* Update mappings based on content changes and add tests for property type validation
* move out RENT_TYPE_MAPPING to constants file
* Content and field name fixes
* Content changes
* finish renaming the columns, remove duplicate constants'
* Clean up user routes
* Make user registerable
* Merge
* Turbo devise strikes again
* URL naming
* Dashes not underscores
* Consistent syntax
* Turning off turbo changes our html
* Update password link not working yet
* New user path
* Password edit path
* Updating password keeps you signed in and redirects to show
* Set new user org
* Write a failing spec for user creation
* Reset user password and redirect back to org users page
* Test redirect
* Use invite template
* Request specs over feature specs
* Add email validation
* Add basic info read page
* Header
* Better org seed
* Use gem component
* Tabs
* Users
* Users is a table rather than a summary list
* Table rows
* User is trackable
* Date format
* View component init
* Add pages and routes to render
* Partials
* Match the prototype design
* Nested layout is nicer
* Except of course they're not the same width
* Add button with wrong link
* Add user routes
* Don't move account route for now
* Add component test
* Rubocop
* Request spec
* Test views
* Add a feature spec for tab switching
* Move styling methods into helper
* PR suggestions
* PR comments
* Add renttype column
* infer renttype value from rent_type
* Fix typo
* Add renttype column
* infer renttype value from rent_type
* Fix typo
* Update inferred fields in the db
* Disable rubocop for datetime
* remove new line
* refactor
* Add organisation model and user association
* Add user admin panel
* email
* Update seeds
* Update spec
* Case logs belong to organisations
* Org case log association
* Add user case log association
* User case log helper methods
* Org case log relation helpers
* Case log index page only shows your organisations case logs
* No access to tasklist page for logs that aren't associated with your org
* No access to form pages for case logs that aren't owned or managed by your org
* Check answers access
* Submit form access
* Refactor out not found methods
* Allow user admin update without password
* Update feature specs
* Rubocop
* Update case log specs
* Test admin user update without password
* Spec grammar
* Your account page / personal details brochureware
* Edit password page working and added
Co-authored-by: Dushan <dushan-madetech@users.noreply.github.com>
* update password directing to the right place
* update from put to patch
As per the notice in this documenation:
* update routes file
* Account page: able to change name and email address
* Check if logged in before accessing
* Your account page - rubocop
* Prettify
* Fix spec for merge
* Remove unused helper
* Use permitted params
Co-authored-by: Matthew Phelan <matthew.phelan@madetech.com>
Co-authored-by: Dushan <dushan-madetech@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: baarkerlounger <db@slothlife.xyz>
* Spec case logs admin table
* Spec admin user admin index
* Dashboard controller panel specs
* Spec panel contents
* Add create specs
* Don't assign non db ids if we don't need them
* Fix specs for new section
* Fix up fields
Devise is a commonly used gem for user authentication and management. Using
rails generators and Devise allows us to get a lot of boilerplate code for
user authentication and management and means we don't have to revinvent the
wheel. Styling will need to be done for the necessary pages and there are
likely to be bits of generated code that can be deleted. This will act as
a starting point to be built up from using TDD.
* Remove condition_effects_prefer_not_to_say field
* Change reason type
* Remove prefer not to say from illness
* add majorrepairs,propcode and infer postcode
* Update previous location and la
* Update majorrepairs, national and reasonpref
* Update housing benefits fields
* rename file
* Add previous postcode
* Move inferred postcode to model
* refactor infered poscode method
* Remove unneeded import
* update miration and some mappings
* Remove duplicate migration command
Devise is a commonly used gem for user authentication and management. Using
rails generators and Devise allows us to get a lot of boilerplate code for
user authentication and management and means we don't have to revinvent the
wheel. Styling will need to be done for the necessary pages and there are
likely to be bits of generated code that can be deleted. This will act as
a starting point to be built up from using TDD.
* Working except for selenium checkbox issues
* Remove old debug message
* Make sure we only run the stimulus init once per page load
* Revert that
* Rubocop
* Use data targets rather than id lookup, so that coupling is explicit
* Use fetch
* Schema update
* No schema changes introduced here
* Add a request spec for the new controller
* Schema order did change
* map over forEach
* Update factory fields
* Int for booleans :(
* Fix spec fields
* Lazy create
* migration wip
* change field names to lowercase and fix the tests
* Change national and ethnic field types and map to correct enums
* change ecstat column types
* Change prevten field type
* Change homeless field type
* Change benefit cap field type
* Put db enums in one folder and add a few new field changes"
* change field type for housing needs
* Change illness field type
* display checkbox answers
* cbl, chr, cap
* Change tenancy and tenancylength field types
* Change landlord and rsnvac field types
* Change unittype_gn field type
* Reasonble preference displaying on check answers
* update more field types
* Fix typo in comumn name
* Change more types
* Test fixes
* Add adr
* fix some tests
* run migration
* Fix tests
Co-authored-by: Matthew Phelan <matthew.phelan@madetech.com>
* Init
* Add some tests
* Add failing spec
* Move soft validations into a module
* Update test
* Rubocop
* Scope are auto created by enums
* Rename folder to validations
* No instance variable
* Commit both lines
* Add error indication
* Make partial slightly more generic
* Fix back link
* Write failing test
* All specs currently passing. Can this be real?
* Check page should have an override question
* Fix back button for check answers pages
* Don't really need a wrapper method for the validations
* We're really validating a page here not a question
* Dup variable
* Bit of a nasty hack but maybe better than deriving back link?
* Set a no cache header instead of reloading
* Move a teeny bit of logic out of the controller
* Rubocop
* Extract method
* Add other_tenancy_type conditional field
* Extract private validdate_other_field_method
* Implement other tenancy type validation
* Add missing migration file and update API doc