme = new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : deactivated_scheme . service_name )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( deactivated_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
it " moves inactive locations of active schemes to absorbing organisation " do
absorbed_active_scheme = new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . find_by ( service_name : scheme . service_name )
absorbed_inactive_location = absorbed_active_scheme . locations . find_by ( postcode : deactivated_location . postcode )
expect ( absorbed_active_scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( absorbed_inactive_location . location_deactivation_periods . first . deactivation_date ) . to eq ( merging_organisation . merge_date )
it " moves relevant logs and assigns the new scheme " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
owned_lettings_log_no_location . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . managed_lettings_logs . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log . id ) . location ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first . locations . first )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . scheme ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . first )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_lettings_logs . find ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . id ) . location ) . to eq ( nil )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . owned_schemes . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . scheme_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( scheme . locations . first . location_deactivation_periods . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( owned_lettings_log . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
expect ( owned_lettings_log_no_location . owning_organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date is true " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : new_absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . yesterday , absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date : true ) }
it " sets available from to merge_date for absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . available_from . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
context " and absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date is true " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : new_absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , absorbing_organisation_active_from_merge_date : true ) }
it " sets available from to merge_date (today) for absorbing organisation " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . available_from . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
context " when merging multiple organisations into a new organisation " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : new_absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : nil ) }
let ( :new_absorbing_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , :without_dpc , holds_own_stock : false ) }
let ( :new_absorbing_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : new_absorbing_organisation ) }
let ( :merging_organisation ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " fake org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation_too ) { create ( :organisation , holds_own_stock : true , name : " second org " ) }
let ( :merging_organisation_ids ) { [ merging_organisation . id , merging_organisation_too . id ] }
let! ( :merging_organisation_user ) { create ( :user , organisation : merging_organisation , name : " fake name " , email : " " ) }
before do
create_list ( :user , 5 , organisation : merging_organisation_too , name : " Danny Rojas " )
it " moves the users from merging organisations to absorbing organisation " do
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . name } ( #{ merging_organisation . data_protection_officers . first . email } ) " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " \t fake name ( " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " Merged users from second org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ tDanny Rojas / ) . exactly ( 5 ) . times
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( / \ t #{ merging_organisation_too . data_protection_officers . first . name } / )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from fake org: " )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :info ) . with ( " New schemes from second org: " )
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation_user . reload
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation )
it " sets merge date and absorbing organisation on merged organisations " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
merging_organisation_too . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . id )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . today )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . id )
it " combines organisation data " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( true )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . holds_own_stock ) . to eq ( false )
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( nil )
expect ( merging_organisation_user . organisation ) . to eq ( merging_organisation )
context " and merging organisation relationships " do
let ( :other_organisation ) { create ( :organisation ) }
let! ( :merging_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation ) }
let! ( :new_absorbing_organisation_relationship ) { create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : new_absorbing_organisation ) }
before do
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : new_absorbing_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : new_absorbing_organisation , child_organisation : other_organisation )
create ( :organisation_relationship , parent_organisation : merging_organisation , child_organisation : merging_organisation_too )
it " combines organisation relationships " do
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( new_absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation_too )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations ) . not_to include ( merging_organisation_too )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 0 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 3 )
it " rolls back if there's an error " do
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( merging_organisation_ids ) . and_return ( Organisation . find ( merging_organisation_ids ) )
allow ( Organisation ) . to receive ( :find ) . with ( new_absorbing_organisation . id ) . and_return ( new_absorbing_organisation )
allow ( new_absorbing_organisation ) . to receive ( :save! ) . and_raise ( ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid )
expect ( Rails . logger ) . to receive ( :error ) . with ( " Organisation merge failed with: Record invalid " )
merge_organisations_service . call
new_absorbing_organisation . reload
merging_organisation . reload
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 2 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations . count ) . to eq ( 1 )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( other_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . parent_organisations ) . to include ( merging_organisation )
expect ( new_absorbing_organisation . child_organisations ) . to include ( new_absorbing_organisation_relationship . child_organisation )
context " and merge date is provided " do
subject ( :merge_organisations_service ) { described_class . new ( absorbing_organisation_id : new_absorbing_organisation . id , merging_organisation_ids : , merge_date : Time . zone . yesterday ) }
it " sets merge date and absorbing organisation on merged organisations " do
merge_organisations_service . call
merging_organisation . reload
merging_organisation_too . reload
expect ( merging_organisation . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( merging_organisation . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . id )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . merge_date . to_date ) . to eq ( Time . zone . yesterday )
expect ( merging_organisation_too . absorbing_organisation_id ) . to eq ( new_absorbing_organisation . id )