"hint_text":"The ’lead’ or ’main’ tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"header":"Which of these best describes the lead tenant’s gender identity?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"header":"What is the lead tenant’s ethnic group?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"value":"Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups"
"value":"Asian or Asian British"
"value":"Black, African, Caribbean or Black British"
"header":"Which of the following best describes the lead tenant’s Arab background?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"header":"Which of the following best describes the lead tenant’s Asian or Asian British background?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"header":"Which of the following best describes the lead tenant’s Black, African, Caribbean or Black British background?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"value":"Any other Black, African or Caribbean background"
"header":"Which of the following best describes the lead tenant’s Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups background?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"value":"White and Black Caribbean"
"value":"White and Black African"
"value":"White and Asian"
"value":"Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background"
"header":"Which of the following best describes the lead tenant’s White background?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"value":"English, Welsh, Northern Irish, Scottish or British"
"header":"What is the lead tenant’s nationality?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"check_answer_label":"Lead tenant’s working situation",
"header":"Which of these best describes the lead tenant’s working situation?",
"hint_text":"The lead tenant is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If several people do the same paid work, the lead tenant is whoever is the oldest.",
"value":"Part-time – Less than 30 hours"
"value":"Full-time – 30 hours or more"
"value":"Full-time student"
"value":"In government training into work, such as New Deal"
"value":"Not seeking work"
"value":"Unable to work because of long term sick or disability"
"header":"Does anybody in the household have any links to the UK armed forces?",
"hint_text":"This excludes national service.<br><br>If there are several people in the household with links to the UK armed forces, you should answer for the regular. If there’s no regular, answer for the reserve. If there’s no reserve, answer for the spouse or civil partner.",
"check_answer_label":"Household links to UK armed forces",
"value":"Yes – the person is a current or former regular"
"value":"Yes – the person is a current or former reserve"
"value":"Yes – the person is a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces member and has been bereaved or separated from them within the last 2 years"
"check_answer_label":"Reason for leaving last settled home",
"header":"What is the tenant’s main reason for the household leaving their last settled home?",
"hint_text":"The tenant’s ‘last settled home’ is their last long-standing home. For tenants who were in temporary accommodation or sleeping rough, their last settled home is where they were living previously.",
"value":"End of assured shorthold tenancy (no fault)"
"value":"End of assured shorthold tenancy (eviction or tenant at fault)"
"value":"End of fixed term tenancy (no fault)"
"value":"End of fixed term tenancy (eviction or tenant at fault)"
"value":"Permanently decanted from another property owned by this landlord"
"value":"Discharged from long-stay hospital or similar institution"
"value":"Discharged from prison"
"value":"Left home country as a refugee"
"value":"Loss of tied accommodation"
"value":"Asked to leave by family or friends"
"value":"Death of household member in last settled accommodation"
"value":"Relationship breakdown (non-violent) with partner"
"value":"To move nearer to family, friends or school"
"value":"To move nearer to work"
"value":"Domestic abuse"
"value":"Hate crime"
"value":"Racial harassment"
"value":"Other problems with neighbours"
"value":"Couldn’t afford fees attached to renewing the tenancy"
"value":"Couldn’t afford increase in rent"
"value":"Couldn’t afford rent or mortgage (employment)"
"value":"Couldn’t afford rent or mortgage (welfare reforms)"
"value":"Couldn’t afford rent or mortgage (other)"
"value":"Property unsuitable because of overcrowding"
"value":"Property unsuitable because of ill health or disability"
"value":"Property unsuitable because of poor condition"
"value":"To move to accommodation with support"
"value":"To move to independent accommodation"
"value":"Under occupation (no incentive)"
"value":"Under occupation (offered incentive to downsize)"
"hint_text":"This is the amount paid before any charges are added for services (for example, hot water or cleaning). Households may receive housing benefit or Universal Credit towards basic rent.",
"hint_text":"This is the amount paid before any charges are added for services (for example, hot water or cleaning). Households may receive housing benefit or Universal Credit towards basic rent.",
"hint_text":"This is the amount paid before any charges are added for services (for example, hot water or cleaning). Households may receive housing benefit or Universal Credit towards basic rent.",
"hint_text":"This is the amount paid before any charges are added for services (for example, hot water or cleaning). Households may receive housing benefit or Universal Credit towards basic rent.",