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CLDC-3241: Part 1 - Explanation of variables on CSVs (#2585)
CLDC-3241: Part 1 - Explanation of variables on CSVs (#2585)
* Create CsvVariableDefinition migration and model * Add definition files * Add CsvVariableDefinitions to rails admin * Create rake and service * Create tests * Additional fixes * Rollback unwanted changes to schema * Update Gemfile.lockpull/2608/head^2 v0.4.69
No known key found for this signature in database
18 changed files with 2165 additions and 4 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
class CsvVariableDefinition < ApplicationRecord |
validates :variable, presence: true |
validates :definition, presence: true |
validates :log_type, presence: true, inclusion: { in: %w[lettings sales] } |
validates :year, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 2000, less_than_or_equal_to: 2099 } |
attribute :last_accessed, :datetime |
scope :lettings, -> { where(log_type: "lettings") } |
scope :sales, -> { where(log_type: "sales") } |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
require "csv" |
module Imports |
class VariableDefinitionsService |
attr_reader :path, :count |
def initialize(path:) |
@path = path |
@count = 0 |
end |
def call |
files = Dir.glob(File.join(@path, "*.csv")) |
files.each do |file| |
process_file(file) |
end |
end |
private |
def process_file(file) |
file_name = File.basename(file, ".csv") |
parsed_file_name = file_name.split("_") |
log_type = parsed_file_name[0] |
year = "20#{parsed_file_name[2]}".to_i |
records_added = 0 |
CSV.foreach(file) do |row| |
next if row.empty? |
variable = row[0].downcase |
definition = row[1..].join(",") |
next if variable.nil? || definition.nil? |
existing_record = CsvVariableDefinition.find_by(variable: variable.strip, definition: definition.strip, log_type:) |
if existing_record.nil? |
CsvVariableDefinition.create!( |
variable: variable.strip, |
definition: definition.strip, |
log_type:, |
year:, |
) |
records_added += 1 |
end |
end |
Rails.logger.debug "Added #{records_added} variable/definition records for file: #{file_name}. Duplicates excluded." |
@count += records_added |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_by,User the log is created by |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_by,User who last updated the log |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
old_id,The (internal) ID on the old service |
old_form_id,The ID the users saw on the old service |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns this property? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation manages this letting? |
needstype,What is the needs type? |
lettype,What is the letting type? |
renewal,Is this letting a renewal? |
startdate,What is the tenancy start date? |
renttype,What is the rent type? (grouped into SR, IR or AR) |
renttype_detail,What is the rent type? |
irproduct,Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
irproduct_other,Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
lar,Is this a London Affordable Rent letting? |
tenancycode,What is the tenant code? |
propcode,What is the property reference? |
uprn_known,Is the UPRN known? |
uprn,If known, property's UPRN |
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town or City |
county,County |
postcode_full,Postcode |
is_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
la_label,What is the property's local authority? |
la,Local authority code |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing,Is this the first time the property has been let as social housing? |
unitletas,What rent product was the property most recently let as? |
rsnvac,What is the reason for the property being vacant? |
newprop,Is this property new to the social rented sector? |
offered,How many times was the property offered between becoming vacant and this letting? |
unittype_gn,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
voiddate,What is the void date? |
vacdays,Number of days the property was vacant |
void_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
majorrepairs,Were any major repairs carried out during the void period? |
mrcdate,What date were any major repairs completed on? |
major_repairs_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
joint,Is this a joint tenancy? |
startertenancy,Is this a starter tenancy? |
tenancy,What is the type of tenancy? |
tenancyother,If 'Other', what is the type of tenancy? |
tenancylength,What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year? |
sheltered,Is this letting in sheltered accommodation? |
declaration,Has the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
hhmemb,How many people live in the household at this letting? |
pregnancy_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property. |
refused,Where household characteristics have a 'Refused' option for some or all of: AGE1-AGE8, SEX1-SEX8, RELAT2-RELAT8, ECSTAT1-ECSTAT8 |
hhtype,Type of household 1 = 1 elder; 2 = 2 adults, including elder(s); 3 = 1 adult; 4 = 2 adults; 5 = 1 adult & 1+ children; 6 = 2+ adults & 1+ children; 9 = Other |
totchild,Total number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C) |
totelder,Total number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60) |
totadult,Total number of adults in household |
age1,What is the lead tenant's age? |
retirement_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}. |
sex1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is the lead tenant's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background? |
national,What is the lead tenant's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation? |
details_known_2,Are the details of tenant 2 known? |
relat2,What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age2,What is person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity? |
ecstat2,Which of these best describes person 2's working situation? |
details_known_3,Are the details of tenant 3 known? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,Which of these best describes person 3's working situation? |
details_known_4,Are the details of tenant 4 known? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,Which of these best describes person 4's working situation? |
details_known_5,Are the details of tenant 5 known? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,Which of these best describes person 5's working situation? |
details_known_6,Are the details of tenant 6 known? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,Which of these best describes person 6's working situation? |
details_known_7,Are the details of tenant 7 known? |
relat7,What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age7,What is person 7's age? |
sex7,Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity? |
ecstat7,Which of these best describes person 7's working situation? |
details_known_8,Are the details of tenant 8 known? |
relat8,What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age8,What is person 8's age? |
sex8,Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity? |
ecstat8,Which of these best describes person 8's working situation? |
armedforces,Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces? |
leftreg,Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces? |
reservist,Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces? |
preg_occ,Is anybody in the household pregnant? |
housingneeds,Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? |
housingneeds_type,What access needs do they have? (Fully wheelchair-accessible housing, Level access housing or Wheelchair access to essential rooms) |
housingneeds_a,Disabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing |
housingneeds_b,Disabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms |
housingneeds_c,Disabled access needs c) Level access housing |
housingneeds_f,Disabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs |
housingneeds_g,Disabled access needs g) No disabled access needs |
housingneeds_h,Disabled access needs h) Don't know |
housingneeds_other,Do they have any other disabled access needs? |
illness,Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more? |
illness_type_4,Does this person's condition affect their dexterity? |
illness_type_5,Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating? |
illness_type_2,Does this person's condition affect their hearing? |
illness_type_6,Does this person's condition affect their memory? |
illness_type_7,Does this person's condition affect their mental health? |
illness_type_3,Does this person's condition affect their mobility? |
illness_type_9,Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally? |
illness_type_8,Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue? |
illness_type_1,Does this person's condition affect their vision? |
illness_type_10,Does this person's condition affect them in another way? |
layear,How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting? |
waityear,How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting? |
reason,What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home? |
reasonother,If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home? |
prevten,Where was the household immediately before this letting? |
homeless,Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting? |
ppcodenk,Previous postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary |
ppostcode_full,What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? |
previous_la_known,Was the local authority of the household's last settled home known? |
is_previous_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode |
prevloc_label,Previous location LA name |
prevloc,Previous location's ONS LA Code |
reasonpref,Was the household given reasonable preference by the local authority? |
rp_homeless,Reasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days) |
rp_insan_unsat,Reasonable preference reason - They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unisatisfactory housing |
rp_medwel,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability) |
rp_hardship,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others |
rp_dontknow,Reasonable preference reason - Don't Know |
cbl,Was the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? |
cap,Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? |
chr,Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? |
letting_allocation_none,The letting was not allocated under CBL, CAP, CHR or Accessible Register. |
referral,What was the source of referral for this letting? |
referral_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: Are you sure? This is a general needs log, and this referral type is for supported housing. |
net_income_known,Do you know the household's combined income after tax? |
incref,Was the household income refused? |
earnings,How much income does the household have in total? |
incfreq,How often does the household receive income? |
net_income_value_check,Populated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hb,Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits? |
has_benefits,Does the tenant receive housing-related benefits? Yes if hb = Universal Credit housing element or Housing benefit, No if hb = Don't Know, Neither, Tenant prefers not to say or blank |
benefits,How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits? |
household_charge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? |
nocharge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no |
period,How often does the household pay rent and other charges? |
is_carehome,Is this accommodation a care home? |
chcharge,If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]? |
wchchrg,Weekly care home charge |
carehome_charges_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
brent,What is the basic rent? |
wrent,Weekly rent |
rent_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
scharge,What is the service charge? |
wscharge,Weekly service charge |
pscharge,What is the personal service charge? |
wpschrge,Weekly personal service charge |
supcharg,What is the support charge? |
wsupchrg,Weekly support charge |
tcharge,Total charge to the tenant |
wtcharge,Weekly total charge to the tenant |
scharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
pscharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
supcharg_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hbrentshortfall,After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay for rent and charges? |
tshortfall_known,Can you estimate the outstanding amount? |
tshortfall,Estimated outstanding amount |
wtshortfall,Weekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit |
scheme_code,What scheme does this letting belong to? |
scheme_service_name,From scheme code, we map to the scheme name |
scheme_confidential,Does the scheme contain confidential information? |
SCHTYPE,What is this type of scheme? (Direct access hostel), Foyer, Housing for older people or Other supported housing |
scheme_registered_under_care_act,Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000? |
scheme_owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme? |
scheme_primary_client_group,What client group is this scheme intended for? |
scheme_has_other_client_group,Does this scheme provide for another client group? |
scheme_secondary_client_group,What is the other client group? |
scheme_support_type,What support does this scheme provide? |
scheme_intended_stay,Intended length of stay |
scheme_created_at,Date scheme was created |
location_code,Which location is this letting for? |
location_postcode,What is the postcode for this location? |
location_name,What is the name of this location? |
location_units,How many units are at this location? |
location_type_of_unit,What is the most common type of unit at this location? |
location_mobility_type,What are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location? |
location_local_authority,What is the local authority of this postcode? |
location_startdate,When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 20.
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_by,User the log is created by |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_by,User who last updated the log |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
address_line1_as_entered,Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file |
address_line2_as_entered,Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file |
town_or_city_as_entered,Town or city entered in bulk upload file |
county_as_entered,County entered in bulk upload file |
postcode_full_as_entered,Postcode entered in bulk upload file |
la_as_entered,Local authority entered in bulk upload file |
bulk_upload_id,ID of a set of bulk uploaded logs |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns this property? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation manages this letting? |
needstype,What is the needs type? |
lettype,What is the letting type? |
renewal,Is this letting a renewal? |
startdate,What is the tenancy start date? |
renttype,What is the rent type? (grouped into SR, IR or AR) |
renttype_detail,What is the rent type? |
irproduct,Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
irproduct_other,Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
lar,Is this a London Affordable Rent letting? |
tenancycode,What is the tenant code? |
propcode,What is the property reference? |
uprn_known,Is the UPRN known? |
uprn,If known, property's UPRN |
address_line1_input,Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
postcode_full_input,Postcode input from address matching feature |
address_search_value_check,Was the 'No address found' page seen? |
uprn_selection,UPRN of the address selected |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town or City |
county,County |
postcode_full,Postcode |
is_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
la_label,What is the property's local authority? |
la,Local authority code |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing,Is this the first time the property has been let as social housing? |
unitletas,What rent product was the property most recently let as? |
rsnvac,What is the reason for the property being vacant? |
newprop,Is this property new to the social rented sector? |
unittype_gn,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
voiddate,What is the void date? |
vacdays,Number of days the property was vacant |
void_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
majorrepairs,Were any major repairs carried out during the void period? |
mrcdate,What date were any major repairs completed on? |
major_repairs_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
joint,Is this a joint tenancy? |
startertenancy,Is this a starter tenancy? |
tenancy,What is the type of tenancy? |
tenancyother,If 'Other', what is the type of tenancy? |
tenancylength,What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year? |
sheltered,Is this letting in sheltered accommodation? |
declaration,Has the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
hhmemb,How many people live in the household at this letting? |
pregnancy_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property. |
refused,Where household characteristics have a 'Refused' option for some or all of: AGE1-AGE8, SEX1-SEX8, RELAT2-RELAT8, ECSTAT1-ECSTAT8 |
hhtype,Type of household 1 = 1 elder; 2 = 2 adults, including elder(s); 3 = 1 adult; 4 = 2 adults; 5 = 1 adult & 1+ children; 6 = 2+ adults & 1+ children; 9 = Other |
totchild,Total number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C) |
totelder,Total number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60) |
totadult,Total number of adults in household |
age1,What is the lead tenant's age? |
retirement_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}. |
sex1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is the lead tenant's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background? |
nationality_all,What is the lead tenant's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation? |
details_known_2,Are the details of tenant 2 known? |
relat2,What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant? |
partner_under_16_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You said that [person X]'s relationship to lead tenant is partner, and that their age is [AGEX]. Are you sure this is correct? |
multiple_partners_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You said that more than one person in the household is the partner of the lead tenant. Are you sure this is correct? |
age2,What is person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity? |
ecstat2,Which of these best describes person 2's working situation? |
details_known_3,Are the details of tenant 3 known? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,Which of these best describes person 3's working situation? |
details_known_4,Are the details of tenant 4 known? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,Which of these best describes person 4's working situation? |
details_known_5,Are the details of tenant 5 known? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,Which of these best describes person 5's working situation? |
details_known_6,Are the details of tenant 6 known? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,Which of these best describes person 6's working situation? |
details_known_7,Are the details of tenant 7 known? |
relat7,What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age7,What is person 7's age? |
sex7,Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity? |
ecstat7,Which of these best describes person 7's working situation? |
details_known_8,Are the details of tenant 8 known? |
relat8,What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age8,What is person 8's age? |
sex8,Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity? |
ecstat8,Which of these best describes person 8's working situation? |
armedforces,Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces? |
leftreg,Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces? |
reservist,Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces? |
preg_occ,Is anybody in the household pregnant? |
housingneeds,Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? |
housingneeds_type,What access needs do they have? (Fully wheelchair-accessible housing, Level access housing or Wheelchair access to essential rooms) |
housingneeds_a,Disabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing |
housingneeds_b,Disabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms |
housingneeds_c,Disabled access needs c) Level access housing |
housingneeds_f,Disabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs |
housingneeds_g,Disabled access needs g) No disabled access needs |
housingneeds_h,Disabled access needs h) Don't know |
housingneeds_other,Do they have any other disabled access needs? |
illness,Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more? |
illness_type_4,Does this person's condition affect their dexterity? |
illness_type_5,Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating? |
illness_type_2,Does this person's condition affect their hearing? |
illness_type_6,Does this person's condition affect their memory? |
illness_type_7,Does this person's condition affect their mental health? |
illness_type_3,Does this person's condition affect their mobility? |
illness_type_9,Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally? |
illness_type_8,Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue? |
illness_type_1,Does this person's condition affect their vision? |
illness_type_10,Does this person's condition affect them in another way? |
layear,How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting? |
waityear,How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting? |
reason,What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home? |
reasonother,If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home? |
reasonother_value_check,The soft validation was confirmed |
prevten,Where was the household immediately before this letting? |
homeless,Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting? |
ppcodenk,Previous postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary |
ppostcode_full,What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? |
previous_la_known,Was the local authority of the household's last settled home known? |
is_previous_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode |
prevloc_label,Previous location LA name |
prevloc,Previous location's ONS LA Code |
reasonpref,Was the household given reasonable preference by the local authority? |
rp_homeless,Reasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days) |
rp_insan_unsat,Reasonable preference reason - They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unisatisfactory housing |
rp_medwel,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability) |
rp_hardship,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others |
rp_dontknow,Reasonable preference reason - Don't Know |
cbl,Was the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? |
cap,Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? |
chr,Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? |
accessible_register,Was the letting made under the Accessible Register? |
letting_allocation_none,The letting was not allocated under CBL, CAP, CHR or Accessible Register. |
referral,What was the source of referral for this letting? |
referral_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: Are you sure? This is a general needs log, and this referral type is for supported housing. |
net_income_known,Do you know the household's combined income after tax? |
incref,Was the household income refused? |
earnings,How much income does the household have in total? |
incfreq,How often does the household receive income? |
net_income_value_check,Populated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hb,Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits? |
has_benefits,Does the tenant receive housing-related benefits? Yes if hb = Universal Credit housing element or Housing benefit, No if hb = Don't Know, Neither, Tenant prefers not to say or blank |
benefits,How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits? |
household_charge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? |
nocharge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no |
period,How often does the household pay rent and other charges? |
is_carehome,Is this accommodation a care home? |
chcharge,If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]? |
wchchrg,Weekly care home charge |
carehome_charges_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
brent,What is the basic rent? |
wrent,Weekly rent |
rent_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
scharge,What is the service charge? |
wscharge,Weekly service charge |
pscharge,What is the personal service charge? |
wpschrge,Weekly personal service charge |
supcharg,What is the support charge? |
wsupchrg,Weekly support charge |
tcharge,Total charge to the tenant |
wtcharge,Weekly total charge to the tenant |
scharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
pscharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
supcharg_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hbrentshortfall,After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay for rent and charges? |
tshortfall_known,Can you estimate the outstanding amount? |
tshortfall,Estimated outstanding amount |
wtshortfall,Weekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit |
scheme_code,What scheme does this letting belong to? |
scheme_service_name,From scheme code, we map to the scheme name |
scheme_confidential,Does the scheme contain confidential information? |
SCHTYPE,What is this type of scheme? (Direct access hostel), Foyer, Housing for older people or Other supported housing |
scheme_registered_under_care_act,Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000? |
scheme_owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme? |
scheme_primary_client_group,What client group is this scheme intended for? |
scheme_has_other_client_group,Does this scheme provide for another client group? |
scheme_secondary_client_group,What is the other client group? |
scheme_support_type,What support does this scheme provide? |
scheme_intended_stay,Intended length of stay |
scheme_created_at,Date scheme was created |
location_code,Which location is this letting for? |
location_postcode,What is the postcode for this location? |
location_name,What is the name of this location? |
location_units,How many units are at this location? |
location_type_of_unit,What is the most common type of unit at this location? |
location_mobility_type,What are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location? |
location_local_authority,What is the local authority of this postcode? |
location_startdate,When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 25.
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
ID,Log ID |
STATUS,Status of log |
DUPLICATESET,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
CREATEDDATE,Time and date the log was created |
UPLOADDATE,Time and date the log was last updated |
FORM,The ID on the old service |
COLLECTIONYEAR,Year collection period opened |
CREATIONMETHOD,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
DATAPROTECT,Is the user in the created_by column the data protection officer? |
OWNINGORGNAME,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
MANINGORGNAME,Which organisation reported the sale? |
CREATEDBY,User that created the log |
USERNAME,User the log is assigned to |
DAY,Day of sale completion date |
MONTH,Month of sale completion date |
YEAR,Year of sale completion date |
PURCHID,What is the purchaser code? |
OWNERSHIP,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
TYPE,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
OTHTYPE,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
COMPANY,Is the buyer a company? |
LIVEINBUYER,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
JOINT,Is this a joint purchase? |
JOINTMORE,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
BEDS,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
PROPTYPE,What type of unit is the property? |
BUILTYPE,Which type of building is the property? |
UPRN,What is the UPRN of the property? |
UPRNCONFIRMED,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
ADDRESS1,Address line 1 |
ADDRESS2,Address line 2 |
TOWNCITY,Town/City |
COUNTY,County |
PCODE1,Part 1 of the property's postcode |
PCODE2,Part 2 of the property's postcode |
LA,LA code |
LANAME,LA name |
WCHAIR,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
NOINT,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
PRIVACYNOTICE,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
AGE1,What is buyer 1's age? |
SEX1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP1,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
NATIONAL,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ECSTAT1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER1,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
RELAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
SEX2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
NATIONAL2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ECSTAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER2,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
HHTYPE,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
RELAT3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE3,What is person 3's age? |
SEX3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ECSTAT3,What is person 3's working situation? |
RELAT4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE4,What is person 4's age? |
SEX4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ECSTAT4,What is person 4's working situation? |
RELAT5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE5,What is person 5's age? |
SEX5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ECSTAT5,What is person 5's working situation? |
RELAT6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE6,What is person 6's age? |
SEX6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ECSTAT6,What is person 6's working situation? |
PREVTEN,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
PPCODENK,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PPOSTC1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PPOSTC2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVIOUSLAKNOWN,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PREVLOC,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVLOCNAME,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREGYRHA,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
PREGOTHER,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
PREGLA,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
PREGGHB,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
PREGBLANK,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
BUY2LIVING,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
PREVTEN2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
HHREGRES,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
HHREGRESSTILL,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
DISABLED,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
WHEEL,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
INC1NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
INC1MORT,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
INC2NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
INC2MORT,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
HB,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
SAVINGSNK,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
SAVINGS,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
PREVOWN,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
PREVSHARED,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
PROPLEN,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
STAIRCASE,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
STAIRBOUGHT,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
STAIROWNED,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
STAIRCASETOSALE,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
RESALE,Is this a resale? |
EXDAY,Day of the exchange of contracts |
EXMONTH,Month of the exchange of contracts |
EXYEAR,Year of the exchange of contracts |
HODAY,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
HOMONTH,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
HOYEAR,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
LANOMAGR,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
SOCTEN,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
FROMBEDS,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
FROMPROP,What was the previous property type? |
SOCPREVTEN,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
VALUE,What is the full purchase price? |
VALUE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
EQUITY,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
MORTGAGEUSED,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
MORTGAGE,What is the mortgage amount? |
MORTGAGELENDER,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTGAGELENDEROTHER,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTLEN1,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
EXTRABOR,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
DEPOSIT,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
CASHDIS,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
MRENT,What is the basic monthly rent? |
HASMSCHARGE,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
MSCHARGE,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
DISCOUNT,What was the percentage discount? |
GRANT,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
old_form_id,The ID on the old service |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation reported the sale? |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
day,Day of sale completion date |
month,Month of sale completion date |
year,Year of sale completion date |
purchid,What is the purchaser code? |
ownershipsch,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
type,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
othtype,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
companybuy,Is the buyer a company? |
buylivein,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
jointpur,Is this a joint purchase? |
jointmore,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
proptype,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
uprn,What is the UPRN of the property? |
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town/City |
county,County |
pcode1,Part 1 of the property's postcode |
pcode2,Part 2 of the property's postcode |
la,LA code |
la_label,LA name |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
noint,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
privacynotice,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
age1,What is buyer 1's age? |
sex1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
national,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
buy1livein,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
relat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
age2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ethnic_group2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ethnicbuy2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
nationalbuy2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ecstat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
buy2livein,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
hholdcount,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,What is person 3's working situation? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,What is person 4's working situation? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,What is person 5's working situation? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,What is person 6's working situation? |
prevten,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
ppcodenk,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
ppostc1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
ppostc2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
previous_la_known,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
prevloc,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
prevloc_label,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
pregyrha,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
pregother,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
pregla,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
pregghb,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
pregblank,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
buy2living,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
prevtenbuy2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
hhregres,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
hhregresstill,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
armedforcesspouse,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
disabled,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
wheel,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
income1nk,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
income1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
inc1mort,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
income2nk,Is buyer 2's annual income known? |
income2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
inc2mort,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
hb,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
savingsnk,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
savings,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
prevown,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
prevshared,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
proplen,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
staircase,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
stairbought,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
stairowned,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
staircasesale,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
resale,Is this a resale? |
exday,Day of the exchange of contracts |
exmonth,Month of the exchange of contracts |
exyear,Year of the exchange of contracts |
hoday,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
homonth,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
hoyear,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
lanomagr,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
soctenant,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
frombeds,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
fromprop,What was the previous property type? |
socprevten,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
value,What is the full purchase price? |
equity,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
mortgageused,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
mortgage,What is the mortgage amount? |
mortgagelender,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortgagelenderother,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortlen,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
extrabor,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
deposit,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
cashdis,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
mrent,What is the basic monthly rent? |
has_mscharge,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
mscharge,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
discount,What was the percentage discount? |
grant,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 20.
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
ID,Log ID |
STATUS,Status of log |
DUPLICATESET,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
CREATEDDATE,Time and date the log was created |
UPLOADDATE,Time and date the log was last updated |
COLLECTIONYEAR,Year collection period opened |
CREATIONMETHOD,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
BULKUPLOADID,ID of a set of bulk uploaded logs |
DATAPROTECT,Is the user in the created_by column the data protection officer? |
OWNINGORGNAME,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
MANINGORGNAME,Which organisation reported the sale? |
CREATEDBY,User that created the log |
USERNAME,User the log is assigned to |
DAY,Day of sale completion date |
MONTH,Month of sale completion date |
YEAR,Year of sale completion date |
PURCHID,What is the purchaser code? |
OWNERSHIP,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
TYPE,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
OTHTYPE,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
COMPANY,Is the buyer a company? |
LIVEINBUYER,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
JOINT,Is this a joint purchase? |
JOINTMORE,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
NOINT,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
PRIVACYNOTICE,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
UPRN,What is the UPRN of the property? |
ADDRESS1,Address line 1 |
ADDRESS2,Address line 2 |
TOWNCITY,Town/City |
COUNTY,County |
POSTCODE,Postcode |
ISLAINFERRED,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
LANAME,LA name |
LA,LA code |
UPRNSELECTED,UPRN of the address selected |
ADDRESS_SEARCH_VALUE_CHECK,Was the 'No address found' page seen? |
ADDRESS1INPUT,Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
POSTCODEINPUT,Postcode input from address matching feature |
BULKADDRESS1,Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file |
BULKADDRESS2,Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file |
BULKTOWNCITY,Town or city entered in bulk upload file |
BULKCOUNTY,County entered in bulk upload file |
BULKPOSTCODE,Postcode entered in bulk upload file |
BULKLA,Local authority entered in bulk upload file |
BEDS,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
PROPTYPE,What type of unit is the property? |
BUILTYPE,Which type of building is the property? |
WCHAIR,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
AGE1,What is buyer 1's age? |
SEX1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP1,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
NATIONALITYALL1,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ECSTAT1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER1,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
RELAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
SEX2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
NATIONALITYALL2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ECSTAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER2,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
HHTYPE,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
RELAT3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE3,What is person 3's age? |
SEX3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ECSTAT3,What is person 3's working situation? |
RELAT4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE4,What is person 4's age? |
SEX4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ECSTAT4,What is person 4's working situation? |
RELAT5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE5,What is person 5's age? |
SEX5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ECSTAT5,What is person 5's working situation? |
RELAT6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE6,What is person 6's age? |
SEX6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ECSTAT6,What is person 6's working situation? |
PREVTEN,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
PPCODENK,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PPOSTC1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PPOSTC2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVIOUSLAKNOWN,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PREVLOC,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVLOCNAME,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREGYRHA,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
PREGOTHER,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
PREGLA,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
PREGGHB,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
PREGBLANK,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
BUY2LIVING,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
PREVTEN2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
HHREGRES,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
HHREGRESSTILL,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
DISABLED,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
WHEEL,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
INC1NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
INC1MORT,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
INC2NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
INC2MORT,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
HB,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
SAVINGSNK,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
SAVINGS,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
PREVOWN,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
PREVSHARED,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
PROPLEN,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
STAIRCASE,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
STAIRBOUGHT,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
STAIROWNED,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
STAIRCASETOSALE,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
RESALE,Is this a resale? |
EXDAY,Day of the exchange of contracts |
EXMONTH,Month of the exchange of contracts |
EXYEAR,Year of the exchange of contracts |
HODAY,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
HOMONTH,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
HOYEAR,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
LANOMAGR,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
SOCTEN,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
FROMBEDS,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
FROMPROP,What was the previous property type? |
SOCPREVTEN,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
VALUE,What is the full purchase price? |
VALUE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
EQUITY,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
MORTGAGEUSED,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
MORTGAGE,What is the mortgage amount? |
MORTGAGELENDER,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTGAGELENDEROTHER,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTLEN1,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
EXTRABOR,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
DEPOSIT,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
CASHDIS,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
MRENT,What is the basic monthly rent? |
HASMSCHARGE,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
MSCHARGE,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
DISCOUNT,What was the percentage discount? |
GRANT,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
old_form_id,The ID on the old service |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation reported the sale? |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
day,Day of sale completion date |
month,Month of sale completion date |
year,Year of sale completion date |
purchid,What is the purchaser code? |
ownershipsch,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
type,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
othtype,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
companybuy,Is the buyer a company? |
buylivein,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
jointpur,Is this a joint purchase? |
jointmore,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
proptype,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
uprn,What is the UPRN of the property? |
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
address_line1_input,Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
postcode_full_input,Postcode input from address matching feature |
uprn_selection,UPRN of the address selected |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town/City |
county,County |
pcode1,Part 1 of the property's postcode |
pcode2,Part 2 of the property's postcode |
la,LA code |
la_label,LA name |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
noint,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
privacynotice,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
age1,What is buyer 1's age? |
sex1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
nationality_all,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
buy1livein,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
relat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
age2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ethnic_group2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ethnicbuy2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
nationality_all_buyer2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ecstat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
buy2livein,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
hholdcount,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,What is person 3's working situation? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,What is person 4's working situation? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,What is person 5's working situation? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,What is person 6's working situation? |
prevten,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
ppcodenk,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
ppostc1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
ppostc2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
previous_la_known,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
prevloc,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
prevloc_label,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
pregyrha,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
pregother,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
pregla,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
pregghb,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
pregblank,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
buy2living,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
prevtenbuy2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
hhregres,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
hhregresstill,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
armedforcesspouse,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
disabled,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
wheel,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
income1nk,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
income1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
inc1mort,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
income2nk,Is buyer 2's annual income known? |
income2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
inc2mort,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
hb,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
savingsnk,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
savings,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
prevown,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
prevshared,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
proplen,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
staircase,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
stairbought,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
stairowned,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
staircasesale,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
resale,Is this a resale? |
exday,Day of the exchange of contracts |
exmonth,Month of the exchange of contracts |
exyear,Year of the exchange of contracts |
hoday,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
homonth,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
hoyear,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
lanomagr,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
soctenant,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
frombeds,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
fromprop,What was the previous property type? |
socprevten,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
value,What is the full purchase price? |
equity,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
mortgageused,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
mortgage,What is the mortgage amount? |
mortgagelender,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortgagelenderother,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortlen,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
extrabor,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
deposit,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
cashdis,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
mrent,What is the basic monthly rent? |
has_mscharge,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
mscharge,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
discount,What was the percentage discount? |
grant,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 20.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
class CreateCsvVariableDefinitions < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0] |
def change |
create_table :csv_variable_definitions do |t| |
t.string :variable, null: false |
t.string :definition, null: false |
t.string :log_type, null: false |
t.integer :year, null: false |
t.datetime :last_accessed |
t.timestamps |
end |
add_check_constraint :csv_variable_definitions, "log_type IN ('lettings', 'sales')", name: "log_type_check" |
add_check_constraint :csv_variable_definitions, "year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2099", name: "year_check" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace :data_import do |
desc "Add CsvVariableDefinition records for each file in the specified directory" |
task :add_variable_definitions, [:path] => :environment do |_task, args| |
path = Rails.root.join(args[:path]) |
service = |
|||| |
|||| "CSV Variable Definitions: #{service.count} total records added" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_by,User the log is created by |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_by,User who last updated the log |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
old_id,The (internal) ID on the old service |
old_form_id,The ID the users saw on the old service |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns this property? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation manages this letting? |
needstype,What is the needs type? |
lettype,What is the letting type? |
renewal,Is this letting a renewal? |
startdate,What is the tenancy start date? |
renttype,What is the rent type? (grouped into SR, IR or AR) |
renttype_detail,What is the rent type? |
irproduct,Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
irproduct_other,Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
lar,Is this a London Affordable Rent letting? |
tenancycode,What is the tenant code? |
propcode,What is the property reference? |
uprn_known,Is the UPRN known? |
uprn,If known, property's UPRN |
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town or City |
county,County |
postcode_full,Postcode |
is_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
la_label,What is the property's local authority? |
la,Local authority code |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing,Is this the first time the property has been let as social housing? |
unitletas,What rent product was the property most recently let as? |
rsnvac,What is the reason for the property being vacant? |
newprop,Is this property new to the social rented sector? |
offered,How many times was the property offered between becoming vacant and this letting? |
unittype_gn,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
voiddate,What is the void date? |
vacdays,Number of days the property was vacant |
void_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
majorrepairs,Were any major repairs carried out during the void period? |
mrcdate,What date were any major repairs completed on? |
major_repairs_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
joint,Is this a joint tenancy? |
startertenancy,Is this a starter tenancy? |
tenancy,What is the type of tenancy? |
tenancyother,If 'Other', what is the type of tenancy? |
tenancylength,What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year? |
sheltered,Is this letting in sheltered accommodation? |
declaration,Has the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
hhmemb,How many people live in the household at this letting? |
pregnancy_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property. |
refused,Where household characteristics have a 'Refused' option for some or all of: AGE1-AGE8, SEX1-SEX8, RELAT2-RELAT8, ECSTAT1-ECSTAT8 |
hhtype,Type of household 1 = 1 elder; 2 = 2 adults, including elder(s); 3 = 1 adult; 4 = 2 adults; 5 = 1 adult & 1+ children; 6 = 2+ adults & 1+ children; 9 = Other |
totchild,Total number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C) |
totelder,Total number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60) |
totadult,Total number of adults in household |
age1,What is the lead tenant's age? |
retirement_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}. |
sex1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is the lead tenant's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background? |
national,What is the lead tenant's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation? |
details_known_2,Are the details of tenant 2 known? |
relat2,What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age2,What is person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity? |
ecstat2,Which of these best describes person 2's working situation? |
details_known_3,Are the details of tenant 3 known? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,Which of these best describes person 3's working situation? |
details_known_4,Are the details of tenant 4 known? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,Which of these best describes person 4's working situation? |
details_known_5,Are the details of tenant 5 known? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,Which of these best describes person 5's working situation? |
details_known_6,Are the details of tenant 6 known? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,Which of these best describes person 6's working situation? |
details_known_7,Are the details of tenant 7 known? |
relat7,What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age7,What is person 7's age? |
sex7,Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity? |
ecstat7,Which of these best describes person 7's working situation? |
details_known_8,Are the details of tenant 8 known? |
relat8,What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age8,What is person 8's age? |
sex8,Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity? |
ecstat8,Which of these best describes person 8's working situation? |
armedforces,Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces? |
leftreg,Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces? |
reservist,Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces? |
preg_occ,Is anybody in the household pregnant? |
housingneeds,Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? |
housingneeds_type,What access needs do they have? (Fully wheelchair-accessible housing, Level access housing or Wheelchair access to essential rooms) |
housingneeds_a,Disabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing |
housingneeds_b,Disabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms |
housingneeds_c,Disabled access needs c) Level access housing |
housingneeds_f,Disabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs |
housingneeds_g,Disabled access needs g) No disabled access needs |
housingneeds_h,Disabled access needs h) Don't know |
housingneeds_other,Do they have any other disabled access needs? |
illness,Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more? |
illness_type_4,Does this person's condition affect their dexterity? |
illness_type_5,Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating? |
illness_type_2,Does this person's condition affect their hearing? |
illness_type_6,Does this person's condition affect their memory? |
illness_type_7,Does this person's condition affect their mental health? |
illness_type_3,Does this person's condition affect their mobility? |
illness_type_9,Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally? |
illness_type_8,Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue? |
illness_type_1,Does this person's condition affect their vision? |
illness_type_10,Does this person's condition affect them in another way? |
layear,How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting? |
waityear,How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting? |
reason,What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home? |
reasonother,If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home? |
prevten,Where was the household immediately before this letting? |
homeless,Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting? |
ppcodenk,Previous postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary |
ppostcode_full,What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? |
previous_la_known,Was the local authority of the household's last settled home known? |
is_previous_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode |
prevloc_label,Previous location LA name |
prevloc,Previous location's ONS LA Code |
reasonpref,Was the household given reasonable preference by the local authority? |
rp_homeless,Reasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days) |
rp_insan_unsat,Reasonable preference reason - They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unisatisfactory housing |
rp_medwel,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability) |
rp_hardship,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others |
rp_dontknow,Reasonable preference reason - Don't Know |
cbl,Was the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? |
cap,Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? |
chr,Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? |
letting_allocation_none,The letting was not allocated under CBL, CAP, CHR or Accessible Register. |
referral,What was the source of referral for this letting? |
referral_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: Are you sure? This is a general needs log, and this referral type is for supported housing. |
net_income_known,Do you know the household's combined income after tax? |
incref,Was the household income refused? |
earnings,How much income does the household have in total? |
incfreq,How often does the household receive income? |
net_income_value_check,Populated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hb,Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits? |
has_benefits,Does the tenant receive housing-related benefits? Yes if hb = Universal Credit housing element or Housing benefit, No if hb = Don't Know, Neither, Tenant prefers not to say or blank |
benefits,How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits? |
household_charge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? |
nocharge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no |
period,How often does the household pay rent and other charges? |
is_carehome,Is this accommodation a care home? |
chcharge,If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]? |
wchchrg,Weekly care home charge |
carehome_charges_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
brent,What is the basic rent? |
wrent,Weekly rent |
rent_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
scharge,What is the service charge? |
wscharge,Weekly service charge |
pscharge,What is the personal service charge? |
wpschrge,Weekly personal service charge |
supcharg,What is the support charge? |
wsupchrg,Weekly support charge |
tcharge,Total charge to the tenant |
wtcharge,Weekly total charge to the tenant |
scharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
pscharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
supcharg_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hbrentshortfall,After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay for rent and charges? |
tshortfall_known,Can you estimate the outstanding amount? |
tshortfall,Estimated outstanding amount |
wtshortfall,Weekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit |
scheme_code,What scheme does this letting belong to? |
scheme_service_name,From scheme code, we map to the scheme name |
scheme_confidential,Does the scheme contain confidential information? |
SCHTYPE,What is this type of scheme? (Direct access hostel), Foyer, Housing for older people or Other supported housing |
scheme_registered_under_care_act,Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000? |
scheme_owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme? |
scheme_primary_client_group,What client group is this scheme intended for? |
scheme_has_other_client_group,Does this scheme provide for another client group? |
scheme_secondary_client_group,What is the other client group? |
scheme_support_type,What support does this scheme provide? |
scheme_intended_stay,Intended length of stay |
scheme_created_at,Date scheme was created |
location_code,Which location is this letting for? |
location_postcode,What is the postcode for this location? |
location_name,What is the name of this location? |
location_units,How many units are at this location? |
location_type_of_unit,What is the most common type of unit at this location? |
location_mobility_type,What are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location? |
location_local_authority,What is the local authority of this postcode? |
location_startdate,When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 20.
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_by,User the log is created by |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_by,User who last updated the log |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
address_line1_as_entered,Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file |
address_line2_as_entered,Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file |
town_or_city_as_entered,Town or city entered in bulk upload file |
county_as_entered,County entered in bulk upload file |
postcode_full_as_entered,Postcode entered in bulk upload file |
la_as_entered,Local authority entered in bulk upload file |
bulk_upload_id,ID of a set of bulk uploaded logs |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns this property? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation manages this letting? |
needstype,What is the needs type? |
lettype,What is the letting type? |
renewal,Is this letting a renewal? |
startdate,What is the tenancy start date? |
renttype,What is the rent type? (grouped into SR, IR or AR) |
renttype_detail,What is the rent type? |
irproduct,Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
irproduct_other,Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
lar,Is this a London Affordable Rent letting? |
tenancycode,What is the tenant code? |
propcode,What is the property reference? |
uprn_known,Is the UPRN known? |
uprn,If known, property's UPRN |
address_line1_input,Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
postcode_full_input,Postcode input from address matching feature |
address_search_value_check,Was the 'No address found' page seen? |
uprn_selection,UPRN of the address selected |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town or City |
county,County |
postcode_full,Postcode |
is_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
la_label,What is the property's local authority? |
la,Local authority code |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing,Is this the first time the property has been let as social housing? |
unitletas,What rent product was the property most recently let as? |
rsnvac,What is the reason for the property being vacant? |
newprop,Is this property new to the social rented sector? |
unittype_gn,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
voiddate,What is the void date? |
vacdays,Number of days the property was vacant |
void_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
majorrepairs,Were any major repairs carried out during the void period? |
mrcdate,What date were any major repairs completed on? |
major_repairs_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
joint,Is this a joint tenancy? |
startertenancy,Is this a starter tenancy? |
tenancy,What is the type of tenancy? |
tenancyother,If 'Other', what is the type of tenancy? |
tenancylength,What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year? |
sheltered,Is this letting in sheltered accommodation? |
declaration,Has the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
hhmemb,How many people live in the household at this letting? |
pregnancy_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property. |
refused,Where household characteristics have a 'Refused' option for some or all of: AGE1-AGE8, SEX1-SEX8, RELAT2-RELAT8, ECSTAT1-ECSTAT8 |
hhtype,Type of household 1 = 1 elder; 2 = 2 adults, including elder(s); 3 = 1 adult; 4 = 2 adults; 5 = 1 adult & 1+ children; 6 = 2+ adults & 1+ children; 9 = Other |
totchild,Total number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C) |
totelder,Total number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60) |
totadult,Total number of adults in household |
age1,What is the lead tenant's age? |
retirement_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}. |
sex1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is the lead tenant's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background? |
nationality_all,What is the lead tenant's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation? |
details_known_2,Are the details of tenant 2 known? |
relat2,What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant? |
partner_under_16_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You said that [person X]'s relationship to lead tenant is partner, and that their age is [AGEX]. Are you sure this is correct? |
multiple_partners_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You said that more than one person in the household is the partner of the lead tenant. Are you sure this is correct? |
age2,What is person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity? |
ecstat2,Which of these best describes person 2's working situation? |
details_known_3,Are the details of tenant 3 known? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,Which of these best describes person 3's working situation? |
details_known_4,Are the details of tenant 4 known? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,Which of these best describes person 4's working situation? |
details_known_5,Are the details of tenant 5 known? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,Which of these best describes person 5's working situation? |
details_known_6,Are the details of tenant 6 known? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,Which of these best describes person 6's working situation? |
details_known_7,Are the details of tenant 7 known? |
relat7,What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age7,What is person 7's age? |
sex7,Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity? |
ecstat7,Which of these best describes person 7's working situation? |
details_known_8,Are the details of tenant 8 known? |
relat8,What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant? |
age8,What is person 8's age? |
sex8,Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity? |
ecstat8,Which of these best describes person 8's working situation? |
armedforces,Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces? |
leftreg,Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces? |
reservist,Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces? |
preg_occ,Is anybody in the household pregnant? |
housingneeds,Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? |
housingneeds_type,What access needs do they have? (Fully wheelchair-accessible housing, Level access housing or Wheelchair access to essential rooms) |
housingneeds_a,Disabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing |
housingneeds_b,Disabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms |
housingneeds_c,Disabled access needs c) Level access housing |
housingneeds_f,Disabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs |
housingneeds_g,Disabled access needs g) No disabled access needs |
housingneeds_h,Disabled access needs h) Don't know |
housingneeds_other,Do they have any other disabled access needs? |
illness,Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more? |
illness_type_4,Does this person's condition affect their dexterity? |
illness_type_5,Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating? |
illness_type_2,Does this person's condition affect their hearing? |
illness_type_6,Does this person's condition affect their memory? |
illness_type_7,Does this person's condition affect their mental health? |
illness_type_3,Does this person's condition affect their mobility? |
illness_type_9,Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally? |
illness_type_8,Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue? |
illness_type_1,Does this person's condition affect their vision? |
illness_type_10,Does this person's condition affect them in another way? |
layear,How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting? |
waityear,How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting? |
reason,What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home? |
reasonother,If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home? |
reasonother_value_check,The soft validation was confirmed |
prevten,Where was the household immediately before this letting? |
homeless,Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting? |
ppcodenk,Previous postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary |
ppostcode_full,What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? |
previous_la_known,Was the local authority of the household's last settled home known? |
is_previous_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode |
prevloc_label,Previous location LA name |
prevloc,Previous location's ONS LA Code |
reasonpref,Was the household given reasonable preference by the local authority? |
rp_homeless,Reasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days) |
rp_insan_unsat,Reasonable preference reason - They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unisatisfactory housing |
rp_medwel,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability) |
rp_hardship,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others |
rp_dontknow,Reasonable preference reason - Don't Know |
cbl,Was the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? |
cap,Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? |
chr,Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? |
accessible_register,Was the letting made under the Accessible Register? |
letting_allocation_none,The letting was not allocated under CBL, CAP, CHR or Accessible Register. |
referral,What was the source of referral for this letting? |
referral_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: Are you sure? This is a general needs log, and this referral type is for supported housing. |
net_income_known,Do you know the household's combined income after tax? |
incref,Was the household income refused? |
earnings,How much income does the household have in total? |
incfreq,How often does the household receive income? |
net_income_value_check,Populated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hb,Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits? |
has_benefits,Does the tenant receive housing-related benefits? Yes if hb = Universal Credit housing element or Housing benefit, No if hb = Don't Know, Neither, Tenant prefers not to say or blank |
benefits,How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits? |
household_charge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? |
nocharge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no |
period,How often does the household pay rent and other charges? |
is_carehome,Is this accommodation a care home? |
chcharge,If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]? |
wchchrg,Weekly care home charge |
carehome_charges_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
brent,What is the basic rent? |
wrent,Weekly rent |
rent_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
scharge,What is the service charge? |
wscharge,Weekly service charge |
pscharge,What is the personal service charge? |
wpschrge,Weekly personal service charge |
supcharg,What is the support charge? |
wsupchrg,Weekly support charge |
tcharge,Total charge to the tenant |
wtcharge,Weekly total charge to the tenant |
scharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
pscharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
supcharg_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
hbrentshortfall,After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay for rent and charges? |
tshortfall_known,Can you estimate the outstanding amount? |
tshortfall,Estimated outstanding amount |
wtshortfall,Weekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit |
scheme_code,What scheme does this letting belong to? |
scheme_service_name,From scheme code, we map to the scheme name |
scheme_confidential,Does the scheme contain confidential information? |
SCHTYPE,What is this type of scheme? (Direct access hostel), Foyer, Housing for older people or Other supported housing |
scheme_registered_under_care_act,Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000? |
scheme_owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme? |
scheme_primary_client_group,What client group is this scheme intended for? |
scheme_has_other_client_group,Does this scheme provide for another client group? |
scheme_secondary_client_group,What is the other client group? |
scheme_support_type,What support does this scheme provide? |
scheme_intended_stay,Intended length of stay |
scheme_created_at,Date scheme was created |
location_code,Which location is this letting for? |
location_postcode,What is the postcode for this location? |
location_name,What is the name of this location? |
location_units,How many units are at this location? |
location_type_of_unit,What is the most common type of unit at this location? |
location_mobility_type,What are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location? |
location_local_authority,What is the local authority of this postcode? |
location_startdate,When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 25.
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
ID,Log ID |
STATUS,Status of log |
DUPLICATESET,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
CREATEDDATE,Time and date the log was created |
UPLOADDATE,Time and date the log was last updated |
FORM,The ID on the old service |
COLLECTIONYEAR,Year collection period opened |
CREATIONMETHOD,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
DATAPROTECT,Is the user in the created_by column the data protection officer? |
OWNINGORGNAME,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
MANINGORGNAME,Which organisation reported the sale? |
CREATEDBY,User that created the log |
USERNAME,User the log is assigned to |
DAY,Day of sale completion date |
MONTH,Month of sale completion date |
YEAR,Year of sale completion date |
PURCHID,What is the purchaser code? |
OWNERSHIP,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
TYPE,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
OTHTYPE,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
COMPANY,Is the buyer a company? |
LIVEINBUYER,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
JOINT,Is this a joint purchase? |
JOINTMORE,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
BEDS,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
PROPTYPE,What type of unit is the property? |
BUILTYPE,Which type of building is the property? |
UPRN,What is the UPRN of the property? |
UPRNCONFIRMED,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
ADDRESS1,Address line 1 |
ADDRESS2,Address line 2 |
TOWNCITY,Town/City |
COUNTY,County |
PCODE1,Part 1 of the property's postcode |
PCODE2,Part 2 of the property's postcode |
LA,LA code |
LANAME,LA name |
WCHAIR,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
NOINT,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
PRIVACYNOTICE,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
AGE1,What is buyer 1's age? |
SEX1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP1,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
NATIONAL,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ECSTAT1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER1,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
RELAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
SEX2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
NATIONAL2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ECSTAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER2,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
HHTYPE,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
RELAT3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE3,What is person 3's age? |
SEX3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ECSTAT3,What is person 3's working situation? |
RELAT4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE4,What is person 4's age? |
SEX4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ECSTAT4,What is person 4's working situation? |
RELAT5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE5,What is person 5's age? |
SEX5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ECSTAT5,What is person 5's working situation? |
RELAT6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE6,What is person 6's age? |
SEX6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ECSTAT6,What is person 6's working situation? |
PREVTEN,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
PPCODENK,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PPOSTC1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PPOSTC2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVIOUSLAKNOWN,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PREVLOC,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVLOCNAME,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREGYRHA,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
PREGOTHER,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
PREGLA,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
PREGGHB,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
PREGBLANK,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
BUY2LIVING,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
PREVTEN2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
HHREGRES,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
HHREGRESSTILL,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
DISABLED,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
WHEEL,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
INC1NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
INC1MORT,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
INC2NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
INC2MORT,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
HB,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
SAVINGSNK,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
SAVINGS,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
PREVOWN,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
PREVSHARED,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
PROPLEN,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
STAIRCASE,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
STAIRBOUGHT,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
STAIROWNED,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
STAIRCASETOSALE,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
RESALE,Is this a resale? |
EXDAY,Day of the exchange of contracts |
EXMONTH,Month of the exchange of contracts |
EXYEAR,Year of the exchange of contracts |
HODAY,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
HOMONTH,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
HOYEAR,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
LANOMAGR,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
SOCTEN,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
FROMBEDS,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
FROMPROP,What was the previous property type? |
SOCPREVTEN,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
VALUE,What is the full purchase price? |
VALUE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
EQUITY,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
MORTGAGEUSED,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
MORTGAGE,What is the mortgage amount? |
MORTGAGELENDER,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTGAGELENDEROTHER,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTLEN1,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
EXTRABOR,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
DEPOSIT,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
CASHDIS,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
MRENT,What is the basic monthly rent? |
HASMSCHARGE,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
MSCHARGE,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
DISCOUNT,What was the percentage discount? |
GRANT,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
old_form_id,The ID on the old service |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation reported the sale? |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
day,Day of sale completion date |
month,Month of sale completion date |
year,Year of sale completion date |
purchid,What is the purchaser code? |
ownershipsch,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
type,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
othtype,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
companybuy,Is the buyer a company? |
buylivein,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
jointpur,Is this a joint purchase? |
jointmore,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
proptype,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
uprn,What is the UPRN of the property? |
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town/City |
county,County |
pcode1,Part 1 of the property's postcode |
pcode2,Part 2 of the property's postcode |
la,LA code |
la_label,LA name |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
noint,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
privacynotice,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
age1,What is buyer 1's age? |
sex1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
national,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
buy1livein,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
relat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
age2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ethnic_group2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ethnicbuy2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
nationalbuy2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ecstat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
buy2livein,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
hholdcount,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,What is person 3's working situation? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,What is person 4's working situation? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,What is person 5's working situation? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,What is person 6's working situation? |
prevten,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
ppcodenk,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
ppostc1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
ppostc2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
previous_la_known,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
prevloc,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
prevloc_label,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
pregyrha,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
pregother,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
pregla,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
pregghb,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
pregblank,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
buy2living,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
prevtenbuy2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
hhregres,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
hhregresstill,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
armedforcesspouse,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
disabled,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
wheel,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
income1nk,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
income1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
inc1mort,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
income2nk,Is buyer 2's annual income known? |
income2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
inc2mort,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
hb,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
savingsnk,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
savings,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
prevown,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
prevshared,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
proplen,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
staircase,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
stairbought,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
stairowned,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
staircasesale,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
resale,Is this a resale? |
exday,Day of the exchange of contracts |
exmonth,Month of the exchange of contracts |
exyear,Year of the exchange of contracts |
hoday,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
homonth,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
hoyear,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
lanomagr,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
soctenant,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
frombeds,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
fromprop,What was the previous property type? |
socprevten,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
value,What is the full purchase price? |
equity,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
mortgageused,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
mortgage,What is the mortgage amount? |
mortgagelender,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortgagelenderother,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortlen,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
extrabor,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
deposit,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
cashdis,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
mrent,What is the basic monthly rent? |
has_mscharge,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
mscharge,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
discount,What was the percentage discount? |
grant,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
ID,Log ID |
STATUS,Status of log |
DUPLICATESET,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
CREATEDDATE,Time and date the log was created |
UPLOADDATE,Time and date the log was last updated |
COLLECTIONYEAR,Year collection period opened |
CREATIONMETHOD,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
BULKUPLOADID,ID of a set of bulk uploaded logs |
DATAPROTECT,Is the user in the created_by column the data protection officer? |
OWNINGORGNAME,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
MANINGORGNAME,Which organisation reported the sale? |
CREATEDBY,User that created the log |
USERNAME,User the log is assigned to |
DAY,Day of sale completion date |
MONTH,Month of sale completion date |
YEAR,Year of sale completion date |
PURCHID,What is the purchaser code? |
OWNERSHIP,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
TYPE,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
OTHTYPE,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
COMPANY,Is the buyer a company? |
LIVEINBUYER,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
JOINT,Is this a joint purchase? |
JOINTMORE,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
NOINT,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
PRIVACYNOTICE,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
UPRN,What is the UPRN of the property? |
ADDRESS1,Address line 1 |
ADDRESS2,Address line 2 |
TOWNCITY,Town/City |
COUNTY,County |
POSTCODE,Postcode |
ISLAINFERRED,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
LANAME,LA name |
LA,LA code |
UPRNSELECTED,UPRN of the address selected |
ADDRESS_SEARCH_VALUE_CHECK,Was the 'No address found' page seen? |
ADDRESS1INPUT,Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
POSTCODEINPUT,Postcode input from address matching feature |
BULKADDRESS1,Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file |
BULKADDRESS2,Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file |
BULKTOWNCITY,Town or city entered in bulk upload file |
BULKCOUNTY,County entered in bulk upload file |
BULKPOSTCODE,Postcode entered in bulk upload file |
BULKLA,Local authority entered in bulk upload file |
BEDS,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
PROPTYPE,What type of unit is the property? |
BUILTYPE,Which type of building is the property? |
WCHAIR,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
AGE1,What is buyer 1's age? |
SEX1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP1,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
NATIONALITYALL1,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ECSTAT1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER1,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
RELAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
SEX2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ETHNICGROUP2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ETHNIC2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
NATIONALITYALL2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ECSTAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
LIVEINBUYER2,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
HHTYPE,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
RELAT3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE3,What is person 3's age? |
SEX3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ECSTAT3,What is person 3's working situation? |
RELAT4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE4,What is person 4's age? |
SEX4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ECSTAT4,What is person 4's working situation? |
RELAT5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE5,What is person 5's age? |
SEX5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ECSTAT5,What is person 5's working situation? |
RELAT6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
AGE6,What is person 6's age? |
SEX6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ECSTAT6,What is person 6's working situation? |
PREVTEN,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
PPCODENK,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PPOSTC1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PPOSTC2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVIOUSLAKNOWN,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
PREVLOC,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREVLOCNAME,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
PREGYRHA,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
PREGOTHER,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
PREGLA,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
PREGGHB,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
PREGBLANK,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
BUY2LIVING,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
PREVTEN2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
HHREGRES,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
HHREGRESSTILL,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
DISABLED,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
WHEEL,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
INC1NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
INC1MORT,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
INC2NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
INCOME2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
INC2MORT,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
HB,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
SAVINGSNK,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
SAVINGS,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
PREVOWN,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
PREVSHARED,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
PROPLEN,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
STAIRCASE,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
STAIRBOUGHT,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
STAIROWNED,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
STAIRCASETOSALE,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
RESALE,Is this a resale? |
EXDAY,Day of the exchange of contracts |
EXMONTH,Month of the exchange of contracts |
EXYEAR,Year of the exchange of contracts |
HODAY,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
HOMONTH,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
HOYEAR,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
LANOMAGR,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
SOCTEN,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
FROMBEDS,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
FROMPROP,What was the previous property type? |
SOCPREVTEN,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
VALUE,What is the full purchase price? |
VALUE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
EQUITY,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
MORTGAGEUSED,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
MORTGAGE,What is the mortgage amount? |
MORTGAGELENDER,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTGAGELENDEROTHER,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
MORTLEN1,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
EXTRABOR,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
DEPOSIT,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
CASHDIS,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
MRENT,What is the basic monthly rent? |
HASMSCHARGE,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
MSCHARGE,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
DISCOUNT,What was the percentage discount? |
GRANT,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
id,Log ID |
status,Status of log |
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs |
created_at,Time and date the log was created |
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated |
old_form_id,The ID on the old service |
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened |
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation reported the sale? |
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to |
day,Day of sale completion date |
month,Month of sale completion date |
year,Year of sale completion date |
purchid,What is the purchaser code? |
ownershipsch,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
type,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
othtype,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? |
companybuy,Is the buyer a company? |
buylivein,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
jointpur,Is this a joint purchase? |
jointmore,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? |
proptype,What type of unit is the property? |
builtype,Which type of building is the property? |
uprn,What is the UPRN of the property? |
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
address_line1_input,Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
postcode_full_input,Postcode input from address matching feature |
uprn_selection,UPRN of the address selected |
address_line1,Address line 1 |
address_line2,Address line 2 |
town_or_city,Town/City |
county,County |
pcode1,Part 1 of the property's postcode |
pcode2,Part 2 of the property's postcode |
la,LA code |
la_label,LA name |
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
noint,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
privacynotice,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
age1,What is buyer 1's age? |
sex1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
ethnic_group,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
ethnic,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
nationality_all,What is buyer 1's nationality? |
ecstat1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
buy1livein,Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
relat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
age2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
sex2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
ethnic_group2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
ethnicbuy2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
nationality_all_buyer2,What is buyer 2's nationality? |
ecstat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
buy2livein,Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
hholdcount,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? |
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
age3,What is person 3's age? |
sex3,What is person 3's gender identity? |
ecstat3,What is person 3's working situation? |
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
age4,What is person 4's age? |
sex4,What is person 4's gender identity? |
ecstat4,What is person 4's working situation? |
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
age5,What is person 5's age? |
sex5,What is person 5's gender identity? |
ecstat5,What is person 5's working situation? |
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
age6,What is person 6's age? |
sex6,What is person 6's gender identity? |
ecstat6,What is person 6's working situation? |
prevten,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
ppcodenk,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
ppostc1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
ppostc2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
previous_la_known,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
prevloc,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
prevloc_label,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
pregyrha,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
pregother,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
pregla,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
pregghb,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
pregblank,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank |
buy2living,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? |
prevtenbuy2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
hhregres,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
hhregresstill,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
armedforcesspouse,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
disabled,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
wheel,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
income1nk,Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
income1,What is buyer 1's annual income? |
inc1mort,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
income2nk,Is buyer 2's annual income known? |
income2,What is buyer 2's annual income? |
inc2mort,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
hb,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
savingsnk,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
savings,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
prevown,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
prevshared,Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
proplen,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
staircase,Is this a staircasing transaction? |
stairbought,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
stairowned,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
staircasesale,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
resale,Is this a resale? |
exday,Day of the exchange of contracts |
exmonth,Month of the exchange of contracts |
exyear,Year of the exchange of contracts |
hoday,Day of the practical completion or handover date |
homonth,Month of the practical completion or handover date |
hoyear,Year of the practical completion or handover date |
lanomagr,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
soctenant,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? |
frombeds,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
fromprop,What was the previous property type? |
socprevten,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
value,What is the full purchase price? |
equity,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
mortgageused,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
mortgage,What is the mortgage amount? |
mortgagelender,What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortgagelenderother,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? |
mortlen,What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
extrabor,Does this include any extra borrowing? |
deposit,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
cashdis,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
mrent,What is the basic monthly rent? |
has_mscharge,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
mscharge,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
discount,What was the percentage discount? |
grant,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? |
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 20.
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
require "rails_helper" |
require "rake" |
RSpec.describe "log_variable_definitions" do |
describe ":add_variable_definitions", type: :task do |
subject(:task) { Rake::Task["data_import:add_variable_definitions"] } |
let(:path) { "spec/fixtures/variable_definitions" } |
before do |
Rake.application.rake_require("tasks/log_variable_definitions") |
Rake::Task.define_task(:environment) |
task.reenable |
end |
it "adds CsvVariableDefinition records from each file in the specified directory" do |
expect { task.invoke(path) }.to change(CsvVariableDefinition, :count).by(416) |
end |
it "handles an empty directory without errors" do |
empty_path = "spec/fixtures/empty_directory" |
FileUtils.mkdir_p(empty_path) |
expect { task.invoke(empty_path) }.not_to raise_error |
expect(CsvVariableDefinition.count).to eq(0) |
end |
it "does not create duplicate records if run multiple times" do |
CsvVariableDefinition.delete_all |
initial_count = CsvVariableDefinition.count |
task.invoke(path) |
first_run_count = CsvVariableDefinition.count |
task.invoke(path) |
second_run_count = CsvVariableDefinition.count |
expect(first_run_count).to eq(initial_count + 416) |
expect(second_run_count).to eq(first_run_count) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe Imports::VariableDefinitionsService, type: :service do |
let(:path) { "spec/fixtures/variable_definitions" } |
let(:service) { } |
describe "#initialize" do |
it "initializes with the correct path and count" do |
expect(service.path).to eq(path) |
expect(service.count).to eq(0) |
end |
end |
describe "#call" do |
before do |
allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(%w[lettings_download_23_24.csv lettings_download_24_25.csv sales_download_23_24.csv sales_download_24_25.csv]) |
allow(service).to receive(:process_file) |
end |
it "processes each file in the directory" do |
|||| |
%w[lettings_download_23_24.csv lettings_download_24_25.csv sales_download_23_24.csv sales_download_24_25.csv].each do |file| |
expect(service).to have_received(:process_file).with(file) |
end |
end |
end |
describe "#process_file" do |
let(:file) { "spec/fixtures/variable_definitions/lettings_download_23_24.csv" } |
let(:csv_content) { [["id", "Log ID"], ["status", "Status of log"], ["duplicate_set_id", "ID of a set of duplicate logs"]] } |
before do |
allow(CSV).to receive(:foreach).and_yield(csv_content[0]).and_yield(csv_content[1]).and_yield(csv_content[2]) |
end |
context "when no existing record" do |
it "creates new records" do |
expect { |
service.send(:process_file, file) |
}.to change(CsvVariableDefinition, :count).by(3) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue