Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

183 lines
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module Validations::SoftValidations
1 => 143, soft_max: 730, hard_min: 90, hard_max: 1230),
2 => 67, soft_max: 620, hard_min: 50, hard_max: 950),
3 => 80, soft_max: 480, hard_min: 40, hard_max: 990),
4 => 50, soft_max: 370, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 450),
5 => 50, soft_max: 380, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 690),
6 => 53, soft_max: 540, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 890),
7 => 47, soft_max: 460, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 1300),
8 => 54, soft_max: 460, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 820),
9 => 50, soft_max: 450, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 750),
0 => 50, soft_max: 580, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 1040),
10 => 47, soft_max: 730, hard_min: 10, hard_max: 1300),
def net_income_in_soft_max_range?
return unless weekly_net_income && ecstat1
weekly_net_income.between?(applicable_income_range.soft_max, applicable_income_range.hard_max)
def net_income_in_soft_min_range?
return unless weekly_net_income && ecstat1
weekly_net_income.between?(applicable_income_range.hard_min, applicable_income_range.soft_min)
def rent_in_soft_min_range?
return unless brent && weekly_value(brent) && startdate
rent_range = LaRentRange.find_by(
start_year: collection_start_year,
beds: beds_for_la_rent_range,
lettype: get_lettype,
rent_range.present? && weekly_value(brent).between?(rent_range.hard_min, rent_range.soft_min)
def rent_in_soft_max_range?
return unless brent && weekly_value(brent) && startdate
rent_range = LaRentRange.find_by(
start_year: collection_start_year,
beds: beds_for_la_rent_range,
lettype: get_lettype,
if beds.present? && rent_range.present? && beds > LaRentRange::MAX_BEDS
weekly_value(brent) > rent_range.soft_max
elsif rent_range.present?
weekly_value(brent).between?(rent_range.soft_max, rent_range.hard_max)
(1..8).each do |person_num|
define_method("person_#{person_num}_retired_under_soft_min_age?") do
define_method("person_#{person_num}_not_retired_over_soft_max_age?") do
def no_females_in_a_pregnant_household?
!females_in_the_household? && all_tenants_gender_information_completed? && preg_occ == 1
def female_in_pregnant_household_in_soft_validation_range?
all_tenants_age_and_gender_information_completed? && females_in_the_household? && !females_in_age_range(16, 50) && preg_occ == 1
def all_tenants_age_and_gender_information_completed?
(1..hhmemb).all? do |n|
public_send("sex#{n}").present? && public_send("age#{n}").present? && details_known_or_lead_tenant?(n) && public_send("age#{n}_known").present? && public_send("age#{n}_known").zero?
def all_tenants_gender_information_completed?
(1..hhmemb).all? do |n|
public_send("sex#{n}").present? && details_known_or_lead_tenant?(n)
def major_repairs_date_in_soft_range?
mrcdate.present? && startdate.present? && mrcdate.between?(startdate.to_date - TEN_YEARS_IN_DAYS, startdate.to_date - TWO_YEARS_IN_DAYS)
def voiddate_in_soft_range?
voiddate.present? && startdate.present? && voiddate.between?(startdate.to_date - TEN_YEARS_IN_DAYS, startdate.to_date - TWO_YEARS_IN_DAYS)
CLDC-2248 Improve soft validations (#1584) * Update interruption screen page * Update routing and add flash * Only display routed to affected questions * Add affected_question_ids to pregnancy check * lint * Add skip link and lint * Move affected_question_ids to page, because we reuse questions so they might have different affected_question_ids * typo * Fix button wording * Update action href links * Change how we route back to interruption screen * Update affected_question_ids for lettings * Update sales soft validations * Update title texts * Update styling * Update is_referrer_interruption_screen? check and naming * Add interuption screen helper specs * Add request test for fixing soft validation * Add tests for geting soft validation page * Extract interruption screen banner * Update action_href to be reusable * Extract questions out of check answers summary list * Reuse check_answers_summary_list for interruption screen * refactor string parse * Rename attribute * fix test * Add tests for sales paths * typo * Update validation message: void date, major repairs date * Update validation message: rent_value_check, 2022 * Update validation message: buyer live in * Update validation message: staircase * Update validation message: purchase price * Update validation message: income * Update validation message: savings * Update validation message: extra borrowing * Update validation message: extra borrowing * Update validation message: wheelchair * Update validation message: monthly charge * Update validation message: mortgage * Update validation message: old persons shared ownership * Update validation message: discount * Update validation: min retirement * Wording in tests and time test * Update missing question * Refactor is referrer methods * Update validation message: net income * Update validation message: deposit and savings * Update validation message: mortgage, discount and deposit * Fix test validation messages * Fix the retirement check showing on the card 8, fix tests * test * return the user back to the check_your_answers after fixing a validation from check_your_anwers * pr comments
2 years ago
def net_income_higher_or_lower_text
net_income_in_soft_max_range? ? "higher" : "lower"
def scharge_over_soft_max?
return unless scharge && period && needstype
return if weekly_value(scharge).blank?
max = if needstype == 1
owning_organisation.provider_type == "LA" ? 25 : 35
owning_organisation.provider_type == "LA" ? 100 : 200
weekly_value(scharge) > max
def pscharge_over_soft_max?
return unless pscharge && period && needstype
return if weekly_value(pscharge).blank?
max = if needstype == 1
owning_organisation.provider_type == "LA" ? 25 : 35
owning_organisation.provider_type == "LA" ? 75 : 100
weekly_value(pscharge) > max
def supcharg_over_soft_max?
return unless supcharg && period && needstype
return if weekly_value(supcharg).blank?
max = if needstype == 1
owning_organisation.provider_type == "LA" ? 25 : 35
owning_organisation.provider_type == "LA" ? 75 : 85
weekly_value(supcharg) > max
def details_known_or_lead_tenant?(tenant_number)
return true if tenant_number == 1
def females_in_age_range(min, max)
(1..hhmemb).any? do |n|
public_send("sex#{n}") == "F" && public_send("age#{n}").present? && public_send("age#{n}").between?(min, max)
def females_in_the_household?
(1..hhmemb).any? do |n|
public_send("sex#{n}") == "F" || public_send("sex#{n}").nil?
def tenant_is_retired?(economic_status)
economic_status == 5
def tenant_prefers_not_to_say?(economic_status)
economic_status == 10
def retired_under_soft_min_age?(person_num)
age = public_send("age#{person_num}")
economic_status = public_send("ecstat#{person_num}")
CLDC-2248 Improve soft validations (#1584) * Update interruption screen page * Update routing and add flash * Only display routed to affected questions * Add affected_question_ids to pregnancy check * lint * Add skip link and lint * Move affected_question_ids to page, because we reuse questions so they might have different affected_question_ids * typo * Fix button wording * Update action href links * Change how we route back to interruption screen * Update affected_question_ids for lettings * Update sales soft validations * Update title texts * Update styling * Update is_referrer_interruption_screen? check and naming * Add interuption screen helper specs * Add request test for fixing soft validation * Add tests for geting soft validation page * Extract interruption screen banner * Update action_href to be reusable * Extract questions out of check answers summary list * Reuse check_answers_summary_list for interruption screen * refactor string parse * Rename attribute * fix test * Add tests for sales paths * typo * Update validation message: void date, major repairs date * Update validation message: rent_value_check, 2022 * Update validation message: buyer live in * Update validation message: staircase * Update validation message: purchase price * Update validation message: income * Update validation message: savings * Update validation message: extra borrowing * Update validation message: extra borrowing * Update validation message: wheelchair * Update validation message: monthly charge * Update validation message: mortgage * Update validation message: old persons shared ownership * Update validation message: discount * Update validation: min retirement * Wording in tests and time test * Update missing question * Refactor is referrer methods * Update validation message: net income * Update validation message: deposit and savings * Update validation message: mortgage, discount and deposit * Fix test validation messages * Fix the retirement check showing on the card 8, fix tests * test * return the user back to the check_your_answers after fixing a validation from check_your_anwers * pr comments
2 years ago
return unless age && economic_status
CLDC-2248 Improve soft validations (#1584) * Update interruption screen page * Update routing and add flash * Only display routed to affected questions * Add affected_question_ids to pregnancy check * lint * Add skip link and lint * Move affected_question_ids to page, because we reuse questions so they might have different affected_question_ids * typo * Fix button wording * Update action href links * Change how we route back to interruption screen * Update affected_question_ids for lettings * Update sales soft validations * Update title texts * Update styling * Update is_referrer_interruption_screen? check and naming * Add interuption screen helper specs * Add request test for fixing soft validation * Add tests for geting soft validation page * Extract interruption screen banner * Update action_href to be reusable * Extract questions out of check answers summary list * Reuse check_answers_summary_list for interruption screen * refactor string parse * Rename attribute * fix test * Add tests for sales paths * typo * Update validation message: void date, major repairs date * Update validation message: rent_value_check, 2022 * Update validation message: buyer live in * Update validation message: staircase * Update validation message: purchase price * Update validation message: income * Update validation message: savings * Update validation message: extra borrowing * Update validation message: extra borrowing * Update validation message: wheelchair * Update validation message: monthly charge * Update validation message: mortgage * Update validation message: old persons shared ownership * Update validation message: discount * Update validation: min retirement * Wording in tests and time test * Update missing question * Refactor is referrer methods * Update validation message: net income * Update validation message: deposit and savings * Update validation message: mortgage, discount and deposit * Fix test validation messages * Fix the retirement check showing on the card 8, fix tests * test * return the user back to the check_your_answers after fixing a validation from check_your_anwers * pr comments
2 years ago
tenant_is_retired?(economic_status) && age < 60
def not_retired_over_soft_max_age?(person_num)
age = public_send("age#{person_num}")
economic_status = public_send("ecstat#{person_num}")
gender = public_send("sex#{person_num}")
tenant_retired_or_prefers_not_say = tenant_is_retired?(economic_status) || tenant_prefers_not_to_say?(economic_status)
return unless age && economic_status && gender
%w[M X].include?(gender) && !tenant_retired_or_prefers_not_say && age > retirement_age_for_person(person_num) ||
gender == "F" && !tenant_retired_or_prefers_not_say && age > 60