Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

134 lines
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require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe Organisation, type: :model do
describe "#new" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }
let!(:organisation) { user.organisation }
Cldc 1227 supported housing index (#648) * Added test file for supported housing schemes * Added factory bot for supported housing schemes * swapped managing agent to org for scheme * created migration for schemes * created model for scheme * added migration to add foreign key to the schemes table * missing spec and log spec for supported housing * fixed failing specs * added schemes migration * next step feature * added route * added controller * added index * added all schemes * correct test for scheme * added view * route alias for schemes * spec for index schemes * failing scheme controller spec * added simple view, scheme seed and authentication * spec for index schemes list * rubocop - thanks * better seed * added Heading to org * added feature flag to hide supported services on prod * added feature flag testing nav items * testing coordinator user can see the link to supported housing * moved toggle to a different place * moved toggle to PrimaryNavigationComponent * testing not being signed in on support pages * testing showing search bar * added search bar * testing subset of schemes for coordinator user * rubocop * failing test for title in page * code to expose title * pagination with tests without searching * partial for schemes * scoping out all but support and coord users * searching schemes code and test * searching via code and org tests * searching by org name tests * searching by org name code * search_by tests * search_by code * search_by woops must search by service * searching schemes feature * tests for data coordinator user * redirect for data coordinator user * testing org schemes for coordiantor user * schemes in org controller for coordiantor user * refactored specs moved into orgs what belongs there * view for org schemes * rubocop * accebility field * accebility field on org page * correct return when on org schemes * passing search test on the orgs page * highlight nav tab * navs helper done * rubocop * fixed failing tests for support user * correct view * how did I manage to delete this file? * checking you cant access schems unathorized * moved test * renamed service name * correct title for sup user schemes org * testing not being able to view any other orgs supported housing for coordinator user * Trigger WF * last fix * aded has many to org for schemes * rubocop Co-authored-by: Ted <>
3 years ago
let!(:scheme) { FactoryBot.create(:scheme, organisation:) }
it "has expected fields" do
expect(organisation.attribute_names).to include("name", "phone", "provider_type")
it "has users" do
expect(organisation.users.first).to eq(user)
Cldc 1227 supported housing index (#648) * Added test file for supported housing schemes * Added factory bot for supported housing schemes * swapped managing agent to org for scheme * created migration for schemes * created model for scheme * added migration to add foreign key to the schemes table * missing spec and log spec for supported housing * fixed failing specs * added schemes migration * next step feature * added route * added controller * added index * added all schemes * correct test for scheme * added view * route alias for schemes * spec for index schemes * failing scheme controller spec * added simple view, scheme seed and authentication * spec for index schemes list * rubocop - thanks * better seed * added Heading to org * added feature flag to hide supported services on prod * added feature flag testing nav items * testing coordinator user can see the link to supported housing * moved toggle to a different place * moved toggle to PrimaryNavigationComponent * testing not being signed in on support pages * testing showing search bar * added search bar * testing subset of schemes for coordinator user * rubocop * failing test for title in page * code to expose title * pagination with tests without searching * partial for schemes * scoping out all but support and coord users * searching schemes code and test * searching via code and org tests * searching by org name tests * searching by org name code * search_by tests * search_by code * search_by woops must search by service * searching schemes feature * tests for data coordinator user * redirect for data coordinator user * testing org schemes for coordiantor user * schemes in org controller for coordiantor user * refactored specs moved into orgs what belongs there * view for org schemes * rubocop * accebility field * accebility field on org page * correct return when on org schemes * passing search test on the orgs page * highlight nav tab * navs helper done * rubocop * fixed failing tests for support user * correct view * how did I manage to delete this file? * checking you cant access schems unathorized * moved test * renamed service name * correct title for sup user schemes org * testing not being able to view any other orgs supported housing for coordinator user * Trigger WF * last fix * aded has many to org for schemes * rubocop Co-authored-by: Ted <>
3 years ago
it "has schemes" do
expect(organisation.schemes.first).to eq(scheme)
it "validates provider_type presence" do
expect { FactoryBot.create(:organisation, provider_type: nil) }
.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, "Validation failed: Provider type #{I18n.t('validations.organisation.provider_type_missing')}")
context "with data protection confirmations" do
before do
FactoryBot.create(:data_protection_confirmation, organisation:, confirmed: false, created_at: Time.utc(2018, 0o6, 0o5, 10, 36, 49))
FactoryBot.create(:data_protection_confirmation, organisation:, created_at: Time.utc(2019, 0o6, 0o5, 10, 36, 49))
it "takes the most recently created" do
expect(organisation.data_protection_confirmed?).to be true
3 years ago
context "when the organisation only uses specific rent periods" do
let(:rent_period_mappings) do
{ "2" => { "value" => "Weekly for 52 weeks" }, "3" => { "value" => "Every 2 weeks" } }
3 years ago
before do
FactoryBot.create(:organisation_rent_period, organisation:, rent_period: 2)
FactoryBot.create(:organisation_rent_period, organisation:, rent_period: 3)
allow(RentPeriod).to receive(:rent_period_mappings).and_return(rent_period_mappings)
3 years ago
it "has rent periods associated" do
expect(organisation.rent_periods).to eq([2, 3])
it "maps the rent periods to display values" do
expect(organisation.rent_period_labels).to eq(["Weekly for 52 weeks", "Every 2 weeks"])
3 years ago
context "when the organisation has not specified which rent periods it uses" do
it "displays `all`" do
expect(organisation.rent_period_labels).to eq(%w[All])
context "with case logs" do
let(:other_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
let!(:owned_case_log) do
owning_organisation: organisation,
managing_organisation: other_organisation,
let!(:managed_case_log) do
owning_organisation: other_organisation,
managing_organisation: organisation,
it "has owned case logs" do
expect(organisation.owned_case_logs.first).to eq(owned_case_log)
it "has managed case logs" do
expect(organisation.managed_case_logs.first).to eq(managed_case_log)
it "has case logs" do
expect(organisation.case_logs.to_a).to match_array([owned_case_log, managed_case_log])
it "has case log status helper methods" do
expect(organisation.completed_case_logs.to_a).to eq([owned_case_log])
expect(organisation.not_completed_case_logs.to_a).to eq([managed_case_log])
describe "paper trail" do
let(:organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
it "creates a record of changes to a log" do
expect { organisation.update!(name: "new test name") }.to change(organisation.versions, :count).by(1)
it "allows case logs to be restored to a previous version" do
organisation.update!(name: "new test name")
expect( eq("DLUHC")
describe "scopes" do
before do
FactoryBot.create(:organisation, name: "Joe Bloggs")
FactoryBot.create(:organisation, name: "Tom Smith")
context "when searching by name" do
it "returns case insensitive matching records" do
expect(described_class.search_by_name("Joe").count).to eq(1)
expect(described_class.search_by_name("joe").count).to eq(1)
context "when searching by all searchable field" do
it "returns case insensitive matching records" do
expect(described_class.search_by("Joe").count).to eq(1)
expect(described_class.search_by("joe").count).to eq(1)