@ -86,6 +86,53 @@ namespace :import do
logger.info("Log import complete") |
end |
desc "Batch import logs" |
task :batch_import_logs, %i[institutions_csv_name total_batches batch_number] => :environment do |_task, args| |
institutions_csv_name = args[:institutions_csv_name] |
app_name = args[:app_name] |
total_batches = args[:total_batches] |
batch_number = args[:batch_number] |
raise "Usage: rake import:batch_import_logs['institutions_csv_name', 'app_name', 'total_batches', 'batch_number']" if [institutions_csv_name, app_name, total_batches, batch_number].any?(&:blank?) || total_batches < batch_number |
s3_service = Storage::S3Service.new(PlatformHelper.is_paas? ? Configuration::PaasConfigurationService.new : Configuration::EnvConfigurationService.new, ENV["IMPORT_PAAS_INSTANCE"]) |
whole_csv = CSV.parse(s3_service.get_file_io(institutions_csv_name), headers: true) |
#split csv into n batches, and import the mth batch (n = total_batches, m = batch_number) |
batch_csv = whole_csv.each_slice((whole_csv.size / total_batches.to_f).round).to_a[batch_number - 1] |
org_count = batch_csv.length |
logs_string = StringIO.new |
logger = MultiLogger.new(Rails.logger, Logger.new(logs_string)) |
logs_import_list = [ |
Import.new(Imports::LettingsLogsImportService, :create_logs, "logs", logger), |
Import.new(Imports::SalesLogsImportService, :create_logs, "logs", logger), |
] |
logger.info("Beginning log imports for #{org_count} organisations in batch #{batch_number} of #{total_batches}") |
batch_csv.each do |row| |
archive_path = row[1] |
archive_io = s3_service.get_file_io(archive_path) |
archive_service = Storage::ArchiveService.new(archive_io) |
log_count = row[2].to_i + row[3].to_i + row[4].to_i + row[5].to_i |
logger.info("Importing logs for organisation #{row[0]}, expecting #{log_count} logs in this batch") |
logs_import_list.each do |step| |
if archive_service.folder_present?(step.folder) |
step.import_class.new(archive_service, step.logger).send(step.import_method, step.folder) |
end |
end |
log_file = "#{File.basename(institutions_csv_name, File.extname(institutions_csv_name))}_#{File.basename(archive_path, File.extname(archive_path))}_logs.log" |
s3_service.write_file(log_file, logs_string.string) |
logs_string.rewind |
logs_string.truncate(0) |
end |
logger.info("Log import complete") |
end |
desc "Trigger invite emails for imported users" |
task :trigger_invites, %i[institutions_csv_name] => :environment do |_task, args| |
institutions_csv_name = args[:institutions_csv_name] |