Browse Source
* lockdown bulk upload routes * able to view lettings bulk upload errors * add error count to bulk upload results * coverage for bulk upload filename on results * group bulk upload errors by row on results * able to view bulk upload sales results * scope lettings and sales bulk upload results * fix linting * call service correctly in test * add bulk upload sales questions mapping * appease linter * bulk upload error shows correct question - depending on log type it will show relevant question for the field concerned * use local disk for bulk upload for dev env - this saves the need to connect to S3 to play with bulk upload in dev environment * improve namespacing of classes * add job to process bulk uploads * use local disk storage for dev file upload * fix test * use inline active job queue_adapter for dev * use test active job queue adapter for test env * remove rubocop violation * delete bulk upload from disk after processing * populate errors with cell, row + metadata * update error message with something meaningful * shim in sales validator * able to parse sales bulk uploads * change migration to add purchase_code to errors * bulk upload error component renders purchaser code - when a sales log * populate purchaser_code for bulk upload errors - when log type is sales * remove superfluous private methodpull/1180/head
40 changed files with 1768 additions and 17 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<div class="x-govuk-summary-card govuk-!-margin-bottom-6"> |
<div class="x-govuk-summary-card__header"> |
<% if lettings? %> |
<h3 class="x-govuk-summary-card__title"><strong>Row <%= row %></strong> <span class="govuk-!-margin-left-3">Tenant code: <%= tenant_code %></span> <span class="govuk-!-margin-left-3">Property reference: <%= property_ref %></span></h3> |
<% else %> |
<h3 class="x-govuk-summary-card__title"><strong>Row <%= row %></strong> <span class="govuk-!-margin-left-3">Purchaser code: <%= purchaser_code %></span></h3> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
<div class="x-govuk-summary-card__body"> |
<%= govuk_table do |table| %> |
<% table.head do |head| %> |
<% head.row do |row| %> |
<% row.cell(header: true, text: "Cell") %> |
<% row.cell(header: true, text: "Question") %> |
<% row.cell(header: true, text: "Error") %> |
<% row.cell(header: true, text: "Specification") %> |
<% end %> |
<% table.body do |body| %> |
<% bulk_upload_errors.each do |error| %> |
<% body.row do |row| %> |
<% row.cell(header: true, text: error.cell) %> |
<% row.cell(text: question_for_field(error.field)) %> |
<% row.cell(text: error.error) %> |
<% row.cell(text: error.field.humanize) %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
class BulkUploadErrorRowComponent < ViewComponent::Base |
attr_reader :bulk_upload_errors |
def initialize(bulk_upload_errors:) |
@bulk_upload_errors = bulk_upload_errors |
super |
end |
def row |
bulk_upload_errors.first.row |
end |
def tenant_code |
bulk_upload_errors.first.tenant_code |
end |
def purchaser_code |
bulk_upload_errors.first.purchaser_code |
end |
def property_ref |
bulk_upload_errors.first.property_ref |
end |
def question_for_field(field) |
case bulk_upload.log_type |
when "lettings" |
BulkUpload::Lettings::Validator.question_for_field(field.to_sym) |
when "sales" |
BulkUpload::Sales::Validator.question_for_field(field.to_sym) |
else |
"Unknown question" |
end |
end |
def bulk_upload |
bulk_upload_errors.first.bulk_upload |
end |
def lettings? |
bulk_upload.log_type == "lettings" |
end |
def sales? |
bulk_upload.log_type == "sales" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class BulkUploadLettingsResultsController < ApplicationController |
before_action :authenticate_user! |
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :render_not_found |
def show |
@bulk_upload = current_user.bulk_uploads.lettings.find(params[:id]) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class BulkUploadSalesResultsController < ApplicationController |
before_action :authenticate_user! |
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :render_not_found |
def show |
@bulk_upload = current_user.bulk_uploads.sales.find(params[:id]) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class ProcessBulkUploadJob < ApplicationJob |
queue_as :default |
def perform(bulk_upload:) |
|||| |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
class BulkUploadError < ApplicationRecord |
belongs_to :bulk_upload |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
class BulkUpload::Lettings::RowParser |
include ActiveModel::Model |
include ActiveModel::Attributes |
attribute :field_1, :integer |
attribute :field_2 |
attribute :field_3 |
attribute :field_4, :integer |
attribute :field_5, :integer |
attribute :field_6 |
attribute :field_7, :string |
attribute :field_8, :integer |
attribute :field_9, :integer |
attribute :field_10, :string |
attribute :field_11, :integer |
attribute :field_12, :string |
attribute :field_13, :string |
attribute :field_14, :string |
attribute :field_15, :string |
attribute :field_16, :string |
attribute :field_17, :string |
attribute :field_18, :string |
attribute :field_19, :string |
attribute :field_20, :string |
attribute :field_21, :string |
attribute :field_22, :string |
attribute :field_23, :string |
attribute :field_24, :string |
attribute :field_25, :string |
attribute :field_26, :string |
attribute :field_27, :string |
attribute :field_28, :string |
attribute :field_29, :string |
attribute :field_30, :string |
attribute :field_31, :string |
attribute :field_32, :string |
attribute :field_33, :string |
attribute :field_34, :string |
attribute :field_35, :integer |
attribute :field_36, :integer |
attribute :field_37, :integer |
attribute :field_38, :integer |
attribute :field_39, :integer |
attribute :field_40, :integer |
attribute :field_41, :integer |
attribute :field_42, :integer |
attribute :field_43, :integer |
attribute :field_44, :integer |
attribute :field_45, :integer |
attribute :field_46, :integer |
attribute :field_47, :integer |
attribute :field_48, :integer |
attribute :field_49, :integer |
attribute :field_50, :integer |
attribute :field_51, :integer |
attribute :field_52, :integer |
attribute :field_53, :string |
attribute :field_54 |
attribute :field_55, :integer |
attribute :field_56, :integer |
attribute :field_57, :integer |
attribute :field_58, :integer |
attribute :field_59, :integer |
attribute :field_60, :integer |
attribute :field_61, :integer |
attribute :field_62, :string |
attribute :field_63, :string |
attribute :field_64, :string |
attribute :field_65, :integer |
attribute :field_66, :integer |
attribute :field_67, :integer |
attribute :field_68, :integer |
attribute :field_69, :integer |
attribute :field_70, :integer |
attribute :field_71, :integer |
attribute :field_72, :integer |
attribute :field_73, :integer |
attribute :field_74, :integer |
attribute :field_75, :integer |
attribute :field_76, :integer |
attribute :field_77, :integer |
attribute :field_78, :integer |
attribute :field_79, :integer |
attribute :field_80, :decimal |
attribute :field_81, :decimal |
attribute :field_82, :decimal |
attribute :field_83, :decimal |
attribute :field_84, :decimal |
attribute :field_85, :decimal |
attribute :field_86, :integer |
attribute :field_87, :integer |
attribute :field_88, :decimal |
attribute :field_89, :integer |
attribute :field_90, :integer |
attribute :field_91, :integer |
attribute :field_92, :integer |
attribute :field_93, :integer |
attribute :field_94, :integer |
attribute :field_95 |
attribute :field_96, :integer |
attribute :field_97, :integer |
attribute :field_98, :integer |
attribute :field_99, :integer |
attribute :field_100, :string |
attribute :field_101, :integer |
attribute :field_102, :integer |
attribute :field_103, :integer |
attribute :field_104, :integer |
attribute :field_105, :integer |
attribute :field_106, :integer |
attribute :field_107, :string |
attribute :field_108, :string |
attribute :field_109, :string |
attribute :field_110 |
attribute :field_111, :integer |
attribute :field_112, :string |
attribute :field_113, :integer |
attribute :field_114, :integer |
attribute :field_115 |
attribute :field_116, :integer |
attribute :field_117, :integer |
attribute :field_118, :integer |
attribute :field_119, :integer |
attribute :field_120, :integer |
attribute :field_121, :integer |
attribute :field_122, :integer |
attribute :field_123, :integer |
attribute :field_124, :integer |
attribute :field_125, :integer |
attribute :field_126, :integer |
attribute :field_127, :integer |
attribute :field_128, :integer |
attribute :field_129, :integer |
attribute :field_130, :integer |
attribute :field_131, :string |
attribute :field_132, :integer |
attribute :field_133, :integer |
attribute :field_134, :integer |
validates :field_1, presence: true, numericality: { in: (1..12) } |
validates :field_4, numericality: { in: (1..999), allow_blank: true } |
validates :field_4, presence: true, if: :field_4_presence_check |
validate :validate_possible_answers |
# delegate :valid?, to: :native_object |
# delegate :errors, to: :native_object |
private |
def native_object |
@native_object ||= |
end |
def field_mapping |
{ |
field_134: :renewal, |
} |
end |
def validate_possible_answers |
field_mapping.each do |field, attribute| |
possible_answers = FormHandler.instance.current_lettings_form.questions.find { |q| == attribute.to_s }.answer_options.keys |
unless possible_answers.include?(public_send(field)) |
errors.add(field, "Value supplied is not one of the permitted values") |
end |
end |
end |
def attributes_for_log |
hash = field_mapping.invert |
attributes = {} |
|||| do |k, v| |
attributes[k] = public_send(v) |
end |
attributes |
end |
def field_4_presence_check |
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11].include?(field_1) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
require "csv" |
class BulkUpload::Lettings::Validator |
include ActiveModel::Validations |
field_1: "What is the letting type?", |
field_2: "This question has been removed", |
field_3: "This question has been removed", |
field_4: "Management group code", |
field_5: "Scheme code", |
field_6: "This question has been removed", |
field_7: "What is the tenant code?", |
field_8: "Is this a starter tenancy?", |
field_9: "What is the tenancy type?", |
field_10: "If 'Other', what is the tenancy type?", |
field_11: "What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year?", |
field_12: "Age of Person 1", |
field_13: "Age of Person 2", |
field_14: "Age of Person 3", |
field_15: "Age of Person 4", |
field_16: "Age of Person 5", |
field_17: "Age of Person 6", |
field_18: "Age of Person 7", |
field_19: "Age of Person 8", |
field_20: "Gender identity of Person 1", |
field_21: "Gender identity of Person 2", |
field_22: "Gender identity of Person 3", |
field_23: "Gender identity of Person 4", |
field_24: "Gender identity of Person 5", |
field_25: "Gender identity of Person 6", |
field_26: "Gender identity of Person 7", |
field_27: "Gender identity of Person 8", |
field_28: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 2", |
field_29: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 3", |
field_30: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 4", |
field_31: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 5", |
field_32: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 6", |
field_33: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 7", |
field_34: "Relationship to Person 1 for Person 8", |
field_35: "Working situation of Person 1", |
field_36: "Working situation of Person 2", |
field_37: "Working situation of Person 3", |
field_38: "Working situation of Person 4", |
field_39: "Working situation of Person 5", |
field_40: "Working situation of Person 6", |
field_41: "Working situation of Person 7", |
field_42: "Working situation of Person 8", |
field_43: "What is the lead tenant's ethnic group?", |
field_44: "What is the lead tenant's nationality?", |
field_45: "Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces?", |
field_46: "Was the person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces?", |
field_47: "Is anybody in the household pregnant?", |
field_48: "Is the tenant likely to be receiving benefits related to housing?", |
field_49: "How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits?", |
field_50: "How much income does the household have in total?", |
field_51: "Do you know the household's income?", |
field_52: "What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home?", |
field_53: "If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home?", |
field_54: "This question has been removed", |
field_55: "Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?", |
field_56: "Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?", |
field_57: "Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?", |
field_58: "Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?", |
field_59: "Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?", |
field_60: "Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?", |
field_61: "Where was the household immediately before this letting?", |
field_62: "What is the local authority of the household's last settled home?", |
field_63: "Part 1 of postcode of last settled home", |
field_64: "Part 2 of postcode of last settled home", |
field_65: "Do you know the postcode of last settled home?", |
field_66: "How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting?", |
field_67: "How long has the household been on the waiting list for the new letting?", |
field_68: "Was the tenant homeless directly before this tenancy?", |
field_69: "Was the household given 'reasonable preference' by the local authority?", |
field_70: "Reasonable preference. They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days)", |
field_71: "Reasonable preference. They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unsatisfactory housing", |
field_72: "Reasonable preference. They needed to move on medical and welfare grounds (including a disability)", |
field_73: "Reasonable preference. They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others", |
field_74: "Reasonable preference. Don't know", |
field_75: "Was the letting made under any of the following allocations systems?", |
field_76: "Was the letting made under any of the following allocations systems?", |
field_77: "Was the letting made under any of the following allocations systems?", |
field_78: "What was the source of referral for this letting?", |
field_79: "How often does the household pay rent and other charges?", |
field_80: "What is the basic rent?", |
field_81: "What is the service charge?", |
field_82: "What is the personal service charge?", |
field_83: "What is the support charge?", |
field_84: "Total Charge", |
field_85: "If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]?", |
field_86: "Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation?", |
field_87: "After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay basic rent and other charges?", |
field_88: "What do you expect the outstanding amount to be?", |
field_89: "What is the void or renewal date?", |
field_90: "What is the void or renewal date?", |
field_91: "What is the void or renewal date?", |
field_92: "What date were major repairs completed on?", |
field_93: "What date were major repairs completed on?", |
field_94: "What date were major repairs completed on?", |
field_95: "This question has been removed", |
field_96: "What date did the tenancy start?", |
field_97: "What date did the tenancy start?", |
field_98: "What date did the tenancy start?", |
field_99: "Since becoming available, how many times has the property been previously offered?", |
field_100: "What is the property reference?", |
field_101: "How many bedrooms does the property have?", |
field_102: "What type of unit is the property?", |
field_103: "Which type of building is the property?", |
field_104: "Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards?", |
field_105: "What type was the property most recently let as?", |
field_106: "What is the reason for the property being vacant?", |
field_107: "What is the local authority of the property?", |
field_108: "Part 1 of postcode of the property", |
field_109: "Part 2 of postcode of the property", |
field_110: "This question has been removed", |
field_111: "Which organisation owns this property?", |
field_112: "Username field", |
field_113: "Which organisation manages this property?", |
field_114: "Is the person still serving in the UK armed forces?", |
field_115: "This question has been removed", |
field_116: "How often does the household receive income?", |
field_117: "Is this letting sheltered accommodation?", |
field_118: "Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last for 12 months or more?", |
field_119: "Vision, for example blindness or partial sight", |
field_120: "Hearing, for example deafness or partial hearing", |
field_121: "Mobility, for example walking short distances or climbing stairs", |
field_122: "Dexterity, for example lifting and carrying objects, using a keyboard", |
field_123: "Learning or understanding or concentrating", |
field_124: "Memory", |
field_125: "Mental health", |
field_126: "Stamina or breathing or fatigue", |
field_127: "Socially or behaviourally, for example associated with autism spectral disorder (ASD) which includes Aspergers' or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)", |
field_128: "Other", |
field_129: "Is this letting a London Affordable Rent letting?", |
field_130: "Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting?", |
field_131: "Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting?", |
field_132: "Data Protection", |
field_133: "Is this a joint tenancy?", |
field_134: "Is this letting a renewal?", |
}.freeze |
attr_reader :bulk_upload, :path |
validate :validate_file_not_empty |
validate :validate_max_columns |
def initialize(bulk_upload:, path:) |
@bulk_upload = bulk_upload |
@path = path |
end |
def call |
row_offset = 6 |
col_offset = 0 |
row_parsers.each_with_index do |row_parser, index| |
row_parser.valid? |
row = index + row_offset |
row_parser.errors.each do |error| |
bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.create!( |
field: error.attribute, |
error: error.type, |
tenant_code: row_parser.field_7, |
property_ref: row_parser.field_100, |
row:, |
cell: "#{cols[field_number_for_attribute(error.attribute) + col_offset]}#{row}", |
) |
end |
end |
end |
def self.question_for_field(field) |
QUESTIONS[field] |
end |
private |
def field_number_for_attribute(attribute) |
attribute.to_s.split("_").last.to_i |
end |
def cols |
@cols ||= ("A".."EE").to_a |
end |
def row_parsers |
@row_parsers ||= do |row| |
stripped_row = row[1..] |
headers = ("field_1".."field_134").to_a |
hash = Hash[] |
|||| |
end |
end |
# determine the row seperator from CSV |
# Windows will use \r\n |
def row_sep |
contents = "" |
||||, "r") do |f| |
|||| |
contents = |
end |
rn_count = contents.scan("\r\n").count |
n_count = contents.scan(/[^\r]\n/).count |
if rn_count > n_count |
"\r\n" |
else |
"\n" |
end |
end |
def rows |
@rows ||=, row_sep:) |
end |
def body_rows |
rows[6..] |
end |
def validate_file_not_empty |
if File.size(path).zero? |
errors.add(:file, :blank) |
halt_validations! |
end |
end |
def validate_max_columns |
return if halt_validations? |
max_row_size = |
errors.add(:file, :max_row_size) if max_row_size > 136 |
end |
def halt_validations! |
@halt_validations = true |
end |
def halt_validations? |
@halt_validations ||= false |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
class BulkUpload::Processor |
attr_reader :bulk_upload |
def initialize(bulk_upload:) |
@bulk_upload = bulk_upload |
end |
def call |
download |
|||| |
ensure |
downloader.delete_local_file! |
end |
private |
def downloader |
@downloader ||= |
end |
def download |
|||| |
end |
def validator |
@validator ||= |
bulk_upload:, |
path: downloader.path, |
) |
end |
def validator_class |
case bulk_upload.log_type |
when "lettings" |
BulkUpload::Lettings::Validator |
when "sales" |
BulkUpload::Sales::Validator |
else |
raise "Validator not found for #{bulk_upload.log_type}" |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
class BulkUpload::Sales::RowParser |
include ActiveModel::Model |
include ActiveModel::Attributes |
attribute :field_1, :string |
attribute :field_2, :integer |
attribute :field_3, :integer |
attribute :field_4, :integer |
attribute :field_5 |
attribute :field_6, :integer |
attribute :field_7, :integer |
attribute :field_8, :integer |
attribute :field_9, :integer |
attribute :field_10, :integer |
attribute :field_11, :integer |
attribute :field_12, :integer |
attribute :field_13, :string |
attribute :field_14, :string |
attribute :field_15, :string |
attribute :field_16, :string |
attribute :field_17, :string |
attribute :field_18, :string |
attribute :field_19, :string |
attribute :field_20, :integer |
attribute :field_21, :integer |
attribute :field_22, :integer |
attribute :field_23, :integer |
attribute :field_24, :integer |
attribute :field_25, :integer |
attribute :field_26, :integer |
attribute :field_27, :integer |
attribute :field_28, :integer |
attribute :field_29, :integer |
attribute :field_30, :integer |
attribute :field_31, :integer |
attribute :field_32, :integer |
attribute :field_33, :integer |
attribute :field_34, :integer |
attribute :field_35, :integer |
attribute :field_36, :integer |
attribute :field_37, :integer |
attribute :field_38 |
attribute :field_39, :integer |
attribute :field_40, :string |
attribute :field_41, :string |
attribute :field_42, :string |
attribute :field_43, :integer |
attribute :field_44, :integer |
attribute :field_45, :integer |
attribute :field_46, :integer |
attribute :field_47, :integer |
attribute :field_48, :integer |
attribute :field_49, :integer |
attribute :field_50, :integer |
attribute :field_51, :integer |
attribute :field_52, :integer |
attribute :field_53, :string |
attribute :field_54, :string |
attribute :field_55, :string |
attribute :field_56, :integer |
attribute :field_57, :integer |
attribute :field_58, :integer |
attribute :field_59, :integer |
attribute :field_60, :integer |
attribute :field_61, :integer |
attribute :field_62, :integer |
attribute :field_63, :integer |
attribute :field_64, :integer |
attribute :field_65, :integer |
attribute :field_66, :integer |
attribute :field_67, :integer |
attribute :field_68, :integer |
attribute :field_69, :integer |
attribute :field_70, :integer |
attribute :field_71, :integer |
attribute :field_72, :integer |
attribute :field_73, :integer |
attribute :field_74, :decimal |
attribute :field_75, :decimal |
attribute :field_76, :integer |
attribute :field_77, :integer |
attribute :field_78, :integer |
attribute :field_79, :integer |
attribute :field_80, :integer |
attribute :field_81, :integer |
attribute :field_82, :integer |
attribute :field_83, :integer |
attribute :field_84, :integer |
attribute :field_85, :string |
attribute :field_86 |
attribute :field_87, :integer |
attribute :field_88, :integer |
attribute :field_89, :integer |
attribute :field_90, :integer |
attribute :field_91, :integer |
attribute :field_92, :integer |
attribute :field_93, :string |
attribute :field_94 |
attribute :field_95, :integer |
attribute :field_96 |
attribute :field_97, :integer |
attribute :field_98, :integer |
attribute :field_99, :string |
attribute :field_100, :integer |
attribute :field_101, :string |
attribute :field_102, :integer |
attribute :field_103, :string |
attribute :field_104, :integer |
attribute :field_105, :integer |
attribute :field_106, :integer |
attribute :field_107, :integer |
attribute :field_108, :integer |
attribute :field_109, :integer |
attribute :field_110, :integer |
attribute :field_111, :integer |
attribute :field_112, :integer |
attribute :field_113, :integer |
attribute :field_114, :integer |
attribute :field_115, :integer |
attribute :field_116, :integer |
attribute :field_117, :integer |
attribute :field_118, :integer |
attribute :field_119, :integer |
attribute :field_120, :integer |
attribute :field_121, :integer |
attribute :field_122, :integer |
attribute :field_123, :integer |
attribute :field_124, :integer |
attribute :field_125, :integer |
# validates :field_1, presence: true, numericality: { in: (1..12) } |
# validates :field_4, numericality: { in: (1..999), allow_blank: true } |
# validates :field_4, presence: true, if: :field_4_presence_check |
validate :validate_possible_answers |
# delegate :valid?, to: :native_object |
# delegate :errors, to: :native_object |
private |
def native_object |
@native_object ||= |
end |
def field_mapping |
{ |
field_117: :buy1livein, |
} |
end |
def validate_possible_answers |
field_mapping.each do |field, attribute| |
possible_answers = FormHandler.instance.current_sales_form.questions.find { |q| == attribute.to_s }.answer_options.keys |
unless possible_answers.include?(public_send(field)) |
errors.add(field, "Value supplied is not one of the permitted values") |
end |
end |
end |
def attributes_for_log |
hash = field_mapping.invert |
attributes = {} |
|||| do |k, v| |
attributes[k] = public_send(v) |
end |
attributes |
end |
# def field_4_presence_check |
# [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11].include?(field_1) |
# end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
class BulkUpload::Sales::Validator |
include ActiveModel::Validations |
field_1: "What is the purchaser code?", |
field_2: "What is the day of the sale completion date? - DD", |
field_3: "What is the month of the sale completion date? - MM", |
field_4: "What is the year of the sale completion date? - YY", |
field_5: "This question has been removed", |
field_6: "Was the buyer interviewed for any of the answers you will provide on this log?", |
field_7: "Age of Buyer 1", |
field_8: "Age of Person 2", |
field_9: "Age of Person 3", |
field_10: "Age of Person 4", |
field_11: "Age of Person 5", |
field_12: "Age of Person 6", |
field_13: "Gender identity of Buyer 1", |
field_14: "Gender identity of Person 2", |
field_15: "Gender identity of Person 3", |
field_16: "Gender identity of Person 4", |
field_17: "Gender identity of Person 5", |
field_18: "Gender identity of Person 6", |
field_19: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 2", |
field_20: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 3", |
field_21: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 4", |
field_22: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 5", |
field_23: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 6", |
field_24: "Working situation of Buyer 1", |
field_25: "Working situation of Person 2", |
field_26: "Working situation of Person 3", |
field_27: "Working situation of Person 4", |
field_28: "Working situation of Person 5", |
field_29: "Working situation of Person 6", |
field_30: "What is buyer 1's ethnic group?", |
field_31: "What is buyer 1's nationality?", |
field_32: "What is buyer 1's gross annual income?", |
field_33: "What is buyer 2's gross annual income?", |
field_34: "Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application?", |
field_35: "Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application?", |
field_36: "What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property?", |
field_37: "Have any of the purchasers previously owned a property?", |
field_38: "This question has been removed", |
field_39: "What was buyer 1's previous tenure?", |
field_40: "What is the local authority of buyer 1's last settled home?", |
field_41: "Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled home", |
field_42: "Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled home", |
field_43: "Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled home?", |
field_44: "Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)?", |
field_45: "Was the buyer registered with the local authority?", |
field_46: "Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent?", |
field_47: "Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)?", |
field_48: "Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability?", |
field_49: "Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair?", |
field_50: "How many bedrooms does the property have?", |
field_51: "What type of unit is the property?", |
field_52: "Which type of bulding is the property?", |
field_53: "What is the local authority of the property?", |
field_54: "Part 1 of postcode of property", |
field_55: "Part 2 of postcode of property", |
field_56: "Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair user standards?", |
field_57: "What is the type of shared ownership sale?", |
field_58: "Is this a resale?", |
field_59: "What is the day of the practical completion or handover date?", |
field_60: "What is the month of the practical completion or handover date?", |
field_61: "What is the day of the exchange of contracts date?", |
field_62: "What is the day of the practical completion or handover date?", |
field_63: "What is the month of the practical completion or handover date?", |
field_64: "What is the year of the practical completion or handover date?", |
field_65: "Was the household re-housed under a local authority nominations agreement?", |
field_66: "How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have?", |
field_67: "What was the type of the buyer's previous property?", |
field_68: "What was the full purchase price?", |
field_69: "What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased?", |
field_70: "What is the mortgage amount?", |
field_71: "Does this include any extra borrowing?", |
field_72: "How much was the cash deposit paid on the property?", |
field_73: "How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy?", |
field_74: "What is the basic monthly rent?", |
field_75: "What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?", |
field_76: "What is the type of discounted ownership sale?", |
field_77: "What was the full purchase price?", |
field_78: "What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given?", |
field_79: "What was the percentage discount?", |
field_80: "What is the mortgage amount?", |
field_81: "Does this include any extra borrowing?", |
field_82: "How much was the cash deposit paid on the property?", |
field_83: "What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?", |
field_84: "What is the type of outright sale?", |
field_85: "If 'other', what is the 'other' type?", |
field_86: "This question has been removed", |
field_87: "What is the full purchase price?", |
field_88: "What is the mortgage amount?", |
field_89: "Does this include any extra borrowing?", |
field_90: "How much was the cash deposit paid on the property?", |
field_91: "What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?", |
field_92: "Which organisation owned this property before the sale?", |
field_93: "Username", |
field_94: "This question has been removed", |
field_95: "Has the buyer ever served in the UK Armed Forces and for how long?", |
field_96: "This question has been removed", |
field_97: "Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK Armed Forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years?", |
field_98: "What is the name of the mortgage lender? - Shared ownership", |
field_99: "If 'other', what is the name of the mortgage lender?", |
field_100: "What is the name of the mortgage lender? - Discounted ownership", |
field_101: "If 'other', what is the name of the mortgage lender?", |
field_102: "What is the name of the mortgage lender? - Outright sale", |
field_103: "If 'other', what is the name of the mortgage lender?", |
field_104: "Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property?", |
field_105: "What is the length of the mortgage in years? - Shared ownership", |
field_106: "What is the length of the mortgage in years? - Discounted ownership", |
field_107: "What is the length of the mortgage in years? - Outright sale", |
field_108: "How long have the buyers been living in the property before the purchase? - Discounted ownership", |
field_109: "Are there more than two joint purchasers of this property?", |
field_110: "How long have the buyers been living in the property before the purchase? - Shared ownership", |
field_111: "Is this a staircasing transaction?", |
field_112: "Data Protection question", |
field_113: "Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme?", |
field_114: "Is the buyer a company?", |
field_115: "Will the buyers live in the property?", |
field_116: "Is this a joint purchase?", |
field_117: "Will buyer 1 live in the property?", |
field_118: "Will buyer 2 live in the property?", |
field_119: "Besides the buyers, how many people will live in the property?", |
field_120: "What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction?", |
field_121: "What percentage of the property does the buyer now own in total?", |
field_122: "What was the rent type of the buyer's previous property?", |
field_123: "Was a mortgage used for the purchase of this property? - Shared ownership", |
field_124: "Was a mortgage used for the purchase of this property? - Discounted ownership", |
field_125: "Was a mortgage used for the purchase of this property? - Outright sale", |
}.freeze |
def self.question_for_field(field) |
QUESTIONS[field] |
end |
attr_reader :bulk_upload, :path |
validate :validate_file_not_empty |
validate :validate_max_columns |
def initialize(bulk_upload:, path:) |
@bulk_upload = bulk_upload |
@path = path |
end |
def call |
row_parsers.each_with_index do |row_parser, index| |
row_parser.valid? |
row = index + row_offset + 1 |
row_parser.errors.each do |error| |
bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.create!( |
field: error.attribute, |
error: error.type, |
purchaser_code: row_parser.field_1, |
row:, |
cell: "#{cols[field_number_for_attribute(error.attribute) + col_offset - 1]}#{row}", |
) |
end |
end |
end |
private |
def field_number_for_attribute(attribute) |
attribute.to_s.split("_").last.to_i |
end |
def rows |
@rows ||=, row_sep:) |
end |
def body_rows |
rows[row_offset..] |
end |
def row_offset |
5 |
end |
def col_offset |
1 |
end |
def cols |
@cols ||= ("A".."DV").to_a |
end |
def row_parsers |
@row_parsers ||= do |row| |
stripped_row = row[col_offset..] |
headers = ("field_1".."field_125").to_a |
hash = Hash[] |
|||| |
end |
end |
def row_sep |
"\r\n" |
# "\n" |
end |
def validate_file_not_empty |
if File.size(path).zero? |
errors.add(:file, :blank) |
halt_validations! |
end |
end |
def validate_max_columns |
return if halt_validations? |
max_row_size = |
errors.add(:file, :max_row_size) if max_row_size > 126 |
end |
def halt_validations! |
@halt_validations = true |
end |
def halt_validations? |
@halt_validations ||= false |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
require "fileutils" |
module Storage |
class LocalDiskService < StorageService |
def list_files(folder = "/") |
path = Rails.root.join("tmp/storage", folder) |
Dir.entries(path) |
end |
def get_file_io(filename) |
path = Rails.root.join("tmp/storage", filename) |
||||, "r") |
end |
def write_file(filename, data) |
path = Rails.root.join("tmp/storage", filename) |
FileUtils.mkdir_p(path.dirname) |
||||, "w") do |f| |
f.write data |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<div class="govuk-grid-row"> |
<div class="govuk-grid-column-two-thirds"> |
<span class="govuk-caption-l">Bulk Upload for lettings (<%= @bulk_upload.year_combo %>)</span> |
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l">We found <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, "error") %> in your file</h1> |
<div class="govuk-body"> |
Here’s a list of everything that you need to fix your spreadsheet. You can download the specification to help you fix the cells in your CSV file. |
</div> |
<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= @bulk_upload.filename %></h2> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="govuk-grid-row"> |
<div class="govuk-grid-column-full"> |
<% @bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.group_by(&:row).each do |_row, errors_for_row| %> |
<%= render errors_for_row) %> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<div class="govuk-grid-row"> |
<div class="govuk-grid-column-two-thirds"> |
<span class="govuk-caption-l">Bulk Upload for sales (<%= @bulk_upload.year_combo %>)</span> |
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l">We found <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, "error") %> in your file</h1> |
<div class="govuk-body"> |
Here’s a list of everything that you need to fix your spreadsheet. You can download the specification to help you fix the cells in your CSV file. |
</div> |
<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= @bulk_upload.filename %></h2> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="govuk-grid-row"> |
<div class="govuk-grid-column-full"> |
<% @bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.group_by(&:row).each do |_row, errors_for_row| %> |
<%= render errors_for_row) %> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
class CreateBulkUploadErrors < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0] |
def change |
create_table :bulk_upload_errors do |t| |
t.references :bulk_upload |
t.text :cell |
t.text :row |
t.text :tenant_code |
t.text :property_ref |
t.text :purchase_code |
t.text :field |
t.text :error |
t.timestamps |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class RenamePurchaserCode < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0] |
def change |
rename_column :bulk_upload_errors, :purchase_code, :purchaser_code |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUploadErrorRowComponent, type: :component do |
context "when a single error" do |
let(:row) { rand(9_999) } |
let(:tenant_code) { SecureRandom.hex(4) } |
let(:property_ref) { SecureRandom.hex(4) } |
let(:field) { :field_134 } |
let(:error) { "some error" } |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings) } |
let(:bulk_upload_errors) do |
[ |
|||| |
:bulk_upload_error, |
bulk_upload:, |
row:, |
tenant_code:, |
property_ref:, |
field:, |
error:, |
), |
] |
end |
it "renders the row number" do |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content("Row #{row}") |
end |
it "renders the tenant_code" do |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content("Tenant code: #{tenant_code}") |
end |
it "renders the property_ref" do |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content("Property reference: #{property_ref}") |
end |
it "renders the cell of error" do |
expected = bulk_upload_errors.first.cell |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content(expected) |
end |
it "renders the question for lettings" do |
expected = "Is this letting a renewal?" |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content(expected) |
end |
context "when a sales bulk upload" do |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :sales) } |
let(:field) { :field_87 } |
it "renders the question for sales" do |
expected = "What is the full purchase price?" |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content(expected) |
end |
end |
it "renders the error" do |
expected = error |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content(expected) |
end |
it "renders the field number" do |
expected = bulk_upload_errors.first.field.humanize |
result = render_inline( |
expect(result).to have_content(expected) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
require "securerandom" |
FactoryBot.define do |
factory :bulk_upload_error do |
bulk_upload |
row { rand(9_999) } |
cell { "#{('A'..'Z').to_a.sample}#{row}" } |
tenant_code { SecureRandom.hex(4) } |
property_ref { SecureRandom.hex(4) } |
purchaser_code { SecureRandom.hex(4) } |
field { "field_#{rand(134)}" } |
error { "some error" } |
end |
end |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUploadLettingsResultsController, type: :request do |
let(:user) { create(:user) } |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, user:, bulk_upload_errors:) } |
let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2) } |
before do |
sign_in user |
end |
describe "GET /lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/:ID" do |
it "renders correct year" do |
get "/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).to be_successful |
expect(response.body).to include("Bulk Upload for lettings (2022/23)") |
end |
it "renders correct number of errors" do |
get "/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).to be_successful |
expect(response.body).to include("We found 2 errors in your file") |
end |
it "renders filename of the upload" do |
get "/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).to be_successful |
expect(response.body).to include(bulk_upload.filename) |
end |
context "when there are errors for more than 1 row" do |
let(:bulk_upload_errors) { [bulk_upload_error_1, bulk_upload_error_2] } |
let(:bulk_upload_error_1) { create(:bulk_upload_error, row: 1) } |
let(:bulk_upload_error_2) { create(:bulk_upload_error, row: 2) } |
it "renders no. of tables equal to no. of rows with errors" do |
get "/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response.body).to include("<table").twice |
end |
end |
context "when viewing sales log" do |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :sales, user:, bulk_upload_errors:) } |
it "renders a 404" do |
get "/lettings-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).not_to be_successful |
expect(response).to be_not_found |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUploadSalesResultsController, type: :request do |
let(:user) { create(:user) } |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :sales, user:, bulk_upload_errors:) } |
let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2) } |
before do |
sign_in user |
end |
describe "GET /sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/:ID" do |
it "renders correct year" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).to be_successful |
expect(response.body).to include("Bulk Upload for sales (2022/23)") |
end |
it "renders correct number of errors" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).to be_successful |
expect(response.body).to include("We found 2 errors in your file") |
end |
it "renders filename of the upload" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).to be_successful |
expect(response.body).to include(bulk_upload.filename) |
end |
it "renders Purchaser code" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response.body).to include("Purchaser code: #{bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.first.purchaser_code}") |
end |
it "does not render tenant code or property reference" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response.body).not_to include("Tenant code:") |
expect(response.body).not_to include("Property reference:") |
end |
context "when there are errors for more than 1 row" do |
let(:bulk_upload_errors) { [bulk_upload_error_1, bulk_upload_error_2] } |
let(:bulk_upload_error_1) { create(:bulk_upload_error, row: 1) } |
let(:bulk_upload_error_2) { create(:bulk_upload_error, row: 2) } |
it "renders no. of tables equal to no. of rows with errors" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response.body).to include("<table").twice |
end |
end |
context "when viewing lettings log" do |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, user:, bulk_upload_errors:) } |
it "renders a 404" do |
get "/sales-logs/bulk-upload-results/#{}" |
expect(response).not_to be_successful |
expect(response).to be_not_found |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUpload::Lettings::RowParser do |
subject(:parser) { } |
describe "validations" do |
before do |
parser.valid? |
end |
describe "field_1" do |
context "when null" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_1: nil } } |
it "returns an error" do |
expect(parser.errors).to include(:field_1) |
end |
end |
context "when outside permited range" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_1: "13" } } |
it "returns an error" do |
expect(parser.errors).to include(:field_1) |
end |
end |
context "when valid" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_1: 1 } } |
it "is valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).not_to include(:field_1) |
end |
end |
end |
describe "field_4" do |
context "when text" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_4: "R" } } |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).to include(:field_4) |
end |
end |
context "when valid" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_4: "3" } } |
it "is valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).not_to include(:field_4) |
end |
end |
context "when allowed to be null" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_1: "2", field_4: "" } } |
it "is valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).not_to include(:field_4) |
end |
end |
context "when not allowed to be null" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_1: "3", field_4: "" } } |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).to include(:field_4) |
end |
end |
end |
describe "#field_134" do |
context "when not a possible value" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_134: "3" } } |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).to include(:field_134) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUpload::Lettings::Validator do |
subject(:validator) {, path:) } |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload) } |
let(:path) { file.path } |
let(:file) { } |
describe "validations" do |
context "when file is empty" do |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(validator).not_to be_valid |
end |
end |
context "when file has too many columns" do |
before do |
file.write("a," * 136) |
file.write("\n") |
file.rewind |
end |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(validator).not_to be_valid |
end |
end |
context "when incorrect headers" |
end |
context "when a valid csv" do |
let(:path) { file_fixture("2021_22_lettings_bulk_upload.csv") } |
it do |
|||| |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUpload::Processor do |
subject(:processor) { } |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings) } |
context "when processing a bulk upload with errors" do |
describe "#call" do |
let(:mock_downloader) do |
instance_double( |
BulkUpload::Downloader, |
call: nil, |
path: file_fixture("2021_22_lettings_bulk_upload.csv"), |
delete_local_file!: nil, |
) |
end |
it "persist the validation errors" do |
allow(BulkUpload::Downloader).to receive(:new).with(bulk_upload:).and_return(mock_downloader) |
expect { }.to change(BulkUploadError, :count).by(9) |
end |
it "deletes the local file afterwards" do |
allow(BulkUpload::Downloader).to receive(:new).with(bulk_upload:).and_return(mock_downloader) |
|||| |
expect(mock_downloader).to have_received(:delete_local_file!) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUpload::Sales::RowParser do |
subject(:parser) { } |
describe "validations" do |
before do |
parser.valid? |
end |
describe "#field_117" do |
context "when not a possible value" do |
let(:attributes) { { field_117: "3" } } |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(parser.errors).to include(:field_117) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe BulkUpload::Sales::Validator do |
subject(:validator) {, path:) } |
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload) } |
let(:path) { file.path } |
let(:file) { } |
describe "validations" do |
context "when file is empty" do |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(validator).not_to be_valid |
end |
end |
context "when file has too many columns" do |
before do |
file.write((%w[a] * 127).join(",")) |
file.rewind |
end |
it "is not valid" do |
expect(validator).not_to be_valid |
end |
end |
context "when incorrect headers" |
end |
context "when a valid csv that contains errors" do |
let(:path) { file_fixture("2022_23_sales_bulk_upload.csv") } |
it "persists bulk upload errors" do |
expect { |
|||| |
}.to change(BulkUploadError, :count).by(1) |
end |
it "populates purchaser_code" do |
|||| |
error = BulkUploadError.last |
expect(error.purchaser_code).to eql("1") |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue