* Add fixed term tenancy validation
* refactor validate_fixed_term_tenancy
* add fixed_term_tenancy pattern to api docs and make it dynamically not required
* Add validate_net_income_uc_proportion validation/
* refactor validation method;
* Update net income options in doc
* rubocop
* refactor validate_net_income_uc_proportion and increase the persons checked to 8
* rename tenant economic status field
* API doc init
* Rename docs dir
* Try YAML
* Index page
* Chars
* Case Log
* Summaries
* Add to readme
* Add sandbox server
* Dry
* Add some 422 examples
* GET doesn't have a request body
* Accept header
* Add show method to JSON API and document not found response
* Set header default
* Add some field guidance
* Don't need a default value if we only have one enum