hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of these best describes the lead tenant’s gender identity?"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of the following best describes lead tenant’s Black, African, Caribbean or Black British background?"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of the following best describes lead tenant’s Asian or Asian British background?"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of the following best describes the lead tenant’s Arab background?"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of the following best describes lead tenant’s Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups background?"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of the following best describes lead tenant’s White background?"
check_answer_label:"Lead tenant’s nationality"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"What is the nationality of the lead tenant?"
check_answer_label:"Lead tenant’s working situation"
hint_text:"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest."
question_text:"Which of these best describes the lead tenant’s working situation?"
page_header:"You’ve given us the details for 1 person in the household"
check_answer_label:"Details known for person 2"
hint_text:"You must provide details for everyone in the household if you know them."
question_text:"Do you know details for person 2?"
check_answer_label:"Person 2’s relationship to the lead tenant"
question_text:"What is person 2’s relationship to the lead tenant?"