* added steps to view links to indiividual schemes
* testing there are links to the schemes not just names
* testing there are links to the schemes not just names -2
* added links failing due to no route
* looks per spec
* failing spec for tab helper
* added new attributes to the scheme
* added test for scheme.primary_client_group
* testing clicking to individual scheme
* empty template for show
* testing users not signed in
* testing I can see scheme details on the page
* converting int to strings in scheme model
* better view, seeds and factory
* highlight supported housing for support user
* simplified and extended sab nab logic
* rubocop and redundant check removed
* tests and code to make sure users are highlighted
* tests and code to make sure supported housing is highlighted
* full feature for support user to visit scheme show page
* extended features and filing feature when coordinator viewing scheme for a different org
* returning not found if coordinator user tries to see unrelated scheme
* rubocop
* fixed typos etc
* fixed types for schemes
* Trigger WF
* correct expectation
* Added test file for supported housing schemes
* Added factory bot for supported housing schemes
* swapped managing agent to org for scheme
* created migration for schemes
* created model for scheme
* added migration to add foreign key to the schemes table
* missing spec and log spec for supported housing
* fixed failing specs
* added schemes migration
* next step feature
* added route
* added controller
* added index
* added all schemes
* correct test for scheme
* added view
* route alias for schemes
* spec for index schemes
* failing scheme controller spec
* added simple view, scheme seed and authentication
* spec for index schemes list
* rubocop - thanks
* better seed
* added Heading to org
* added feature flag to hide supported services on prod
* added feature flag testing nav items
* testing coordinator user can see the link to supported housing
* moved toggle to a different place
* moved toggle to PrimaryNavigationComponent
* testing not being signed in on support pages
* testing showing search bar
* added search bar
* testing subset of schemes for coordinator user
* rubocop
* failing test for title in page
* code to expose title
* pagination with tests without searching
* partial for schemes
* scoping out all but support and coord users
* searching schemes code and test
* searching via code and org tests
* searching by org name tests
* searching by org name code
* search_by tests
* search_by code
* search_by woops must search by service
* searching schemes feature
* tests for data coordinator user
* redirect for data coordinator user
* testing org schemes for coordiantor user
* schemes in org controller for coordiantor user
* refactored specs moved into orgs what belongs there
* view for org schemes
* rubocop
* accebility field
* accebility field on org page
* correct return when on org schemes
* passing search test on the orgs page
* highlight nav tab
* navs helper done
* rubocop
* fixed failing tests for support user
* correct view
* how did I manage to delete this file?
* checking you cant access schems unathorized
* moved test
* renamed service name
* correct title for sup user schemes org
* testing not being able to view any other orgs supported housing for coordinator user
* Trigger WF
* last fix
* aded has many to org for schemes
* rubocop
Co-authored-by: Ted <ted.booton@madetech.com>