invalid_date:"Enter a date in the correct format, for example 31 1 2022"
outside_collection_window:"Enter a date within the 22/23 or 23/24 financial years, which is between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2024"
crossover_period:"Enter a date within the %{previous_collection} or %{current_collection} financial years, which is between 1st April %{previous_collection_start_year} and 31st March %{current_collection_end_year}"
not_crossover_period:"Enter a date within the %{current_collection} financial year, which is between 1st April %{current_collection_start_year} and 31st March %{current_collection_end_year}"
postcode:"Enter a postcode in the correct format, for example AA1 1AA"
location_admin_district:"Select a local authority"