@ -33,17 +33,23 @@ To do this, you will need to “exec” into the container.
- AWS access
#### Accessing the rails console
1. Find the cluster name of the relevant cluster
2. Find the task arn of a relevant task
3. In a shell using suitable AWS credentials for the relevant account (e.g. the development, staging, or production account), run `aws ecs execute-command --cluster cluster-name --task task-arn --interactive --command "rails c"`
N.B. You can run other commands on the container similarly.
In a shell using suitable AWS credentials for the relevant account (e.g. the development, staging, or production account), run `./exec.sh env command`
E.g. `./exec.sh staging "rails c"` - this will open the rails console on an app container in the staging environment, when authenticated for the staging aws account.
You can use this for other commands, e.g. to get a bash shell.
For production, use `prod` as the environment. For a review app, use `review-<PR-NUM>`
Alternatively, if you care about which container you're accessing, you can view a table of container details with e.g.
You can then use `aws ecs execute-command --cluster "core-$env-app" --task <taskid> --interactive --command <command>` to run the relevant command on a specific task.
### Database
In order to investigate or look more closely at the database, you can exec into a container as above, and use the rails console to query the database.
In order to investigate or look more closely at the database, you can exec into a container as above, and use the rails console to query the database.