Browse Source

CLDC-2995 Update renttype_detail export csv (#2132) (#2208)

* Update renttype_detail export csv
* Export renttype_detail in xml
* Add renttype labels
kosiakkatrina 1 year ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 13
  4. 1
  5. 2
  6. 1
  7. 1
  8. 1
  9. 4
  10. 4
  11. 4
  12. 4
  13. 3


@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ module DerivedVariables::LettingsLogVariables
5 => 8, # "Other intermediate rent product" => "Another Intermediate Rent basis"
0 => 1,
1 => 2,
2 => 3,
3 => 4,
4 => 5,
5 => 6,
def scheme_has_multiple_locations?
return false unless scheme


@ -557,10 +557,14 @@ class LettingsLog < Log
location.type_of_unit_before_type_cast if location
def rent_type_detail
def renttype_detail
form.get_question("rent_type", self)&.label_from_value(rent_type)
def renttype_detail_code
RENTTYPE_DETAIL_MAPPING[rent_type] if rent_type.present?
def non_location_setup_questions_completed?
[needstype, renewal, rent_type, startdate, owning_organisation_id, created_by_id].all?(&:present?)


@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ module Csv
labels: %i[created_by is_dpo?],
codes: %i[created_by is_dpo?],
renttype_detail: {
labels: %i[renttype_detail],
codes: %i[renttype_detail_code],
PERSON_DETAILS = {}.tap { |hash|
@ -244,12 +248,19 @@ module Csv
1 => "Prefers not to say",
1 => "Social Rent",
2 => "Affordable Rent",
3 => "Intermediate Rent",
"lettype" => LETTYPE_LABELS,
"irproduct" => IRPRODUCT_LABELS,
"lar" => LAR_LABELS,
"newprop" => NEWPROP_LABELS,
"incref" => INCREF_LABELS,
"renttype" => RENTTYPE_LABELS,
CONVENTIONAL_YES_NO_ATTRIBUTES = %w[illness_type_1 illness_type_2 illness_type_3 illness_type_4 illness_type_5 illness_type_6 illness_type_7 illness_type_8 illness_type_9 illness_type_10 refused cbl cap chr letting_allocation_none housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_d housingneeds_e housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h has_benefits nocharge postcode_known].freeze
@ -262,7 +273,7 @@ module Csv
"created_by_id" => [],
"scheme_id" => [],
"location_id" => [],
"rent_type" => %w[renttype rent_type_detail],
"rent_type" => %w[renttype renttype_detail],
"hb" => %w[hb has_benefits],
"age1" => %w[refused hhtype totchild totelder totadult age1],
"housingneeds_type" => %w[housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h],


@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ module Exports::LettingsLogExportConstants


@ -227,6 +227,8 @@ module Exports
attribute_hash["ecstat#{index}"] = 10
attribute_hash["renttype_detail"] = LettingsLog::RENTTYPE_DETAIL_MAPPING[lettings_log.rent_type] if lettings_log.rent_type.present?

spec/fixtures/exports/general_needs_log.xml vendored

@ -157,6 +157,7 @@

spec/fixtures/exports/general_needs_log_23_24.xml vendored

@ -158,6 +158,7 @@

spec/fixtures/exports/supported_housing_logs.xml vendored

@ -173,6 +173,7 @@

spec/fixtures/files/lettings_log_csv_export_codes.csv vendored

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,1,,,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,1,7,0,2023-11-26,2,1,1,,2,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,1,0,,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,false,Barnet,E09000003,0,2,6,2,2,7,1,1,3,2023-11-24,,,1,2023-11-25,,3,1,4,,2,,1,4,,1,4,0,0,2,35,,F,0,2,13,0,0,P,32,M,6,1,R,-9,R,10,0,R,-9,R,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,4,1,2,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,7,4,,6,2,1,0,TN23 6LZ,1,false,Ashford,E07000105,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,,2,,0,0,268,1,,6,1,1,,0,2,,,,,200.0,100.0,,50.0,25.0,40.0,20.0,35.0,17.5,325.0,162.5,,,,1,0,12.0,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,1,,,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,1,7,0,2023-11-26,2,2,1,,2,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,1,0,,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,false,Barnet,E09000003,0,2,6,2,2,7,1,1,3,2023-11-24,,,1,2023-11-25,,3,1,4,,2,,1,4,,1,4,0,0,2,35,,F,0,2,13,0,0,P,32,M,6,1,R,-9,R,10,0,R,-9,R,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,4,1,2,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,7,4,,6,2,1,0,TN23 6LZ,1,false,Ashford,E07000105,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,,2,,0,0,268,1,,6,1,1,,0,2,,,,,200.0,100.0,,50.0,25.0,40.0,20.0,35.0,17.5,325.0,162.5,,,,1,0,12.0,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1 id status duplicate_set_id created_by is_dpo created_at updated_by updated_at creation_method old_id old_form_id collection_start_year owning_organisation_name managing_organisation_name needstype lettype renewal startdate renttype rent_type_detail renttype_detail irproduct irproduct_other lar tenancycode propcode postcode_known uprn_known uprn uprn_confirmed address_line1 address_line2 town_or_city county postcode_full is_la_inferred la_label la first_time_property_let_as_social_housing unitletas rsnvac newprop offered unittype_gn builtype wchair beds voiddate vacdays void_date_value_check majorrepairs mrcdate major_repairs_date_value_check joint startertenancy tenancy tenancyother tenancylength sheltered declaration hhmemb pregnancy_value_check refused hhtype totchild totelder totadult age1 retirement_value_check sex1 ethnic_group ethnic national ecstat1 details_known_2 relat2 age2 sex2 ecstat2 details_known_3 relat3 age3 sex3 ecstat3 details_known_4 relat4 age4 sex4 ecstat4 details_known_5 relat5 age5 sex5 ecstat5 details_known_6 relat6 age6 sex6 ecstat6 details_known_7 relat7 age7 sex7 ecstat7 details_known_8 relat8 age8 sex8 ecstat8 armedforces leftreg reservist preg_occ housingneeds housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h housingneeds_other illness illness_type_4 illness_type_5 illness_type_2 illness_type_6 illness_type_7 illness_type_3 illness_type_9 illness_type_8 illness_type_1 illness_type_10 layear waityear reason reasonother prevten new_old homeless ppcodenk ppostcode_full previous_la_known is_previous_la_inferred prevloc_label prevloc reasonpref rp_homeless rp_insan_unsat rp_medwel rp_hardship rp_dontknow cbl cap chr letting_allocation_none referral referral_value_check net_income_known incref earnings incfreq net_income_value_check hb has_benefits benefits household_charge nocharge period is_carehome chcharge wchchrg carehome_charges_value_check brent wrent rent_value_check scharge wscharge pscharge wpschrge supcharg wsupchrg tcharge wtcharge scharge_value_check pscharge_value_check supcharg_value_check hbrentshortfall tshortfall_known tshortfall wtshortfall scheme_code scheme_service_name scheme_sensitive SCHTYPE scheme_registered_under_care_act scheme_owning_organisation_name scheme_primary_client_group scheme_has_other_client_group scheme_secondary_client_group scheme_support_type scheme_intended_stay scheme_created_at location_code location_postcode location_name location_units location_type_of_unit location_mobility_type location_local_authority location_startdate
2 completed false 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 1 2023 DLUHC DLUHC 1 7 0 2023-11-26 2 1 2 1 2 HIJKLMN ABCDEFG 1 0 fake address London NW9 5LL false Barnet E09000003 0 2 6 2 2 7 1 1 3 2023-11-24 1 2023-11-25 3 1 4 2 1 4 1 4 0 0 2 35 F 0 2 13 0 0 P 32 M 6 1 R -9 R 10 0 R -9 R 10 1 4 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 6 2 1 0 TN23 6LZ 1 false Ashford E07000105 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 268 1 6 1 1 0 2 200.0 100.0 50.0 25.0 40.0 20.0 35.0 17.5 325.0 162.5 1 0 12.0 6.0

spec/fixtures/files/lettings_log_csv_export_labels.csv vendored

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,single log,,,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,General needs,Affordable rent general needs local authority,No,2023-11-26,2,Affordable Rent,Rent to Buy,,No,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,Yes,No,,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,No,Barnet,E09000003,No,Affordable rent basis,Tenant abandoned property,No,2,House,Purpose built,Yes,3,2023-11-24,,,Yes,2023-11-25,,Don’t know,Yes,Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term,,2,,Yes,4,,Yes,4,0,0,2,35,,Female,White,Irish,Tenant prefers not to say,Other,Yes,Partner,32,Male,Not seeking work,No,Prefers not to say,Not known,Prefers not to say,Prefers not to say,Yes,Person prefers not to say,Not known,Person prefers not to say,Person prefers not to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes – the person is a current or former regular,No – they left up to and including 5 years ago,Yes,No,Yes,Fully wheelchair accessible housing,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Less than 1 year,1 year but under 2 years,Loss of tied accommodation,,Other supported housing,2,No,Yes,TN23 6LZ,Yes,No,Ashford,E07000105,Yes,,Yes,,,,No,No,Yes,,Tenant applied directly (no referral or nomination),,Yes,No,268,Weekly,,Universal Credit housing element,Yes,All,,No,Every 2 weeks,,,,,200.0,100.0,,50.0,25.0,40.0,20.0,35.0,17.5,325.0,162.5,,,,Yes,Yes,12.0,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,single log,,,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,General needs,Affordable rent general needs local authority,No,2023-11-26,Affordable Rent,Affordable Rent,Rent to Buy,,No,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,Yes,No,,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,No,Barnet,E09000003,No,Affordable rent basis,Tenant abandoned property,No,2,House,Purpose built,Yes,3,2023-11-24,,,Yes,2023-11-25,,Don’t know,Yes,Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term,,2,,Yes,4,,Yes,4,0,0,2,35,,Female,White,Irish,Tenant prefers not to say,Other,Yes,Partner,32,Male,Not seeking work,No,Prefers not to say,Not known,Prefers not to say,Prefers not to say,Yes,Person prefers not to say,Not known,Person prefers not to say,Person prefers not to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes – the person is a current or former regular,No – they left up to and including 5 years ago,Yes,No,Yes,Fully wheelchair accessible housing,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Less than 1 year,1 year but under 2 years,Loss of tied accommodation,,Other supported housing,2,No,Yes,TN23 6LZ,Yes,No,Ashford,E07000105,Yes,,Yes,,,,No,No,Yes,,Tenant applied directly (no referral or nomination),,Yes,No,268,Weekly,,Universal Credit housing element,Yes,All,,No,Every 2 weeks,,,,,200.0,100.0,,50.0,25.0,40.0,20.0,35.0,17.5,325.0,162.5,,,,Yes,Yes,12.0,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1 id status duplicate_set_id created_by is_dpo created_at updated_by updated_at creation_method old_id old_form_id collection_start_year owning_organisation_name managing_organisation_name needstype lettype renewal startdate renttype rent_type_detail renttype_detail irproduct irproduct_other lar tenancycode propcode postcode_known uprn_known uprn uprn_confirmed address_line1 address_line2 town_or_city county postcode_full is_la_inferred la_label la first_time_property_let_as_social_housing unitletas rsnvac newprop offered unittype_gn builtype wchair beds voiddate vacdays void_date_value_check majorrepairs mrcdate major_repairs_date_value_check joint startertenancy tenancy tenancyother tenancylength sheltered declaration hhmemb pregnancy_value_check refused hhtype totchild totelder totadult age1 retirement_value_check sex1 ethnic_group ethnic national ecstat1 details_known_2 relat2 age2 sex2 ecstat2 details_known_3 relat3 age3 sex3 ecstat3 details_known_4 relat4 age4 sex4 ecstat4 details_known_5 relat5 age5 sex5 ecstat5 details_known_6 relat6 age6 sex6 ecstat6 details_known_7 relat7 age7 sex7 ecstat7 details_known_8 relat8 age8 sex8 ecstat8 armedforces leftreg reservist preg_occ housingneeds housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h housingneeds_other illness illness_type_4 illness_type_5 illness_type_2 illness_type_6 illness_type_7 illness_type_3 illness_type_9 illness_type_8 illness_type_1 illness_type_10 layear waityear reason reasonother prevten new_old homeless ppcodenk ppostcode_full previous_la_known is_previous_la_inferred prevloc_label prevloc reasonpref rp_homeless rp_insan_unsat rp_medwel rp_hardship rp_dontknow cbl cap chr letting_allocation_none referral referral_value_check net_income_known incref earnings incfreq net_income_value_check hb has_benefits benefits household_charge nocharge period is_carehome chcharge wchchrg carehome_charges_value_check brent wrent rent_value_check scharge wscharge pscharge wpschrge supcharg wsupchrg tcharge wtcharge scharge_value_check pscharge_value_check supcharg_value_check hbrentshortfall tshortfall_known tshortfall wtshortfall scheme_code scheme_service_name scheme_sensitive SCHTYPE scheme_registered_under_care_act scheme_owning_organisation_name scheme_primary_client_group scheme_has_other_client_group scheme_secondary_client_group scheme_support_type scheme_intended_stay scheme_created_at location_code location_postcode location_name location_units location_type_of_unit location_mobility_type location_local_authority location_startdate
2 completed false 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 single log 2023 DLUHC DLUHC General needs Affordable rent general needs local authority No 2023-11-26 2 Affordable Rent Affordable Rent Affordable Rent Rent to Buy No HIJKLMN ABCDEFG Yes No fake address London NW9 5LL No Barnet E09000003 No Affordable rent basis Tenant abandoned property No 2 House Purpose built Yes 3 2023-11-24 Yes 2023-11-25 Don’t know Yes Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term 2 Yes 4 Yes 4 0 0 2 35 Female White Irish Tenant prefers not to say Other Yes Partner 32 Male Not seeking work No Prefers not to say Not known Prefers not to say Prefers not to say Yes Person prefers not to say Not known Person prefers not to say Person prefers not to say Yes – the person is a current or former regular No – they left up to and including 5 years ago Yes No Yes Fully wheelchair accessible housing Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Less than 1 year 1 year but under 2 years Loss of tied accommodation Other supported housing 2 No Yes TN23 6LZ Yes No Ashford E07000105 Yes Yes No No Yes Tenant applied directly (no referral or nomination) Yes No 268 Weekly Universal Credit housing element Yes All No Every 2 weeks 200.0 100.0 50.0 25.0 40.0 20.0 35.0 17.5 325.0 162.5 Yes Yes 12.0 6.0

spec/fixtures/files/lettings_log_csv_export_non_support_codes.csv vendored

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,1,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,1,7,0,2023-11-26,2,1,1,,2,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,0,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,Barnet,2,6,2,2,7,1,1,3,2023-11-24,1,,1,2023-11-25,,3,1,4,,2,,1,4,1,35,F,0,2,13,0,P,32,M,6,R,-9,R,10,R,-9,R,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,4,1,2,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,7,4,,6,1,0,TN23 6LZ,Ashford,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,,2,,0,268,1,6,1,1,,0,2,,,,,200.0,50.0,40.0,35.0,325.0,,,,1,12.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,1,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,1,7,0,2023-11-26,2,2,1,,2,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,0,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,Barnet,2,6,2,2,7,1,1,3,2023-11-24,1,,1,2023-11-25,,3,1,4,,2,,1,4,1,35,F,0,2,13,0,P,32,M,6,R,-9,R,10,R,-9,R,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,4,1,2,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,7,4,,6,1,0,TN23 6LZ,Ashford,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,,2,,0,268,1,6,1,1,,0,2,,,,,200.0,50.0,40.0,35.0,325.0,,,,1,12.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1 id status duplicate_set_id created_by is_dpo created_at updated_by updated_at creation_method collection_start_year owning_organisation_name managing_organisation_name needstype lettype renewal startdate renttype rent_type_detail renttype_detail irproduct irproduct_other lar tenancycode propcode uprn_known uprn address_line1 address_line2 town_or_city county postcode_full la_label unitletas rsnvac newprop offered unittype_gn builtype wchair beds voiddate vacdays void_date_value_check majorrepairs mrcdate major_repairs_date_value_check joint startertenancy tenancy tenancyother tenancylength sheltered declaration hhmemb refused age1 sex1 ethnic_group ethnic national ecstat1 relat2 age2 sex2 ecstat2 relat3 age3 sex3 ecstat3 relat4 age4 sex4 ecstat4 relat5 age5 sex5 ecstat5 relat6 age6 sex6 ecstat6 relat7 age7 sex7 ecstat7 relat8 age8 sex8 ecstat8 armedforces leftreg reservist preg_occ housingneeds housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h housingneeds_other illness illness_type_4 illness_type_5 illness_type_2 illness_type_6 illness_type_7 illness_type_3 illness_type_9 illness_type_8 illness_type_1 illness_type_10 layear waityear reason reasonother prevten homeless ppcodenk ppostcode_full prevloc_label reasonpref rp_homeless rp_insan_unsat rp_medwel rp_hardship rp_dontknow cbl cap chr letting_allocation_none referral referral_value_check incref earnings incfreq hb has_benefits benefits household_charge nocharge period is_carehome chcharge wchchrg carehome_charges_value_check brent scharge pscharge supcharg tcharge scharge_value_check pscharge_value_check supcharg_value_check hbrentshortfall tshortfall scheme_code scheme_service_name scheme_sensitive SCHTYPE scheme_registered_under_care_act scheme_owning_organisation_name scheme_primary_client_group scheme_has_other_client_group scheme_secondary_client_group scheme_support_type scheme_intended_stay scheme_created_at location_code location_postcode location_name location_units location_type_of_unit location_mobility_type location_local_authority location_startdate
2 completed false 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 1 2023 DLUHC DLUHC 1 7 0 2023-11-26 2 1 2 1 2 HIJKLMN ABCDEFG 0 fake address London NW9 5LL Barnet 2 6 2 2 7 1 1 3 2023-11-24 1 1 2023-11-25 3 1 4 2 1 4 1 35 F 0 2 13 0 P 32 M 6 R -9 R 10 R -9 R 10 1 4 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 6 1 0 TN23 6LZ Ashford 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 268 1 6 1 1 0 2 200.0 50.0 40.0 35.0 325.0 1 12.0

spec/fixtures/files/lettings_log_csv_export_non_support_labels.csv vendored

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,single log,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,General needs,Affordable rent general needs local authority,No,2023-11-26,2,Affordable Rent,Rent to Buy,,No,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,No,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,Barnet,Affordable rent basis,Tenant abandoned property,No,2,House,Purpose built,Yes,3,2023-11-24,1,,Yes,2023-11-25,,Don’t know,Yes,Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term,,2,,Yes,4,Yes,35,Female,White,Irish,Tenant prefers not to say,Other,Partner,32,Male,Not seeking work,Prefers not to say,Not known,Prefers not to say,Prefers not to say,Person prefers not to say,Not known,Person prefers not to say,Person prefers not to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes – the person is a current or former regular,No – they left up to and including 5 years ago,Yes,No,Yes,Fully wheelchair accessible housing,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Less than 1 year,1 year but under 2 years,Loss of tied accommodation,,Other supported housing,No,Yes,TN23 6LZ,Ashford,Yes,,Yes,,,,No,No,Yes,,Tenant applied directly (no referral or nomination),,No,268,Weekly,Universal Credit housing element,Yes,All,,No,Every 2 weeks,,,,,200.0,50.0,40.0,35.0,325.0,,,,Yes,12.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,completed,,,false,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,,2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,single log,2023,DLUHC,DLUHC,General needs,Affordable rent general needs local authority,No,2023-11-26,Affordable Rent,Affordable Rent,Rent to Buy,,No,HIJKLMN,ABCDEFG,No,,fake address,,London,,NW9 5LL,Barnet,Affordable rent basis,Tenant abandoned property,No,2,House,Purpose built,Yes,3,2023-11-24,1,,Yes,2023-11-25,,Don’t know,Yes,Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term,,2,,Yes,4,Yes,35,Female,White,Irish,Tenant prefers not to say,Other,Partner,32,Male,Not seeking work,Prefers not to say,Not known,Prefers not to say,Prefers not to say,Person prefers not to say,Not known,Person prefers not to say,Person prefers not to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes – the person is a current or former regular,No – they left up to and including 5 years ago,Yes,No,Yes,Fully wheelchair accessible housing,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Less than 1 year,1 year but under 2 years,Loss of tied accommodation,,Other supported housing,No,Yes,TN23 6LZ,Ashford,Yes,,Yes,,,,No,No,Yes,,Tenant applied directly (no referral or nomination),,No,268,Weekly,Universal Credit housing element,Yes,All,,No,Every 2 weeks,,,,,200.0,50.0,40.0,35.0,325.0,,,,Yes,12.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1 id status duplicate_set_id created_by is_dpo created_at updated_by updated_at creation_method collection_start_year owning_organisation_name managing_organisation_name needstype lettype renewal startdate renttype rent_type_detail renttype_detail irproduct irproduct_other lar tenancycode propcode uprn_known uprn address_line1 address_line2 town_or_city county postcode_full la_label unitletas rsnvac newprop offered unittype_gn builtype wchair beds voiddate vacdays void_date_value_check majorrepairs mrcdate major_repairs_date_value_check joint startertenancy tenancy tenancyother tenancylength sheltered declaration hhmemb refused age1 sex1 ethnic_group ethnic national ecstat1 relat2 age2 sex2 ecstat2 relat3 age3 sex3 ecstat3 relat4 age4 sex4 ecstat4 relat5 age5 sex5 ecstat5 relat6 age6 sex6 ecstat6 relat7 age7 sex7 ecstat7 relat8 age8 sex8 ecstat8 armedforces leftreg reservist preg_occ housingneeds housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h housingneeds_other illness illness_type_4 illness_type_5 illness_type_2 illness_type_6 illness_type_7 illness_type_3 illness_type_9 illness_type_8 illness_type_1 illness_type_10 layear waityear reason reasonother prevten homeless ppcodenk ppostcode_full prevloc_label reasonpref rp_homeless rp_insan_unsat rp_medwel rp_hardship rp_dontknow cbl cap chr letting_allocation_none referral referral_value_check incref earnings incfreq hb has_benefits benefits household_charge nocharge period is_carehome chcharge wchchrg carehome_charges_value_check brent scharge pscharge supcharg tcharge scharge_value_check pscharge_value_check supcharg_value_check hbrentshortfall tshortfall scheme_code scheme_service_name scheme_sensitive SCHTYPE scheme_registered_under_care_act scheme_owning_organisation_name scheme_primary_client_group scheme_has_other_client_group scheme_secondary_client_group scheme_support_type scheme_intended_stay scheme_created_at location_code location_postcode location_name location_units location_type_of_unit location_mobility_type location_local_authority location_startdate
2 completed false 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 single log 2023 DLUHC DLUHC General needs Affordable rent general needs local authority No 2023-11-26 2 Affordable Rent Affordable Rent Affordable Rent Rent to Buy No HIJKLMN ABCDEFG No fake address London NW9 5LL Barnet Affordable rent basis Tenant abandoned property No 2 House Purpose built Yes 3 2023-11-24 1 Yes 2023-11-25 Don’t know Yes Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term 2 Yes 4 Yes 35 Female White Irish Tenant prefers not to say Other Partner 32 Male Not seeking work Prefers not to say Not known Prefers not to say Prefers not to say Person prefers not to say Not known Person prefers not to say Person prefers not to say Yes – the person is a current or former regular No – they left up to and including 5 years ago Yes No Yes Fully wheelchair accessible housing Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Less than 1 year 1 year but under 2 years Loss of tied accommodation Other supported housing No Yes TN23 6LZ Ashford Yes Yes No No Yes Tenant applied directly (no referral or nomination) No 268 Weekly Universal Credit housing element Yes All No Every 2 weeks 200.0 50.0 40.0 35.0 325.0 Yes 12.0


@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ RSpec.describe Csv::LettingsLogCsvService do
it "removes some log attributes related to questions from the headers and replaces them with their derived values in the correct order" do
expect(headers).not_to include "rent_type"
expect(headers).to include(*%w[wrent renttype rent_type_detail])
expect(headers).to include(*%w[wrent renttype renttype_detail])
expect(headers).not_to include("rent_type_detail")
