* Conditionally display a correct review log text
* do not allow the aswers from previous collection windows to be changed
* does not let the user navigate to questions for previous collection year logs
* Fix tests
* Add some docs
* Extract collection period check into a before_action and change path to rails route
* update the tasklist message
"You can #{govuk_link_to'review and make changes to this log',review_lettings_log_path(log)} until #{(log.form.end_date).to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}.".html_safe
"This log is from the #{log.form.start_date.year}/#{log.form.start_date.year+1} collection window, which is now closed."
You can <%= govuk_link_to "review and make changes to this log", "/lettings-logs/#{@log.id}/review" %> until 2nd June <%= @log.collection_start_year.present? ? @log.collection_start_year + 1 : "" %>.
@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ A form has the following attributes:
- `start_date`: The start date of the form, in ISO 8601 format
- `end_date`: The end date of the form, in ISO 8601 format
Each form has an `end_date` which for JSON forms is defined in the form definition JSON file and for code defined forms it is set to 1st July, 1 year after the start year.
Logs with a form that has `end_date` in the past can no longer be edited through the UI.
## Form views
The main view used for rendering the form is the `app/views/form/page.html.erb` view as the Form contains multiple pages (which live in subsections within sections). This page view then renders the appropriate partials for the question types of the questions on the current page.
@ -79,3 +82,6 @@ The form controller handles the form submission as well as the rendering of the
## FormHandler helper class
The FormHandler helper is a helper that loads all of the defined forms and initialises them as Form objects. It can also be used to get specific forms if needed.
When the log type is chosen and the date is entered in the setup section of the form, an appropriate form for that log is selected and associated with the log.
The current collection window gets incremented automatically in `FormHandler` and is determined within the `form_name_from_start_year`by looking at `current_collection_start_year` method which would increment the collection window on the 1st of April each year.