expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).toinclude("Some of the organisations merging have common stock owners.")
expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).toinclude("Dummy Org 2 has no stock owners.")
expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).toinclude("<a class=\"govuk-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"/organisations/#{merging_organisations.first.id}/stock-owners\">View all 2 Dummy Org 1 stock owners (opens in a new tab)</a>")
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).toinclude("Some of the organisations merging have common managing agents.")
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).toinclude("Dummy Org 2 has no managing agents.")
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).toinclude("<a class=\"govuk-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"/organisations/#{merging_organisations.first.id}/managing-agents\">View the 1 Dummy Org 1 managing agent (opens in a new tab)</a>")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Org 1 users will have access to all lettings logs owned or managed by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Lettings logs that are owned or managed by the merging organisation and have a tenancy start date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Some logs are owned and managed by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Org 1 and Org 2 have no lettings logs.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Org 1 users will have access to all sales logs owned or reported by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Sales logs that are owned or reported by the merging organisation and have a sale completion date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Some logs are owned and reported by different organisation in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Org 1 and Org 2 have no sales logs.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Org 1 users will have access to all lettings logs owned or managed by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Lettings logs that are owned or managed by the merging organisation and have a tenancy start date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Some logs are owned and managed by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Org 2 has no lettings logs.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("View all 2 Org 2 lettings logs (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Org 1 users will have access to all sales logs owned or reported by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Sales logs that are owned or reported by the merging organisation and have a sale completion date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Some logs are owned and reported by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Org 2 has no sales logs.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("View all 2 Org 2 sales logs (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Org 1 users will have access to all lettings logs owned or managed by the merging organisations after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Lettings logs that are owned or managed by the merging organisations and have a tenancy start date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Some logs are owned and managed by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Org 2 has no lettings logs.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("View all 3 Org 2 lettings logs (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("View 1 Org 3 lettings log (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Org 1 users will have access to all sales logs owned or reported by the merging organisations after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Sales logs that are owned or reported by the merging organisations and have a sale completion date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("Some logs are owned and reported by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_toinclude("Org 2 has no sales logs.")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("View all 3 Org 2 sales logs (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).toinclude("View 1 Org 3 sales log (opens in a new tab)")