* Switch to JSBundling with webpack
* Set babel target attempt 1
* Fix loose babel warning
* Babel target attempt 2
* Babel target attempt 3
* Maybe we need to polyfill more than just promise...
* Fix promise undefined in IE11
* Target oldest browsers possible
* Set browserlist in package.json
* Development mode browserlist and update readme
* Mode flag
* Does setting es5 web target help?
* It doesn't
* Not using ActiveStorage
* Import all of corejs
* Destructuring including in present-env already
* Just import what we need
* Add polyfill for fetch
* Stimulus polyfills
* Remove unused duplicates
* We don't use channels
* Single babel config
* Stimulus working
* Add additional polyfills for Stimulus and Turbo
* Additional polyfill for Turbo
* Make sure we also transpile our own stimulus controller code
* Add plugin-transform-spread
* Defaults are fine for most babel plugins
* Plugin ordering
* Specify which bits exactly we want to transpile
* Transpiling turbo appears to break it
* Devise logout via get so we don't rely on js
* Override public path for IE11
* Need to make DOM event triggers explicit for IE11
* Update helper spec
* Update helper spec
* Bump dependencies
* Hide total field by default
* Total charge is inferred
* We don't need to reload if we're fetching from DB anyway
* Rubocop
* Add prefixes and suffixes
* Don't count read-only questions for section status
* Add feature test for progressive enhancement
* Progressively enhance the progressive enhancement spec