Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

180 lines
6.4 KiB

"form_type": "lettings",
"sections": {
"about_this_log": {
"label": "About this log",
"subsections": {
"about_this_log": {
"label": "About this log",
"pages": {
"gdpr_acceptance": {
"header": "DLUHC Privacy Notice Acceptance",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"gdpr_acceptance": {
"check_answer_label": "GDPR acceptance",
"header": "Has the tenant or buyer seen the DLUHC privacy notice?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": "Yes",
"1": "No"
"conditional_route_to": {
"organisation_details": { "gdpr_acceptance": "Yes" }
"gdpr_declined": {
"header": "You cannot use this service",
"hint_text": "",
"description": "We cannot accept data about a tenant or buyer unless they’ve seen the DLUHC privacy notice.",
"questions": {
"organisation_details": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "Organisation Details",
"questions": {
"property_owner_organisation": {
"check_answer_label": "",
"header": "Which organisation owns this property?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": "A",
"1": "B"
"property_manager_organisation": {
"check_answer_label": "",
"header": "Which organisation manages this property?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": "A",
"1": "B"
"sale_or_letting": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "Is this a sale or a letting?",
"questions": {
"sale_or_letting": {
"check_answer_label": "",
"header": "Is this a sale or a letting?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": "Sale",
"1": "Letting"
3 years ago
"tenant_same_property_renewal": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "Is this a renewal to the same tenant in the same property?",
"questions": {
"tenant_same_property_renewal": {
"check_answer_label": "",
"header": "Is this a renewal to the same tenant in the same property?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": "Yes",
"1": "No"
"depends_on": { "sale_or_letting": "Letting" }
"tenancy_start_date": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"tenancy_start_date": {
"check_answer_label": "When is the tenancy start date?",
"header": "What is the tenancy start date?",
"hint_text": "For example, 27 3 2007",
"type": "date"
"depends_on": { "sale_or_letting": "Letting" }
"letting_type": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"rent_type": {
"check_answer_label": "What is the rent type?",
"header": "What is the rent type?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "select",
"answer_options": {
"0": "Social Rent",
"1": "Affordable Rent",
"2": "London Affordable Rent",
"3": "Rent To Buy",
"4": "London Living Rent",
"5": "Other Intermediate Rent Product"
3 years ago
"conditional_for": {
"intermediate_rent_product_name": ["Other Intermediate Rent Product"]
"intermediate_rent_product_name": {
"check_answer_label": "Enter the product name",
"header": "What is intermediate rent product name?",
3 years ago
"type": "text"
"needs_type": {
"check_answer_label": "What is the needs type?",
"header": "What is the needs type?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "select",
"answer_options": {
"0": "Supported Housing",
"1": "General Needs"
"depends_on": { "sale_or_letting": "Letting" }
"sale_completion_date": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"sale_completion_date": {
"check_answer_label": "What is the sale completion date?",
"header": "What is the sale completion date?",
"hint_text": "For example, 27 3 2007",
"type": "date"
"depends_on": { "sale_or_letting": "Sale" }
"purchaser_code": {
"header": "About this log",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"purchaser_code": {
"check_answer_label": "What is the purchaser code?",
"header": "What is the purchaser code?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "text"
"depends_on": { "sale_or_letting": "Sale" }