26 changed files with 594 additions and 55 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
.rails-admin-sidescroll { |
overflow-x: scroll; |
} |
.rails-admin-description_field { |
min-width: 500px; |
} |
.rails-admin-case_field { |
min-width: 500px; |
} |
.rails-admin-error_message_field { |
min-width: 500px; |
} |
.rails-admin-actions { |
min-width: 160px; |
ul { |
float: right; |
} |
} |
.rails-admin-filters-box { |
.filter { |
// stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important |
display: flex !important; |
} |
button { |
min-width: 20%; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<%= govuk_header( |
classes: "app-header app-header--orange", |
homepage_url: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_path, |
navigation_classes: "govuk-header__navigation--end", |
) do |component| |
component.with_product_name(name: t("service_name")) |
component.with_navigation_item(text: "Your account", href: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.account_path) |
component.with_navigation_item(text: "Sign out", href: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.destroy_user_session_path) |
end %> |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
</html><!DOCTYPE html> |
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<%= javascript_include_tag "application", defer: true %> |
<% if content_for?(:head) %> |
<%= yield(:head) %> |
<% end %> |
<%= capybara_lockstep if defined?(Capybara::Lockstep) %> |
<% if Rails.env.development? %> |
<script> |
console.log(<%= session.to_json.html_safe %>) |
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<% end %> |
<%= render "layouts/rails_admin/head" %> |
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<body class="govuk-template__body app-template--wide"> |
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document.body.className += " js-enabled" + ("noModule" in HTMLScriptElement.prototype ? " govuk-frontend-supported" : ""); |
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<div data-i18n-options="<%= I18n.t("admin.js").to_json %>" id="admin-js"></div> |
<div class="badge bg-warning" id="loading" style="display:none; position:fixed; right:20px; bottom:20px; z-index:100000"> |
<%= t("admin.loading") %> |
</div> |
<%= govuk_skip_link %> |
<%= render "layouts/rails_admin/navigation" %> |
<% feedback_link = govuk_link_to "giving us your feedback (opens in a new tab)", t("feedback_form"), rel: "noreferrer noopener", target: "_blank" %> |
<%= govuk_phase_banner( |
classes: "#{current_user.present? ? 'no-bottom-border ' : ''}govuk-width-container", |
tag: { colour: "orange", text: "Support beta" }, |
text: "This is a new service – help us improve it by #{feedback_link}".html_safe, |
) %> |
<div class="govuk-width-container"> |
<main class="govuk-main-wrapper govuk-main-wrapper--auto-spacing" id="main-content" role="main"> |
<%= render template: "layouts/rails_admin/content" %> |
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<%= render partial: "layouts/feedback" %> |
<%= render partial: "layouts/footer", locals: { |
accessibility_statement_path: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.accessibility_statement_path, |
privacy_notice_path: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.privacy_notice_path, |
cookies_path: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.cookies_path, |
} %> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<div class="form-actions row justify-content-end my-3"> |
<div class="col-sm-10"> |
<input name="return_to" type="<%= :hidden %>" value="<%= (params[:return_to].presence || request.referer) %>"> |
<button class="govuk-button" data-disable-with="<%= t("admin.form.save") %>" name="_save" type="submit"<%= " disabled" unless @action.enabled? %>> |
<i class="fas fa-check"></i> |
<%= t("admin.form.save") %> |
</button> |
<span class="extra_buttons"> |
<% if @action.enabled? && authorized?(:new, @abstract_model) %> |
<button class="govuk-button govuk-button--secondary" data-disable-with="<%= t("admin.form.save_and_add_another") %>" name="_add_another" type="submit"> |
<%= t("admin.form.save_and_add_another") %> |
</button> |
<% end %> |
<% if @action.enabled? && authorized?(:edit, @abstract_model) %> |
<button class="govuk-button govuk-button--secondary" data-disable-with="<%= t("admin.form.save_and_edit") %>" name="_add_edit" type="submit"<%= " disabled" unless @action.enabled? %>> |
<%= t("admin.form.save_and_edit") %> |
</button> |
<% end %> |
<button class="govuk-button govuk-button--secondary" data-disable-with="<%= t("admin.form.cancel") %>" formnovalidate="<%= true %>" name="_continue" type="submit"> |
<i class="fas fa-times"></i> |
<%= t("admin.form.cancel") %> |
</button> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
<% if @abstract_models %> |
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th class="shrink model-name"> |
<%= t "admin.table_headers.model_name" %> |
</th> |
<th class="shrink last-created"> |
<%= t "admin.table_headers.last_created" %> |
</th> |
<th class="records"> |
<%= t "admin.table_headers.records" %> |
</th> |
<th class="shrink controls"></th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody class="table-group-divider"> |
<% @abstract_models.each do |abstract_model| %> |
<% if authorized? :index, abstract_model %> |
<% index_path = index_path(model_name: abstract_model.to_param) %> |
<% row_class = "#{cycle('odd', 'even')}#{' link' if index_path} #{abstract_model.param_key}_links" %> |
<tr class="<%= row_class %>" data-link="<%= index_path %>"> |
<% last_created = @most_recent_created[abstract_model.model.name] %> |
<% active = last_created.try(:today?) %> |
<td> |
<span class="show"> |
<%= link_to abstract_model.config.label_plural, index_path %> |
</span> |
</td> |
<td> |
<% if last_created %> |
<%= t "admin.misc.time_ago", time: time_ago_in_words(last_created), default: "#{time_ago_in_words(last_created)} #{t('admin.misc.ago')}" %> |
<% end %> |
</td> |
<td> |
<% count = @count[abstract_model.model.name] %> |
<% percent = if count.positive? |
@max <= 1 ? count : ((Math.log(count + 1) * 100.0) / Math.log(@max + 1)).to_i |
else |
-1 |
end %> |
<div class="<%= active ? "active progress-bar-striped " : "" %>progress" style="margin-bottom:0px"> |
<div class="bg-<%= get_indicator(percent) %> progress-bar animate-width-to" data-animate-length="<%= ([1.0, percent].max.to_i * 20) %>" data-animate-width-to="<%= [2.0, percent].max.to_i %>%" style="width:2%"> |
<%= @count[abstract_model.model.name] %> |
</div> |
</div> |
</td> |
<td class="last links rails-admin-actions"> |
<ul class="nav list-inline"> |
<%= menu_for :collection, abstract_model, nil, true %> |
</ul> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<% end %> |
<% if @history && authorized?(:history_index) %> |
<div class="block" id="block-tables"> |
<div class="content"> |
<h2> |
<%= t("admin.actions.history_index.menu") %> |
</h2> |
<%= render partial: "rails_admin/main/dashboard_history" %> |
</div> |
</div> |
<% end %> |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<h4> |
<%= t("admin.form.are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_the_object", model_name: @abstract_model.pretty_name.downcase) %> |
<q><strong><%= @model_config.with(object: @object).object_label %></strong></q> |
<%= t("admin.form.all_of_the_following_related_items_will_be_deleted") %> |
</h4> |
<ul> |
<%= render partial: "delete_notice", object: @object %> |
</ul> |
<%= form_for(@object, url: delete_path(model_name: @abstract_model.to_param, id: @object.id), html: { method: "delete" }) do %> |
<input name="return_to" type="<%= :hidden %>" value="<%= (params[:return_to].presence || request.referer) %>"> |
<div class="form-actions"> |
<button class="govuk-button govuk-button--warning" data-disable-with="<%= t("admin.form.confirmation") %>" type="submit"> |
<i class="fas fa-check"></i> |
<%= t("admin.form.confirmation") %> |
</button> |
<button class="govuk-button" data-disable-with="<%= t("admin.form.cancel") %>" name="_continue" type="submit"> |
<i class="fas fa-times"></i> |
<%= t("admin.form.cancel") %> |
</button> |
</div> |
<% end %> |
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
<% query = params[:query] %> |
<% params = request.params.except(:authenticity_token, :action, :controller, :utf8, :bulk_export) %> |
<% params.delete(:query) if params[:query].blank? %> |
<% params.delete(:sort_reverse) unless params[:sort_reverse] == "true" %> |
<% sort_reverse = params[:sort_reverse] %> |
<% sort = params[:sort] %> |
<% params.delete(:sort) if params[:sort] == @model_config.list.sort_by.to_s %> |
<% export_action = RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.find(:export, { controller:, abstract_model: @abstract_model }) %> |
<% export_action = nil unless export_action && authorized?(export_action.authorization_key, @abstract_model) %> |
<% description = RailsAdmin.config(@abstract_model.model_name).description %> |
<% properties = @model_config.list.with(controller:, view: self, object: @abstract_model.model.new).fields_for_table %> |
<% checkboxes = @model_config.list.checkboxes? %> |
<% table_table_header_count = begin |
count = checkboxes ? 1 : 0 |
count += properties.count |
end %> |
<% content_for :contextual_tabs do %> |
<% if filterable_fields.present? %> |
<li class="nav-item dropdown"> |
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" href="#"> |
<%= t("admin.misc.add_filter") %> |
<b class="caret"></b> |
</a> |
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" id="filters"> |
<% filterable_fields.each do |field| %> |
<li> |
<a |
href="#" |
class="dropdown-item" |
data-options="<%= field.with(view: self).filter_options.to_json %>"> |
<%= field.label %> |
</a> |
</li> |
<% end %> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<% end %> |
<% if checkboxes %> |
<%= bulk_menu %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<style> |
<% properties.select { |p| p.column_width.present? }.each do |property| %> |
<%= "#list th.#{property.css_class} { width: #{property.column_width}px; min-width: #{property.column_width}px; }" %> |
<%= "#list td.#{property.css_class} { max-width: #{property.column_width}px;}" %> |
<% end %> |
</style> |
<div id="list"> |
<%= form_tag(index_path(params.except(*%w[page f query])), method: :get) do %> |
<div class="card mb-3 p-3 bg-light"> |
<div class="row rails-admin-filters-box" data-options="<%= ordered_filter_options.to_json %>" id="filters_box"></div> |
<hr class="filters_box" style="display:<%= ordered_filters.empty? ? "none" : "block" %>"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-sm-8"> |
<div class="input-group"> |
<input class="govuk-input govuk-input--width-20" name="query" placeholder="<%= t("admin.misc.filter") %>" type="search" value="<%= query %>" autocomplete="off"> |
<div class="govuk-!-margin-left-2"> |
<button class="govuk-button govuk-!-margin-bottom-0" data-disable-with="<%= "<i class=\"fas fa-sync\"></i>#{t('admin.misc.refresh')}" %>" type="submit"> |
<i class="fas fa-sync"></i> |
<%= t("admin.misc.refresh") %> |
</button> |
</div> |
<div id="remove_filter" title="<%= t("admin.misc.reset_filters") %>"> |
<button class="govuk-button govuk-button--secondary govuk-!-margin-bottom-0"> |
<i class="fas fa-times"></i> |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<% if @model_config.list.search_help.present? %> |
<div class="form-text"><%= @model_config.list.search_help %></div> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
<div class="col-sm-4 text-end"> |
<% if export_action %> |
<%= govuk_button_link_to wording_for(:link, export_action), export_path(params.except("page")), class: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-0" %> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<% end %> |
<% unless @model_config.list.scopes.empty? %> |
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="scope_selector"> |
<% @model_config.list.scopes.each_with_index do |scope, index| %> |
<% scope = "_all" if scope.nil? %> |
<li class="nav-item"> |
<a href="<%= index_path(params.merge(scope:, page: nil)) %>" class="nav-link <%= "active" if scope.to_s == params[:scope] || (params[:scope].blank? && index.zero?) %>"> |
<%= I18n.t("admin.scopes.#{@abstract_model.to_param}.#{scope}", default: I18n.t("admin.scopes.#{scope}", default: scope.to_s.titleize)) %> |
</a> |
</li> |
<% end %> |
</ul> |
<% end %> |
<%= form_tag bulk_action_path(model_name: @abstract_model.to_param), method: :post, id: "bulk_form", class: %w[form mb-3] do %> |
<%= hidden_field_tag :bulk_action %> |
<% if description.present? %> |
<p> |
<strong> |
<%= description %> |
</strong> |
</p> |
<% end %> |
<div id="sidescroll" class="rails-admin-sidescroll"> |
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<% if checkboxes %> |
<th class="shrink sticky"> |
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox"> |
</th> |
<% end %> |
<% properties.each do |property| %> |
<% selected = (sort == property.name.to_s) %> |
<% if property.sortable %> |
<% sort_location = index_path params.except("sort_reverse").except("page").merge(sort: property.name).merge(selected && sort_reverse != "true" ? { sort_reverse: "true" } : {}) %> |
<% sort_direction = (if selected |
sort_reverse == "true" ? "headerSortUp" : "headerSortDown" |
end) %> |
<% end %> |
<th class="<%= [property.sortable && "header", property.sortable && sort_direction, property.sticky? && "sticky", property.css_class, property.type_css_class].select(&:present?).join(" ") %>" data-href="<%= property.sortable && sort_location %>" rel="tooltip" title="<%= property.hint %>"> |
<%= property.label %> |
</th> |
<% end %> |
<th class="last shrink"></th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody class="table-group-divider"> |
<% @objects.each do |object| %> |
<tr class="<%= @abstract_model.param_key %>_row <%= @model_config.list.with(object:).row_css_class %>"> |
<% if checkboxes %> |
<td class="sticky"> |
<%= check_box_tag "bulk_ids[]", object.id.to_s, false %> |
</td> |
<% end %> |
<% properties.map { |property| property.bind(:object, object) }.each do |property| %> |
<% value = property.pretty_value %> |
<%= content_tag(:td, class: [property.sticky? && "sticky", property.css_class, property.type_css_class].select(&:present?).map { |x| "rails-admin-#{x}" }, title: strip_tags(value.to_s)) do %> |
<%= value %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<td class="last links ra-sidescroll-frozen rails-admin-actions"> |
<ul class="nav list-inline"> |
<%= menu_for :member, @abstract_model, object, true %> |
</ul> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<% end %> |
<% if @objects.empty? %> |
<tr class="empty_row"> |
<td colspan="<%= table_table_header_count %>"> |
<%= I18n.t("admin.actions.index.no_records") %> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<% end %> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
<% if @model_config.list.limited_pagination %> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<%= paginate(@objects, theme: "ra-twitter-bootstrap/without_count", total_pages: Float::INFINITY) %> |
</div> |
</div> |
<% elsif @objects.respond_to?(:total_count) %> |
<% total_count = @objects.total_count.to_i %> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<%= paginate(@objects, theme: "ra-twitter-bootstrap") %> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<%= link_to(t("admin.misc.show_all"), index_path(params.merge(all: true)), class: "govuk-button govuk-button--secondary") unless total_count > 100 || total_count <= @objects.to_a.size %> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="clearfix total-count"> |
<%= "#{total_count} #{@model_config.pluralize(total_count).downcase}" %> |
</div> |
<% else %> |
<div class="clearfix total-count"> |
<%= "#{@objects.size} #{@model_config.pluralize(@objects.size).downcase}" %> |
</div> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class AddCollectionYear < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.2] |
def change |
add_column :log_validations, :collection_year, :string |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
desc "Sets value for collection_year log validations depending on the from value" |
task set_log_validation_collection_year: :environment do |
LogValidation.all.each do |log_validation| |
log_validation.update(collection_year: "#{log_validation.from.year}/#{log_validation.from.year + 1}") |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
require "rails_helper" |
require "rake" |
RSpec.describe "set_log_validation_collection_year" do |
describe ":set_log_validation_collection_year", type: :task do |
subject(:task) { Rake::Task["set_log_validation_collection_year"] } |
before do |
Rake.application.rake_require("tasks/set_log_validation_collection_year") |
Rake::Task.define_task(:environment) |
task.reenable |
end |
context "when the rake task is run" do |
let(:user) { create(:user) } |
context "and version whodunnit exists for create" do |
let!(:log_validation_2023) { LogValidation.create(from: Time.zone.local(2023, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2024, 4, 1)) } |
let!(:log_validation_2024) { LogValidation.create(from: Time.zone.local(2024, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2025, 4, 1)) } |
it "sets collection_year" do |
task.invoke |
expect(log_validation_2023.reload.collection_year).to eq("2023/2024") |
expect(log_validation_2024.reload.collection_year).to eq("2024/2025") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue