class Form :: Sales :: Questions :: Buyer2Income < :: Form :: Question
def initialize ( id , hsh , page )
@id = " income2 "
@check_answer_label = " Buyer 2’s gross annual income "
@header = " Buyer 2’s gross annual income "
@type = " numeric "
@hint_text = " Provide the gross annual income (i.e. salary before tax) plus the annual amount of benefits, Universal Credit or pensions, and income from investments. "
@min = 0
@max = 999_999
@step = 1
@width = 5
@prefix = " £ "
@check_answers_card_number = 2
@question_number = QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR [ form . start_date . year ] || QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR [ QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR . keys . max ]
QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR = { 2023 = > 69 , 2024 = > 71 } . freeze