require " rails_helper "
RSpec . describe CsvDownloadMailer do
let ( :notify_client ) { instance_double ( Notifications :: Client ) }
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , email : " " ) }
before do
allow ( Notifications :: Client ) . to receive ( :new ) . and_return ( notify_client )
allow ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . and_return ( true )
describe " # send_csv_download_mail " do
it " sends a CSV download E-mail via notify " do
link = :link
duration = 20 . minutes . to_i
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
template_id : described_class :: CSV_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE_ID ,
personalisation : {
name : user . name ,
link : ,
duration : " 20 minutes " ,
} ,
described_class . new . send_csv_download_mail ( user , link , duration )
describe " # send_missing_lettings_addresses_csv_download_mail " do
it " sends a CSV download E-mail via notify " do
link = :link
duration = 20 . minutes . to_i
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
personalisation : {
name : user . name ,
issue_explanation : " We have found this issue in your logs imported to the new version of CORE:
## Missing town or city
The town or city in some logs is missing . This data is required in the new version of CORE . \ n " ,
how_to_fix : " You need to: \n
- download [ this spreadsheet for lettings logs ] ( #{link}). This link will expire in one week. To request another link, [contact the CORE helpdesk](
- fill in the missing address data
- check that the existing address data is correct \ n " ,
duration : " 20 minutes " ,
} ,
described_class . new . send_missing_lettings_addresses_csv_download_mail ( user , link , duration , %w[ missing_town ] )
describe " # send_missing_sales_addresses_csv_download_mail " do
it " sends a CSV download E-mail via notify " do
link = :link
duration = 20 . minutes . to_i
expect ( notify_client ) . to receive ( :send_email ) . with (
email_address : user . email ,
personalisation : {
name : user . name ,
issue_explanation : " We have found this issue in your logs imported to the new version of CORE:
## Incorrect UPRN\nThe UPRN in some logs may be incorrect, so the wrong address data may have been imported.
In some of your logs , the UPRN is the same as the purchaser code , but these are different things . Purchaser codes are codes that your organisation uses to identify properties . UPRNs are unique numbers assigned by the Ordnance Survey .
If a log has the correct UPRN , leave the UPRN unchanged . If the UPRN is incorrect , clear the value and provide the full address instead . Alternatively , you can change the UPRN on the CORE system . \ n " ,
how_to_fix : " You need to: \n
- download [ this spreadsheet for sales logs ] ( #{link}). This link will expire in one week. To request another link, [contact the CORE helpdesk](
- check that the address data is correct
- correct any address errors \ n " ,
duration : " 20 minutes " ,
} ,
described_class . new . send_missing_sales_addresses_csv_download_mail ( user , link , duration , %w[ wrong_uprn ] )