* add deactivation_date to locations
* Change conditional question controller to accommodate all models
* UI spike
* Update toggle-active views and render them correctly
* Display 2 errors
* Update errors
* Extract text to translation file
* Add collection start date
* Add out of range validation
* Update affected logs label
* lint
* Add status method
* update the displayed status tags
* Keep deactivation_date_type selected if an error occurs
* refactor deactivation_date_type to use default and other as options instead of 1 and 2
* refactor
* refactor
* update lettings logs
* Add reactivate ocation button and path
* Fix controller and update deactivate confirm page
* Don't actually update the logs data when deactivating a location
* lint and typos
* update a path
* update current_collection_start_date
* Remove unused scope
* feat: add la manual edit page
* feat: make autocomplete accesible and la readable
* feat: add correct skip and linking behaviour, also rename fallback page
* feat: add page not found and tidy la list
* feat: add redirection behaviour
* feat: add coping with nil add_another_location query string
* test: add postcodes mocks to return local authorities
* feat: validate local authority to not be nil or "Select an option"
* feat: persist add_another_location even on validation failure
* feat: remove url query parsing, put validation before values added to db
* refactor: spacing
* tests: add new tests for edit-local-authority
* tests: remove redundant bangs
* Stip whitespaces from names before saving organisation, scheme or a user
* Abstract strip whitespaces method and use it for locations too
* refactor
* lint
* Use a gem 🙃
* sort gems alphabetically
* Add search
* Add "Add location" button
* Add confirmed flag to schemes
* Show location tab is location is being added to an existing scheme
* Switch button text when scheme exists already
* Remove change links for confirmed schemes
* Fix spec after rebase
* added title showing search results and tests for it
Co-authored-by: JG <moarpheus@gmail.com>
* Add mobility type question
* Remove wheelchair_adaptation, use mobility_type to infer wchair
* Add validatio to mobility type
* tests
* Rebase main
* CYA test
* extract selection methods into a helper
* testing location validity
* testing for invalid startdate
* testing for invalid startdate in controller
* redundant method
* redundant if
* added tests
* using blank
* using || insetad of &&
* validation error messages for scheme
* WIP for validations
* fixed redirects for a correct page
* expecting link to a new question
* added support_services_provider
* WIP for support_services_provider
* WIP for support_services_provider - works concenptually
* WIP passing feature tests
* WIP passing feature tests
* WIP validations
* passing tests and working functionality
* location validations
* fixed after rebasing
* fixed edit name
* fixed after rebasing
* tests for missing params
* tests for validations
* tests for validations locaion
* tests for validation of all params for scheme
* tests for location validations
* What is this type of scheme? - Order options alphabetically:
* Care Standards Act 2000? - Order options as follows, add missing hint text for third option
* further styling
* last UI changes
* lmoved back button logic to the view
* select options in the view
* missing validation for manaing org
* fixed check answers page
* wip
* small change
* fixed
* fixed check answers page ui
* fixed updating
* fixed tests
* fixed layout
* final touches
* rebase
* rubocop
* correct condition
* old test
* Add location startdate column to the db
* Display the schemes with active locations only when selecting a scheme for a case log
* When selecting a location for case log, only show active locations
* Add startdate to the form
* only display the number of active locations in the appended text
* Compare date instead of time
* Put location questions and hints into a translation file
* lint
* content change
* added test to check locations
* added test to click to change location
* added edit name to routes and front
* edit name request specs
* finilised
* tab nav helper test
* specs for update
* rubo
* added last step
* not finding postcode field
* testing being direct to add locations page after submitting support questions
* added route to locations controller
* location controller spec
* location controller
* added template for new
* next step in feature
* added postcode
* added name to locations
* removed total units from schemes
* moved total units to locations
* changed type of unit type in db
* using type of units
* add locations page is finished
* purged total units and added test for location create
* creating location
* testing creating location as data provider
* fixed factory
* refacotred update/create and added test creating location as a coord user
* testing returning back to create page if create another location is selected
* testing returning back to create page if create another location is selected - part 2
* thanks rubocop
* thanks rubocop
* testing back from new location
* returned tests back
* testing clickable locations link
* testing clickable locations link under correct context
* correctly looking table
* table with caption
* wip
* fixed failing exisiting tests
* fixed failing exisiting tests - part 2
* validating postcode case logs style
* validating postcode specs
* validating postcode specs debugger removed
* navigation when editing location
* spike creating new location after addition
* small refactoring
* added test to add another location from locations page
* added test to amend a location
* added test to amend a location - part 2
* testing location cell
* added wheelchair adaptions to the unit tyupe
* rebased
* testing postcode missing
* testing creating schem for a different org for coordinator
* testing new scheme for a different org for coordinator
* upcasing all postcodes before creation
* testing edge cases around postcodes and yes or no for another location
* create locations with support user
* details locations specs
* update locations specs
* rubocop
* checking raising error
* fixed failed test
* switched yes and no for wheelchairs
* routes refactoring
* fixed routing - WIP
* further chanegs
* feature tests passing
* correct page when errros
* redundant page
* moving viewing locations away from schemes controller
* new is fixed
* create fixed
* fixed locations specs
* fixed tab nav specs
* completed location specs
* lint