This proof of concept looks at automated accessibility testing and possible
approaches that would allow it to be added to our CI/CD pipelines.
The first approach involves setting up rake tasks that execute against paths
of the site using htmlhint for html validation and pa11y for accessibility
testing. It should be fairly easy to add a rake task to the pipeline as a
step so this is a promising approach.
The second approach involves adding integration tests using axe core in
selenium. An example test for this has been written, but these type of tests
could be written as part of our existing suite and executed during the existing
test step of the pipeline.
Both approaches could also be used together if desired.
Devise is a commonly used gem for user authentication and management. Using
rails generators and Devise allows us to get a lot of boilerplate code for
user authentication and management and means we don't have to revinvent the
wheel. Styling will need to be done for the necessary pages and there are
likely to be bits of generated code that can be deleted. This will act as
a starting point to be built up from using TDD.
* Remove condition_effects_prefer_not_to_say field
* Change reason type
* Remove prefer not to say from illness
* add majorrepairs,propcode and infer postcode
* Update previous location and la
* Update majorrepairs, national and reasonpref
* Update housing benefits fields
* rename file
* Add previous postcode
* Move inferred postcode to model
* refactor infered poscode method
* Remove unneeded import
* update miration and some mappings
* Remove duplicate migration command
Devise is a commonly used gem for user authentication and management. Using
rails generators and Devise allows us to get a lot of boilerplate code for
user authentication and management and means we don't have to revinvent the
wheel. Styling will need to be done for the necessary pages and there are
likely to be bits of generated code that can be deleted. This will act as
a starting point to be built up from using TDD.
* Working except for selenium checkbox issues
* Remove old debug message
* Make sure we only run the stimulus init once per page load
* Revert that
* Rubocop
* Use data targets rather than id lookup, so that coupling is explicit
* Use fetch
* Schema update
* No schema changes introduced here
* Add a request spec for the new controller
* Schema order did change
* map over forEach
* Update factory fields
* Int for booleans :(
* Fix spec fields
* Lazy create
* Make outstanding amount question conditional
* Make major repairs date conditional on major repairs having been done
* Add Other reason for leaving as a conditional question
* Make reason for reasonable preference conditional on reasonable preference being given
* Refactor conditional html attributes
* Pretty print config json
* Add numeric conditional
* Add the rest of the conditionals
* Rubocop
* Refactor how we add stimulus controller html attributes so that we can combine them
* Spec attrib merging
* Fix question counts for sections with conditional questions
* Some linting
* Spec question counting behaviour
* Linting
* Add some more readme explanation
* Rename controller helper
* Rename variables for clarity
* Form with model so that we can validate (hypothetically)
* Put turbo frame back
* Turbo can update form errors if submitting returns 422
* Refactor and fix specs
* String interpolation over concatenation