@ -9,24 +9,27 @@
<div class="govuk-summary-card__content"> |
<% potential_errors, critical_errors = bulk_upload_errors.partition { |error| error.category == "soft_validation" } %> |
<h2 class="govuk-heading-m">Critical errors</h2> |
<p class="govuk-body">These errors must be fixed to complete your logs.</p> |
<%= govuk_table do |table| %> |
<%= table.with_head do |head| %> |
<% head.with_row do |row| %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Cell") %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Question") %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Error") %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Specification") %> |
<% end %> |
<%= table.with_body do |body| %> |
<% critical_errors.each do |error| %> |
<% body.with_row do |row| %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: error.cell) %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: question_for_field(error.field), html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-width-one-half" }) %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: error.error.html_safe, html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold govuk-!-width-one-half" }) %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: error.field.humanize) %> |
<% if critical_errors.any? %> |
<h2 class="govuk-heading-m">Critical errors</h2> |
<p class="govuk-body">These errors must be fixed to complete your logs.</p> |
<%= govuk_table do |table| %> |
<%= table.with_head do |head| %> |
<% head.with_row do |row| %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Cell") %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Question") %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Error") %> |
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Specification") %> |
<% end %> |
<%= table.with_body do |body| %> |
<% critical_errors.each do |error| %> |
<% body.with_row do |row| %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: error.cell) %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: question_for_field(error.field), html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-width-one-half" }) %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: error.error.html_safe, html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold govuk-!-width-one-half" }) %> |
<% row.with_cell(text: error.field.humanize) %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |