require "rails_helper"
require "shared/shared_log_examples"
# rubocop:disable RSpec/MessageChain
RSpec.describe SalesLog, type: :model do
let(:owning_organisation) { create(:organisation) }
let(:assigned_to_user) { create(:user) }
include_examples "shared log examples", :sales_log
it "inherits from log" do
expect(described_class).to be < Log
expect(described_class).to be < ApplicationRecord
it "is a not a lettings log" do
sales_log = build(:sales_log, assigned_to: assigned_to_user)
expect(sales_log.lettings?).to be false
it "is a sales log" do
sales_log = build(:sales_log, assigned_to: assigned_to_user)
expect(sales_log.sales?).to be true
describe "#new" do
context "when creating a record" do
let(:sales_log) { described_class.create }
it "attaches the correct custom validator" do
.to include(SalesLogValidator)
describe "#update" do
let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log, assigned_to: assigned_to_user) }
let(:validator) { sales_log._validators[nil].first }
after do
sales_log.update(age1: 25)
it "validates partner count" do
expect(validator).to receive(:validate_partner_count)
it "validates person age matches economic status" do
expect(validator).to receive(:validate_person_age_matches_economic_status)
it "validates person age matches relationship" do
expect(validator).to receive(:validate_person_age_matches_relationship)
it "validates person age and relationship matches economic status" do
expect(validator).to receive(:validate_person_age_and_relationship_matches_economic_status)
it "validates child is over 12 years younger than lead tenant" do
expect(validator).to receive(:validate_child_12_years_younger)
it "calls the form to clear any invalid answers" do
expect(sales_log.form).to receive(:reset_not_routed_questions_and_invalid_answers)
describe "resetting invalid answers" do
let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log, ownershipsch: 2, type: 8) }
it "resets attributes that have become invalid when the sales log is updated" do
expect { sales_log.update!(ownershipsch: 1) }.to change(sales_log, :type).from(8).to(nil)
describe "#optional_fields" do
context "when saledate is after 2023" do
let(:sales_log) { build(:sales_log, saledate: Time.zone.parse("2023-07-01")) }
it "returns optional fields" do
expect(sales_log.optional_fields).to eq(%w[
describe "#form" do
let(:sales_log) { build(:sales_log, assigned_to: assigned_to_user) }
let(:sales_log_2) { build(:sales_log, saledate: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 1), assigned_to: assigned_to_user) }
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2023, 1, 10))
after do
it "has returns the correct form based on the start date" do
expect(sales_log.form_name).to be_nil
expect(sales_log.form).to be_a(Form)
expect(sales_log_2.form_name).to eq("current_sales")
expect(sales_log_2.form).to be_a(Form)
describe "status" do
let(:completed_sales_log) { create(:sales_log, :completed) }
context "when proplen is not given" do
before do
allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(Time.zone.local(2023, 5, 1))
it "is set to in_progress for a log with a saledate after 23/24" do
completed_sales_log.update!(proplen: nil, proplen_asked: 0, saledate: Time.zone.local(2023, 5, 1))
expect(completed_sales_log.in_progress?).to be(true)
expect(completed_sales_log.not_started?).to be(false)
expect(completed_sales_log.completed?).to be(false)
expect(completed_sales_log.deleted?).to be(false)
context "when filtering by organisation" do
let(:organisation_1) { create(:organisation) }
let(:organisation_2) { create(:organisation) }
let(:organisation_3) { create(:organisation) }
before do
create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation_1)
create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation_1)
create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation_2)
it "filters by given organisation" do
expect(described_class.filter_by_organisation([organisation_1]).count).to eq(2)
expect(described_class.filter_by_organisation([organisation_1, organisation_2]).count).to eq(3)
expect(described_class.filter_by_organisation([organisation_3]).count).to eq(0)
describe "#search_by" do
let!(:sales_log_to_search) { create(:sales_log, :completed, id: 193_285) }
it "allows searching using ID" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.id.to_s)
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
it "allows searching using purchaser code" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.purchaser_code)
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
it "allows searching by a Property Postcode" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.postcode_full)
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
it "allows searching by id including the word log" do
result = described_class.search_by("log#{sales_log_to_search.id}")
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
it "allows searching by id including the capitalised word Log" do
result = described_class.search_by("Log#{sales_log_to_search.id}")
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
context "when postcode has spaces and lower case letters" do
let(:matching_postcode_lower_case_with_spaces) { sales_log_to_search.postcode_full.downcase.chars.insert(3, " ").join }
it "allows searching by a Property Postcode" do
result = described_class.search_by(matching_postcode_lower_case_with_spaces)
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
it "sanitises input for order" do
sales_log_to_search.update!(purchid: "' 123456")
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.purchid)
expect(result.count).to be >= 1
expect(result).to include(have_attributes(id: sales_log_to_search.id))
context "when filtering by year or nil" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :in_progress, saledate: nil)
sales_log_2021 = build(:sales_log, :in_progress)
sales_log_2021.saledate = Time.zone.local(2021, 4, 1)
sales_log_2021.save!(validate: false)
sales_log_3 = build(:sales_log, :in_progress)
sales_log_3.saledate = Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 1)
sales_log_3.save!(validate: false)
it "allows filtering on a single year or nil" do
expect(described_class.filter_by_years_or_nil(%w[2021]).count).to eq(2)
it "allows filtering by multiple years or nil using OR" do
expect(described_class.filter_by_years_or_nil(%w[2021 2022]).count).to eq(3)
it "can filter by year(s) AND status" do
expect(described_class.filter_by_years_or_nil(%w[2021 2022]).filter_by_status("in_progress").count).to eq(3)
context "when filtering duplicate logs" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation) }
let(:log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, owning_organisation: organisation) }
let!(:duplicate_log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns all duplicate logs for given log" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log).count).to eq(1)
it "returns duplicate log" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).to include(duplicate_log)
it "does not return the given log" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(log)
context "when there is a deleted duplicate log" do
let!(:deleted_duplicate_log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, discarded_at: Time.zone.now, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return the deleted log as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(deleted_duplicate_log)
context "when there is a log with a different sale date" do
let!(:different_sale_date_log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, saledate: Time.zone.tomorrow, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return a log with a different sale date as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(different_sale_date_log)
context "when there is a log with a different age1" do
let!(:different_age1) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1: 50, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return a log with a different age1 as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(different_age1)
context "when there is a log with a different sex1" do
let!(:different_sex1) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, sex1: "M", owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return a log with a different sex1 as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(different_sex1)
context "when there is a 2024 log with a different ecstat1" do
let!(:different_ecstat1) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, ecstat1: 0, owning_organisation: organisation) }
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2024, 5, 2))
after do
it "does not return a log with a different ecstat1 as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(different_ecstat1)
context "when there is a log with a different purchid" do
let!(:different_purchid) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, purchid: "different", owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return a log with a different purchid as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(different_purchid)
context "when there is a log with a different postcode_full" do
let!(:different_postcode_full) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, postcode_full: "B1 1AA", owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return a log with a different postcode_full as a duplicate" do
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(different_postcode_full)
context "when there is a log with nil values for duplicate check fields" do
let!(:duplicate_check_fields_not_given) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1: nil, sex1: nil, ecstat1: nil, pcodenk: 1, postcode_full: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return a log with nil values as a duplicate" do
log.update!(age1: nil, sex1: nil, ecstat1: nil, pcodenk: 1, postcode_full: nil)
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(duplicate_check_fields_not_given)
context "when there is a log with nil values for purchid" do
let!(:purchid_not_given) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, purchid: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns the log as a duplicate if purchid is nil" do
log.update!(purchid: nil)
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).to include(purchid_not_given)
context "when there is a log age not known" do
let!(:age1_not_known) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1_known: 1, age1: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns the log as a duplicate if age is not known" do
log.update!(age1_known: 1, age1: nil)
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).to include(age1_not_known)
context "when there is a log age pefers not to say" do
let!(:age1_prefers_not_to_say) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1_known: 2, age1: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns the log as a duplicate if age is prefers not to say" do
log.update!(age1_known: 2, age1: nil)
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).to include(age1_prefers_not_to_say)
context "when there is a log age pefers not to say and not known" do
let!(:age1_prefers_not_to_say) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1_known: 2, age1: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "does not return the log as a duplicate if age is prefers not to say" do
log.update!(age1_known: 1, age1: nil)
expect(described_class.duplicate_logs(log)).not_to include(age1_prefers_not_to_say)
context "when getting list of duplicate logs" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation) }
let!(:log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, owning_organisation: organisation) }
let!(:duplicate_log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, owning_organisation: organisation) }
let(:duplicate_sets) { described_class.duplicate_sets }
it "returns a list of duplicates in the same organisation" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a deleted duplicate log" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, discarded_at: Time.zone.now, status: 4)
it "does not return the deleted log as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with a different sale date" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, saledate: Time.zone.tomorrow)
it "does not return a log with a different sale date as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with a different age1" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1: 50)
it "does not return a log with a different age1 as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with a different sex1" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, sex1: "X")
it "does not return a log with a different sex1 as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with a different ecstat1" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, ecstat1: 9)
it "does not return a log with a different ecstat1 as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with a different purchid" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, purchid: "different")
it "does not return a log with a different purchid as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with a different postcode_full" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, postcode_full: "B1 1AA")
it "does not return a log with a different postcode_full as a duplicate" do
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when there is a log with nil values for duplicate check fields" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1: nil, sex1: nil, ecstat1: nil, pcodenk: 1, postcode_full: nil)
it "does not return a log with nil values as a duplicate" do
log.update!(age1: nil, sex1: nil, ecstat1: nil, pcodenk: 1, postcode_full: nil)
expect(duplicate_sets).to be_empty
context "when there is a log with nil values for purchid" do
let!(:purchid_not_given) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, purchid: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns the log as a duplicate if purchaser code is nil" do
log.update!(purchid: nil)
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, purchid_not_given.id)
context "when there is a log with age1 not known" do
let!(:age1_not_known) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1_known: 1, age1: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns the log as a duplicate if age1 is not known" do
log.update!(age1_known: 1, age1: nil)
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(age1_not_known.id, log.id)
context "when there is a log with age1 prefers not to say" do
let!(:age1_prefers_not_to_say) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1_known: 2, age1: nil, owning_organisation: organisation) }
it "returns the log as a duplicate if age1 is prefers not to say" do
log.update!(age1_known: 2, age1: nil)
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(age1_prefers_not_to_say.id, log.id)
context "when there is a log with age1 not known and prefers not to say" do
before do
create(:sales_log, :duplicate, age1_known: 2, age1: nil)
it "doe not return the log as a duplicate" do
log.update!(age1_known: 1, age1: nil)
expect(duplicate_sets).to be_empty
context "when user is given" do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
before do
create_list(:sales_log, 2, :duplicate, purchid: "other duplicates")
log.update!(assigned_to: user, owning_organisation: user.organisation)
it "does not return logs not associated with the given user" do
duplicate_log.update!(owning_organisation: user.organisation)
duplicate_sets = described_class.duplicate_sets(user.id)
expect(duplicate_sets.count).to eq(1)
expect(duplicate_sets.first).to contain_exactly(log.id, duplicate_log.id)
context "when saving addresses" do
before do
stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: "{\"status\":200,\"result\":{\"admin_district\":\"Manchester\",\"codes\":{\"admin_district\": \"E08000003\"}}}", headers: {})
def check_postcode_fields(postcode_field)
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(address_sales_log[postcode_field]).to eq("M1 1AE")
expect(record_from_db[postcode_field]).to eq("M1 1AE")
let!(:address_sales_log) do
assigned_to: assigned_to_user,
pcodenk: 0,
postcode_full: "M1 1AE",
def check_property_postcode_fields
it "correctly formats previous postcode" do
address_sales_log.update!(postcode_full: "M1 1AE")
address_sales_log.update!(postcode_full: "m1 1ae")
address_sales_log.update!(postcode_full: "m11Ae")
address_sales_log.update!(postcode_full: "m11ae")
it "correctly infers la" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(address_sales_log.la).to eq("E08000003")
expect(record_from_db["la"]).to eq("E08000003")
context "with 24/25 logs" do
let(:address_sales_log_24_25) do
assigned_to: assigned_to_user,
ppcodenk: 1,
postcode_full: "CA10 1AA",
ppostcode_full: nil,
prevloc: nil,
saledate: Time.zone.local(2024, 5, 2),
CLDC-3787 Autocomplete address search (#2924)
* Prototype
* Remove git from dockerfile
* UPRN search too
* Revert address client and use uprn client
* Add address search to lettings too
* Updates with lettings logs
* Update copy
* Move guidance to partial
* Fix uprn return
* Delete new db file, restore old
* Lint
* Remove old db file
* Lint
* Add new db file, remove old
* JS lint
* Update schema
* Add manual entry option
* Update derived variables
* Comment out old version of find address in 2024
* Remove db column
* Add new db columns
* Update guidance partial
* Add unless to migration
* Add migration files to remove and readd
* authenticate user
* Remove file
* Delete migration files
* Add search url
* Add search url
* Fix onConfirm
* Add manual entry button instead of change skip link
* Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link"
This reverts commit 22577c801aca940acfc16caf94d3159071ea8258.
* Revert "Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link""
This reverts commit 9f0a2111a58e933a28105e54aba6ca08c2d043b7.
* Replace uprn question
* Update question copy
* Allow changing the address search value
* Rename address autocomplete to address search
* Add buttons to switch between address questions
* Fix controller logic
* Enable adding question numbers to page headers
* Update skip links
* Add js disabled message to select
* Alternative way to handle js disabled users
* Revert "Alternative way to handle js disabled users"
This reverts commit 10da3d61e2f89ec29ef9f9071c63eb99aa2bb482.
* Fix typo
* Fix address options for address search question
* Reuse AddressDataPresenter where appropriate
* Lint
* Remove uprn selection question tests
* Reuse UprnDataPresenter where appropriate
* CSV export, exclude address_search
* Add address search to sales and lettings factory bots
* Exclude old address questions from routing, keep as exported values
* lint
* Update uprn value
* Add address search input boolean and switch between questions
* Reword copy, remove "Find" and "Search by"
* Align address questions, add question number and question text
* Remove old wip depends on
* Update some tests
* Update migration, move default value from db to model
* Update test
* Remove binding pry
* Lint
* Update test
* Lint
* Update test
* Update routes with underscores
* Remove debugging
* Limit visible logs to user
* Add manual address entry selected variable
* Change address search min length to 3chars
* Remove binding.pry
* Update factory bots, manual_address_entry_selected to true for preexisting tests
* Update model tests
* Update sales model tests excl E-code tests
* Update address search request test
* Reuse uprn id instead of address_search
* Set manual address entry selected as false when creating test logs
* Update model test
* Update request tests and remove old questions
* Add back test
* Update services
* Update more tests
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update request tests
* update model tests
* Also update sales log
* Update service csv uprn_selection values to 1
* Add tests for pages and questions
* Update test
* Update uprn_known
* Lint
* Add feature test
* Update test
* Update tests
* Remove test
* pre-consolidate migration files
* Indentation
* Controller method improvements
* Update question numbers for 2025/26
* Update question numbers tests
* consolidate and delete old migration files
* undo changes to schema.rb
* Update 2025 property information translation files
* Update answer options to show singular previously selected result if present
* Move buttons to bottom guidance partials
* Small improvements, make address search and existing search more similar
* Validate entered addresses as within England
* Update test
* Revert "Validate entered addresses as within England"
This reverts commit 2dbfbcc8a5188cde7fb0ac0dcdbc5919eefd6a12.
* Add missing button to sales address page
* Change error code
* Clear invalid options
* Edit no results message method
* Keep no result logic just change text
* Display uprn value with address value
* Still show no results message when characters entered is less than 3 rather than nothing
* Fix uprn result when query is ambiguous
* Reduce min match for address search
* Hide no result found message just before results are populated
* Prevent changing logs to 2025 with invalid addresses
* Correct attribute name
* Handle nil
* Remove custom error message
* Remove unused variables from factory
* Update tests, remove address and postcode from old find address
* Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers
* Revert "Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers"
This reverts commit a66c47a1abf7a429f25e0a016fedb0b92e92f15c.
* Undo changes to validation method
* Fix unchanged uprn_selection when clearing or changing uprn
* Undo a change
* Update bulk upload 2025
* Fix typo
* Remove redundant line
Co-authored-by: Kat <54268893+kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
2 weeks ago
manual_address_entry_selected: true,
before do
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io\/postcodes\/CA101AA/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{"status":200,"result":{"admin_district":"Eden","codes":{"admin_district":"E06000064"}}}', headers: {})
it "sets previous postcode for discounted sale" do
address_sales_log_24_25.update!(ownershipsch: 2, ppostcode_full: nil)
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log_24_25.id)
expect(address_sales_log_24_25.ppostcode_full).to eq("CA10 1AA")
expect(record_from_db["ppostcode_full"]).to eq("CA10 1AA")
expect(record_from_db["prevloc"]).to eq("E06000064")
it "does not set previous postcode for non discounted sale" do
address_sales_log_24_25.update!(ownershipsch: 1, ppostcode_full: nil)
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log_24_25.id)
expect(address_sales_log_24_25.ppostcode_full).to eq(nil)
expect(record_from_db["ppostcode_full"]).to eq(nil)
expect(record_from_db["prevloc"]).to eq(nil)
context "when validating household members derived vars" do
let!(:household_sales_log) do
managing_organisation: owning_organisation,
assigned_to: assigned_to_user,
age6: 14,
saledate: Time.zone.local(2024, 5, 2),
it "correctly derives economic status for tenants under 16" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(household_sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["ecstat6"]).to eq(9)
context "when saving address with LAs that have changed E-codes (LA inferred from postcode)" do
context "when LA is inferred from postcode" do
let(:address_sales_log_24_25) do
create(:sales_log, :shared_ownership_setup_complete, uprn_known: 0, uprn: nil, postcode_full: "CA10 1AA", saledate: Time.zone.local(2024, 5, 2))
let(:address_sales_log_25_26) do
CLDC-3787 Autocomplete address search (#2924)
* Prototype
* Remove git from dockerfile
* UPRN search too
* Revert address client and use uprn client
* Add address search to lettings too
* Updates with lettings logs
* Update copy
* Move guidance to partial
* Fix uprn return
* Delete new db file, restore old
* Lint
* Remove old db file
* Lint
* Add new db file, remove old
* JS lint
* Update schema
* Add manual entry option
* Update derived variables
* Comment out old version of find address in 2024
* Remove db column
* Add new db columns
* Update guidance partial
* Add unless to migration
* Add migration files to remove and readd
* authenticate user
* Remove file
* Delete migration files
* Add search url
* Add search url
* Fix onConfirm
* Add manual entry button instead of change skip link
* Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link"
This reverts commit 22577c801aca940acfc16caf94d3159071ea8258.
* Revert "Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link""
This reverts commit 9f0a2111a58e933a28105e54aba6ca08c2d043b7.
* Replace uprn question
* Update question copy
* Allow changing the address search value
* Rename address autocomplete to address search
* Add buttons to switch between address questions
* Fix controller logic
* Enable adding question numbers to page headers
* Update skip links
* Add js disabled message to select
* Alternative way to handle js disabled users
* Revert "Alternative way to handle js disabled users"
This reverts commit 10da3d61e2f89ec29ef9f9071c63eb99aa2bb482.
* Fix typo
* Fix address options for address search question
* Reuse AddressDataPresenter where appropriate
* Lint
* Remove uprn selection question tests
* Reuse UprnDataPresenter where appropriate
* CSV export, exclude address_search
* Add address search to sales and lettings factory bots
* Exclude old address questions from routing, keep as exported values
* lint
* Update uprn value
* Add address search input boolean and switch between questions
* Reword copy, remove "Find" and "Search by"
* Align address questions, add question number and question text
* Remove old wip depends on
* Update some tests
* Update migration, move default value from db to model
* Update test
* Remove binding pry
* Lint
* Update test
* Lint
* Update test
* Update routes with underscores
* Remove debugging
* Limit visible logs to user
* Add manual address entry selected variable
* Change address search min length to 3chars
* Remove binding.pry
* Update factory bots, manual_address_entry_selected to true for preexisting tests
* Update model tests
* Update sales model tests excl E-code tests
* Update address search request test
* Reuse uprn id instead of address_search
* Set manual address entry selected as false when creating test logs
* Update model test
* Update request tests and remove old questions
* Add back test
* Update services
* Update more tests
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update request tests
* update model tests
* Also update sales log
* Update service csv uprn_selection values to 1
* Add tests for pages and questions
* Update test
* Update uprn_known
* Lint
* Add feature test
* Update test
* Update tests
* Remove test
* pre-consolidate migration files
* Indentation
* Controller method improvements
* Update question numbers for 2025/26
* Update question numbers tests
* consolidate and delete old migration files
* undo changes to schema.rb
* Update 2025 property information translation files
* Update answer options to show singular previously selected result if present
* Move buttons to bottom guidance partials
* Small improvements, make address search and existing search more similar
* Validate entered addresses as within England
* Update test
* Revert "Validate entered addresses as within England"
This reverts commit 2dbfbcc8a5188cde7fb0ac0dcdbc5919eefd6a12.
* Add missing button to sales address page
* Change error code
* Clear invalid options
* Edit no results message method
* Keep no result logic just change text
* Display uprn value with address value
* Still show no results message when characters entered is less than 3 rather than nothing
* Fix uprn result when query is ambiguous
* Reduce min match for address search
* Hide no result found message just before results are populated
* Prevent changing logs to 2025 with invalid addresses
* Correct attribute name
* Handle nil
* Remove custom error message
* Remove unused variables from factory
* Update tests, remove address and postcode from old find address
* Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers
* Revert "Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers"
This reverts commit a66c47a1abf7a429f25e0a016fedb0b92e92f15c.
* Undo changes to validation method
* Fix unchanged uprn_selection when clearing or changing uprn
* Undo a change
* Update bulk upload 2025
* Fix typo
* Remove redundant line
Co-authored-by: Kat <54268893+kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
2 weeks ago
create(:sales_log, :shared_ownership_setup_complete, postcode_full: "CA10 1AA", saledate: Time.zone.local(2025, 5, 2), manual_address_entry_selected: true)
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2025, 5, 10))
after do
context "when old(2024) E-code gets returned" do
before do
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io\/postcodes\/CA101AA/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{"status":200,"result":{"admin_district":"Barnsley","codes":{"admin_district":"E08000016"}}}', headers: {})
context "with 2024 log" do
it "keeps 2024 E-code" do
expect(address_sales_log_24_25.la).to eq("E08000016")
context "with 2025 log" do
it "uses new 2025 E-code if" do
expect(address_sales_log_25_26.la).to eq("E08000038")
context "when new(2025) E-code gets returned" do
before do
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io\/postcodes\/CA101AA/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{"status":200,"result":{"admin_district":"Barnsley","codes":{"admin_district":"E08000038"}}}', headers: {})
context "with 2024 log" do
it "uses 2024 E-code" do
expect(address_sales_log_24_25.la).to eq("E08000016")
context "with 2025 log" do
it "keeps 2025 E-code if new(2025) E-code gets returned" do
expect(address_sales_log_25_26.la).to eq("E08000038")
context "when saving address with LAs that have changed E-codes" do
context "when address inferred from uprn - we still get LA from postcode" do
let(:address_sales_log_24_25) do
CLDC-3787 Autocomplete address search (#2924)
* Prototype
* Remove git from dockerfile
* UPRN search too
* Revert address client and use uprn client
* Add address search to lettings too
* Updates with lettings logs
* Update copy
* Move guidance to partial
* Fix uprn return
* Delete new db file, restore old
* Lint
* Remove old db file
* Lint
* Add new db file, remove old
* JS lint
* Update schema
* Add manual entry option
* Update derived variables
* Comment out old version of find address in 2024
* Remove db column
* Add new db columns
* Update guidance partial
* Add unless to migration
* Add migration files to remove and readd
* authenticate user
* Remove file
* Delete migration files
* Add search url
* Add search url
* Fix onConfirm
* Add manual entry button instead of change skip link
* Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link"
This reverts commit 22577c801aca940acfc16caf94d3159071ea8258.
* Revert "Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link""
This reverts commit 9f0a2111a58e933a28105e54aba6ca08c2d043b7.
* Replace uprn question
* Update question copy
* Allow changing the address search value
* Rename address autocomplete to address search
* Add buttons to switch between address questions
* Fix controller logic
* Enable adding question numbers to page headers
* Update skip links
* Add js disabled message to select
* Alternative way to handle js disabled users
* Revert "Alternative way to handle js disabled users"
This reverts commit 10da3d61e2f89ec29ef9f9071c63eb99aa2bb482.
* Fix typo
* Fix address options for address search question
* Reuse AddressDataPresenter where appropriate
* Lint
* Remove uprn selection question tests
* Reuse UprnDataPresenter where appropriate
* CSV export, exclude address_search
* Add address search to sales and lettings factory bots
* Exclude old address questions from routing, keep as exported values
* lint
* Update uprn value
* Add address search input boolean and switch between questions
* Reword copy, remove "Find" and "Search by"
* Align address questions, add question number and question text
* Remove old wip depends on
* Update some tests
* Update migration, move default value from db to model
* Update test
* Remove binding pry
* Lint
* Update test
* Lint
* Update test
* Update routes with underscores
* Remove debugging
* Limit visible logs to user
* Add manual address entry selected variable
* Change address search min length to 3chars
* Remove binding.pry
* Update factory bots, manual_address_entry_selected to true for preexisting tests
* Update model tests
* Update sales model tests excl E-code tests
* Update address search request test
* Reuse uprn id instead of address_search
* Set manual address entry selected as false when creating test logs
* Update model test
* Update request tests and remove old questions
* Add back test
* Update services
* Update more tests
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update request tests
* update model tests
* Also update sales log
* Update service csv uprn_selection values to 1
* Add tests for pages and questions
* Update test
* Update uprn_known
* Lint
* Add feature test
* Update test
* Update tests
* Remove test
* pre-consolidate migration files
* Indentation
* Controller method improvements
* Update question numbers for 2025/26
* Update question numbers tests
* consolidate and delete old migration files
* undo changes to schema.rb
* Update 2025 property information translation files
* Update answer options to show singular previously selected result if present
* Move buttons to bottom guidance partials
* Small improvements, make address search and existing search more similar
* Validate entered addresses as within England
* Update test
* Revert "Validate entered addresses as within England"
This reverts commit 2dbfbcc8a5188cde7fb0ac0dcdbc5919eefd6a12.
* Add missing button to sales address page
* Change error code
* Clear invalid options
* Edit no results message method
* Keep no result logic just change text
* Display uprn value with address value
* Still show no results message when characters entered is less than 3 rather than nothing
* Fix uprn result when query is ambiguous
* Reduce min match for address search
* Hide no result found message just before results are populated
* Prevent changing logs to 2025 with invalid addresses
* Correct attribute name
* Handle nil
* Remove custom error message
* Remove unused variables from factory
* Update tests, remove address and postcode from old find address
* Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers
* Revert "Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers"
This reverts commit a66c47a1abf7a429f25e0a016fedb0b92e92f15c.
* Undo changes to validation method
* Fix unchanged uprn_selection when clearing or changing uprn
* Undo a change
* Update bulk upload 2025
* Fix typo
* Remove redundant line
Co-authored-by: Kat <54268893+kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
2 weeks ago
create(:sales_log, :shared_ownership_setup_complete, manual_address_entry_selected: false, uprn_known: 1, uprn: 1, saledate: Time.zone.local(2024, 5, 2))
let(:address_sales_log_25_26) do
CLDC-3787 Autocomplete address search (#2924)
* Prototype
* Remove git from dockerfile
* UPRN search too
* Revert address client and use uprn client
* Add address search to lettings too
* Updates with lettings logs
* Update copy
* Move guidance to partial
* Fix uprn return
* Delete new db file, restore old
* Lint
* Remove old db file
* Lint
* Add new db file, remove old
* JS lint
* Update schema
* Add manual entry option
* Update derived variables
* Comment out old version of find address in 2024
* Remove db column
* Add new db columns
* Update guidance partial
* Add unless to migration
* Add migration files to remove and readd
* authenticate user
* Remove file
* Delete migration files
* Add search url
* Add search url
* Fix onConfirm
* Add manual entry button instead of change skip link
* Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link"
This reverts commit 22577c801aca940acfc16caf94d3159071ea8258.
* Revert "Revert "Add manual entry button instead of change skip link""
This reverts commit 9f0a2111a58e933a28105e54aba6ca08c2d043b7.
* Replace uprn question
* Update question copy
* Allow changing the address search value
* Rename address autocomplete to address search
* Add buttons to switch between address questions
* Fix controller logic
* Enable adding question numbers to page headers
* Update skip links
* Add js disabled message to select
* Alternative way to handle js disabled users
* Revert "Alternative way to handle js disabled users"
This reverts commit 10da3d61e2f89ec29ef9f9071c63eb99aa2bb482.
* Fix typo
* Fix address options for address search question
* Reuse AddressDataPresenter where appropriate
* Lint
* Remove uprn selection question tests
* Reuse UprnDataPresenter where appropriate
* CSV export, exclude address_search
* Add address search to sales and lettings factory bots
* Exclude old address questions from routing, keep as exported values
* lint
* Update uprn value
* Add address search input boolean and switch between questions
* Reword copy, remove "Find" and "Search by"
* Align address questions, add question number and question text
* Remove old wip depends on
* Update some tests
* Update migration, move default value from db to model
* Update test
* Remove binding pry
* Lint
* Update test
* Lint
* Update test
* Update routes with underscores
* Remove debugging
* Limit visible logs to user
* Add manual address entry selected variable
* Change address search min length to 3chars
* Remove binding.pry
* Update factory bots, manual_address_entry_selected to true for preexisting tests
* Update model tests
* Update sales model tests excl E-code tests
* Update address search request test
* Reuse uprn id instead of address_search
* Set manual address entry selected as false when creating test logs
* Update model test
* Update request tests and remove old questions
* Add back test
* Update services
* Update more tests
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update request tests
* update model tests
* Also update sales log
* Update service csv uprn_selection values to 1
* Add tests for pages and questions
* Update test
* Update uprn_known
* Lint
* Add feature test
* Update test
* Update tests
* Remove test
* pre-consolidate migration files
* Indentation
* Controller method improvements
* Update question numbers for 2025/26
* Update question numbers tests
* consolidate and delete old migration files
* undo changes to schema.rb
* Update 2025 property information translation files
* Update answer options to show singular previously selected result if present
* Move buttons to bottom guidance partials
* Small improvements, make address search and existing search more similar
* Validate entered addresses as within England
* Update test
* Revert "Validate entered addresses as within England"
This reverts commit 2dbfbcc8a5188cde7fb0ac0dcdbc5919eefd6a12.
* Add missing button to sales address page
* Change error code
* Clear invalid options
* Edit no results message method
* Keep no result logic just change text
* Display uprn value with address value
* Still show no results message when characters entered is less than 3 rather than nothing
* Fix uprn result when query is ambiguous
* Reduce min match for address search
* Hide no result found message just before results are populated
* Prevent changing logs to 2025 with invalid addresses
* Correct attribute name
* Handle nil
* Remove custom error message
* Remove unused variables from factory
* Update tests, remove address and postcode from old find address
* Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers
* Revert "Fix bug clearing uprn from see all answers"
This reverts commit a66c47a1abf7a429f25e0a016fedb0b92e92f15c.
* Undo changes to validation method
* Fix unchanged uprn_selection when clearing or changing uprn
* Undo a change
* Update bulk upload 2025
* Fix typo
* Remove redundant line
Co-authored-by: Kat <54268893+kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <kosiakkatrina@users.noreply.github.com>
2 weeks ago
create(:sales_log, :shared_ownership_setup_complete, manual_address_entry_selected: false, uprn_known: 1, uprn: 1, saledate: Time.zone.local(2025, 5, 2))
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2025, 5, 10))
after do
context "when old(2024) E-code gets returned" do
before do
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io\/postcodes\/AA11AA/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{"status":200,"result":{"admin_district":"Barnsley","codes":{"admin_district":"E08000016"}}}', headers: {})
context "with 2024 log" do
it "keeps 2024 E-code" do
expect(address_sales_log_24_25.la).to eq("E08000016")
context "with 2025 log" do
it "uses new 2025 E-code if" do
expect(address_sales_log_25_26.la).to eq("E08000038")
context "when new(2025) E-code gets returned" do
before do
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io\/postcodes\/AA11AA/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{"status":200,"result":{"admin_district":"Barnsley","codes":{"admin_district":"E08000038"}}}', headers: {})
context "with 2024 log" do
it "uses 2024 E-code" do # currently returns nil
expect(address_sales_log_24_25.la).to eq("E08000016")
context "with 2025 log" do
it "keeps 2025 E-code if new(2025) E-code gets returned" do
expect(address_sales_log_25_26.la).to eq("E08000038")
it "errors if the property postcode is emptied" do
expect { address_sales_log.update!({ postcode_full: "" }) }
.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /#{I18n.t("validations.postcode")}/)
it "errors if the property postcode is not valid" do
expect { address_sales_log.update!({ postcode_full: "invalid_postcode" }) }
.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /#{I18n.t("validations.postcode")}/)
it "correctly resets all fields if property postcode not known" do
address_sales_log.update!({ pcodenk: 1 })
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["postcode_full"]).to eq(nil)
expect(address_sales_log.la).to eq(nil)
expect(record_from_db["la"]).to eq(nil)
it "changes the LA if property postcode changes from not known to known and provided" do
address_sales_log.update!({ pcodenk: 1 })
address_sales_log.update!({ la: "E09000033" })
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["postcode_full"]).to eq(nil)
expect(address_sales_log.la).to eq("E09000033")
expect(record_from_db["la"]).to eq("E09000033")
address_sales_log.update!({ pcodenk: 0, postcode_full: "M1 1AD" })
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["postcode_full"]).to eq("M1 1AD")
expect(address_sales_log.la).to eq("E08000003")
expect(record_from_db["la"]).to eq("E08000003")
context "when deriving household variables" do
let!(:sales_log) do
jointpur: 1,
hholdcount: 4,
details_known_3: 1,
details_known_4: 1,
details_known_5: 1,
details_known_6: 1,
relat2: "C",
relat3: "C",
relat4: "X",
relat5: "X",
relat6: "P",
income2: 0,
ecstat2: 7,
ecstat3: 9,
age1: 47,
age2: 17,
age3: 14,
age4: 88,
age5: 19,
age6: 46,
it "correctly derives and saves hhmemb" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["hhmemb"]).to eq(6)
it "correctly derives and saves hhmemb if it's a joint purchase" do
sales_log.update!(jointpur: 2, jointmore: 2)
record_from_db = described_class.find(sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["hhmemb"]).to eq(5)
it "correctly derives and saves totchild" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["totchild"]).to eq(2)
it "correctly derives and saves totadult" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["totadult"]).to eq(4)
it "correctly derives and saves hhtype" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["hhtype"]).to eq(9)
context "when saving previous address" do
def check_previous_postcode_fields(postcode_field)
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(address_sales_log[postcode_field]).to eq("M1 1AE")
expect(record_from_db[postcode_field]).to eq("M1 1AE")
before do
stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io/)
.to_return(status: 200, body: "{\"status\":200,\"result\":{\"admin_district\":\"Manchester\", \"codes\":{\"admin_district\": \"E08000003\"}}}", headers: {})
let!(:address_sales_log) do
assigned_to: assigned_to_user,
ppcodenk: 1,
ppostcode_full: "M1 1AE",
def previous_postcode_fields
it "correctly formats previous postcode" do
address_sales_log.update!(ppostcode_full: "M1 1AE")
address_sales_log.update!(ppostcode_full: "m1 1ae")
address_sales_log.update!(ppostcode_full: "m11Ae")
address_sales_log.update!(ppostcode_full: "m11ae")
it "correctly infers prevloc" do
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(address_sales_log.prevloc).to eq("E08000003")
expect(record_from_db["prevloc"]).to eq("E08000003")
it "errors if the previous postcode is emptied" do
expect { address_sales_log.update!({ ppostcode_full: "" }) }
.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /#{I18n.t("validations.postcode")}/)
it "errors if the previous postcode is not valid" do
expect { address_sales_log.update!({ ppostcode_full: "invalid_postcode" }) }
.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /#{I18n.t("validations.postcode")}/)
it "correctly resets all fields if previous postcode not known" do
address_sales_log.update!({ ppcodenk: 1 })
record_from_db = described_class.find(address_sales_log.id)
expect(record_from_db["ppostcode_full"]).to eq(nil)
expect(address_sales_log.prevloc).to eq(nil)
expect(record_from_db["prevloc"]).to eq(nil)
describe "expected_shared_ownership_deposit_value" do
let!(:completed_sales_log) { create(:sales_log, :completed, ownershipsch: 1, type: 2, value: 1000, equity: 50, staircase: 1) }
it "is set to completed for a completed sales log" do
expect(completed_sales_log.expected_shared_ownership_deposit_value).to eq(500)
describe "#field_formatted_as_currency" do
let(:completed_sales_log) { create(:sales_log, :completed) }
it "returns small numbers correctly formatted as currency" do
completed_sales_log.update!(savings: 20)
expect(completed_sales_log.field_formatted_as_currency("savings")).to eq("£20.00")
it "returns quite large numbers correctly formatted as currency" do
completed_sales_log.update!(savings: 40_000)
expect(completed_sales_log.field_formatted_as_currency("savings")).to eq("£40,000.00")
it "returns very large numbers correctly formatted as currency" do
completed_sales_log.update!(savings: 400_000_000)
expect(completed_sales_log.field_formatted_as_currency("savings")).to eq("£400,000,000.00")
describe "#beds_for_la_sale_range" do
context "when beds nil" do
let(:sales_log) { build(:sales_log, beds: nil) }
it "returns nil" do
expect(sales_log.beds_for_la_sale_range).to be_nil
context "when beds <= 4" do
let(:sales_log) { build(:sales_log, beds: 4) }
it "returns number of beds" do
expect(sales_log.beds_for_la_sale_range).to eq(4)
context "when beds > 4" do
let(:sales_log) { build(:sales_log, beds: 40) }
it "returns max number of beds" do
expect(sales_log.beds_for_la_sale_range).to eq(4)
describe "#collection_period_open?" do
let(:log) { build(:sales_log, saledate:) }
context "when saledate is nil" do
let(:saledate) { nil }
it "returns false" do
expect(log.collection_period_open?).to eq(true)
context "when older_than_previous_collection_year" do
let(:previous_collection_start_date) { Time.zone.local(2050, 4, 1) }
let(:saledate) { previous_collection_start_date - 1.day }
before do
allow(log).to receive(:previous_collection_start_date).and_return(previous_collection_start_date)
it "returns true" do
expect(log.collection_period_open?).to eq(false)
context "when form end date is in the future" do
let(:saledate) { nil }
before do
allow(log).to receive_message_chain(:form, :new_logs_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.now + 1.day)
it "returns true" do
expect(log.collection_period_open?).to eq(true)
context "when form end date is in the past" do
let(:saledate) { Time.zone.local(2020, 4, 1) }
before do
allow(log).to receive_message_chain(:form, :new_logs_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.now - 1.day)
it "returns false" do
expect(log.collection_period_open?).to eq(false)
context "when searching logs" do
let!(:sales_log_to_search) { create(:sales_log, purchid: "to search", postcode_full: "ME0 0WW", id: 4_843_695) }
before do
create_list(:sales_log, 5, :completed)
describe "#filter_by_id" do
it "allows searching by a log ID" do
result = described_class.filter_by_id(sales_log_to_search.id.to_s)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
describe "#filter_by_purchaser_code" do
it "allows searching by a purchaser_code" do
result = described_class.filter_by_purchaser_code(sales_log_to_search.purchid)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
context "when purchaser_code has lower case letters" do
let(:matching_purchaser_code_lower_case) { sales_log_to_search.purchid.downcase }
it "allows searching by a purchaser_code" do
result = described_class.filter_by_purchaser_code(matching_purchaser_code_lower_case)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
describe "#filter_by_postcode" do
it "allows searching by a Property Postcode" do
result = described_class.filter_by_postcode(sales_log_to_search.postcode_full)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
describe "#search_by" do
it "allows searching using ID" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.id.to_s)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
it "allows searching using purchaser code" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.purchid)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
it "allows searching by a Property Postcode" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.postcode_full)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
context "when postcode has spaces and lower case letters" do
let(:matching_postcode_lower_case_with_spaces) { sales_log_to_search.postcode_full.downcase.chars.insert(3, " ").join }
it "allows searching by a Property Postcode" do
result = described_class.search_by(matching_postcode_lower_case_with_spaces)
expect(result.count).to eq(1)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
context "when matching multiple records on different fields" do
let!(:sales_log_with_purchid) { create(:sales_log, purchid: sales_log_to_search.id) }
let!(:sales_log_with_postcode) { create(:sales_log, postcode_full: "C1 1AC") }
let!(:sales_log_with_postcode_purchid) { create(:sales_log, purchid: "C1 1AC") }
it "returns all matching records in correct order with matching IDs" do
result = described_class.search_by(sales_log_to_search.id.to_s)
expect(result.count).to eq(2)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_to_search.id
expect(result.second.id).to eq sales_log_with_purchid.id
it "returns all matching records in correct order with matching postcode" do
result = described_class.search_by("C1 1AC")
expect(result.count).to eq(2)
expect(result.first.id).to eq sales_log_with_postcode_purchid.id
expect(result.second.id).to eq sales_log_with_postcode.id
context "when form year changes and LA is no longer active" do
let!(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log) }
before do
LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E08000003").update!(end_date: Time.zone.today)
it "removes the LA" do
sales_log.update!(saledate: Time.zone.yesterday, la: "E08000003")
expect(sales_log.reload.la).to eq("E08000003")
sales_log.update!(saledate: Time.zone.tomorrow)
expect(sales_log.reload.la).to eq(nil)
expect(sales_log.reload.is_la_inferred).to eq(false)
describe "#process_address_change!" do
context "when uprn_selection is uprn_not_listed" do
let(:log) { build(:sales_log, uprn_selection: "uprn_not_listed", address_line1_input: "Address line 1", postcode_full_input: "AA1 1AA") }
it "sets log address fields, including postcode known" do
expect { log.process_address_change! }.to change(log, :address_line1).from(nil).to("Address line 1")
.and change(log, :postcode_full).from(nil).to("AA1 1AA")
.and change(log, :pcodenk).from(nil).to(0)
# rubocop:enable RSpec/MessageChain