2 changed files with 0 additions and 408 deletions
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ |
module HomeHelper |
def data_count(user, type) |
lettings_years = FormHandler.instance.lettings_in_crossover_period? ? [current_collection_start_year, previous_collection_start_year] : [current_collection_start_year] |
sales_years = FormHandler.instance.sales_in_crossover_period? ? [current_collection_start_year, previous_collection_start_year] : [current_collection_start_year] |
if user.data_provider? |
case type |
when "lettings" then user.lettings_logs.where(assigned_to: user).where(status: %i[in_progress]).filter_by_years(lettings_years).count |
when "sales" then user.sales_logs.where(assigned_to: user).where(status: %i[in_progress]).filter_by_years(sales_years).count |
when "misc" then user.lettings_logs.completed.where(assigned_to: user).count |
end |
else |
case type |
when "lettings" then user.lettings_logs.where(status: %i[in_progress]).filter_by_years(lettings_years).count |
when "sales" then user.sales_logs.where(status: %i[in_progress]).filter_by_years(sales_years).count |
when "schemes" then user.schemes.incomplete.count |
end |
end |
end |
def heading_for_user_role(user) |
ROLE_HEADINGS[user.role] |
end |
def data_subheading(user, type) |
case type |
when "schemes" |
"Incomplete schemes" |
when "misc" |
"Your completed lettings" |
else |
"#{user.role == 'data_provider' ? :"Your " : nil}#{type} in progress".capitalize |
end |
end |
def data_path(user, type) |
lettings_years = FormHandler.instance.lettings_in_crossover_period? ? [current_collection_start_year, previous_collection_start_year] : [current_collection_start_year] |
sales_years = FormHandler.instance.sales_in_crossover_period? ? [current_collection_start_year, previous_collection_start_year] : [current_collection_start_year] |
if user.data_provider? |
case type |
when "lettings" then lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: lettings_years, owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all") |
when "sales" then sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: sales_years, owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all") |
when "misc" then lettings_logs_path(status: [:completed], assigned_to: "you", years: [""], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all") |
end |
else |
case type |
when "lettings" then lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: lettings_years, owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all") |
when "sales" then sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: sales_years, owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all") |
when "schemes" then schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all") |
end |
end |
end |
def view_all_path(type) |
case type |
when "lettings" then clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs") |
when "sales" then clear_filters_path(filter_type: "sales_logs") |
when "schemes" then clear_filters_path(filter_type: "schemes") |
when "misc" then clear_filters_path(filter_type: "schemes") |
end |
end |
def view_all_text(type) |
if type == "misc" |
"View all schemes" |
else |
"View all #{type}" |
end |
end |
"data_provider" => "Complete your logs", |
"data_coordinator" => "Manage your data", |
"support" => "Manage all data", |
}.freeze |
end |
@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ |
require "rails_helper" |
require_relative "form/helpers" |
RSpec.describe "Home Page Features" do |
include Helpers |
context "when there are notifications" do |
let!(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } |
context "when the notifications are currently active" do |
before do |
create(:notification, title: "Notification title 1") |
create(:notification, title: "Notification title 2") |
create(:notification, title: "Notification title 3") |
sign_in user |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "shows the latest notification with count and dismiss link" do |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification 1 of 3") |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification title 3") |
expect(page).to have_link("Dismiss") |
expect(page).to have_link("Link text") |
end |
context "when the user clicks a notification link" do |
before do |
click_link("Link text") |
end |
it "takes them to the notification details page" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path(notifications_path) |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification title 3") |
expect(page).to have_content("Some html content") |
expect(page).to have_link("Back to Home") |
end |
context "when they return" do |
before do |
click_link("Back to Home") |
end |
it "the notification has not been dismissed" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path(root_path) |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification 1 of 3") |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification title 3") |
expect(page).to have_link("Dismiss") |
expect(page).to have_link("Link text") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the user clicks a dismiss link" do |
before do |
click_link("Dismiss") |
end |
it "dismisses the notification and takes them back" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path(root_path) |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification 1 of 2") |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification title 2") |
expect(page).to have_link("Dismiss") |
expect(page).to have_link("Link text") |
end |
context "when the user dismisses the penultimate notification" do |
before do |
click_link("Dismiss") |
end |
it "no longer displays the count" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path(root_path) |
expect(page).not_to have_content("Notification 1 of") |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification title 1") |
end |
context "when the user dismisses the final notification" do |
before do |
click_link("Dismiss") |
end |
it "no longer displays any notification" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path(root_path) |
expect(page).not_to have_content("Notification") |
expect(page).not_to have_link("Dismiss") |
expect(page).not_to have_link("Link_text") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
context "when another user has dismissed all their notifications" do |
before do |
other_user = create(:user) |
Notification.mark_as_read! :all, for: other_user |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "the first user can still see the notifications" do |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification 1 of 3") |
expect(page).to have_content("Notification title 3") |
expect(page).to have_link("Dismiss") |
expect(page).to have_link("Link text") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the notifications are not currently active" do |
before do |
create(:notification, end_date: Time.zone.yesterday, title: "Notification title 1") |
create(:notification, start_date: Time.zone.tomorrow, title: "Notification title 2") |
sign_in user |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "does not show any notifications" do |
expect(page).not_to have_content("Notification title") |
expect(page).not_to have_content("Notification 1 of") |
expect(page).not_to have_link("Dismiss") |
expect(page).not_to have_link("Link text") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the user is a data provider" do |
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, name: "Provider") } |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2024, 1, 1)) |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 6, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 4, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :completed) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :not_started) |
sign_in user |
visit(root_path) |
end |
after do |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
it "displays the correct welcome text" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/") |
expect(page).to have_content("Welcome back, Provider") |
expect(page).to have_content("Complete your logs") |
end |
context "when their organisation has submitted sales logs" do |
before do |
create_list(:sales_log, 5, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) |
create_list(:sales_log, 3, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) |
create_list(:sales_log, 2, :not_started) |
visit(root_path) |
end |
context "and it is not a crossover" do |
before do |
closed_period_in_progress_log = build(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1)) |
closed_period_in_progress_log.save!(validate: false) |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "displays correct data boxes, counts and links" do |
data_boxes = page.find_all(class: "app-data-box-one-half") |
expect(data_boxes.count).to eq(2) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["6", "Your lettings in progress", "View all lettings"]) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["5", "Your sales in progress", "View all sales"]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "sales_logs")]) |
end |
end |
context "and it is a crossover" do |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2024, 4, 1)) |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
closed_period_in_progress_log = build(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1)) |
closed_period_in_progress_log.save!(validate: false) |
sign_in user |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "displays correct data boxes, counts and links" do |
data_boxes = page.find_all(class: "app-data-box-one-half") |
expect(data_boxes.count).to eq(2) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["6", "Your lettings in progress", "View all lettings"]) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2024 2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2024 2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["5", "Your sales in progress", "View all sales"]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2024 2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2024 2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "sales_logs")]) |
end |
end |
end |
context "when their organisation has never submitted sales logs" do |
before do |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "displays correct data boxes, counts and links" do |
data_boxes = page.find_all(class: "app-data-box-one-half") |
expect(data_boxes.count).to eq(2) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["6", "Your lettings in progress", "View all lettings"]) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "you", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["4", "Your completed lettings", "View all schemes"]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: [:completed], assigned_to: "you", years: [""], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: [:completed], assigned_to: "you", years: [""], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "schemes")]) |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the user is a data coordinator" do |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2024, 3, 1)) |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 6, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 4, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :completed) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :not_started) |
create_list(:scheme, 1, :incomplete, owning_organisation: user.organisation) |
sign_in user |
visit(root_path) |
end |
after do |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator, name: "Coordinator") } |
it "displays the correct welcome text" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/") |
expect(page).to have_content("Welcome back, Coordinator") |
expect(page).to have_content("Manage your data") |
end |
context "when their organisation has submitted sales logs" do |
before do |
create_list(:sales_log, 5, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation) |
create_list(:sales_log, 3, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation) |
create_list(:sales_log, 2, :not_started) |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "displays correct data boxes, counts and links" do |
data_boxes = page.find_all(class: "app-data-box-one-third") |
expect(data_boxes.count).to eq(3) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["8", "Lettings in progress", "View all lettings"]) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["5", "Sales in progress", "View all sales"]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "sales_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[2].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["1", "Incomplete schemes", "View all schemes"]) |
expect(data_boxes[2].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all"), schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "schemes")]) |
end |
end |
context "when their organisation has never submitted sales logs" do |
before do |
visit(root_path) |
end |
it "displays correct data boxes, counts and links" do |
data_boxes = page.find_all(class: "app-data-box-one-half") |
expect(data_boxes.count).to eq(2) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["8", "Lettings in progress", "View all lettings"]) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["1", "Incomplete schemes", "View all schemes"]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all"), schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "schemes")]) |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the user is a support user" do |
let(:support_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support, name: "Support") } |
let(:notify_client) { instance_double(Notifications::Client) } |
let(:confirmation_token) { "MCDH5y6Km-U7CFPgAMVS" } |
let(:devise_notify_mailer) { DeviseNotifyMailer.new } |
let(:otp) { "999111" } |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2024, 3, 1)) |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :in_progress) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 1, :completed) |
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :not_started) |
create_list(:sales_log, 3, :in_progress) |
create_list(:sales_log, 1, :completed) |
create_list(:sales_log, 2, :not_started) |
create_list(:scheme, 1, :incomplete) |
completed_scheme = create(:scheme) |
create(:location, scheme: completed_scheme) |
allow(DeviseNotifyMailer).to receive(:new).and_return(devise_notify_mailer) |
allow(devise_notify_mailer).to receive(:notify_client).and_return(notify_client) |
allow(Devise).to receive(:friendly_token).and_return(confirmation_token) |
allow(notify_client).to receive(:send_email).and_return(true) |
allow(SecureRandom).to receive(:random_number).and_return(otp) |
visit("/lettings-logs") |
fill_in("user[email]", with: support_user.email) |
fill_in("user[password]", with: support_user.password) |
click_button("Sign in") |
fill_in("code", with: otp) |
click_button("Submit") |
visit(root_path) |
end |
after do |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
it "displays the correct welcome text" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/") |
expect(page).to have_content("Welcome back, Support") |
expect(page).to have_content("Manage all data") |
end |
it "displays correct data boxes, counts and links" do |
data_boxes = page.find_all(class: "app-data-box-one-third") |
expect(data_boxes.count).to eq(3) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["2", "Lettings in progress", "View all lettings"]) |
expect(data_boxes[0].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), lettings_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["3", "Sales in progress", "View all sales"]) |
expect(data_boxes[1].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), sales_logs_path(status: %i[in_progress], assigned_to: "all", years: %w[2023], owning_organisation_select: "all", managing_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "sales_logs")]) |
expect(data_boxes[2].all("a").map(&:text)).to eq(["1", "Incomplete schemes", "View all schemes"]) |
expect(data_boxes[2].all("a").map { |line| line["href"] }).to eq([schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all"), schemes_path(status: [:incomplete], owning_organisation_select: "all"), clear_filters_path(filter_type: "schemes")]) |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue