5 changed files with 206 additions and 24 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,36 @@
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus' |
import accessibleAutocomplete from 'accessible-autocomplete' |
import 'accessible-autocomplete/dist/accessible-autocomplete.min.css' |
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; |
import accessibleAutocomplete from "accessible-autocomplete"; |
import "accessible-autocomplete/dist/accessible-autocomplete.min.css"; |
import { enhanceOption, suggestion, sort } from "../modules/search"; |
export default class extends Controller { |
connect () { |
connect() { |
const selectEl = this.element; |
const selectOptions = Array.from(selectEl.options); |
const options = selectOptions.map((o) => enhanceOption(o)); |
const matches = /^(\w+)\[(\w+)\]$/.exec(selectEl.name); |
const rawFieldName = `${matches[1]}[${matches[2]}_raw]`; |
accessibleAutocomplete.enhanceSelectElement({ |
defaultValue: '', |
selectElement: this.element |
}) |
defaultValue: "", |
selectElement: selectEl, |
minLength: 2, |
source: (query, populateResults) => { |
if (/\S/.test(query)) { |
populateResults(sort(query, options)); |
} |
}, |
autoselect: true, |
templates: { suggestion: (value) => suggestion(value, options) }, |
name: rawFieldName, |
onConfirm: (val) => { |
const selectedOption = [].filter.call( |
selectOptions, |
(option) => (option.textContent || option.innerText) === val |
)[0]; |
if (selectedOption) selectedOption.selected = true; |
}, |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
const addWeightWithBoost = (option, query) => { |
option.weight = calculateWeight(option.clean, query) * option.clean.boost; |
return option; |
}; |
const clean = (text) => |
text |
.trim() |
.replace(/['’]/g, "") |
.replace(/[.,"/#!$%^&*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g, " ") |
.toLowerCase(); |
const cleanseOption = (option) => { |
const synonyms = (option.synonyms || []).map(clean); |
option.clean = { |
name: clean(option.name), |
nameWithoutStopWords: removeStopWords(option.name), |
synonyms: synonyms, |
synonymsWithoutStopWords: synonyms.map(removeStopWords), |
boost: option.boost || 1, |
}; |
return option; |
}; |
const hasWeight = (option) => option.weight > 0; |
const byWeightThenAlphabetically = (a, b) => { |
if (a.weight > b.weight) return -1; |
if (a.weight < b.weight) return 1; |
if (a.name < b.name) return -1; |
if (a.name > b.name) return 1; |
return 0; |
}; |
const optionName = (option) => option.name; |
const exactMatch = (word, query) => word === query; |
const startsWithRegExp = (query) => new RegExp("\\b" + query, "i"); |
const startsWith = (word, query) => word.search(startsWithRegExp(query)) === 0; |
const wordsStartsWithQuery = (word, regExps) => |
regExps.every((regExp) => word.search(regExp) >= 0); |
const anyMatch = (words, query, evaluatorFunc) => |
words.some((word) => evaluatorFunc(word, query)); |
const synonymsExactMatch = (synonyms, query) => |
anyMatch(synonyms, query, exactMatch); |
const synonymsStartsWith = (synonyms, query) => |
anyMatch(synonyms, query, startsWith); |
const wordInSynonymStartsWithQuery = (synonyms, startsWithQueryWordsRegexes) => |
anyMatch(synonyms, startsWithQueryWordsRegexes, wordsStartsWithQuery); |
const calculateWeight = ( |
{ name, synonyms, nameWithoutStopWords, synonymsWithoutStopWords }, |
query |
) => { |
const queryWithoutStopWords = removeStopWords(query); |
if (exactMatch(name, query)) return 100; |
if (exactMatch(nameWithoutStopWords, queryWithoutStopWords)) return 95; |
if (synonymsExactMatch(synonyms, query)) return 75; |
if (synonymsExactMatch(synonymsWithoutStopWords, queryWithoutStopWords)) |
return 70; |
if (startsWith(name, query)) return 60; |
if (startsWith(nameWithoutStopWords, queryWithoutStopWords)) return 55; |
if (synonymsStartsWith(synonyms, query)) return 50; |
if (synonymsStartsWith(synonyms, queryWithoutStopWords)) return 40; |
const startsWithRegExps = queryWithoutStopWords |
.split(/\s+/) |
.map(startsWithRegExp); |
if (wordsStartsWithQuery(nameWithoutStopWords, startsWithRegExps)) return 25; |
if (wordInSynonymStartsWithQuery(synonymsWithoutStopWords, startsWithRegExps)) |
return 10; |
return 0; |
}; |
const stopWords = ["the", "of", "in", "and", "at", "&"]; |
const removeStopWords = (text) => { |
const isAllStopWords = text |
.trim() |
.split(" ") |
.every((word) => stopWords.includes(word)); |
if (isAllStopWords) { |
return text; |
} |
const regex = new RegExp( |
stopWords.map((word) => `(\\s+)?${word}(\\s+)?`).join("|"), |
"gi" |
); |
return text.replace(regex, " ").trim(); |
}; |
export const sort = (query, options) => { |
const cleanQuery = clean(query); |
return options |
.map(cleanseOption) |
.map((option) => addWeightWithBoost(option, cleanQuery)) |
.filter(hasWeight) |
.sort(byWeightThenAlphabetically) |
.map(optionName); |
}; |
export const suggestion = (value, options) => { |
const option = options.find((o) => o.name === value); |
if (option) { |
const html = option.append |
? `<span>${value}</span> ${option.append}` |
: `<span>${value}</span>`; |
return option.hint ? `${html}<br>${option.hint}` : html; |
} else { |
return `<span>No results found</span>`; |
} |
}; |
export const enhanceOption = (option) => { |
return { |
name: option.label, |
synonyms: option.getAttribute("data-synonyms") |
? option.getAttribute("data-synonyms").split("|") |
: [], |
append: option.getAttribute("data-append"), |
hint: option.getAttribute("data-hint"), |
boost: parseFloat(option.getAttribute("data-boost")) || 1, |
}; |
}; |
Reference in new issue