@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /details " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Scheme name "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " This scheme contains confidential information "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Which organisation manages this scheme "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What is this type of scheme? "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Who provides the support services used by this scheme? "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000? "
@ -480,155 +479,22 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
context " when changing answers " do
it " displays change links " do
assert_selector " a " , text : " Change " , count : 12
assert_selector " a " , text : " Change " , count : 3
context " when changing details " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /details ?check_answers=true " , match : :first )
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /edit-name ?check_answers=true " , match : :first )
it " allows changing details questions " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /details ?check_answers=true " )
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /edit-name ?check_answers=true " )
fill_in " Scheme name " , with : " Example "
choose " Direct access hostel "
choose " Yes – registered care home providing nursing care "
click_button " Save and continue "
click_button " Save changes "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Example "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Yes – registered care home providing nursing care "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when changing primary client group " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /primary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing primary-client-group question " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /primary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " Older people with support needs "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Older people with support needs "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when changing confirm secondary group answer " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing confirm-secondary-client-group question to yes " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " Yes "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " People at risk of domestic violence "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " People at risk of domestic violence "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when allows changing confirm-secondary-client-group question to no " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing confirm-secondary-client-group question to no " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " No "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_content " Secondary client group "
context " when changing secondary-client-group question " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing secondary-client-group question " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " People at risk of domestic violence "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " People at risk of domestic violence "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when changing support questions " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support?check_answers=true " , match : :first )
it " allows changing support questions " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support?check_answers=true " )
choose " Resettlement support "
choose " Medium stay "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations/new " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Add a location to this scheme "
context " when I press the back button " do
@ -667,6 +533,7 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
context " when I fill in scheme details indicating that supported services provided by a different organisation and I press save I see primary client group section " do
let ( :scheme ) { Scheme . first }
let! ( :another_organisation ) { FactoryBot . create ( :organisation , name : " Another Org " ) }
before do
fill_in " Scheme name " , with : " FooBar "
@ -699,47 +566,29 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
context " when we amend scheme details " do
it " returns to the primary client group question " do
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /primary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support-services-provider " )
context " when I select primary client group details " do
context " when I select organisation providing support for scheme " do
before do
choose " Homeless families with support needs "
select another_organisation . name , from : " scheme-managing-organisation-id-field "
click_button " Save and continue "
it " lets me confirm if I want to select secondary group details " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Does this scheme provide for another client group? "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the primary client group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /primary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What client group is this scheme intended for? "
context " when we amend primary client group " do
it " returns to the confirm secondary client group question " do
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group " )
it " lets me select the primary client group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What client group is this scheme intended for? "
context " when I confirm the secondary group " do
context " when I select primary client group details " do
before do
choose " Ye s"
choose " Homeless families with support needs "
click_button " Save and continue "
it " lets me select secondary client group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What is the other client group?"
it " lets me confirm if I want to select secondary group details " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Does this scheme provide for another client group? "
context " when I press the back button " do
@ -747,27 +596,27 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me confirm the secondary group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-second ary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Does this scheme provide for another client group ?"
it " lets me select the primary client group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /prim ary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What client group is this scheme intended for ?"
context " when we amend confirm secondary client " do
it " returns to the secondary client group question " do
context " when we amend primary client group " do
it " returns to the confirm secondary client group question " do
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm- secondary-client-group " )
context " when I select the secondary group " do
context " when I confirm the secondary group " do
before do
choose " Homeless families with support need s"
choose " Ye s"
click_button " Save and continue "
it " lets me select level of support " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What support does this scheme provide ? "
it " lets me select secondary client group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What is the other client group ? "
context " when I press the back button " do
@ -775,28 +624,27 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the secondary group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What is the other client group?"
it " lets me confirm the secondary group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm- secondary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Does this scheme provide for an other client group?"
context " when we amend secondary client " do
it " returns to the support question " do
context " when we amend confirm secondary client " do
it " returns to the secondary client group question " do
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support " )
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group " )
context " when I select the support answers " do
context " when I select the secondary group " do
before do
choose " Floating support "
choose " Very short stay "
choose " Homeless families with support needs "
click_button " Save and continue "
it " lets me add location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Add a location to this scheme "
it " lets me select level of support " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What support does this scheme provide? "
context " when I press the back button " do
@ -805,19 +653,19 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
it " lets me select the secondary group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What support does this scheme provide ? "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What is the other client group ? "
context " when I amend suppor t " do
it " returns to the add location page " do
context " when we amend secondary clien t " do
it " returns to the support question " do
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations/new " )
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support " )
context " when I add location to the scheme " do
context " when I select the support answers " do
before do
fill_in " Postcode " , with : " SW1P 4DF "
fill_in " Location name (optional) " , with : " Some name "
@ -825,36 +673,39 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
choose " Self-contained house "
choose " location-wheelchair-adaptation-no-field "
choose " location-add-another-location-no-field "
choose " Floating support "
choose " Very short stay "
click_button " Save and continue "
it " lets me check my answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme"
it " lets me add location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Add a location to this scheme"
context " when I select to view locations " do
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Locations "
click_link " Back "
it " displays information about locations " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Locations "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . locations . count } location "
it " lets me select the secondary group " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " What support does this scheme provide? "
it " displays information about newly created location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " SW1P4DF "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Some name "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Self-contained house "
context " when I amend support " do
it " returns to the add location page " do
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations/new " )
context " and I select to add another location a scheme" do
context " when I add location to the scheme" do
before do
click_link " Add a location "
fill_in " Postcode " , with : " XX1 1XX "
fill_in " Location n ame (optional)" , with : " Other name"
fill_in " Total number of units at this location " , with : 2
fill_in " Postcode " , with : " SW1P 4DF "
fill_in " N ame (optional)" , with : " Some name"
fill_in " Total number of units at this location " , with : 1
choose " Self-contained house "
choose " location-wheelchair-adaptation-no-field "
choose " location-add-another-location-no-field "
@ -870,211 +721,112 @@ RSpec.describe "Schemes scheme Features" do
click_link " Locations "
it " displays information about another location " do
it " displays information about locations " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Locations "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . locations . count } location "
it " displays information about newly created location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " XX11XX "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Other name"
expect ( page ) . to have_content " SW1P4DF "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Some name"
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Self-contained house "
context " when changing location details " do
before do
click_link " XX11XX "
fill_in " Postcode " , with : " ZZ1 1ZZ "
click_button " Save and continue "
it " displays changed location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Locations "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . locations . count } location "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " ZZ11ZZ "
context " when changing answers " do
it " displays change links " do
assert_selector " a " , text : " Change " , count : 12
context " when changing details " do
context " and I select to add another location a scheme " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /details?check_answers=true " , match : :first )
it " allows changing details questions " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /details?check_answers=true " )
fill_in " Scheme name " , with : " Example "
choose " Direct access hostel "
choose " Yes – registered care home providing nursing care "
click_link " Add a location "
fill_in " Postcode " , with : " XX1 1XX "
fill_in " Name (optional) " , with : " Other name "
fill_in " Total number of units at this location " , with : 2
choose " Self-contained house "
choose " location-wheelchair-adaptation-no-field "
choose " location-add-another-location-no-field "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Example "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Yes – registered care home providing nursing care "
it " lets me check my answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when I press the back button " do
context " when I select to view locations " do
before do
click_link " Back "
click_link " Locations "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
it " displays information about another location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Locations "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . locations . count } location "
context " when changing primary client group " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /primary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing primary-client-group question " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /primary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " Older people with support needs "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Older people with support needs "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " displays information about newly created location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " XX11XX "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Other name "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Self-contained house "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when changing location details " do
before do
click_link " XX11XX "
fill_in " Postcode " , with : " ZZ1 1ZZ "
click_button " Save and continue "
it " displays changed location " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Locations "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . locations . count } location "
expect ( page ) . to have_content " ZZ11ZZ "
context " when changing confirm secondary group answer " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing confirm-secondary-client-group question to yes " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " Yes "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " People at risk of domestic violence "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " People at risk of domestic violence "
context " when changing answers " do
it " displays change links " do
assert_selector " a " , text : " Change " , count : 3
context " when I press the back button " do
context " when changing details " do
before do
click_link " Back "
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /edit-name?check_answers=true " , match : :first )
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
it " allows changing details questions " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /edit-name?check_answers=true " )
context " when allows changing confirm-secondary-client-group question to no " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing confirm-secondary-client-group question to no " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /confirm-secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " No "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_content " Secondary client group "
context " when changing secondary-client-group question " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
it " allows changing secondary-client-group question " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /secondary-client-group?check_answers=true " )
choose " People at risk of domestic violence "
click_button " Save and continue "
fill_in " Scheme name " , with : " Example "
click_button " Save changes "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " People at risk of domestic violence "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Example "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " when changing support questions " do
context " and I select to create a scheme " do
before do
click_link ( " Change " , href : " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support?check_answers=true " , match : :first )
click_link " Create scheme "
it " allows changing support questions " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /support?check_answers=true " )
choose " Resettlement support "
choose " Medium stay "
click_button " Save and continue "
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations/new " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Add a location to this scheme "
it " adds scheme to the list of schemes " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Supported housing schemes "
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . id_to_display
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . service_name
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . owning_organisation . name
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . managing_organisation . name
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . owning_organisation . name } has been created. "
context " when I press the back button " do
before do
click_link " Back "
it " lets me select the support answers " do
expect ( page ) . to have_current_path ( " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /check-answers " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Check your changes before creating this scheme "
context " and I select to create a scheme " do
before do
click_link " Create scheme "
it " adds scheme to the list of schemes " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content " Supported housing schemes "
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . id_to_display
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . service_name
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . owning_organisation . name
expect ( page ) . to have_content scheme . managing_organisation . name
expect ( page ) . to have_content " #{ scheme . owning_organisation . name } has been created. "