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sort errors so deterministic

Phil Lee 2 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 20


@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ module Imports
attribute, _type = error
fields.each do |field|
@logger.warn("Log #{lettings_log.old_id}: Removing #{field} with error: #{lettings_log.errors[attribute].join(', ')}")
@logger.warn("Log #{lettings_log.old_id}: Removing #{field} with error: #{lettings_log.errors[attribute].sort.join(', ')}")
@logs_overridden << lettings_log.old_id


@ -532,11 +532,11 @@ RSpec.describe Imports::LettingsLogsImportService do
it "intercepts the relevant validation error" do
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing brent with error: Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week, Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing scharge with error: Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week, Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing pscharge with error: Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week, Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing supcharg with error: Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week, Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing tcharge with error: Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week, Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("Log 0b4a68df-30cc-474a-93c0-a56ce8fdad3b: Removing brent with error: Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’, Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week")
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("Log 0b4a68df-30cc-474a-93c0-a56ce8fdad3b: Removing scharge with error: Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’, Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week")
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("Log 0b4a68df-30cc-474a-93c0-a56ce8fdad3b: Removing pscharge with error: Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’, Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week")
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("Log 0b4a68df-30cc-474a-93c0-a56ce8fdad3b: Removing supcharg with error: Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’, Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week")
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("Log 0b4a68df-30cc-474a-93c0-a56ce8fdad3b: Removing tcharge with error: Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’, Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week")
expect { lettings_log_service.send(:create_log, lettings_log_xml) }
.not_to raise_error
@ -560,11 +560,11 @@ RSpec.describe Imports::LettingsLogsImportService do
it "intercepts the relevant validation error" do
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing brent with error: Enter an amount above 0, Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing scharge with error: Enter an amount above 0, Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing pscharge with error: Enter an amount above 0, Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing supcharg with error: Enter an amount above 0, Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing tcharge with error: Enter an amount above 0, Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing brent with error: Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Enter an amount above 0, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing scharge with error: Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Enter an amount above 0, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing pscharge with error: Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Enter an amount above 0, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing supcharg with error: Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Enter an amount above 0, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Removing tcharge with error: Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £480 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting, Enter an amount above 0, Service charge must be at least £0 every week/)
expect { lettings_log_service.send(:create_log, lettings_log_xml) }
.not_to raise_error
