@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::ArmedForces < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces?"
@header="Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces?"
@header="Q62 - Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces?"
@hint_text="A regular is somebody who has served in the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the Royal Airforce or Army full time and does not include reserve forces"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1AgeKnown < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Lead buyer’s age"
@header="Do you know buyer 1’s age?"
@header="Q20 - Do you know buyer 1’s age?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1EthnicBackgroundArab < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s ethnic background"
@header="Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Arab background?"
@header="Q23 - Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Arab background?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1EthnicBackgroundAsian < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s ethnic background"
@header="Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Asian or Asian British background?"
@header="Q23 - Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Asian or Asian British background?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1EthnicBackgroundBlack < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s ethnic background"
@header="Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Black, African, Caribbean or Black British background?"
@header="Q23 - Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Black, African, Caribbean or Black British background?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1EthnicBackgroundMixed < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s ethnic background"
@header="Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups background?"
@header="Q23 - Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups background?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1EthnicBackgroundWhite < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s ethnic background"
@header="Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s White background?"
@header="Q23 - Which of the following best describes the buyer 1’s White background?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1EthnicGroup < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s ethnic group"
@header="What is buyer 1’s ethnic group?"
@header="Q22 - What is buyer 1’s ethnic group?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1LiveInProperty < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Will buyer 1 live in the property?"
@header="Will buyer 1 live in the property?"
@header="Q26 - Will buyer 1 live in the property?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer1WorkingSituation < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1's working situation"
@header="Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation?"
@header="Q25 - Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it's a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::GenderIdentity1 < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s gender identity"
@header="Which of these best describes buyer 1’s gender identity?"
@header="Q21 - Which of these best describes buyer 1’s gender identity?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::HandoverDate < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Practical completion or handover date"
@header="What is the practical completion or handover date?"
@header="Q82 - What is the practical completion or handover date?"
@hint_text="This is the date on which the building contractor hands over responsibility for the completed property to the private registered provider (PRP)"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::LaNominations < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement?"
@header="Was the household rehoused under a 'local authority nominations agreement'?"
@header="Q83 - Was the household rehoused under a 'local authority nominations agreement'?"
@hint_text="A local authority nominations agreement is a written agreement between a local authority and private registered provider (PRP) that some or all of its sales vacancies are offered to local authorities for rehousing"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Nationality1 < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Buyer 1’s nationality"
@header="What is buyer 1’s nationality?"
@header="Q24 - What is buyer 1’s nationality?"
@hint_text="Buyer 1 is the person in the household who does the most paid work. If it’s a joint purchase and the buyers do the same amount of paid work, buyer 1 is whoever is the oldest."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Resale < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Is this a resale?"
@header="Is this a resale?"
@header="Q80 - Is this a resale?"
@hint_text="If the social landlord has previously sold the property to another buyer and is now reselling the property, select 'yes'. If this is the first time the property has been sold, select 'no'."
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::SharedOwnershipType < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Type of shared ownership sale"
@header="What is the type of shared ownership sale?"
@header="Q4 - What is the type of shared ownership sale?"
@hint_text="A shared ownership sale is when the purchaser buys up to 75% of the property value and pays rent to the Private Registered Provider (PRP) on the remaining portion"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Form::Sales::Questions::Staircase < ::Form::Question
@check_answer_label="Staircasing transaction"
@header="Is this a staircasing transaction?"
@header="Q76 - Is this a staircasing transaction?"
@hint_text="A staircasing transaction is when the household purchases more shares in their property, increasing the proportion they own and decreasing the proportion the housing association owns. Once the household purchases 100% of the shares, they own the property"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ RSpec.describe Form::Sales::Questions::ArmedForcesSpouse, type: :model do
it"has the correct header"do
expect(question.header).toeq("Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years?")
expect(question.header).toeq("Q64 - Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years?")