<span class="govuk-caption-l">Bulk upload for lettings (<%= @bulk_upload.year_combo %>)</span>
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l">Are you sure you want to upload all logs from this bulk upload?</h1>
<p class="govuk-body">There are <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.expected_log_count, "log") %> in this bulk upload with <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, "error") %> that still need to be fixed after upload.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">There are <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.logs.rewhere(visible: false).count, "log") %> in this bulk upload with <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, "error") %> that still need to be fixed after upload.</p>
<%= govuk_warning_text(icon_fallback_text: "Danger") do %>