* Add organisation model and user association
* Add user admin panel
* email
* Update seeds
* Update spec
* Case logs belong to organisations
* Org case log association
* Add user case log association
* User case log helper methods
* Org case log relation helpers
* Case log index page only shows your organisations case logs
* No access to tasklist page for logs that aren't associated with your org
* No access to form pages for case logs that aren't owned or managed by your org
* Check answers access
* Submit form access
* Refactor out not found methods
* Allow user admin update without password
* Update feature specs
* Rubocop
* Update case log specs
* Test admin user update without password
* Spec grammar
Devise is a commonly used gem for user authentication and management. Using
rails generators and Devise allows us to get a lot of boilerplate code for
user authentication and management and means we don't have to revinvent the
wheel. Styling will need to be done for the necessary pages and there are
likely to be bits of generated code that can be deleted. This will act as
a starting point to be built up from using TDD.
Devise is a commonly used gem for user authentication and management. Using
rails generators and Devise allows us to get a lot of boilerplate code for
user authentication and management and means we don't have to revinvent the
wheel. Styling will need to be done for the necessary pages and there are
likely to be bits of generated code that can be deleted. This will act as
a starting point to be built up from using TDD.