* Change enabled? subsection method to check depends on using log questions and methods instead of a subsection status
* Update sales subsections
* Update rent validation tests to check all the affected fields
* Update setup_completed? to check all the setup sections
* Make tshortfall optional based on hidden tshortfall_known question
* Add test for optional
* Add test for JSON derived and dependent on false options
* Test routing
* Fix optionality
* Remove enums
* Add some convenience methods to make validations more readable
* Gender chars instead of ints
* Remove incorrect API doc info for now
* More convenience methods
* Rename label from value method
* Wrapper hbrentshortfall
* Please the cop
* Update hb question options
* add has benefits field
* derive has_benefits
* update benefit question options
* Add nocharge field
* Add rent period question and check multiple condition sets for depends_on
* update rent period answer options
* Add carehome questions and move the remaining rent questions to income and benefits section
* Reset incfreq and incref and update rent routing based on periods